"Are you kind?" Chen An'an still asked tenderly, but there was a trace of victory in his eyes.

Liu Xu gritted his teeth and said, "Be kind."

Looking down, I saw that Chen An'an's jade feet wearing a pair of crystal sandals were stepping on Liu Xu's feet. He exhausted all his strength, and his face turned red.

Although Chen An'an had such a resolute attitude, after taking a shower, she put on that set of sexy underwear and appeared in the bedroom.

Liu Xu, who was lying on her bed, saw this scene, and rushed towards Chen An'an like a hungry tiger.

After living for two days, Chen An'an also felt relieved.

Then, there was another sound of slamming the window shut next door.

Liu Xu seemed to be able to hear the voice from the window: "I am innocent."


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Chapter 704 This feels exactly the same

Early the next morning, while the two were having breakfast, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Chen Anan looked at Liu Xu suspiciously, and asked, "Who is here to send you money again?"

Liu Xu said: "Where is it possible that someone sends me money every day!"

After finishing speaking, he touched Chen An'an's waist, took advantage of it, and then got up to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw a middle-aged man in his forties, but his temples were already gray.

Seeing that he didn't know him, Liu Xu yelled inside: "An'an, I might be looking for you."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "No, Master Liu, I'm here to find you."

Liu Xu froze for a moment, and let the middle-aged man in.

Chen An'an, who was clearing the dining table, couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the middle-aged man coming in, "Dean Hao, why are you here?"

Hao Wen smiled, and said: "Director Chen, I heard that Master Liu is proficient in Chinese medicine, and he treated more than a dozen patients who were poisoned a while ago, so I made a special visit to ask for something."

It turned out that Hao Wen was the director of the provincial hospital and Chen An'an's direct supervisor, while Liu Xu used to deal with only the vice director.

Seeing that Hao Wen had explained his purpose, Liu Xu also asked him to sit down, brought him a glass of water, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Hao Wendao: "There was a poisoning incident at the No. [-] Primary School in Shanghai. After consulting with experts from all over the city, they were helpless. Now the lives of the children are in danger. In order to save the children, I thought of Master Liu, so I made a special trip to visit. I hope Master Liu can help."

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "You mean that all the students in No. [-] Elementary School have been poisoned? What's the specific situation?"

Hao Wen said: "It is not life-threatening, but the students are dizzy, weak in limbs, and have no appetite to eat. Some children are already dehydrated, and the hospital has to give them to the children to maintain their lives."

Liu Xu took a deep breath and scolded, "That bastard did it, and the children were hurt too."

Hao Wen wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "So I asked Master Liu to inject glucose!"

Liu Xu looked at Hao Wen, nodded and said, "I will definitely go, Dean Hao, don't worry."

Hao Wen nodded, looked at Chen An'an again, and said with a smile: "Director Chen, you are a genius in Kanayazang! If you have a boyfriend with such superb medical skills, don't tell me, you must give it to me." Our hospital is trying to keep people like Master Liu! Don't worry, as long as you say you want to get married, I will personally give you a holiday and give you a big red envelope!"

Chen An'an's face was hot, but because of face, he couldn't break Hao Wen's words, and said awkwardly: "President Hao, don't worry, I will definitely kidnap this guy to our hospital."

Hao Wen smiled, left, and asked Liu Xu to rush to the hospital to help the poisoned child.

After Hao Wen left, Liu Xu stood up, glanced at Chen An'an, and said with a sly look: "An'an, for the red envelope, let's go get the certificate, it costs nine yuan, get a red envelope, and then make do with it." , if you don’t want to make do, we are spending nine yuan to leave, and we get eighteen yuan to earn a big red envelope, and the red envelope is divided in half, how about it?”

Although Chen An was very happy in her heart, she still cast a vicious glance at Liu Xu and cursed, "Go to hell."


After Liu Xu checked the student's situation in the hospital, he found that the student's situation was different from those of the women.

Among the women it was voodoo, but the students were the virus, literally food poisoning.

Liu Xu thought for a while and decided to go to the school to investigate.

After finding the No. [-] Elementary School in Shanghai, Liu Xu went in, and wanted to find out about the relevant person in charge of the school, but the principal closed the door to thank the guests, the vice principal closed the door to thank the guests, and the teachers didn't say a word. I couldn't find anyone I could inquire about, the whole school was on vacation, and I couldn't even find the students.

Liu Xu stood in the campus bitterly, scratched his hair, and cursed, "mlgb, what is this?"

Just as he was about to use his Taoist supernatural powers to make things easier, suddenly a hot-tempered beauty ran over from a distance.

The beauty has long hair fluttering, and she is wearing a purple dress that reaches her knees, revealing her smooth calves.

There is a huge butterfly in front of her moon, the style is both exaggerated and fashionable, and she wears a pair of sandals under her feet, revealing a few green toes.

Qiong nose and black eyebrows, with light makeup, very beautiful.

The beauty was looking through the bag in her hand as she walked, as if she was looking for something, but Liu Xu was admiring the beauty from far and near, and didn't notice at all that the beauty was about to bump into him.

With a "bang", the hot-tempered beauty bumped into Liu Xu's body. The beauty's feet were unstable and she was about to fall.

As soon as he touched his hand, Liu Xu suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The beauty in the purple skirt said hastily.

Liu Xu was stunned, looked at the beautiful woman in the purple dress in front of him, and forgot to let go of his hands.

He was so familiar with this touch, it was exactly the same as one of the women he rescued when he was blindfolded.

Seeing that he bumped into someone, Li Sisi hurriedly said sorry.

But this person didn't seem to hear it, and put his hands on his moon.

Subconsciously, she wanted to get mad, and when she raised her head, she saw Liu Xu's dumb expression.

Seeing this, Li Sisi's face turned red with embarrassment, and she didn't know what to do.

She was indeed the female patient rescued by Liu Xu. Li Sisi was not in a coma that day, so she vaguely remembered Liu Xu's appearance.

Originally, I thought I would never see that doctor again in this life, but I didn't expect to meet him again just a few days later.

Moreover, his hand climbed onto his own moon again.

This is really fate!


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 705 Mo Yan is the pride of Chinese people

Li Sisi coughed lightly and said, "Hello."

Only then did Liu Xu realize that he quickly let go, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Li Sisi smiled generously, but he didn't get angry with Yuexiong. He stretched out his hands generously and said, "My name is Li Sisi."

Liu Xu scratched his head, stretched out the hand that he just touched the beauty Yue Xiongbu and said, "My name is Liu Xu."

"Hello, Doctor Liu." Li Sisi said with a smile, "I'm a TV worker."

Liu Xu is still not sure if this is the beauty from that day, after all, touch in this world cannot be used as evidence.

So seeing Li Sisi talking to him so politely, he acted as if he didn't know anything.

But when Li Sisi said that she was a TV worker, Liu Xu couldn't help being surprised and said, "Are you a reporter?"

Li Sisi nodded and said, "That's right!"

Liu Xu said: "Then you are here to investigate the matter of No. [-] Primary School. If there is any clue, I am also here to investigate this matter."

Li Sisi looked at Liu Xu suspiciously, and said, "You are a doctor, why did you come to investigate this matter?"

Liu Xu said: "If you don't investigate the cause, how can you cure it?"

Li Sisi smiled awkwardly, and couldn't help but think of the feeling of Liu Xu's hands touching her body that day, her face was hot, and her cheeks were flushed with two blushes.

Liu Xu continued: "You are a reporter, you must know the inside story, please tell me?"

Li Sisi said: "I do have some inside information, but I'm not sure if it's true."

"Say it quickly." Liu Xu asked.

Li Sisi said: "The students all ordered the child prodigy breakfast girl. I suspect that the students' poisoning has something to do with this child prodigy breakfast girl."

Now where is there a girl who can rest assured?

Liu Xu nodded with charm, and asked, "Where is the address of this prodigy breakfast girl, do you know?"

Li Sisi looked at Liu Xu strangely, and said in his heart: "They are really destined, how does this guy know that he is going to the factory of the prodigy breakfast girl?"

"Doctor Liu, I just want to go to investigate, why don't we go together!"

With a beautiful woman to accompany him, how could Liu Xu refuse, so he said generously, "Okay."

After getting into Li Sisi's car, Liu Xu asked with a smile, "Reporter Li, what do you do in the TV station?"

"Ah?" Li Sisi looked at Liu Xu blankly and thought, "This person doesn't know me? It stands to reason that even if he was blindfolded that day, seeing him now, he should know that he is the head of the city's TV station. what!"

Thinking of this, Li Sisi smiled and said, "I'm just a little reporter."

Liu Xu pursed his lips and said, "It seems that I guessed right, you are indeed a reporter, otherwise how would you investigate this matter!"

"..." Li Sisi was speechless and embarrassed.

Even though she knew that Liu Xu was blindfolded that day, sitting in the small carriage with him now, she still couldn't help thinking about the scene that day.

Thinking that this guy had touched himself all over with his hands, Li Sisi felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Liu Xu was also secretly observing Li Sisi. Seeing this scene, he was even more sure that she was one of the ten people he saved that day, but Liu Xu couldn't point it out, he couldn't say: "Beauty, I touched your whole body, You are in good shape, worthy of the praise of 'fat r fat'."

Thinking of this, Liu Xu couldn't help but think of Uncle Mo Yan. In order to relieve the embarrassment, he smiled and said, "Have you seen "Fat R Fat T"?"

Li Sisi smiled and said, "Mo Yan's? Of course I've seen it, it's pretty good!"

Winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, even if the work is h, it is still good.

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