Now he suspects who entrusted Liu Xu to come to them to appraise jade, it should be collected by a certain collector, otherwise, even if Liu Xu is an old expert in playing with jade, it is absolutely impossible for him to hit every shot.

"Never mind where it came from, who wants this bottle?" Huang Yijiang gave Liu Xu a look with his eyes, telling him to stop talking, because the two uncles would not believe what Liu Xu said at this moment.

"Although the bottle is good, it cannot be valued. One is that it is too small, and the other is that Emperor Green made such a bottle and wasted everything. If we give it a price that is too low, we will be sorry for the value of the jade itself. If we give it too much High, but it's really..." Boss Liu shook his head, although such a bottle is made of ancient jade, even the emperor green among jade, but it is really too small, it would be a pity if it was destroyed, but it would be a pity if it was not destroyed. I am afraid no one will collect such a small bottle.

"Then let's keep it for now. This thing should be filled with medicine. I'm afraid someone will ask for it in the future." Huang Yijiang handed the small bottle to Liu Xu, and then looked at the garlic jar.

"This is a mortar, used for smashing Chinese medicine, but the paddle is not very good, the head of the water is not bright, and it is also stained by the dark brown of Chinese medicine. We don't sell this thing." Huang Yijiang smiled and took the garlic jar back.

But at this moment, Liu Xu frowned after taking the garlic vat and said, "If I'm not wrong, this garlic vat and the medicine bottle are the same kind of jade, why don't you take a closer look?"

"The same kind of jade, imperial green?" The three of them were taken aback. The small medicine bottle was only the size of a thumb, but the garlic jar was huge. If it was destroyed, it could destroy three or four bracelets and jade pendants.

"I'm going to get the sandpaper." Huang Yijiang immediately got up to get the sandpaper, and Boss Liu and Hao Yuan also picked up the garlic jar curiously and looked left and right, but they couldn't see the emperor green, it was really dark outside, It is invisible to the naked eye.


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Chapter 653 Are You Raising Me?

"How do you know it's the same kind of green as the medicine bottle?" Hao Yuan asked curiously.

"It should be, wait for Xia Yijiang to come back!" Liu Xu couldn't tell them that he sensed it with his true energy, so he just shook his head and didn't say anything.

Soon, Huang Yijiang took back the sandpaper, took over the garlic jar and began to polish it.

After about a minute or so, Huang Yijiang polished a gap the size of a ping-pong ball, and through the gap, a green shaved emerald appeared in front of the three of them.

The three of them were all dumbfounded, looking at the green of the big ping pong ball, speechless.

"Thirty million, I want it!" Boss Liu made a sudden move and snatched the garlic jar from Huang Yijiang's hand.

"Thirty-three million, old Liu, don't argue with me about this. If I do it, I can make four bracelets and at least ten pairs of earrings!" Hao Yuan's hands trembled a little, such a big piece of imperial green! , it turned out to be a milk bowl, but in Liu Xu's eyes, it was just a jar of garlic.

"Uncles, we don't sell this." Huang Yijiang shook his head, "We won't sell it for any amount."

"It doesn't matter what you say, Liu Xu, I offer [-] million yuan, can you sell him to me?" Boss Liu just didn't let go.

Liu Xu doesn't care, he is not short of tens of millions, Liu Xu just came to test Huang Yijiang's skills, and now she says she won't sell it...

After thinking for a while, Huang Yijiang said: "The two uncles also know that the emperor green is getting less and less, and there is no one out for several years, and if this garlic tank is operated well, a batch of high-end imperial green jadeites will be produced. You also know Gold has a price and jade is priceless, this garlic jar is now priceless!"

"Then I'll buy it." Boss Liu said roguely.

"Forty million, not a penny less." It's not that Huang Yijiang won't sell it, but this girl is still raising her price.

Boss Liu's face was cloudy and uncertain, Hao Yuan also took out his fare and ordered it alone, and the two of them calculated how much this garlic jar could produce, and how much they could sell for in the end.

"Yijiang, forget it, it's only thirty-five million, let's give it to friends." At this time, Liu Xu, who is rich and powerful, spoke.

"Uh..." Huang Yijiang was taken aback when he heard his words, and Hao Yun and Boss Liu were also taken aback at the same time.

This Liu Xu is interesting!


"You really bought those things?" Huang Yijiang and Liu Xu left Panjiayuan, and she, who was sitting in the car, also looked at Liu Xu curiously.

Because this Liu Xu is so amazing and mysterious.

If it is said that Liu Xu's jades were really bought from street stalls by himself, Huang Yijiang would not believe it, because no one can make more than [-] million yuan by visiting the second-hand market.

That's right, Liu Xu now has two transfer checks in his pocket, one is from Hao Yuan and the other is from Boss Liu.

These two bosses are both antique dealers, so their families are well-off, and they still have assets of over [-] million.

And they also often traded in antiques, so of course they brought their own checkbooks. Liu Xu took the checks from the two of them and just went to CCB to transfer the money within ten days.

"Of course it's true." Liu Xu nodded, then changed the subject, "Yijiang, have you found a job yet?"

"I'm going to help Uncle Hao in the capital, and he offered me a good price." Huang Yijiang laughed.

"What price? How much is the monthly salary?" Liu Xu asked curiously.

"A basic salary of [-] yuan, with some bonuses or commissions, the monthly salary can reach [-] yuan, about [-] to [-] a year!" Huang Yijiang said truthfully.

"Six to seven hundred thousand, that's not too much, but don't do it!" Liu Xu shook his head suddenly, and refused to let Huang Yijiang work.

"What do you mean?" Huang Yijiang looked at Liu Xu with a smile: "You support me?"

"Affordable, but what I mean is, do it for me!" Liu Xu squinted his eyes: "I'm also planning to open an antique store or jewelry store, and then how about you invest in technology?"

"Uh... open an antique store or a jewelry store?" Huang Yijiang was stunned for a moment, but at the same time thought about it and said, "It's feasible, but how much savings do you have in total? If it's less than [-] million, I advise you to put your mind to it , this line of business seems simple, but in fact it is extremely high investment and extremely risky. You will lose money and jump off the building once you make an eye shot. Moreover, there are all kinds of scammers in this line of business, which make you unexpected deceptions emerge endlessly. He was tricked into being a beggar."

"Isn't it because of you? I'm only responsible for investment and purchases, and I don't care about the rest." Liu Xu has a sense of true energy, so naturally he won't make money-losing deals, and Huang Yijiang is an expert, and she doesn't know how to appreciate jade. She dabbles in all antiques.

This woman is definitely talented, and she has a deep mind, thoughtfulness, and quick response to the situation, etc., so with her, the two of them will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

Although they had sex overnight, clean, so he can trust her.

"Really? How much savings do you have now? Of course, I have no other intentions." Huang Yijiang asked suddenly.

"Several tens of billions!" The chip that Liu Xu took from Lin Xiwei was originally [-] billion, but he used more than [-] million to buy the villa, and now it is not enough to make up the whole number.

When Liu Xu casually said that he had billions, Huang Yijiang thought straight away.

"Let's go, treat you to a big meal, what do you want to eat?" Liu Xu said excitedly.

"Old capital sauce ginger noodles. I came to the capital a few years ago. Uncle Hao took us to eat the authentic old capital fried noodles. I tried it, but I can't make that taste!" Huang Yijiang recalled.

"Tell me the address." Liu Xu nodded. He really hadn't eaten any authentic noodles with fried sauce.


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ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 654 Did You Ask Me To Come For That?

"I just remember it was near Chongwenmen, but I can't remember the specifics!" Huang Yijiang shook his head.

"Okay, I'll ask someone else." Liu Xu called Huang Shengyi while driving towards the east gate of the Temple of Heaven, and she actually knew the address of the old capital fried noodles in Chongwenmen.

About an hour, at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Liu Xu took Huang Yijiang's hand and finally arrived at Laojing Zhajiang Noodle Restaurant on Chongwen Qianmen Street. Since it was impossible to drive in, he had to park his car at the street corner.

Of course, Liu Xu took Huang Yijiang's hand without politeness, and the bed was already on the bed, so holding hands was nothing.

But what Liu Xu didn't know was that Huang Yijiang's heart was beating violently all the time while walking hand in hand.

When the two walked quickly through the crowd, holding each other's temperature, it was a wonderful process. She felt that she was flying, and her heart was also flying.

In fact, Huang Yijiang mustered up a lot of courage to come to see Liu Xu. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong for her to do so, and she also had a lot of hesitation.

Do you want to stop, do you want to continue, will there be a future...

She is a more rational woman, she thinks much more than Liu Xu, and she really doesn't know Liu Xu at all.

Confused, she went to bed on the spur of the moment, even though she really liked the man named Liu Xu in front of her, it was not true love yet.

She wants to try to get in touch, but she is also afraid of getting in touch, because she is afraid that due to various reasons, when the two don't get along in the end, she will regret it.

And if she broke up with Liu Xu now, it would undoubtedly leave the best memory in her life.

It's just...she didn't want to stop, so she was struggling.

Women are emotional, complex and sentimental creatures.

The moment she was held by him, the moment she walked through the crowd, she felt very strange, very happy, the kind that made her heart beat violently.

She has also been in love, and her classmate also had a crush on a certain male classmate when she was a teenager. As we all know, when a person has a crush on someone and gets close to him, his heartbeat will speed up.

Secret love in youth is just a process that everyone will experience in life, and it is the most wonderful period of life.

Of course, that period was limited to secret love, and few people would take that step, so secret love will always be buried in the bottom of my heart.

But now, in Liu Xu, she found that feeling again, it was very strange and yearning, which made her involuntarily happy physically and mentally.

Whether this is love, she can't tell, but at least at this moment, she is very happy.

She ate a lot of fried noodles, and she was very full. Maybe it was because she was in a good mood. She felt that the taste hadn't changed, and everything was so good.

Liu Xu also ate a lot, and after the two of them got back into the car from the restaurant, Liu Xu began to struggle again.

He originally planned that after Huang Yijiang came to the capital, he and her would fight for hundreds of rounds.

He is young, full of vigor, and faces all kinds of beauties all day long, so there must be needs in "that aspect".

Although he ate Huang Shengyi last night, seeing Huang Yijiang, he still couldn't wait to push her...

"Yijiang, where do you live, may I take you back?" Liu Xu explained tactfully.

"No need, I can go back by myself." Huang Yijiang nodded with a smile.

"But I...I want to do that with you!" Liu Xu said it outright without shame.

"Pfft..." Hearing Liu Xu's blunt words, Huang Yijiang blushed and spat at him, "The lower body is an animal, a beast!"

"I'm your beast, what do I love!" Liu Xu's eyes widened, he was really angry.

"No..." Huang Yijiang responded softly, "I'm here..."

"Come here? What?" Liu Xu's face collapsed. If this is the case, then nothing can be done!

"You asked me to come just because of 'that'?" Huang Yijiang asked suddenly.

"No." Liu Xu drove in the direction of Panjiayuan, smiled and said, "That kind of thing can only be the seasoning of our love, just like the noodle sauce of the fried ginger noodles we ate just now, no more Noodle sauce, only the noodles will be tasteless."

"It's full of philosophical meanings, it's fooled many women!" Huang Yijiang gave him a white look.

Liu Xu laughed dryly, but said nothing.

Soon, while the two were chatting, Liu Xu returned to Panjiayuan again, Huang Yijiang got off the car, agreed to meet tomorrow, and Liu Xu drove away.

The reason why Liu Xu didn't stay at Huang Yijiang's place was because Huang Shengyi had just become his man, so he naturally needed more company.

Love, like a burning flame, can give you the warmth of the soul and the joy of the body and mind.

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