Chapter 669

"Zombies? I didn't expect such absurd things to actually exist." The King of Wheels said to himself with a strange expression.

At this moment, another zombie rushed over, the Wheel-Turning King smiled contemptuously, and swung the sword at the zombie's neck with a buzzing sound.


The watermelon-sized head was chopped off, but Liu Xu, who was hiding in the dark, was not surprised.

Having communicated with Zeng Jing about the fighting power of Zhuan Lun Wang, Lei Bin, Cai Xishi and other Jianghu masters, he already knew that the power of martial arts fighters in the world of Sword Rain is no longer determined solely by muscle strength. In a move, the quality and strength of the internal force are the main factors that determine the power of the move.

The previous sword of Zhuanlun King was like a broken leather, and it did not seriously damage the body of the zombie, which was as hard as rotten wood wrapped in layers of cowhide.

That's just because the wheel-running king didn't exert internal force on the sword, and wanted to kill the opponent simply with moves and hand speed to save internal force.

But the second time, when he missed a hit, he paid more attention to this enemy whose body skills, internal strength, and moves were all inferior, and added internal strength to the runner sword, and finally killed him with one sword.

According to Zhuan Lun Wang's body skills and martial arts, it only took a little time to kill these seven zombies.

However, the few people who had been prepared for a long time obviously would not watch him clean up the zombies. The first one to do it was Lei Bin, who was the most daring to betray.

Because he knew the methods of the wheel-turning king, if the wheel-turning king did not die tonight, his wife and children would be in danger.

As soon as Lei Bin raised his hand, six or seven flying needles were shot out, and the whole person also used his body skills to pounce on it, obviously doing it with all his strength.

As soon as he moved, the colorists beside him who thought they were teaming up in pairs also immediately moved.

The two short knives were burning with flames, and the whole person kept spinning and walking, and the robe with countless secret pockets fluttering up and down could block the enemy's sight.

If the enemy doesn't know the details, he will be dazzled easily, and if he makes a careless move, he will be defeated and die.

Jiang Asheng's uneven swordsmanship is one long and one short, one light and one heavy, both offensive and defensive. His combination of defense and attack changes a lot. Although the white sword is long but light, the black sword is short but heavy. One-step ultimate move, even the King of Wheels cannot defeat it in a short period of time one-on-one.

Now Lei Bin, Jiang Asheng, and Cai Xishi are attacking together, and there are six zombies around him participating in the siege... The King of Wheels immediately fell into a hard fight!

At this time, Ye Zhanqing also joined the battle, attacking Jiang Asheng with a sword, trying to break the siege of Zhuanlun Wang.

However, Ye Zhanqing's calculations were sound - she knew that Cai Xishi and Lei Bin were the top killers of Blackstone, and that they had learned martial arts far longer than her own, and she was not an opponent, so she chose the honest-looking Jiang Asheng.

However, she didn't know that Jiang Asheng's martial arts was actually stronger than Lei Bin and Cai Xishi!In the original work, with the help of many killers, he defeated her and Lei Bin in a one-on-two.

In this confrontation, Ye Zhanqing was naturally beaten to the point of collapse, and was in a panic.

But if things go on like this, Ye Zhanqing has delayed Jiang Asheng for a while after all, but the runner king who was besieged by Cai Xishi and Lei Bin is likely to kill one of them, and then come back.

After all, Lei Bin was good at sneak attacks and long-distance attacks. Although Cai Xishi's moves were fancy, they were not practical after all. Once they were figured out, they could be easily countered.

Naturally, it would not be difficult for a martial arts master like Zhuanlun Wang to defeat the two after a period of time.

It's like forming a group to fight a boss, and in the end, an archer and a French warrior came, without mt and output... How could it be easy to blow up?

But what Xiaoyu was waiting for was this moment. As the killer with the highest output in Blackstone, her joining quickly tipped the balance of the entire battle situation!

In terms of the martial arts of Zhuan Lun Wang, he can deal with any one of several people with full confidence when fighting alone.

The martial arts of the Caijushi is mixed with juggling, flashy, and if he sees his flaws for a long time, he will be defeated and die.

Lei Bin's flying needle is sharp, but it is a heavy assault weapon after all. If he is trained to the level of "Xiao Li's flying knife", he can naturally kill countless runner kings, but as far as Lei Bin's level is concerned, it is not enough In order to fight against the runner king, although you can support it longer than the color player with Yudou, you will definitely lose in the end.

Jiang Asheng's uneven swordsmanship is both offensive and defensive, weird and changeable, and his personal internal strength and cultivation are also relatively much higher than that of Cai Xishi and Lei Bin. He can fight against the runner king for a long time, but after all, he is not as good as the runner king after years of martial arts training. ——Maybe he has practiced hard for ten or eight years, and maybe he can be on an equal footing with the wheel-running king, but he still can't do it now.

Xiaoyu's martial arts is the highest, internal strength, talent, speed, and practical experience are among the few. However, his main martial arts "Water-avoiding Swordsmanship" is learned from Zhuanlun Wang!

In order to control Xiao Yu, the King of the Wheel secretly concealed four tricks in order to restrain Xiao Yu.

Therefore, in a normal battle, Xiaoyu would be at a disadvantage, but if she could rely on her own speed and experience to resist, if it took a little longer, she would lose.

Of the four people, none of them was an opponent of the Wheel-Running King.

However, if there are four against one, and there are six fearless, thick-skinned and strong zombies to help, then the whole scene will be completely reversed.


Caijushi's two flaming short knives swirled and danced, and there was a strangeness in the frontal attack. The chacha sword, which was both offensive and defensive, stared at all the vital points of the runner king.

Lei Bin's flying needles can suddenly fly out from fingertips, cuffs, elbows, knees, soles, and even the back of the neck with a punch and kick, and go straight to the vital point.

Just as King Zhuanlun swung his sword to block two flying needles, the other side had to use Qinggong to jump up suddenly to avoid Jiang Asheng's uneven sword that was swept from his feet.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 670

Before the people on this side landed on the ground, the Caijushi chased after him with a strange smile, and quickly slashed at the wheel-running king with two short knives.

However, Caijushi's kung fu is far inferior to that of Zhuanlun Wang after all. After a few moves in the air, Caijishi was kicked away by Zhuanlunwang.

But at this time, Xiao Yu had already seen the right time and attacked with a sword as fast as a sword. If the King of the Wheel was not too familiar with the water-avoiding swordsmanship, he might have hated him on the spot.

"Hurry up and help!" Ye Chanqing, who was forced to retreat from Xiaoyu's neutral position, and Wang Chong, who was already retreating to protect himself, shouted loudly!

After all, Ye Zhanqing had an inexplicable affection for the King of the Wheel, but Ye Zhanqing finally caught up to support him.

In fact, she also has her own calculations. From Ye Chenqing's point of view, as long as she holds down any one of the four, she can kill one of them easily with the strength of the wheel-running king, and then gradually kill the other two. It is not impossible to turn defeat into victory if you turn over to support yourself.

And as a person who is still on the side of the Zhuanlun King in times of crisis, he will naturally be valued by the Zhuanlun King after the matter is over. With the background of the Zhuanlun King, it is not difficult to find better martial arts for himself, and Xiaoyu She will also bring the water-avoiding sword after her death.

It's a pity that everyone can make wishful thinking, but it is not easy to realize it.

As soon as Ye Zhanqing joined the battle, she realized that she was wrong, because the strength of several people in the circle far surpassed her.

After going in and fighting a few swords, Jiang Asheng easily blocked him, and with a backhand he smashed out of the battle circle.

He rushed forward again, but was scratched by Xiao Yu's backhand sword on his sleeve. Although he pulled back to dodge in time, he was also left with a thin and straight scar by the sword energy.

If it is placed in later generations, it will be as thin as the wound cut by the incomparably sharp scalpel, just like the meaning of the name drizzle, the wounds of the people killed by it are as thin as drizzle.

Now Ye Zhanqing, who was a little timid, no longer dared to join the battle, but was unwilling to run away, so he turned to attack the six zombies.

Obviously, zombies who don't know martial arts are much easier to deal with than a few masters.

Because she also had some understanding of the situation of the zombies, Ye Chanqing was more than enough to fight against the zombies, and within a few seconds, she cut two heads and killed one.

This move also helped the Wheel-Winning King bear part of the pressure, at least after the zombies were transferred away, the Wheel-Winning King had a lot more room to move around.


At this moment, the fight became more and more intense, and the Wheel-Running King was no match for four hands after all.

Just blocked the siege of Cai Xishi and Xiao Yu, but there was an omission in the other side's defense against Jiang Asheng.

After all, the two-handed swordsmanship is relatively complicated. For a while, I didn't expect that a wheel-turning king who had changed his moves was stabbed in the side by Jiang Asheng's dagger.

Although the sword tip was dodged by the wheel king as soon as it entered the body, it was injured after all.

The morale of the four people who had succeeded was greatly increased, and the attack became much more violent.

In just a few seconds, the wheel runner king with slight injuries on his waist was hit again, and was nailed to the bone of the calf by Lei Bin's concealed flying needle on the sole of his foot.

This kind of flying needle will be nailed into the extremely hard wooden pillar of the house, and the flying needle that splits a small piece of wood will naturally have a better effect on the human calf.

Although it is said that the flying needle is not poisoned and it is not a fatal part, the inconvenience of the calf makes the runner king even worse.

After a few more rounds of free-strength fighting, half of the palm was cut off by the cunning colorist again.

"Ah!" Zhuan Lun King's cry of pain lasted for less than half a second before Xiao Yu's sword pierced the wrist holding Zhuan Lun Sword again.

The tendon in his hand was severed, and the heavy Zhuan Lun sword fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"No! I'll give you money..." Before the Wheel-Turning King finished speaking, Lei Bin's hand was as thick as a little finger, and more like a business stab, and a flying needle pierced it from his back.

Directly in front of his body, two short knives that were still burning fiercely pierced his mouth.

Above the neck, a thin and long wound cut across his laryngeal artery.

On the top of the head, a black short sword penetrated the entire head.

In the end, the wheel-running king was outnumbered, defeated and died.


Seeing the death of King Zhuanlun, Ye Chanqing, who had no emotion in his personality and was loyal, didn't even have any thoughts of revenge. Escape easily when pursued by others.

Things are over.

Liu Xu came out from the dark, wearing a black robe and a black veil covering his face: "Let's go, Ah Jing."

After finishing speaking, he moved his fingers, and the only three zombies left after the great battle jumped up and followed, and the corpses of the zombies left on the ground will naturally be completely purified by the sun when the sun rises tomorrow.

"Stop!" A voice suddenly sounded from behind Liu Xu.

"What else do you need?" Liu Xu turned his head slowly, Jiang Asheng who called to stop Liu Xu was pointing his sword at him.

"I don't care who you are, but Black Stone's killer has not been wiped out, and my Zhang family's hatred has not yet..."

"Revenge?" Liu Xu shook his head. Others couldn't see his expression under the black veil. "The King of Wheels, the chief culprit of Black Stone, is dead. Who else do you want to kill? Lei Bin? The Caitist? Or my wife?" Zeng Jing?"

Hearing this, Lei Bin and Cai Xishi couldn't help but cast a vigilant and somewhat malicious look at Jiang Asheng.

The scene became dangerous again.

Jiang Asheng was silent for a while, and finally put down the long sword he was holding.

Several other people present also breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Xu smiled: "Jiang Asheng, you are a good person, hurry up and make some money and find a wife, you should be happy. But... I guess it will be difficult for you to find a better woman than Ah Jing, hehe..."

The last sentence made Jiang Asheng a little confused.

Liu Xu ignored him, turned around and took Zeng Jing's little hand and left leisurely...

It's over, brush your clothes and go!


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

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