"All right."

Although Liu Xu's method seemed a bit unimaginable, Chen An'an was relieved when he saw that the patient's heart rate, blood pressure, etc. were normal in the instrument.

And the assistant girl who had been waiting outside the operating room saw that the patient was still intact, and she couldn't help but happily asked: "Director Chen, what's the name of this handsome guy, he is really a master Hua Tuo."

Chen An'an blushed, and couldn't help but think of the scene when Liu Xu's hand was caressing those female patients, and spat and said, "What a wonderful hand, Hua Tuo, I'm still a miracle doctor!"

After speaking, he stepped on his shoes and walked away.

Outside the operating room, when Liu Xu was about to talk to Chen An'an, there was a burst of noisy footsteps in the corridor outside.

Two nurses hurriedly pushed a seriously injured patient into operating room No. [-]. The patient was so badly injured that even the hemostatic bandage was stained red. Operating room No. [-] was also the operating room dedicated to Chen Anan.

"What's the situation?"

Liu Xu frowned, and followed Chen An'an who hurriedly changed into the operating room.

In the operating room, when the hemostatic bandage was unwrapped, several people including Chen An'an were taken aback.

A gunshot wound, and it was a serious gunshot wound. A young man was shot in the abdomen. No wonder the emergency department insisted that Director Chen perform the surgery himself. No one else could handle such a serious gunshot wound.

Except for Chen An'an, the assistants obviously had no experience in dealing with gunshot wounds, so they were a little confused standing where they were.

Only Chen An'an's eyes were serious, and he started to cut the wound with the knife, and the abdominal wound had just been cut open.


Arterial blood spurted out, spraying Chen An'an's head and face, and the nurse next to her quickly wiped it off.

Afterwards, several assistants came back to their senses, rushed for an emergency blood transfusion, pushed the automatic hook device over, and several streams of arterial blood spurted out.

Two bullets were taken out one after another, and the large-caliber rifle bullets were placed in the tray and made a crisp sound.

Seeing that the patient's blood pressure was dropping sharply, Chen An'an was sweating on his forehead. In desperation, he simply reached into the patient's abdominal cavity to find blood vessels, trying to find broken arteries from the blood-filled abdominal cavity.

Chen An'an couldn't do it alone, and was a little anxious: "What are you doing in a daze, can you help me find blood vessels?"

The assistants next to me heard that they looked at each other, and they couldn't find any broken blood vessels after a lot of scrambling. There was too much blood flowing, and it was too difficult to find one or several broken arteries from the blood filling the abdominal cavity.

Liu Xu couldn't bear it anymore, took a step forward, bumped the second assistant with his shoulder, and the young second assistant hurriedly made way for him, wishing someone could take over.

Liu Xu stood opposite the chief surgeon, squinted his eyes, and reached out his hand directly like Chen An'an.

Although he was wearing gloves on his hands, Liu Xu still lightly touched the transverse pancreatic artery, which was interrupted by the bullet, which was also the source of the massive bleeding with his keen sense of touch.

Liu Xu said softly, "I found it. The transverse pancreatic artery is right by my hand."

The fingers of the two people touched slightly in the blood-filled abdominal cavity. Chen Anan took it over with relief, asked the hemostat to slide the suture, sutured the needle, and then pointed his eyes at the microsurgical mirror to start suturing.

Wearing blood-stained gloves, Liu Xu stepped back gently, and had to accept the attention of the first assistant, the second assistant, the equipment nurse, the peripheral nurse, and all the colleagues in the surgery group, except Chen An'an who was immersed in the operation.

The eyes of all the colleagues in the surgery group were full of surprise, astonishment, and incomprehensible expressions.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 686 Gunshot wound, beautiful woman

Because they discovered that they didn't know this person at all?

Is it the new doctor at the hospital?

so young?

Even Director Chen, who had returned from studying abroad, couldn't find the blood vessel for a while, but he found it easily?

The blood finally stopped under Director Chen's skillful hand. Liu Xuping held his blood-stained hand and turned his head to look at the wounded with a painful expression. Looking closely at the face, it was a bit ugly, but it seemed to be familiar, could it be acquaintance?

This man didn't know what kind of good luck he had. He was shot twice and only interrupted one artery, and he also met himself.

Two hours later, Chen An'an finally raised his head and spoke softly: "Little Ma, you can sew up the wound!"

The first assistant hurriedly took over to suture the wound and completed the last step of the rescue operation.

Liu Xu glanced at the gradually stabilized data on the monitoring equipment, and admired how vigorous this person's vitality was.

After half an hour, the ward.

In the empty intensive care unit, there were only a few medical staff and the only family member of the patient, a tall and gorgeous woman in a tight black leather jacket.

The patient who had just recovered his life from the line of life and death was lying quietly on the bed, but the tall beautiful woman was acting strangely, standing by the window and looking downstairs, she didn't seem to care about the patient's life or death.

Chen An'an held the medical record in one hand, opened the patient's eyelids with the other hand, and was doing postoperative examination on the patient.

The operation was perfect and there was a little inflammation, but it was still within the acceptable range.

A few seconds later, Chen An'an glanced at the charming girl by the window who was behaving strangely, winked calmly, and a little nurse bowed her head knowingly and slipped out of the ward to call the police.

Gunshot wound, beautiful woman, this situation is indeed too weird.

Liu Xu also instinctively sensed a hint of danger, and stood beside Chen An'an quietly to protect her.

Chen Anan is such a mature and independent woman, of course she also has rich social experience, so she calmly probed: "Girl, who are you?"

The beautiful girl outside the window turned her head and answered easily: "We are friends, what's the matter?"

Chen An'an was a little at a loss for words, Liu Xu hurriedly helped her out: "Oh, it's nothing...Miss, please go to the front desk to settle the bill and pay the hospital deposit by the way."

The beauty in leather was quite happy, she nodded slightly, stepped on her long legs, and walked out in fashionable boots.

After the door was closed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help getting together to discuss enthusiastically, who is so mysterious.

Assistant Xiao Ma rubbed his nose, a little excited: "I think these two are professional killers, so cool."

A few nurses also discussed enthusiastically: "It's either a professional killer or a drug dealer. Anyway, it doesn't look like a good person."

After a heated discussion, Chen An'an was still more stable, frowned and scolded: "Guess what, how can a professional killer dare to come to the hospital in such an open manner, don't talk nonsense, it will be clear when the police arrive."

Seeing that the director was upset, a group of people shut up and dared not speak.

Ten minutes later the police came, and several police officers from the criminal police team of the sub-bureau entered the ward.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and even Liu Xu couldn't help staring at the mysterious tall beauty, subconsciously stepped forward to block Chen An'an, afraid that this cool woman would suddenly draw a gun.

Several policemen were also very alert, and said in a deep voice: "Comrade, please show your ID card."

The tall beauty didn't panic when she saw the policeman, she took out her ID card from her pocket and handed it over as if nothing had happened.

Several police officers took a look at her ID, and they were all relieved: "My own is a comrade of the Border Anti-smuggling Brigade."

Everyone, including Chen An'an, was relieved. After a long time, these two mysterious people are border anti-smuggling policemen, no wonder.

Border police is a very dangerous job. They usually have to contact human traffickers and smugglers, and their identities need to be kept strictly confidential. It is inevitable that they will be mysterious.

A few criminal policemen were relieved at once, and they took the initiative to ask the comrade if he could help, just ask.

The tall beauty also showed great generosity: "It's okay, people in our business are often shot, this is the second time this month, I'm used to it."

Everyone present, including Liu Xu, couldn't help showing admiration and admiration on their faces, and all doubts were gone.

Except Liu Xu.

In the operating room just now, after Chen Anan took out the bullet, Liu Xu casually glanced at the [-]mm bullet.

Through An Ran's training, Liu Xu has a good understanding of guns. Naturally, he knows that [-]mm ammunition is the standard ammunition for Type [-] rifles, and the only army in the world equipped with [-] rifles is the Chinese army!

It is too puzzling why a border anti-smuggling plainclothes policeman was shot twice by the [-] rifle equipped by the border guards!

Liu Xu's first reaction was to call the police, but on second thought...

The patient who was shot was still in a coma, and the tall beauty in leather was smoking in the corridor, with a relaxed expression on her face.

Such an outstanding beauty also attracted whispers from colleagues: "Why is this beauty so cool?"

Someone nearby replied in a low voice: "I heard it's a border anti-smuggling policeman. Hehe, it looks like he often plays with guns. It's pretty cool."

This sentence is a bit ambiguous, causing a group of young men to laugh dryly with malicious intentions. A group of men gathered together to talk about women, of course they dare to say anything.

It was agreed to go to Chen An'an's house to stay temporarily, but Liu Xu never thought that she would be up so late at work...

Time passed quickly, and the inpatient area became quiet after one o'clock in the morning, and the number of people entering and leaving the ward was much less than during the day.

Liu Xu stood outside the door of the intensive care unit and heard that the patient who had been shot inside seemed to have woken up.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 687 How about I give you a ride?

Two people in the ward were talking, their voices were very weak.

First came a woman's voice in a low voice: "Where did you put the key, leave it to me, otherwise it will be difficult for me to explain to the team leader."

Then came the weak voice of the patient: "Impossible, you... don't even think about it."

Liu Xu had already heard goosebumps, and knew that his guess was right. These two people were not border anti-smuggling policemen at all.

Just when he heard the ecstasy, there was a weak humming in the room suddenly, Liu Xu kicked the door open in surprise, and rushed in. He rushed into the room just in time to see a tall leather-clothed beauty holding a delicate dagger in her hand, The dagger lightly scratched the patient's fragile neck.

Blood seeped out instantly, and Liu Xu shouted instinctively: "What are you doing?"

The beauty in leather looked up and saw him obviously a little surprised. Half a second later, the beauty's eyes showed a cruel look, and she strode towards Liu Xu with a dagger in her backhand, ruthless and hot.

It's just a dagger, not Xuanyuanjian, so Liu Xu is not panicked.

The beauty in leather is obviously a well-trained murderer. She strode to a place three steps away from Liu Xu, held the knife in her backhand, and stabbed at Liu Xu's heart. The knife in her backhand stabbed hard and accurately .

Liu Xu easily blocked it, and then kicked the beauty in leather on the soft belly.


After a miserable snort, the beauty in leather was kicked backwards exaggeratedly, and the dagger was also dropped.

After a burst of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping," the tall body of the woman in leather fell to the ground and knocked over the ventilator in the ward.

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