Not to mention the flowers and plants, it is also very pleasant to sit in the shade of a few small trees in the courtyard in the hot summer.


After the wedding, there is often a honeymoon.

Regardless of its origin.

At least even for Liu Xu, a [-]-dimensional otaku who hunts for beauty, it is difficult to control his beautiful and dignified newlywed wife within a month after the wedding night.

Not only did Liu Xu reveal the true colors of "Big Big Wolf" and his "cruel nature" on the wedding night, but it also caused Zeng Jing, a martial arts master who has practiced martial arts all year round, has a high physique, is not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and bleeds without tears. Even walking is a little different.

It wasn't until several days later that Zeng Jing fully recovered, and when her body recovered, Liu Xu made even more progress, frequently making excessive demands in the dead of night, when the two of them were alone together...

But to Zeng Jing, Liu Xu's all kinds of unimaginable demands are completely whimsical to her. How can such a thing be like this?

Because of this, Zeng Jing felt very ashamed. Although she was unwilling and refused in every way, Liu Xu's brute force suppressed her and made her helpless.

After all, she didn't know "martial arts" in the past. In order not to reveal the fact that she was proficient in martial arts, she had no choice but to pretend that she was powerless to resist, and in the end she was at the mercy of Liu Xu.

So, under the cocoon of "dumb eating coptis", Zeng Jing had no choice but to pretend to be a weak little wife and let Liu Xu do whatever she wanted.


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Chapter 663

The age of Sword Rain World is around the Hongwu period in the early Ming Dynasty. Although the civil population has withered after the war at the end of the Yuan Dynasty.

But it is also for this reason that resources such as arable land and food are more abundant than in the peak population period, so the people do not seem to be in dire straits.

But because of the existence of martial arts, the situation in this sword rain world is far from being as simple as it seems.

In the play, a place like Nanjing under the emperor's feet can be flourished by a vicious killer organization like "Black Stone", which is like entering no man's land, let alone other places.

According to Liu Xu's view.

In the world of Jianyu, the combat power can be roughly divided into several levels: first-rate masters, second-rate masters, third-rate masters, and the super-first-rate master Lu Zhu monk who played soy sauce in the story.

The third-rate masters are the soy sauce party, but they are enough to torture ordinary soldiers.

Representatives of second-rate masters include Ye Zhanqing, Kongtong Ziqing Shuangjian, and Feiyou Chen.

By the way, among the second-rate masters, the vicious woman Ye Chenqing played by the big sister Xu Xiyuan has the most roles.

The first-class masters are Zhuanlun Wang, Xiao Yu, Jiang Asheng, Lei Bin, and Cai Xishi.

If it is only about martial arts, his kung fu is naturally unable to compete with the masters in the world of Jian Yu, but his path is somewhat similar to that of a Caixi master.

It's just that Caijushi combines martial arts and tricks, while Liu Xu combines Taoism and martial arts.

It's just that Liu Xu is very clear-Taoism is Taoism, martial arts is martial arts, and the two are usually not mixed together.

In fact, what King Zhuanlun said when he severely injured the betrayed Caijushi, "I told you a long time ago that you either practice martial arts or juggling...but you always confuse the two."

Liu Xu also fully agrees, so he concentrates on practicing Taoism. As for martial arts, without the secret method of double cultivation, he can't arouse the interest in cultivation at all.

"It seems that he is destined to change his job as a Necromancer."

Most of the magical powers of Taoism cannot be used. Liu Xu checked the similar directory in his head, and only the Maoshan corpse control technique was still lit, and the other seven killing orders of gods and ghosts were all in a sealed state.


In order to make adequate preparations, during the peaceful days after marriage, Liu Xu practiced his supernatural powers every day, and at the same time quietly spent a lot of money and painstakingly organized his own team.

Because he knew the identities of the people in the Blackstone organization in advance, the spies secretly hired by Liu Xu quickly purchased the file of the wheel-running king Cao Feng from the eunuch who managed the files in the palace. The government of Zhanqing's hometown has checked the household registration information of Ye Zhanqing who "committed suicide in fear of crime a few years ago".

Lei Bin, who lives in a market outside Nanjing and seems to be an ordinary person who likes to make noodles, is also relatively easy to check.

In the end, only the file of Caijushi remained, which could not be verified.

In addition, he also quietly bought corpses as materials for casting spells.


In the evening of this day, Liu Xu had dinner at home, told Zeng Jing that there was something wrong with the factory, and then called the coachman Zhang Er to drive away from Liu's residence.

However, he didn't notice that shortly after he left the compound, Zeng Jing, who used to be a female celebrity under the lamp, also quietly left the house.

The speed of the carriage is naturally not fast.

It was even rarer to run out of speed in the city, so when the car arrived at the wasteland in the north of the city, it was already the tip of the moon, and the sky was completely dark.

The main reason why the wasteland in the north of the city is abandoned is that the terrain is low-lying and humid. During the previous dynasty, when it rained continuously, sewage would flow across the side, and the water would be flooded.

However, after successive melee battles by the rebels against the Yuan in the early Ming Dynasty, there were not many families willing to live here in the depopulated city of Nanjing.

Over time, this depression naturally emptied.

Now there are even more dilapidated houses, and the wind blows between the ruined walls, which is frightening.

Zhang Er parked the car at the front door of a house that was not too small, but had obviously been deserted for a long time.

It seemed that the people in the house had already heard the sound of the carriage, and immediately several young men dressed in black came over to light the lanterns and open the gate.

Liu Xu, who had already changed into black clothes in the carriage and put on a bamboo hat and veil, got out of the carriage, and walked into the mansion under the eyes of everyone full of awe.

In the courtyard, seven long black lacquered coffins were placed in the courtyard where the floor tiles were broken...

At this time, the backbone of the men in black came up, bowed respectfully and said: "Master, these seven corpses are all people who were born in the cloudy year, moon and cloudy day found according to the birth date you listed, and the date of death No more than three months at the farthest, the medicinal powder you gave has been embalmed..."

"Good job." After finishing speaking, Liu Xu sniffed and made a long inhalation sound, and then his voice became colder, "The smell of blood? Did you...kill someone to make up the numbers?"

As soon as this statement came out, the men in black immediately became agitated, and the leader who answered the question became even more nervous: "Master, I... my subordinates really can't gather so many corpses, so..."

"Alas..." Liu Xu sighed, no one could clearly see the expression on his face under the black veil of the bamboo hat.

In the end, he waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Forget it, it would be difficult for you to find so many corpses in such a short period of time. Just let me ask you... the people you killed to make up the number were evil people?"

Hearing this, several men in black knelt down one after another: "Don't worry, Master! You rescued us from the death row in an unjust prison, saved our lives, and made our family have no worries... and taught us the etiquette of being human, how can we Do you want to kill innocent people indiscriminately? These days, the brothers have traveled all over the world, exhausted several good horses, spent a lot of money, and made up five corpses. The last two are also a death row prisoner who murdered a lot in Henan. , and one is a dog official who exploits the people in Cangzhou!"

Liu Xu nodded.


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ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 664 Seven-Star Zombie, Cult Sorcery

Although he does not support this kind of behavior of his subordinates, he is not a pedantic good man like a Tang monk.

Although I don't want to kill a few zombies at will just to refine a few zombies, but the situation is limited.

Next, under the watchful eyes of several people, Liu Xu started to refine the corpse with the magic tools and props he brought.

Because these corpses themselves are carefully selected people who were born in the cloudy year, the moon and the cloudy day, it is not difficult to refine them into zombies.

According to the procedures of the Seven Star Corpse Refining Method, a method of refining zombies that is neither high nor low, Liu Xu completed the spell-casting procedures step by step.

In the end, after cutting his finger and dripping his own blood into the mouths of the seven corpses, Liu Xu pressed the blood vessels to stop the blood, raised his finger, and shouted, "Seven-star zombies, pick up the corpses!"

Accompanied by Liu Xu's forearm upward movement, the seven zombies lying flat in the coffin suddenly jumped upward.

However, it may be the first operation, and there are some technical problems. The seven zombies only got up halfway and then fell back into the coffin.

But at this moment, Liu Xu already knew that he had succeeded in refining the corpse.

It was only because the initial operation was not proficient enough that the zombies were confused about the order.

This is like playing with a remote control toy. It seems that the operation is extremely simple, but if the angle, strength, and coordination of the hands are slightly different, the effect will be completely different.

With the experience of the first failed operation, Liu Xu slowed down the speed of raising his arms a little.

This time, the zombies did not fall back into the coffin but all stood up.

With the index finger and middle finger raised, these zombies jumped up one after another under the urging of mana. They immediately jumped up to half a person's height, and jumped out of the coffin all at once.

At this time, the seven zombies refined according to the seven-star corpse refining method stood in a horizontal row in the middle of the dilapidated courtyard, looking very strange and terrifying under the cold silver-white moonlight.

However, for these wronged prisoners rescued by Liu Xu from death row in the courtyard, and for Liu Xu's subordinates whose loyalty is overwhelming, this magical power that can make the dead move makes their awe of Liu Xu violent. Incremental into.

Liu Xu also felt great, after all, it was the first time, and excitement is inevitable.

However, just when Liu Xu was about to call it a day, a cold voice swept away his excitement like a basin of cold water poured from head to toe.

"Sorcerer?" At some point, Zeng Jing stood in the middle of the courtyard.

"Cang lang! Cang lang! Cang lang!"

A series of sounds of drawing a knife out of its sheath resounded in the courtyard.

For loyal subordinates like himself, Liu Xu naturally hoped that their force value would be as high as possible, so he specially spent a lot of money to hire a martial arts teacher to teach these subordinates the skills of boxing, kicking and sabering.

Although that person's martial arts is just so-so, it's better to learn some than not at all.

After a lot of hard training, it is really interesting to match these steel knives of good quality.

But the opponent is Zeng Jing, who used to be the trump card of the Blackstone Killer, then Smecta.

Zeng Jing didn't even glance at Liu Xu's subordinates, because in her opinion, these people's martial arts were not even "nine-rate"!

Don't talk about her, even a random pre-killer who is still in the training stage from the black stone can kill them all.

Seeing these people under her husband's subordinates, Zeng Jing only felt sad: "Could it be that such a group of people are still involved in fighting in the rivers and lakes? Ambition?"

Although she still doesn't know her husband's purpose, what she just overheard is enough to prove that this seemingly gentle, humorous, and somewhat childish man is actually a leader of a cult.

Not only did he deceive his subordinates and develop a cult with some tricks similar to those of a colorist, but he also made the disciples practice martial arts with swords, which obviously has conspiracy ambitions.

After so many years of being a killer, Zeng Jing, who has seen countless various organizations, can almost conclude that such a gang of mobs and her husband who is poor in martial arts and only uses tricks to deceive people will definitely not end well. ...

Haven't all the cults with larger organizations, deeper concealment, more sophisticated methods, and top-notch masters have been crushed by the court over the years?

It's ridiculous that I still want to quit the arena and live a peaceful and peaceful life, but my husband is still an ambitious and scheming person!

Liu Xu glanced coldly at the subordinates around him, and said, "Put away the knives and get out!"

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