"Guest officer, the piece of cloth you mentioned is half a coin and a foot of silver." Zeng Jing said without any emotion, her voice was gentle, but she took advantage of the opportunity to take a good look at the person standing in front of the stall...

The visitor's stature is above average, about five feet six centimeters. Don't think that this person is short if he is less than the "seven-foot man" as the ancients said.

In fact, Xiao Yu or Zeng Jing herself is [-] meters tall, and at this time, seeing the height of the other party, she just raised her chin slightly.

This man is probably in his twenties, with a calm demeanor, making it difficult to guess his age.

His facial features are not too sharp and sharp, but they have the softness and clarity unique to Chinese people, and a pair of bright eyes are dark and very energetic.

However, Zeng Jing could still see the muscular outlines of the other party under the clothes through the dark blue hair.The sharp-edged muscles on the opponent's body can be seen even through the clothes, which is enough to show that the opponent's muscles have been tempered thousands of times.

It's a pity...not knowing the inner strength is not in the top after all...

"Girl, girl? You're distracted...can you help me wrap this piece of cloth?" The other party said suddenly, which made Zeng Jing, who was a little distracted, hurriedly wrapped the cloth and handed it over.

Seeing the other party's figure gradually disappearing, Granny Cai came over and said, "Ah Jing, what do you think of Mr. Liu?"

"What's the matter? Granny Cai." Zeng Jing looked helplessly at this nosy neighbor who always wanted to help people get married.

Hearing what Zeng Jing said, Granny Cai smiled as if she had already had a wedding wine: "Of course, old lady, I mean whether Mr. Liu suits your heart or not!"

"Cai Po, don't bother me anymore!" Zeng Jing dragged her voice out, "I just bought a piece of cloth, how can there be such a thing?"

"Silly girl!" Granny Cai spat, pointed at Liu Xu's back and said, "Young Master Liu just fell in love with you! He even came here to find me yesterday and asked me about you! He also asked me to help him Say good things to you! I must have come here today to get close to you..."


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it’s 520 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats on the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 661 Marry me!

Cai Po's triumphant gossip made Zeng Jing feel embarrassment in her ears and cheeks, and hurriedly rearranged the cloth on the booth to distract her attention.

However, when the other party looked at her, the piercing eyes and the sharp-edged muscles cast by the dark blue came to mind again and couldn't get rid of it.

Zeng Jing didn't understand that the reason why she had such associations with a man whom she had only met once was mainly because of her own inner change.

If it was Zeng Jing from before, or the top killer of the Blackstone organization named Jian Yu, the first sight of Liu Xu would have been full of guard and scrutiny, no matter how well her eyes and expressions were concealed , but in fact can not deceive their own heart.

What she thinks about will not be the current love between men and women, shyness and throbbing, but "how is this person's martial arts?" and "what moves should I use if I make a sudden attack?"

When the two sides met for the first time, Liu Xu's clean, tidy, strong, sunny and gentle image gave Zeng Jing a very good first impression.

And he is not anxious about pursuing Zeng Jing, he will settle down when he comes, Liu Xu just goes around every day, either buying something, or chatting casually, and occasionally sitting in front of Cai Po's booth for a drink Ai tea.

The weather in Nanjing was always changing, and there were frequent showers, and every time it was this time, Liu Xu took the opportunity to help Zeng Jing gather up the cloth and cover it with a tarpaulin.

This trick was used by Jiang Asheng in the original work, but Jiang Asheng didn't know Zeng Jing's true identity at that time. Although he had a good impression and admiration for Zeng Jing, his main energy was still on tracking down the details of the Blackstone organization and running errands on weekdays. work.

Jiang Asheng, who can only come here to sit here during the interval of running errands every day, can rely on his accumulated feelings to gain enough favorability, let alone Liu Xu?

His conditions are much better than Jiang Asheng's. Although Zeng Jing doesn't value money, at least Liu Xu has more time!

So Liu Xu spent almost every day at Zeng Jing's place, and when Jiang Asheng appeared, he might have already embraced the beauty.

Ordinary life will always pass quietly without people noticing.

Months flew by in the blink of an eye.

On this day, two small bamboo stools were set up behind Zeng Jing's stall, and Liu Xu took out a piece of the cake he baked yesterday from the bamboo basket he brought: "Open your mouth."

Zeng Jing glanced at Granny Cai, who was peeking at her from the side, and shyly opened her small mouth.

Liu Xu fed the cake in his hand to Zeng Jing.

The sweetness of the cake was conveyed, and Zeng Jing's beautiful big eyes bent into two crescent moons.

Over the past few months, getting along with Liu Xu made her feel happiness that she had never experienced before.

There are not only the peaceful life, getting along, and trivial matters that Zeng Jing longs for, but also surprises that she can't imagine.

Sending flowers, cooking with my own hands, drawing a very realistic portrait of her with carbon strips, working in a ceramics factory for a week and kneading two ceramic figurines similar to them...

"Are you thirsty? Come, drink some water." Zeng Jing took the water glass handed over by the other party, just took a sip, and before she could swallow it, she heard Liu Xu suddenly say: "Marry me!"

"Pfft!" Zeng Jing spat out the water that was too late to swallow.

Raising her head and looking at Liu Xu with a smirk on her face, Zeng Jing finally realized that the other party was teasing her, so she immediately rushed forward in anger, "I told you to tease me! I told you to tease me!" Facing Liu Xu was A blast of hammer.

Of course, this was just a gentle beating from her daughter's family in shame. If Zeng Jing really came up with the "explosive hammer", I am afraid that Liu Xu's strength will be reduced by several levels in this low-martial arts world. Old blood and internal organs spurted out all over the place.

However, although this world is low in martial arts, it is not safe. Of course, this is only about the degree of threat.

If it was a real life-and-death struggle, Liu Xu would not be too presumptuous.

Liu Xu doesn't have much confidence in fighting, but it's a different matter if it's a life-and-death fight.

Although he has not seen a real martial arts master since he entered the world of "Sword Rain", Liu Xu can see a lot of information from the things shown in the movie. Although it is a world of low martial arts, this world also has Good internal strength and lightness.

In the original work, Ye Zhanqing pretended to marry Jiang Asheng, but was startled away by the other party who took away the clothes and shouted, "There is a naked crazy woman in my room".

After she smashed through the window and fell into the courtyard, she just "flicked" and with the support of Qinggong, she jumped up to the height of nearly four people.

Even if this Ye Zhanqing was chosen by Heishi to replace Xiao Yu, she had excellent talent.

Even if her martial arts were taught by the top master Zhuanlun Wang personally, what she learned must be the first-class internal and light skills.

But judging from the training time...

The vicious woman who killed the groom and the groom's parents in the bridal chamber was at most five years old.

In less than five years, a [-]-year-old girl who only killed people by viciousness and sneak attacks has grown to such a level...

With reference to Ye Zhanqing's growth, excluding her personal talent, the advantages of Zhuanlun King's guidance, it is enough to show that the level of martial arts in the sword rain world is not low.


After getting along with Zeng Jing for such a long time, Liu Xu already knew very well what kind of woman this woman beside him was.

Many women may only have one or two beautiful qualities, which can be seen in Zeng Jing.

It can be said that apart from having a dark and bloody past, Zeng Jing is already a [-]% perfect wife in the eyes of most men.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 662 Miss Zeng Becomes Mrs. Liu

When cooking, the color, fragrance and taste of the simple tea and light rice can be prepared.

At night, I know how to mend clothes, serve tea and water, and wash my husband's feet and cover him with quilts.

Hard work and no complaints.

Xiuwaihuizhong, with unique skills but willing to be ordinary.

He is loyal and will even sacrifice himself for the one he loves.

Can such a woman be found in modern times?

How many men don't love such a woman?

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but subconsciously grabbed Zeng Jing's slender and flexible little hand.

This action immediately made her heart tremble, and she was a little ashamed at once. After looking around and no one was watching, she whispered reproachfully: "A Xu, why do you want to do this?"

What responded to her was Liu Xu's firm words after regaining consciousness: "Will you marry me?"

"Come again?" Zeng Jing's originally very dignified and quiet face suddenly showed a look of embarrassment, and she suddenly pulled out her little hand to call.

Liu Xu quickly turned around and ran...

Just as Zeng Jing was about to chase him down, she caught the surprised and curious eyes of others from the corner of her eye, so she had no choice but to give up, and stomped her feet bitterly at Liu Xu's back.

Granny Cai on the side saw the whole thing from the beginning to the end, and at this moment she teased: "Mr. Liu is funny and humorous, and he is young and promising to invent that kind of soap! He even gave it away... er, my old lady, I still use it! Ah Jing... Let me tell you, ma'am, you are too old..."

Zeng Jing felt a headache when she heard Granny Cai's nagging persuasion.

However, having been a killer for many years, she just practiced coldly, killed people, and was always on guard against plotting others. She still couldn't really lower her face and completely reject Cai Po's persuasion out of concern.

Fortunately, just after Mrs. Cai chattered for a while, a tall man stood in front of the booth and said, "Here, Mrs. Cai, this is my rent for this month." The other party handed Mrs. Cai some money.

I saw that it was Mrs. Cai's tenant.

Zeng Jing looked at the other party curiously, but it happened that the other party also looked over and smiled at her politely.

After the other party said goodbye and ran away, Granny Cai said gossipingly, "Just now this man is named Jiang Asheng, and he just moved in and rented at my place. He is also single...how about I introduce it to you?".

Before she could refute, a joking voice sounded from behind: "Cai Po, you are not kind! Introduce my daughter-in-law to others? Don't tell me you want to be Wang Po?"

After getting along for several months, Zeng Jing recognized the identity of the person at once, and when she turned around, it was indeed Liu Xu who had gone back and forth with a food box.

Seeing Liu Xu comparing himself to the Wang Po who was helping others to commit adultery and harm others, Cai Po immediately stopped doing it, and repeatedly waved the small fan in her hand to retort, "Bah, bah, bah."

Liu Xu was just joking with her, and after teasing her for a few words, he let Granny Cai go, put the food box aside and said to Zeng Jing, "Xiao Jing, let's eat, ignore this old lady with a bad mouth!"

Unsurprisingly, this remark aroused a burst of thoughts from Granny Cai, and the two couldn't help but smile...

In the end, Liu Xu and Zeng Jing's affairs were settled for life as a matter of course.

As a modern person, Liu Xu's wit, humor, thoughtfulness, and erudition gave Zeng Jing a lot of affection. In addition, he really liked this woman from the bottom of his heart, so the final result of the two would not have been the same. Big surprise.

The wedding was different from Zeng Jing and Jiang Asheng's small-scale weddings where only neighbors came. Liu Xu, who had already made a career in the soap industry in Nanjing at this time, naturally had many social connections.

On the day of the big wedding, Liu Xu prepared a full three hundred tables of banquets, and bought a new big mansion, so everything was arranged properly.

And after this day, Zeng Jing changed from "Miss Zeng" to "Mrs. Liu" in an instant.

Although the yard was big, Liu Xu didn't spend his money wantonly on hiring a group of servants to show off his wealth, mainly because he was worried that Zeng Jing would not like it.

The new home is not small. After entering the gate with red lacquer and copper nails and a plaque with "Liu's Mansion" written on it, it is the main courtyard.

The three big houses are arranged in the shape of "pin", enclosing the main courtyard behind the gate.

The courtyard is paved with a "ten"-shaped flagstone floor, and a small fish pond with irregular shape was dug on the muddy floor except the flagstone, in which koi and lotus were raised.

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