"It's gone a long time ago. Don't worry. You won't see it!" Liu Xu said.

After a while, when there was still no movement, Zhang Zeling said softly, "At the same table, cover your ears."

"I'm covering my ears, what should we do with the car mat? Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up!" Liu Xu said.

"The bigger you get, the worse you get!" Zhang Zeling said angrily.

Then, Liu Xu heard the sound of skirts being lifted up behind him...

Liu Xu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he secretly scolded himself for being abnormal, how could he even feel this kind of thing.

After a while, it was obvious that Zhang Zeling was done. Liu Xu thought she would stand up soon, but found that Zhang Zeling was still motionless.

"Are you going to grow up?" Liu Xu frowned. Even if she is a beautiful woman, this style of painting is too...

After waiting for a while, Zhang Zezhen said with a little crying: "At the same table, please pass me the paper in the bag. I was too nervous just now and forgot."

"Huh? Women still use paper to pee?" Liu Xu asked casually.

"Hurry up! Damn it! You're necrotic! You're necrotic!" Zhang Zeling accused Liu Xu for the first time.

Knowing that Zhang Zezhen was too shy, Liu Xu secretly smiled and said, "Don't move, I'll get it for you in the car. Actually, you can get it yourself."

"You..." Zhang Zeyu almost cried angrily, if he stood up and stained his skirt, and was smelled by others, he would die.

Liu Xu turned around and found Zhang Zezhen lowered her head. It seemed that she was deceiving herself and pretending not to see it, but Liu Xu could see that her skirt was lifted up and stuck to her back.

Reluctantly, Liu Xu bent down to get into the car, rummaged in the bag, took a bag of things, and was about to hand it to Zhang Zeling, when he found out that it was a sanitary napkin, he stuffed it back.

"Big idiot! Take your bag to the car, and I'll find it myself!" Zhang Zeling was annoyed and annoyed.

Embarrassed, Liu Xu took the bag with a smile, put it at the door of the car, and continued to turn his back to Zhang Zelian.

Next, Liu Xu began to hate his hearing again, because he could clearly hear the sound of Zhang Zezhen taking out a tissue from his bag, then gently wiping it, then the sound of the tissue falling to the ground, and finally standing up and putting down his skirt the sound of.

"Ah..." Zhang Zeling suddenly exclaimed.

Liu Xu turned around immediately and found that Zhang Zezhen was leaning against the car door and fell down.

Liu Xu realized that Zhang Zelian's legs were numb from squatting for too long, so he immediately reached out, grabbed her arm, and lifted her up.

Zhang Zezhen was originally holding her skirt between her arms, but Liu Xu lifted her arms.



Zhang Zeling screamed. The skin on her face was originally as transparent as jelly, but now it instantly turned into pink crystal, emitting a crystal luster.

Zhang Zewan let go of the skirt with both hands, let the skirt fall, and at the same time lowered his head and bit the back of Liu Xu's hand.

The teeth landed on the skin on the back of the hand, and then on the lips. Zhang Zezhen was so cruel that he couldn't bear it after all. He raised his head again, and immediately realized that it wasn't biting just now, but a kiss. He lowered his head, wanting to die of shame.

Feeling warm in Liu Xu's heart, he lowered his right arm and slid to Zhang Zeling's knee, then picked her up and put her into the car.

Zhang Zeling lowered his head, his face was flushed, and he didn't dare to look at Liu Xu.

Zhang Zezhen felt that she was about to collapse. Being seen in the hot spring was more like a doctor treating a disease, which was completely tolerable, but when she saw it on the street, she was so ashamed that it was beyond words.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 627

Liu Xu got into the car and realized that Zhang Zezhen's attitude was wrong, so he put his hand on her shoulder and said, "It was an accident just now, so don't take it to heart. In my heart, you will always be my deskmate, and you will always be my deskmate. She is the most beautiful woman in my mind, and nothing will change this!"

Zhang Zeling didn't speak.

Liu Xu muttered to himself: "You shouldn't, after I finished speaking, you should be so moved that you threw yourself into my arms."

"Shameless!" Zhang Zeling couldn't help cursing.

Liu Xu was relieved and found that there were slight scratch marks on the inside of the car door, so he turned his head and said to Zhang Zezhen, "Your skin is thin, and it will break if you rub it a little since you were young. Is your back scratched?"

Zhang Zezhen frowned slightly, and said, "It seems to be a bit of a hot pain, but it's not a problem."

Liu Xu immediately sat over and stretched out his hand to Zhang Zeling.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Zeming knew that Liu Xu was going to heal himself, but when he remembered the shameful thing just now, he couldn't help resisting and panicking.

Liu Xu didn't care about her resistance, put his hand on her back through the skirt, and used his true energy to speed up the healing of her wound.

Zhang Zeling felt that the hot pain turned into coolness, and the resentment that had just been seen by Liu Xu dissipated completely.

"Thank you, tablemate." Zhang Zeling said.

"You're welcome." Liu Xu said.

Zhang Zeling looked at Liu Xu and smiled, which was fleeting.

"You never know, how many times I have laughed by your side." Zhang Zeling thought, and his mood improved a lot.

The Maybach s600 left slowly, leaving behind a puddle of water.

Zhang Zeling looked out the window quietly, returning to his usual indifference.

Qinglong Town is getting closer and closer, and a mountain with a slightly strange shape can be clearly seen in front of it.

Liu Xu said suddenly: "Mr. Liu, there seems to be something wrong with the motorcycle behind."

Zhang Zeling looked back.

Two motorcycles came galloping forward, with a person sitting in each of the back seats, waving wooden sticks in their hands and shouting loudly at the same time.

"Stop! Stop! Or I'll smash your broken car!"

Zhang Zewan asked nervously, "Can you get rid of them?"

Liu Xu shook his head and said: "The road here is not good, and our car is at a disadvantage. The key is that they know the shortcut, and they will definitely be able to outflank them, and they will arrive at Qinglong Lake soon, so we can't keep running, right? Once a stick is dropped, it will cost tens of thousands of dollars to fix it, and my car will be in the palace for the second time.”

The rear bumper of this car had been repaired the last time he was arrested across provinces.

Zhang Zezhen asked, "What would most people do when they encounter this?"

Liu Xu said, "Just pay for the parking, they will let you go under normal circumstances."

Zhang Zewan glanced back, his expression tightened, fearing that Liu Xu would be impulsive, he reached out and grabbed his wrist, and said, "At the same table, just pay them. I still have a few hundred here, so give them all."

Liu Xu held Zhang Zezhen's hand back and comforted him, "Don't be afraid, they won't catch up."

Zhang Zeling looked at Liu Xu worriedly, with little coldness left on his face.

Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about me, you have to worry about yourself. You are so beautiful, if they catch up with you, they will surely rob you of your beauty instead of your wealth."

"Why are you still in the mood to joke around at this juncture?" Zhang Zeling hated iron for being weak.

Liu Xu smiled, opened the car window, and poked his head out.

A man with a wooden stick pointed at Liu Xu and cursed, "Stop the car, or I'll stab you to death!" Then he took out a sharp knife from his back waist.

Liu Xu unceremoniously compared a middle finger, and then used the qi technique.

"There is a lot of resentment, just lie down for a few more months!"

Liu Xu originally only wanted to use the sword of mildew to solve the problem, but now he changed his mind and extracted four smaller swords of disaster from the sword of disaster, and pierced the luck of the four people respectively.

After finishing all this, Liu Xu closed the car window and continued driving.

Zhang Zeling looked at those people from the rear window with a worried expression on his face, and then his eyes widened suddenly. He saw a motorcycle suddenly lost control and crashed into another car, and then the two cars rolled and flew out. The four people on board fell down heavily, the one who scolded Liu Xu was the most unlucky, knocked his head on the stone and passed out.

Seeing this scene from the rearview mirror, Liu Xu couldn't help laughing and said, "The four of them drove too fast and crashed."

Zhang Zeling stared stupidly for a while, then turned his head and looked at Liu Xu with strong doubts.

"What do you see me doing?" Liu Xu asked with a smile.

"I always feel that something is wrong." Zhang Zeling said in a low voice.

"Didn't you realize that as long as the two of us are together, our luck will become particularly good? You said before that there are always dogs trying to bite you, but when we are together, the dogs bark at me. There is also an earthquake, and I am just in front of you." By my side. I think, God wants you and me to be together." Liu Xu said seriously.

Zhang Zeling rolled his eyes and ignored Liu Xu.

Liu Xu smiled.

The car soon arrived at the foot of Qinglong Ridge near Qinglong Town, and then climbed the mountain with Zhang Zeling.

Qinglong Ridge is rather peculiar. There is a slender entrance to the mountain, about [-] meters high and three to four hundred meters long, with artificially dug stone steps.

Zhang Zezhen was wearing high-heeled sandals. Liu Xu was afraid that she would fall down on the mountain road, so he reached out to hold her hand. Zhang Zezhen struggled a little, and let Liu Xu lead him, walking slowly up.

After passing the mountain pass, Liu Xu saw an open flat land with several brick houses. There were many fishing equipment and some barbecue equipment hanging outside the houses. Fish were being grilled on a charcoal fire, and the fish could be smelled from a long distance away. fragrant.

There were more than a dozen people eating, drinking and chatting there. A few people looked here. After seeing Zhang Zeling, they were all stunned. Then they looked away to hide their shock, but then they couldn't help but sneak a look at Zhang Zeling. .


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 629 Zhang Zezhen Laughed Again

Liu Xu took a deep breath, and vaguely felt that the true energy here was stronger than that outside, but the richness was limited, and the true energy in many inaccessible mountains and forests was more than that in cities.

The smell of fish was beyond Liu Xu's imagination. I thought the stewed fish in Yanjiang Town was the best fish I've ever eaten, but the smell of the grilled fish far surpassed that of the stewed fish.

Liu Xu smiled and nodded at the people there, and continued walking with Zhang Zeling.

This flat land is close to a circle, surrounded by mountain walls, but directly opposite the mountain pass, there is a slightly higher mountain pass.

The two walked for a while before reaching the second mountain pass.

Standing at the second mountain pass, Zhang Zeying couldn't help but whisper: "It's so beautiful!"

In front is a piece of green grass, and in the distance, there is a blue lake. The lake reflects the blue sky, white clouds and mountain peaks. It is as flat as a mirror and as beautiful as in a painting.

All other directions of the lake are blocked by mountains, and there is only one exit.

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