"Gambling jade?" Liu Xu squinted his eyes. In fact, the reason why he wants to open a store, make a big investment and make a fortune is precisely because he wants to gamble on jade!

Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?Stone gambling has become very popular in recent years. He has heard of various plots such as one knife for life, one knife for death, one knife for poverty and one knife for wealth.

What he wants to do is exactly this, because this is the fastest way to get money, and money is second. What Liu Xu needs is the king of jade, chalcedony, which can help him cultivate.

"Uncles, I don't know how to bet on stones. Shall we discuss this matter in a few days? Do you want all of my jade articles? How much?" Liu Xu didn't inquire about the prices one by one, but looked at the To Huang Yijiang.

"More than [-] million, the check is with me." Huang Yijiang said with a smile.

"Okay, then thank you two bosses, I'll treat you tonight!" Liu Xu laughed.

"Both of us have been hollowed out by you, but who do you invite?" Hao Yuan laughed, and Boss Liu also laughed straight away. In fact, the treasures were fake, and the few pieces of jade they collected were resold. They can still make money, they have a way, so it is not difficult to sell!

"Now can you help me see this sword? I bought it at [-], Uncle Liu, help me identify it!" Liu Xu laughed.

"Well, let me take a look first!" Boss Liu nodded and picked up the rusty ancient sword.

He first looked at the appearance, and then at the pattern on the hilt.But after looking at it for a while, he kept frowning.

"Go back to my shop, the rust is too heavy now, I'll go back and deal with it briefly." Boss Liu got up and said.

"Okay, let's go together." Hao Yuan was also curious whether this ancient sword would be real.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 659 Qingming Sword Can't Be That Simple

The four got up and went downstairs, and after walking less than a hundred meters, they arrived at Boss Liu's shop.

Boss Liu's shop is a miscellaneous shop, not only jade, but also the four treasures of calligraphy, painting and study, porcelain and so on. The house is full of all kinds of antiques.

Back at the shop, Boss Liu ordered the shop assistants to prepare a basin of water, which was mixed with some chemical blending agents, etc., and then soaked the sword in it, and the four of them continued to drink tea.

For an hour or so, he grabs sandpaper and various gadgets, then puts on his gloves and starts working.

During this period, Liu Xu and the others kept looking at him curiously.

And looking at it, several people also saw a miracle. Following Boss Liu's treatment, after the rusty ancient sword came out of the water, the blade turned out to reflect light, and there were actually two slaves on the blade. font.

"Qingming!" After wiping the sword dry and placing it on the table again, Boss Liu took a deep breath, "Seeing that it dates from the Northern Song Dynasty, and dare to use the word Jiaolong, it is obviously a royal artifact. This sword is genuine. , the specific historical value needs to be studied.”

"You kid has a lot of money, one hundred and eighty yuan, and you've made a lot of money again!" Boss Liu glanced at Liu Xu and said.

"I remember a few years ago, a guy bought an ancient sword for [-] yuan, and then sold it for [-] yuan. Old Liu, how is this sword? How much is it worth?" Hao Yuan smiled. asked.

"Swords are no different than jade or calligraphy and painting. It's only a few hundred thousand. If Liu Xu wants to make a move, I'll accept him for [-]. I have a friend who specializes in collecting ancient swords."

"I'd better keep it." Liu Xu always felt that this sword was not that simple, so he simply kept it for himself.

After tossing around for a long time, it was getting dark, the four of them chatted and laughed and left the shop, ready to eat.

Huang Yijiang's period was not over yet, so Liu Xu naturally went to Gulinaza's side. Thinking of that little fairy, his heart felt hot...

In addition, Liu Xu has already made up his mind to open a jewelry company in Shanghai, mainly dealing in large quantities of jade. In a company, Liu Xu calmed down later, and thought about it carefully, if they were together, what would they do if they were torn apart?

The best way is for everyone to do their own thing, and the worst is to work hard on their own.

When going back in the evening, Liu Xu brought food for Gu Lina, so what can I do when I'm full!

After some sex, the two fell asleep hugging each other.

After Liu Xu followed, the Qingming Sword he bought suddenly shone like water patterns. From the outside of the room, a dazzling white light gushed out from the entire window.


in the alley.

No one around.

"What is this place?"

Definitely not modern.

"Passed through?"

Nonsense, I was having sex with Gulina on the bed just now, and now I appear in this ghost place, what is it?

Here comes the question, why did it inexplicably cross over again?

"Could it be... that sword? I knew that the Qingming Sword couldn't be that simple."

Liu Xu turned around and walked out from the alley.

Stepping on the slippery bluestone road from the light rain just now, Liu Xu walked lightly, wandering all the way until he saw a small restaurant with a relatively quiet business, and walked in.

I ordered a few side dishes casually, and the guy brought them to the table.

It was not a meal at this time, except for Liu Xu in the store, there was the shopkeeper standing behind the counter doing nothing and the boy leaning against the door yawning.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Liu Xu pretended to be a foreign merchant and began to chat with the shopkeeper...

A few "strange stories" from overseas amazed the shopkeeper who guarded the small shop in Nanjing city, and at the same time, he gradually obtained a lot of information...

Age... Location... Situation nearby... Procedures required by foreign merchants in Nanjing...

The information that was mixed in the seemingly ordinary conversation was secretly recorded by Liu Xu, who was deliberately clichéd. After the meal was over, he had already learned something about this place, and he paid and left.

Liu Xu first ordered a few middle-grade clothes of common styles in Yesa and the early Ming Dynasty at a nearby tailor shop, and then went straight to the local yamen to go through some identity procedures.

He has already determined the world he traveled through, the movie "Sword Rain".

Liu Xu took a glance and saw the word "Sword Rain" written in this grid.

He recalled the general storyline in "Sword Rain", and the story of Sword Rain is actually not complicated.

To put it simply, it is a legend in the world that the body of the eminent monk Rama in Tianzhu hides the secrets of peerless martial arts. As long as you get the body and understand the mysteries, you can practice peerless martial arts and dominate the martial arts world!

Under some cloud movement, there was a sudden wind and thunder in the rivers and lakes.

Countless people rushed to fight for Rama's body.

The era of Jian Yu’s story happened in the early Ming Dynasty. Although the plot did not elaborate, the capital is located in Nanjing and when Xiao Yu was aliased as Minnv Zeng Jing, the year of “Hong Wu” was engraved on the tombstone. , and this year name is exactly the year name of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Liu Xu used silver to open the way in the yamen, went through the procedures smoothly, and became a legal merchant of Ming Dynasty. In the next few days, Liu Xu searched around in the north of Nanjing, and bought one near a small street similar to what he remembered. Commercial and residential pavement with a backyard.

By the way, when Liu Xu traveled through time, he had no money on him, but as long as there was a gambling shop on the street, it would be his cash machine. Casinos always leave when they win, and they will never bet on someone else's big boss.

At this time, it was still the early years of the Ming Dynasty, and the population that died during the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty had not yet fully recovered.

Therefore, even the pavement in the city of Nanjing is not expensive.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 660 Blind Date

I bought a shop.

Liu Xu can only stay here, because it is not when the drizzle will appear, because he has nothing to do, so he decided to start a business. As for what business to do, he didn't want to worry too much. Soap...

He took out the uncomplicated soap crafts in his head, and hired a few or two down-and-out, decent-looking buddies and accountants. In less than half a month, the first batch of "Flower Soap" was on the market.

Good things are naturally not afraid of not being sold.

Especially at the foot of the Son of Heaven, although Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born in poverty, is not a luxury, but in this capital, which of the dynasties and dynasties has less rich people?

In addition, the first batch of [-] pieces of flower soap that Liu Xu gave away for free to various houses... This reputation in the market was instantly opened up.

The price positioning is also very reasonable - it will neither be cheap, which will make the rich and powerful feel out of class, nor will it be too expensive, which will discourage the middle class.

What's more, Liu Xu made friends with some officials specially, and even now he didn't have any fame, and it was relatively easy to make friends with scholars, even traffickers and pawns.

Under Liu Xu's deliberate friendship, he soon had some network of contacts in Nanjing, from the chief housekeeper of Zaifu's family to a small patrol on the street.

Everything is on track.

Liu Xu, who was finally free, did not change his residence, and still lived in the backyard of his original small shop in the north of Nanjing.

Others don't know why, but they only say that this "benevolent businessman" lives a simple life.

In fact, only Liu Xu knows... The purpose of his staying here is to wait for the female killer Xiao Yu who is about to appear!

Of course……

At this time, the tombstone has been erected, and she should have been called "Zeng Jing" in the incarnation of a civilian girl.

Zeng Jing came to this street and rented the small courtyard left by Dr. Sun who returned to the countryside for the elderly through Cai Po, who set up a stall on the street.

No matter in what age—the doctor who saves the sick is never too poor.

Although Dr. Sun's house is quite old, the overall layout is quite spacious.

But for Zeng Jing, the biggest problem is that Granny Cai has collected money from many bachelors in these six miles and eight streets, and kept arranging her to go on blind dates with those "wonderful women".

Speaking of the original work, Xiao Yu was played by the glamorous and handsome Lin Xilei before the plastic surgery, and Yang Ziqiong, who has a more gentle and dignified temperament after the plastic surgery.

Although the two are also very glamorous, but after all, Yang Ziqiong is old, and the details of skin and facial features are not enough to play a woman who is not yet middle-aged.

But now in the real world of "Sword Rain", although the appearance before and after the plastic surgery is not much different, but the skin and body are obviously nearly [-] years younger, and Zeng Jing, who has internal strength, is even better.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that these [-] or [-] bachelors gave Po Cai money and wanted to go on a blind date with Zeng Jing.

After all, such beauties with good looks and temperament are by no means what they can hope for. If Zeng Jing didn't live alone and seemed to have no family, these bachelors would not even dare to think about it.

He was lowering his head and sorting out the cloth on his stall when he saw a hand caressing a piece of cloth: "Girl, this cloth is not bad, how much is it?"

Influenced by Monk Lu Zhu, Xiao Yu quit the arena and longed for a peaceful life. The last person Xiao Yu wants to meet is other martial artists besides the "King of the Wheel".

Been a killer for so many years.

Xiaoyu's own martial arts is first-class, so she can tell at a glance that the owner of this palm has never practiced martial arts. From his voice, speaking, and walking posture, he can tell that the other party is not from the Jianghu.

These things seem to be a lot, but in fact they are just the process of Zeng Jing's instant thoughts.

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