The beauty in leather groaned a few times on the ground before struggling to get up, covering her lower abdomen in pain, her originally pretty face was already distorted in pain.

"You're not a policeman! What the hell are you?"

The beauty in leather was so painful that her forehead was sweating, but she looked at Liu Xu in surprise, as if she couldn't believe that he had such a powerful skill.

The round of fighting between the two had already alarmed the people outside, and someone ran over yelling in the corridor.

The leather-clothed beauty showed a dissatisfied expression on her face, she pulled out a dagger with a fierce look on her face, she was fully on guard, she staggered out of the ward, and slipped away.

Liu Xu could have kept her, but after thinking about it, he finally let her go.

This is called: let love live.

Looking at the young patient on the hospital bed again, he was covering the wound on his neck with his hands, and he was almost dying.

The man's throat and arteries had been severed and he was unable to survive.

That woman is very professional in her hands, and she also has a good understanding of the muscles and blood vessels of the vital ministries of the human body. This heroic-looking young man has a tenacious vitality. She covered her bleeding throat with one hand, and licked her mouth violently with the other hand, and finally pulled it out. A very small key stared at Liu Xu with desperate and miserable eyes, and stretched out his bloody hand.

Liu Xu frowned, took the key and held it in his palm.

Seeing that he was holding the key, the young man slowly closed his eyes and died.

At the same time, the nurse assistant on duty rushed in from the outside, staring blankly at the tragic situation in the ward, speechless.


After a while, a few timid nurses screamed collectively, and the bold ones rushed in to rescue the patients.

Liu Xu took a few steps back slowly, and secretly put the key in his heart into his trousers pocket.

Half an hour later, the surgical ward.

The entire inpatient area was sealed off by the police. Suddenly, many policemen came, and the deceased was covered with a white sheet and taken away by the police.

Liu Xu, who was the first to rush into the ward, was also invited by the police to the dean's office for interrogation. He was repeatedly questioned about the murderer's physical characteristics and what happened before and after.

There's no need for Liu Xu to lie. To tell the truth, he just concealed the details of his fight with the beautiful girl.

In front of the police handling the case, Liu Xu took out the bullet and placed it on the table.

After a few policemen saw it, their eyes lit up: "It is indeed a [-] rifle bullet. You little comrade is really courageous. Why didn't you call the police on such a big matter?"

Liu Xu could only spread his hands aggrievedly: "Comrade policeman, I'm not a weapon expert, I'm just skeptical but not sure."

It was right for the policemen to think about it, and they didn't make things difficult for him. It was fine to ask a few more questions, but repeatedly told Liu Xu to be careful in the past two days, and if he found anything abnormal, he would call the police immediately, and left the city's criminal police team to handle the case. The police made a phone call and left after investigating the scene.


Although Chen An'an was extremely unwilling, when she got off work, she still saw Liu Xu who was waiting at the entrance of the hospital.

Liu Xu stepped forward and said with a smile, "Director Chen, let's go!"

Chen An'an gave Liu Xu a blank look, and said: "Let's say first, you can live in my house, but you can move to me as soon as you find a place to live, and you can't have bad habits, and you can't bring anyone to the house casually. Let me live in peace, don't..."

With flushed cheeks, Chen An'an continued: "Don't be fussy, let alone have unreasonable thoughts about me."

Liu Xu put his hands in front of Yuexiong, and said: "I am a young boy with sword eyebrows and star eyes. I look like Pan An. I live in the same room with you. I am afraid that you will have unreasonable thoughts about me. Then I will call you You shouldn't be crying every day, and you won't be able to work."

Chen An'an's cheeks were flushed by Liu Xu's words, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I won't."

Liu Xu looked into Chen An'an's eyes with a slightly offended look, and said, "Me neither, even though you are very beautiful."

Chen Anan gave Liu Xu a blank look, turned around and took out her bicycle, and said, "Slick tongue, get in the car."

Liu Xu glanced at Chen An'an who didn't regard himself as a man at all, and said politely, "How about I give you a ride?"


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 688 Why is your home like a hospital!

Chen Anan made a gesture to leave, but Liu Xu quickly jumped onto the back seat of the bicycle, but unexpectedly, her foot became unsteady, and she immediately hugged her waist.

Chen An'an's heart tightened, this really lured wolves into the house, but now he can only dance with wolves.

On summer nights in Shanghai, there is a sense of undiscipline in the air. The work in the hospital is tense and busy. Chen Anan, who has taken off his white coat, is even brighter and more charming. Eye-catching.

At this time, Chen Anan smiled in the wind and said: "When you live in my house, there are four rules. First, you must cook delicious food; second, you must clean your clothes and clean them; If you live in my house, you must keep it secret; fourth, all my words are fourth, and you must obey them."

"I also have four rules." Liu Xu said: "First, when I cook, it never tastes good; second, when I do laundry, I only wash your underwear; Keep it secret; fourth, well, you must ignore the above three."

"Hehe..." Chen Anan smiled like a silver bell, and her steps became much lighter.

Chen An'an lives in a community called Youth Home near the First Affiliated Hospital. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a study, a bathroom, and a large balcony, which is very nice.

As soon as he entered Chen An'an's house, Liu Xu felt the smell of disinfectant, which was exactly the same as that in the hospital.

Liu Xu couldn't help but sneezed and said, "Why is your home like a hospital!"

"Disinfect! Go clean up the bedroom where the sundries are piled up, or you won't have a place to sleep tonight."


The next day, Liu Xu woke up early, but Chen An'an was still sleeping, because he was on night shift, so he didn't have to go to the hospital the next morning.

Arrived at the business hall of a foreign bank at [-]:[-] in the morning, handed the key to the lobby manager a little nervously, and worried about whether he could pass the customs, the lobby manager had already made a gesture of invitation and invited him to the office.

This bank only recognizes the key but not the person.

After a while, a suitcase was placed in front of Liu Xu.

The bank manager bowed slightly, pushed the door away tactfully, and then gently closed the door from the outside.

Liu Xu opened the box.

Money, a whole box of dollars, Mr. Benjamin Franklin printed on the hundred dollars, smiling at him.

Roughly counting, there are a total of [-] stacks of US dollars, which is [-] yuan, which is more than one million yuan when converted into RMB.

"Such a small amount of money?" Liu Xu frowned. A mere $[-] won't make that leather-clothed beauty so ruthless, forging documents to pretend to be a border policeman, and causing death. That's too unreasonable. up.

I rummaged through the box for a while, and found a passport and documents in the mezzanine.

Wang Tiezhu and Liu Xu silently read the name of the heroic man on the passport, and finally knew who died.

Saudi nationality, and an executive of a trading company, of course, this identity is also likely to be false.

Finally, Liu Xu found a mobile hard drive in the passport's interlayer, which should be the key to the matter.

Half an hour later, Liu Xu stepped on the street in the bustling downtown area, looked up at the big sun in the sky, looked down at the suitcase full of US dollars in his hand, and kissed his lips unconsciously.

Back at Chen An'an's house, she was still sleeping.

Liu Xu put the box under the bed, rushed to the front of the computer and plugged in the mobile hard drive.

After opening the data in the mobile hard drive, Liu Xu looked at the several photo albums on the computer screen, with hundreds of photos, his eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

Hundreds of photos are bloody and close-ups of dead people, the location and time are clearly marked, the secret execution ground in the wild in a centralized South Asian country, the army, massacres, children, women, what happened in the darkest corner of the world The most shady thing happened about half a month ago.

Liu Xu finally figured out where the dollars came from.

Every western media, intelligence agency, and member of Congress will definitely be very interested in these photos, and will definitely buy them at a high price. The value of these photos is far beyond ordinary people's imagination, and it may even trigger a war and become a The fuse of a war.

After figuring out the value of these photos, Liu Xu also figured out why this Wang Tiezhu was shot by two [-] rifle bullets.

It is definitely a matter of political stance, and the domestic police absolutely want to get these photos. The chief executive above is absolutely unwilling to see these photos exposed, and has fallen into a passive position in diplomacy.

At this moment, Liu Xu's phone rang suddenly, and a text message came from a completely unfamiliar number.

The content of the text message is also very simple: "Want to talk? Black Lexus on the street opposite your house downstairs."

Liu Xu unexpectedly stood by the window and saw a black Lexus parked across the street, as if it had been parked for a long time.

Liu Xu put the mobile hard drive back into the box and went downstairs.

Moments later, the street.

The car door opened, and Liu Xu sat in the back seat of the car, and saw that brutal tall beauty in leather in the hospital again.

The beauty changed her clothes today. She changed into a very fashionable and ordinary dress. She was dressed much more plainly than yesterday. On the outside, she looked like a very ordinary fashion girl, a fragile woman.

Liu Xu didn't dare to be careless, even he didn't want to be stabbed.

The beauty waited for him to get in the car, then started the car and lightly stepped on the accelerator, and quickly drove into the main road.

Liu Xu sneaked a few glances at her, and saw that her face was abnormally pale, and she frowned and coughed from time to time, but felt a little relented.

Seeing her in so much pain, I also know that my kick yesterday really kicked her badly, and she hasn't recovered until now.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 689 Beauty Killer

The beauty also looked at him in the rearview mirror, and couldn't help asking suspiciously: "Who are you?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Guess!"

The angry expression quickly appeared on the beauty's face again, she bit her rosy lips and remained silent, and drove the car even faster.

Sitting in the back, Liu Xu unconsciously admired her beauty, and compared her with Chen An'an in his heart.

This ruthless woman and Chen An'an are completely two extremes. Chen An'an is a blank sheet of kindness, and this woman is a female leopard, but this female leopard is really beautiful, wild enough and gorgeous enough.

Half an hour later, the black car stopped at the secluded beach.

The beautiful woman who was driving turned off the car and finally spoke, still calmly: "You have already taken out the box, handed over the mobile hard disk to me, and the money is yours, and two hundred thousand dollars is not a small sum, you can't be too greedy. "

Liu Xu looked at her cold face, pondered for a while, and Liu Xu also asked coldly: "Why did you kill people in the hospital, isn't he your accomplice?"

The beauty was obviously a little annoyed when she heard the word accomplice, and a cruel look appeared in her big eyes again.

However, she had a need for others, and she was able to answer softly and patiently: "This is the rule of our industry. He is so seriously injured and living in the hospital, and he will soon fall into the hands of the he is not dead." Many people have to follow him to death, including me, and many innocent people."

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