In the villa's kitchen, Liu Xu picked vegetables and Huang Shengyi cooked them. The two had a clear division of labor, just like a couple living at home. They cooperated tacitly, and there was no awkwardness or strangeness.

Fried prawns, stir-fried clams, steamed hairy crabs, leeks, bean sprouts, pickled cucumbers, and ham.

Although Huang Shengyi doesn't cook often, he still knows how to cook.

If a woman can't cook, it only shows that she is lazy and doesn't like to delve into it.

Practice makes perfect in everything, just like cooking rice, if you can't cook it once, you can't cook it ten or eight times?

The same is true for cooking, you can add more salt for the first time, but after ten times, can you still add more salt?

So a woman who can't cook or stir-fry is lazy.

The music sounded in the living room, and the headlights in the living room were turned off, leaving only a dim dining lamp. After working for nearly an hour, the two finally sat down facing each other.

There is a collection of red wine in Huang Shengyi's villa, so she suggested to drink red wine, and brought six bottles at a time.

Tonight, she will never return home if she is not drunk.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 655

"Celebrate our acquaintance, so this first cup must be finished." Huang Shengyi raised the cup with a smile.

"Okay, cheers!" Liu Xu and Huang Shengyi lightly touched each other, and then drank it down in one gulp.

"The second glass!" Liu Xu poured wine for Huang Shengyi, a full glass.

Although drinking red wine can't be filled to the brim, the two don't talk so much now.

"The second cup, thank you for supporting my career!" Huang Shengyi drank it down again before Liu Xu could speak.

"Hehe." Liu Xu also chuckled and continued to toast.

"The third cup, thank you for not leaving me alone..."

"For the fourth cup, Nongxuezhi played well."

"The fifth cup, congratulations on the opening of our studio."

"The sixth cup, I wish Hua Qiangu a successful filming..."

Liu Xu filled Huang Shengyi, Huang Shengyi just killed it in one gulp, and Liu Xu also silently accompanied her.

"The seventh cup, it's up to you." Huang Shengyi's face was already red, she drank too fast, the cup was too big, after the two of them each drank seven cups, nearly three bottles of wine had bottomed out.

Liu Xu raised his wine glass, and Huang Shengyi also looked at him with a smile. When the two of them were together, she could always let go.

"Thank you... for breaking into my heart." Liu Xu touched his mouth and drank it down.

"Speech, glib!" Huang Shengyi spat at Liu Xu. Liu Xu's words were both touching and heart-warming. They were truly glib.

"Would you like to dance with me?" After seven glasses of wine, Huang Shengyi suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

"I'm not very good at it. Don't blame me for stepping on your foot." Liu Xu scratched his head and said.

"I'll teach you..." Huang Shengyi offered to stretch out his hand.

Liu Xu stretched out his hands, clasped his hands together, then walked past the dining table, and stood in the living room, his eyes met and his hands clasped.

"Liu Xu, do you know?" Accompanied by the sound of music, the two danced slowly in the dim living room, and she also looked into his eyes and said, "For so many years, no man has been so close to me except for his appearance." I have been in contact with, and there is no man who can make me want to get closer involuntarily."

Liu Xu suddenly realized that Huang Shengyi was so bold tonight, she dared to say some things that she couldn't say now.

"This is fate, the fate between us." Liu Xu whispered.

"It's a wonderful fate." Huang Shengyi said softly, feeling Liu Xu's powerful and warm palm, and feeling his masculine breath.

Gradually, unconsciously, Huang Shengyi rested his head on his chest, and closed his eyes as if intoxicated.

Liu Xu smelled the faint fragrance of Huang Shengyi's body, felt her inexplicable warmth tonight, suddenly stopped, held her head, and kissed her.

"Drink with me..." Maybe only an instant, maybe ten minutes later, Huang Shengyi suddenly pushed him away, turned around and sat back at the dining table, picked up the glass and drank it down again.

"If you drink any more, you'll really drink too much." Liu Xu walked behind Huang Shengyi, and suddenly put his arms around her waist and said.

Huang Shengyi felt that her body was very hot, and she felt that the restlessness and heartbeat also made her fly. This was a very wonderful process.

She didn't resist his hug, or rather, she was already mentally prepared today, because she also wanted him to hug her tightly.

"You want to drink too." She filled her glass and raised it.

Liu Xu let go of her, took it and drank it all down.

"Continue." She poured another glass, drank it herself, then poured another glass for Liu Xu, and Liu Xu drank it.

Soon, the sixth bottle of wine was also consumed, and both of them actually hiccupped!

"Haha, get me some wine." Huang Shengyi laughed loudly, her eyes dimmed with drunkenness. At this moment, she exuded a kind of boldness and unrestrainedness like a woman.

Another six bottles of red wine were brought to the dining table by the two, and the two continued to eat and drink.

I don't know how long it will take, but she still wants to dance.

Liu Xu dances with her...she wants to drink while dancing... Liu Xu drinks with her...drinks and she wants to hear Liu Xu tell jokes.

Liu Xu told her jokes.

"A village chief went home after drinking too much and went into the pigsty by mistake, lying next to the sow, and said: Wife: Pour me a glass of water, the sow snorted, and the village chief said, if it doesn't pour, then don't pour it, what a coquettish act. He touched it casually and said: buy a leather jacket, or a double-breasted one!"

"Go on!"

"Wife: Do you want to be active at night? Husband: I always think about it. Wife: After get off work, don't say that you are tired or have no energy at night. If you can't fool around, it's over. Husband: It must be. Let's wash it!"

"Say more!"


After drinking twelve bottles of red wine, she was so drunk that she started talking nonsense.

She lay on the sofa, pillowed on Liu Xu's leg, and fell asleep while talking.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she slept soundly. It was a rare indulgence tonight, and she was very happy.

Liu Xu caressed her long hair. Although he drank a lot, he was surprisingly sober. He didn't seem to be drunk today.

Even breathing sounds, accompanied by intoxication, she fell asleep.

And he gently picked her up and walked upstairs slowly.

After helping her take off her shoes, coat and jeans, and covered the quilt again, he sat on the head of her bed and looked at her quietly and intently, as if he wanted to engrave her face deeply in his heart .

In the haze, Huang Shengyi woke up leisurely, and the moment he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of deep eyes looking at her.

He sat on the bed and smiled softly.

After Huang Shengyi was stunned for a moment, he lifted the quilt and took a look, then quickly closed it.

"I'm embarrassed again..." Huang Shengyi said with a flushed face.

"No, you were quiet yesterday."

"Thank you."

"I'll go out to make breakfast first, and you take a shower." Liu Xu patted her arm, got up and left.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 656 When Do You Leave Your Period?

There are two places in the capital that are crowded with people. One is Tiananmen Square where everyone raises their heads to watch the national flag being raised, and the other is Panjiayuan Flea Market where everyone lowers their heads looking for national treasures.

Someone jokingly said that regardless of the number of real collectors among the people who enter and exit Panjiayuan, just look at the crowded crowd in the market and the bustling trading scene, and you will find how many visitors are performing at the same place and at different times. wonderful story.

Even if you don't buy it, you still feel very interested. What's more, there are many surprises waiting for us to discover.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Liu Xu arrived at Panjiayuan on time. It may be because of the weekend or the morning. Today's Panjiayuan has twice as many people as yesterday afternoon, and the real shoulders rub shoulders.

When Liu Xu arrived at Mingyuzhai, Huang Yijiang was already waiting outside. Today she was wearing a tracksuit, a white peaked cap, white sneakers and a backpack. She looked refreshing and full of vigor.

"This weekend, the street stall area is very lively. Now that the morning market has just passed, how about going shopping first while there are not many people?" Huang Yijiang took the initiative to grab Liu Xu's arm and said as he walked.

"Morning market? What is a morning market?" Liu Xu asked in confusion.

"It's the old things trade in the morning!" Huang Yijiang said: "The street stall area opens at [-]:[-] in the morning, and the main source of customers is those antique dealers. You also have to get up early to search for treasures, but at this time of day, with the influx of tourists, it will be very difficult for you to find any good treasures.”

"So that's how it is!" Liu Xu suddenly realized that those who are really in the antique business would come to Taobao early in the morning, and only tourists and some collectors would come after dawn.

"You have a lot to learn!" Huang Yijiang laughed.

"When is your period going?" Liu Xu suddenly whispered in her ear.

"Oh, why do you ask everything..." Huang Yijiang blushed suddenly, this Liu Xu was too bold.

"Ask what you're afraid of, I'm not an outsider." Liu Xu said with a chuckle.

"I won't tell you." Huang Yijiang let go of Liu Xu and ran forward.

Liu Xu naturally strode to keep up, the two strolled while walking, and at the same time Huang Yijiang also began to popularize some common sense about antiques to him.

Since he wanted to do this business, he had to get familiar with the gauges and common sense of collecting as soon as possible, otherwise a rookie would not be able to afford the antique business.

Soon, the two chatted and laughed and reached the street stall area, and there were more people in the street stall area, and all kinds of old things on the stalls can be said to be dazzling.

The reason why Panjiayuan is called the old things market is because all the things sold here are old things. Looking around, they are all nostalgic things hidden deep in our memory.

In the stall area, in addition to the common old items such as jade jewelry, there are wood carvings, bamboo carvings, enamel candlesticks, powder boxes, Buddha statues, incense burners and tableware, as well as old cloisonne old photos, old mirror frames, old records, old musical instruments, old clocks, old radios, old cameras, and old month plates... In terms of varieties and styles Wait, wait, it's dazzling.

Liu Xu even saw some foreigners carrying old record players, looking excited like they found treasures.

These things have already become a thing of the past with the passage of time. What they buy is not an antique, but a memory.

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