Chapter 671 It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines

Two years later, Liu Xu dragged Zeng Jing out of the world of "Sword Rain".

It is speechless to say that Liu Xu has never found an opportunity to travel back. He thought that killing the runner king would be the time to return, but he still stayed in the world of "Sword Rain".

Later, by chance, Liu Xu used Zeng Jing's Pishui sword. When practicing the sword, the Pishui sword in his hand became brighter and brighter. When the light finally faded, Liu Xu took a closer look. The water sword is clearly the Qing Ming sword.

At this moment, Liu Xu and Zeng Jing returned to the modern world.

Because before this, Liu Xu had already instilled many basic information about the earth to Zeng Jing more than a year in advance, so Zeng Jing was not too surprised. Twist your back...

Although for Liu Xu, he hadn't seen Gulinaza for several years, but thanks to the different speed of time, for Gulinaza, it was just a sleep.

The so-called little farewell is better than a newlywed, Liu Xu didn't care if Gu Li Nazha was asleep or not, he just rushed over and had another burst of sex.

After finishing the work, Liu Xu covered Gu Lina Zha who was sleeping with a quilt, and ran to Zeng Jing's room.

"Hey, wife, haven't you slept yet?" As soon as Liu Xu entered the room, he saw Zeng Jing sitting by the bed and flipping through a magazine.

Under the orange bedroom light, Zeng Jing, with her waist-length hair and a handsome figure, looked so charming.

Seeing Liu Xu's playful smile, Zeng Jing laughed angrily, and said angrily, "Why aren't you with the lady you hid?"

"This woman is really jealous." Liu Xu smiled wryly, but said: "Aren't you my wife too? I can't hold a bowl of water evenly?"

Zeng Jing rolled his eyes at him, then sighed helplessly and said: "Forget it, it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Although I also want two people to stay together for life, it's pretty good that you didn't have concubines when you were in the capital." .And... I am the concubine in terms of coming in first and last?"

"What kind of concubine or not! We only have a wife in our family. From now on, you and Nazha will be my darlings! We are all equal! Okay?" Liu Xu stared into Zeng Jing's eyes and said sincerely.

Faced with this very touching scene of showing true feelings, Zeng Jing gave Liu Xu a hard look.

"Where are you touching? You're not serious!"

Liu Xu shyly withdrew his right hand that had climbed the mountain through his clothes just now.

Seeing Liu Xu wanting to push her but not daring to do so, Zeng Jing couldn't help but burst out laughing, the seductiveness that was usually concealed by dignified and glamorousness revealed, and the sparkle in her eyes flowed: "Husband, you have made great progress in martial arts in the past two years. It's almost approaching the level of a second-rate master in the rivers and lakes! If a few years later, I'm afraid that you will be forced to come if you don't want to be my concubine... It's better to give it to you now..."

Liu Xu didn't tell her that after he returned to modern times, all his Taoist supernatural powers had been unlocked, and now Liu Xu wanted to slap Zeng Jing, it would be a matter of minutes.

Hearing Zeng Jing's jesting words that were seven parts true and three parts false, Liu Xu was naturally extremely excited. He turned into a wolf and threw him on the bed...

Zeng Jing knew Gu Li Nazha, but Gu Li Na Zha didn't know Zeng Jing, and she didn't have this chance, because after Zeng Jing followed Liu Xu to the modern society, her body had turned into a overflowing stream after some sex. Cai Liuguang, with a "swish", went into the Qingming sword.

Liu Xu's mind can communicate with the Qingming Sword, Zeng Jing turned into the sword soul, and can only stay in the sword for the time being, but fortunately, she seems to be sleeping because of the stagnation in time.

The word Qingming also changed, becoming Seven Stars.

However, it stands to reason that the Qingming sword should wear "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". As a result, Liu Xu went to "Sword Rain", so even if it is Cao Cao's Seven Star Sword, it does not mean that it will pass through the Three Kingdoms, and it has no reference value at all.

Liu Xu originally wanted to go to Huang Yijiang, but later changed his mind, he planned to buy a car and a house.

Huang Yijiang wanted to help him here, so Liu Xu naturally couldn't treat his woman badly.

He called Huang Yijiang.

"Yijiang, what do Boss Liu and Boss Hao mean by partnering in betting on stones? Tell me, let me listen." Liu Xu still remembers the betting on stones, after all, he expects the betting on stones to find chalcedony!

Huang Yijiang thought for a while and said: "Every year there will be a stone betting fair in Yunnan, and there will be all kinds of betting stone wool shipped from Myanmar to China, and all jewelry dealers at home and abroad will be collected, including some well-known international ones. For example, Liu Gui Fu, Chow Tai Sang, etc., will participate."

"And what Uncle Hao and Uncle Liu mean is that when the next stone betting market comes, they will hire you as a rock technician. If you can bring them a lot of profits in the stone betting market, they should give you a proportional amount of money." Dividend."

"Of course, you can also invest in the rock yourself. You are just the master they hired."

"Also, I think you should accept the invitation of the two of them. Although your financial resources are very strong, it is very chaotic over there... Without acquaintances, accidents are easy to happen... But if the three of you are in partnership, it will save a lot of trouble ..."

"Well, I understand, but today I have something to do, so I can't go to you. Like this, you take the check and convert it into cash first, and then help me rent a store in Panjiayuan, at least comparable to Boss Hao's store, everything You can be the master."

"Oh, okay, then I'll really be in charge?" Huang Yijiang said with a smile.

"Yeah." Liu Xu nodded: "From now on, you will be the master of the store."

He is not good at antiques, so he really needs Huang Yijiang to call the shots.

"Then I'll hang up first, and I'll call you when I find the shop." Huang Yijiang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 672 I have long wanted to buy a mini for Xiaomi

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Liu Xu and Gu Li Nazha left the rented place by car together.

Liu Xu handed her a bottle of water and said, "After seeing the house, let's go buy a car. We can't get around without a car in the future."

"Buy a car?" Hearing Liu Xu's words, Gu Li Nazha's eyes lit up.

Many of her classmates were picked up by luxury cars, but when it comes to those who actually own cars, there are not many people. Unless the family's financial situation is really good, there are still very few people who buy cars during school.

"Brother, what price do you want?" Gulinaza asked excitedly.

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "I plan to buy a Land Rover, or an MPV-type commercial vehicle."

"Oh!" Gu Li Nazha heard him say this, and knew that this car was not bought for herself.

"Liu Xu, I have seen two houses, both of which are near here. They belong to the school district and are less than five minutes away from my school. One is for rent, and the other can be rented or sold. The houses are not small, more than a hundred flat."

"If you like it, buy it directly. How much is the house price?" Liu Xu asked.

"The housing in the school district is a bit more expensive, about [-] yuan." Gu Li Nazha looked at Liu Xu and said.

"Forty thousand?" Liu Xu frowned. If nearly forty thousand is more than one hundred square meters, wouldn't it cost more than four million?

This can buy a big villa in other cities.

"There are also cheaper ones of about [-] yuan, but the buildings are relatively old. They are all houses in the [-]s, and they are a little farther away." Gu Li Nazha explained.

"If there is a difference of [-] yuan, it is better to buy a new building and a new type of apartment, which is close to the college. Come on, take me to see the house." Liu Xu didn't care about the price difference of more than one million yuan.

The two drove the car into a community. The real estate was a new one. The environment of the community was good. There were six or seven high-rise buildings and more than fifty standard six-story buildings.

The house for rent and sale is for residents on the [-]th floor of a high-rise, with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. It is transparent from north to south, with good lighting and fine decoration.

After Liu Xu entered the room, he immediately fell in love with him. Although the fifteenth floor is not too high, standing at the window, he can still see half of the capital city.

"If you want the furniture, you can keep it. If you don't want it, we can only sell it as old things." The owner of the house is a couple who seem to be high-end intellectuals. They claim that if they want to go abroad, they should be immigrants and should not be short of money. Otherwise, the house would not be rented and sold again.

"Then let's keep it, as we don't need to buy it." Liu Xu found that the furniture and TVs in the house are not old, and he takes good care of them on weekdays. Can he not take care of his own things?

"If you make a one-time payment, it will be calculated as [-] square meters." The homeowner said with a smile.

"Don't let it be [-]. Let's buy it now. How about four million? If it's higher than four million, we'll see. We're not in a hurry to buy." Gulinaza Although I knew that Liu Xu was rich, but spending so much money felt very distressed, so I still had to negotiate the price.

"Okay!" The homeowner was also very refreshing.

After negotiating with each other, they immediately went to the Haidian Real Estate Transaction Center, intending to pay the transaction tax before noon break.

The two homeowners drive a BMW mini, a very beautiful grocery shopping cart. The most important thing is that there is a sign for sale on their rear window. It seems that their car is also for sale.

Liu Xu stared at the car for a few moments, but didn't ask any questions.

After paying taxes at the real estate transaction hall and signing the contract with each other, the transaction is considered to be officially completed.

Liu Xu received the receipt, which also stated that he was required to receive a new real estate certificate in a few days.

The owner of the house gave him five keys, as well as the access card of the community.

After leaving the real estate trading hall, Liu Xu took He Gulina straight to the South Road of West Third Ring Road, Fengtai District. When he drove past, he remembered that there was a BMW 4S shop nearby.

He also wants to buy a BMW mini. This is what he suddenly remembered when he saw the owner's mini just now. In fact, deep down in his heart, Liu Xu has long wanted to buy a mini for Xiaomi.

Two white convertible BMW minis, one for Huang Yijiang and one for Gu Li Nazha, but the latter didn't even have a driver's license yet, but Liu Xu bought it anyway, and then contacted a driving school with the help of a 4S store.

In addition, Liu Xu bought a white Land Rover as a current car, and the car was a current car, so Liu Xu bought it at a higher price.

That's right, if you want to buy a current car, you need to increase the price, otherwise you will have to wait for at least ten days or at most several months.

Liu Xu couldn't wait, so he swiped his card directly. The three cars cost more than three million yuan, and the 4S shop was responsible for registering and registering.

Liu Xu drove away in a Land Rover, and the two minis were driven by the 4S store staff to Panjiayuan and the underground parking lot of his newly bought house in the afternoon.

He didn't plan to let Gu Li Nazha get to know Huang Yijiang right now, so after the car drove her home, he drove the Land Rover towards Panjiayuan alone.

Half an hour later, Liu Xu entered Ming Yu Zhai, but Boss Hao was not there, only Huang Yijiang and two waitresses were eating fast food on the first floor.

"Liu Xu? Are you finished? Have you eaten yet?" Seeing Liu Xu coming in, Huang Yijiang got up immediately, and the two waitresses also smiled at Liu Xu. Liu Xu always came these two days, so they knew each other.

"I haven't eaten yet, let's go out with me to show you something." Liu Xu took Huang Yijiang's hand and walked out.

Huang Yijiang turned around, picked up the phone and followed out in confusion.

In the parking lot outside Panjiayuan, she saw two new cars, one was a wild and unrestrained Land Rover Discovery, and the other was a small and exquisite BMW mini.

"Thank you." When Liu Xu put the car keys in her hand, Huang Yijiang still couldn't help being a little excited.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 673 There's a Line of Poem I've Always Missed

Although Huang Yijiang has been a high-level white-collar worker all these years and has a driver's license long ago, she just bought a house not long ago and still has no plans to buy a car in the short term. Even if she wants to buy a car, she needs a loan.

But she didn't expect that Liu Xu bought her a mini after going out for a day.

Although this car is not expensive, it is small and exquisite, suitable for girls to drive.

"Don't be too polite with me. You can use this car for transportation first, and then change to another one after you have driven enough." Liu Xu completely looked like a nouveau riche.

"If it's not enough, it's enough." Huang Yijiang said satisfied.

"Get in the car and try?" Liu Xu suggested.

Huang Yijiang shook his head and said: "My hands are a little raw, you should help me drive to a place where there are few cars and no one, and then I can practice."

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