Naturally, these highly loyal subordinates would not object to Liu Xu's order, and they put away their weapons and left the yard after taking a wary look at Zeng Jing, whom they did not know.

After a while, only Liu Xu, Zeng Jing and seven zombies were left in the yard.

"My lady..." Liu Xu took off his hat and veil.

I have to say that Liu Xu's external conditions are really good, with a well-proportioned figure and well-developed muscles, and he looks even more heroic and handsome under a black suit.

Seeing her husband's familiar face, Zeng Jing seemed to calm down a bit.

Looking at Zeng Jing's serious face, Liu Xu inevitably showed a wry smile: "My lady, let's go home and talk about it if there is anything!"


In the master bedroom of his own house, Zeng Jing sat at the table in the outer room absent-mindedly holding a needle and thread in his hand, while Liu Xu leaned forward with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Hey, lady..." Liu Xu just stretched out his hand, trying to caress Zeng Jing's shoulder, when he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and found that her smooth-skinned slender palm had already grasped his fingers.

Zeng Jing lightly pressed her white and slender thumb, and a sharp pain came from the joints and tendons.

If it were an ordinary person, he might kneel on the ground directly after being pressed like this. However, even if Liu Xu had never practiced martial arts, his physical fitness was not comparable to that of ordinary people.


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Chapter 665 The Wheel-Running King Can't Turn With Me

Although Liu Xu doesn't have high-end martial arts such as internal strength and lightness martial arts, the way to grasp joints and tendons is not weaker than the martial arts in the world of sword rain.

With a flip of his wrist, the other hand hit the bend of his elbow, and then he broke free from Zeng Jing's hand with this inch of strength, but he didn't want to think that just after he got out of trouble, Zeng Jing grabbed his wrist again with a small grab on the other side.

And this time Zeng Jing obviously sped up the speed, Liu Xu only felt that his elbow was bent and he was carried behind his back and pressed against the side of the bed.

"Oh... my wife, please forgive me! Please forgive me!" Liu Xu yelled, dancing with his arms and legs, completely losing the appearance of the mysterious leader of the cult before.

Although Zeng Jing already knew from the acquaintance, love, and getting along with each other after getting married that her husband's temperament is completely different from that of ordinary people of this age-in addition to being considerate, careful, and mature, he also has a tendency to be unruly at any time, like a naughty boy However, the huge difference between Liu Xu before and after tonight still makes Zeng Jing a little dumbfounded.

"Speak well, don't try to get away with it!" Zeng Jing asked in a cold voice as her strength increased.

"Honey, let's have a good talk! Let go first! Let go!" Before Liu Xu could finish his sentence, it turned into a series of strange screams of "It hurts, hurts, hurts..." because of Zeng Jing's continuation of Kerry.

Seeing that her husband suffered a lot, Zeng Jing withdrew her strength: "Can you tell me?"

Liu Xu slowed down, stretched out his hand to hug Zeng Jing but was frightened by the other party's cold eyes, he had to smile wryly, and said, "My wife, my husband's business is doing well, and I don't want to organize any cult! But Black Stone If not, how can I sleep?"

Zeng Jing's expression changed when Liu Xu suddenly mentioned Heishi.

As the number one killer before Blackstone, she certainly knows how many dark and bloody deeds Blackstone has done over the years, and how many people have been directly or indirectly killed during the period...

Originally, quitting Blackstone was to be influenced by Lu Zhu, and he didn't want to get blood on his hands, so that he could live an ordinary and peaceful life.

But judging from Liu Xu's words now... Could it be?Could it be that her husband is the one who has a blood feud with Heishi?Maybe... maybe the blood debt of this husband is due to the countless people in his hands?

Thinking of her husband's painful and hateful eyes staring at her after her identity was exposed... Zeng Jing panicked, completely losing the coldness of a top killer.


Liu Xu also saw the change in Zeng Jing's face. Knowing Zeng Jing's character very well, he naturally immediately understood that the other party was thinking wrong, so he quickly said: "My wife, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Heishi. You used to be the killer Xiaoyu." I don't care about the things. I do all this to eradicate Black Stone and prevent them from coming to the door again."

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Zeng Jing was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it, her eyes showed infinite tenderness: "Fool! Do you know how powerful Hei Shi is? You think you can fight against Hei Shi with your three-legged cat's kung fu gone?"

Speaking later, there seemed to be some shimmering in the eye sockets.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's worry, Liu Xu was moved in his heart, but he repeatedly comforted her.

"Black Stone?" Liu Xu sneered, "Isn't it just a killer organization organized by eunuchs?"

"Eunuch?" Zeng Jing was taken aback.

Liu Xu took Zeng Jing's hand and said, "Yes, the leader of the Blackstone Organization, the King of Wheels that everyone fears in the Jianghu is an unsatisfactory messenger eunuch in the palace—Cao Feng!"

"Although Cao Feng's official career in the palace is not going well, he has practiced extremely high martial arts, especially in the forty-two ways of water-avoiding swordsmanship that he taught you, four ultimate moves were deliberately deleted, which can be called martial arts. , The scheming is extremely deep! It’s a pity... the cracking method that Lu Zhu taught you back then was his biggest weakness. If he uses the Zhuan Lun Sword to fight you, my wife, although you are good at martial arts, you are destined to be defeated by him. You are restrained, but...if he finds death and takes your water-avoiding sword to fight you with water-avoiding can defeat him."

Zeng Jing's eyes widened, and she looked at her husband in disbelief, who had no ability other than doing business and practicing some three-legged cat martial arts.

She has never mentioned such secrets as Lu Zhu's teaching, and she is not very clear about the identity of the king of the wheel and the trump cards, but her husband, who seems not to be a martial artist at all, knows everything...

Ignoring Zeng Jing's surprise, Liu Xu continued: "Besides the wheel-running king Cao Feng, there are only three backbone masters in Black Stone—— Lei Bin, Cai Xishi, and Ye Chanqing."

"Oh, by the way, Ye Zhanqing is the newcomer Blackstone found to replace you after you left. She is a woman who looks charming on the surface, but is actually a woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions. Although this woman is vicious and cunning, her martial arts are not as good as Lei Bin and Colorist."

"Lei Bin and Cai Xishi seem to be the main force of Blackstone today. Once you find your wife again, you will definitely be called back by the king of the wheel to deal with you, but in fact, the king of the wheel does not know that these two people There has already been a dissent."

"Because of years of exposure to various drugs, chemicals used in juggling, and hidden wounds accumulated from years of fighting, the theater master has plots against Rama's body; Lei Bin really wants to live a noodle shop with his wife, and also Planning to find an opportunity to get away from Black Stone... So in fact, they are all our 'helpers' in dealing with the Wheel-Turning King, no matter how powerful he is, he can't turn around with me..."

"If everything goes according to my plan... At that time, the three major killers of the Black Stone will besiege the Runner King, and another expert will kill Ye Chanqing and the other Black Stone killers. No matter how good the martial arts are, the Runner King will not escape death! As long as he dies...the theater master takes Rama's body, Lei Bin takes his wife to sell noodles, my wife, you will naturally give me a big fat boy...hehe..." Liu Xu said here and stretched out his hand to Zeng Quiet placket...


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Chapter 666 Husband, do you want to learn martial arts?

From disappointment to shock, Zeng Jing followed Liu Xu overnight and found out that her husband had quietly organized an evil sect, and finally found out that Liu Xu did all this for herself, and her identity as Xiao Yu All the twists and turns that were exposed made Zeng Jing feel a little confused.

At this time, her unscrupulous husband quietly put on her nepotism again, which really made Zeng Jing a little dumbfounded.

Although in terms of martial arts, Zeng Jing's strength surpasses Liu Xu's, even if she does not apply her best swordsmanship, her fists and feet are enough to subdue the opponent in an instant.

But after all, they are husband and wife, and their relationship is quite deep.

After getting along for so long, Zeng Jing also knew that Liu Xu was quite sloppy in this respect, so she resisted a little and then was pushed again by Liu Xu and fell on the bed.

The red was turned over by the waves, lingering all night.


The next day, early in the morning.

Before the sky was bright, Zeng Jing got up from the bed, came to the corner of the yard outside the door, and started to practice martial arts in an open and above board manner.

Now that her identity has been exposed, there is no need for Zeng Jing to hide the fact that she knows martial arts, and under the shadow of Heishi, it is necessary to pick up martial arts.

After practicing for a while, when she turned her head, Zeng Jing saw that Liu Xu, who was still sleeping just now, was standing at the door fully dressed, looking at her.

"Husband, do you want to learn martial arts?"

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, but immediately realized that Zeng Jing's intention was to teach him martial arts!

From Zeng Jing's point of view, when she discovered Liu Xu's plan for the Blackstone Organization, she realized that it might be difficult to persuade Liu Xu.

On the one hand, it was because of Zeng Jing's understanding of Liu Xu, knowing that her husband would never give up the plan easily, and on the other hand, it was because of Zeng Jing's understanding of Heishi.

Although it seems that Liu Xu's organization is very secretive, Zeng Jing, the ace killer of Blackstone, has never been ordered to kill organizations large and small in the past?

Among them, there are many secret organizations secretly established by courtiers and dignitaries to deal with Heishi, but the result is that these organizations that think they are secret are discovered by Heishi one after another, and then strangled.

The dark cornerstone of the court - and that's not just talk.

After so many years of construction by the King of the Wheel, the Blackstone organization is not just as simple as a few masters.

In the organization, in addition to first-class killers like myself, Lei Bin, and Cai Xishi, there are also "civilians" like Feiyou Chen who are responsible for accounting, correspondence, and task assignments, and second-class killers, There are more than a thousand third-class killers, and even ordinary killers who are still in training.

Although they are usually scattered all over Daming, as the headquarters of Blackstone, the density of Blackstone killers in Nanjing is the highest in the entire Ming Dynasty.

The wily and calculating King of the Wheel scattered his masters inside and outside Nanjing. These killers do not communicate with each other on weekdays, and everyone hides in the market like ordinary people.

It's just that when the black stone orders, once the special signal fireworks are launched, all the killers will move after hearing the news, and quickly gather around the king of the wheel, forming a powerful Russian force.

Naturally, Zeng Jing was worried about Liu Xu, a person who only knows how to fight outsiders and has no internal skills to deal with Heishi.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Zeng Jing, who knew that she could not stop Liu Xu, decided to teach Liu Xu martial arts, so that her husband would have a greater hope of survival in the event of future conflicts.

Liu Xu is dispensable for practicing martial arts, but in order not to disappoint Zeng Jing, he began to practice internal and light skills in the world of sword rain.


As time goes by, the rabbit flies away.

The days of concentrating on one's mind always pass quickly. When Liu Xu achieved some success in martial arts, it was the news of Feiyou Chen's killing that made him end this intoxicating inner strength practice.

Although Fatty Chen is not an important person in the main plot, he is an out-and-out high-level person in Blackstone.

Although in terms of martial arts, he is not as fat as Xiaoyu, Lei Bin, and Cai Xishi, but because of his fairly high loyalty and expertise in accounting, he has been doing the work of keeping accounts and collecting money for the king of runners.

Every year, the offerings sent to Nanjing by officials from all over the country are secretly collected by him, and then turned over to the account.

If he hadn't come, even the scheming Wheel-Running King would have to settle the accounts and count the money himself, and he would be in a hurry for a while.

After hearing the news, Liu Xu understood that this was the beginning of Jiang Asheng's revenge plan, that is, Zhang Renfeng, who had killed his whole family by Black Stone.



After a busy day, Lei Bin, who cooked the noodles made yesterday, was sitting on the threshold of his small courtyard with a big porcelain bowl, chomping down on noodles that hadn't been successfully tested.

People have different hobbies and ideals.

Lei Bin's hobby and ideal is to make a new type of noodles, and then go to the south with his wife to open a small noodle restaurant, and then live an ordinary life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Suddenly, Lei Bin's ears moved, and after a meal in his hands, he continued to eat noodles with big mouthfuls, but his eyes had already turned to the door of the small courtyard.

A few seconds later, a few young men in ordinary clothes, who seemed to have something bulging around their waists, came in from the door.

There was a chill in Lei Bin's seemingly calm eyes, the cuffs, soles, back placket and many other places flying needles could be shot at any time to take people's lives.

But at this moment, a well-dressed man who was about the same age as him walked into the courtyard last.

Glancing around a few times, Liu Xu smiled: "I'll give you a chance to get rid of the control of the King of the Wheel... Do you want to do it?"

One sentence touched Lei Bin's heart.

However, after a brief hesitation, Lei Bin's reverence for the Wheel-Running King regained the upper hand.


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