After silently looking at Li Sisi's Yuexiong buttocks, Liu Xu said earnestly, "I think the title of this book is very good."

Li Sisi nodded.Said: "Yes, it is very consistent with the content of the book."

Liu Xu said silently: "It fits your figure very well."

Li Sisi couldn't help being taken aback, and asked, "What did you say?"

"Ah, that, let me say, Mo Yan deserves to be Ma Qiaoao from the country."

"Yeah." Li Sisi nodded happily.


After arriving at the factory of the child prodigy Naiye, Liu Xu saw the closed gate and the white garbage everywhere in the yard. Liu Xu picked up the white garbage and sniffed it. It felt like a kind of adjustment, but he had never seen it before. , do not quite understand.

Li Sisi took out her camera and took pictures. After taking pictures for a while, she was surprised to find that Liu Xu had opened the factory gate. She couldn't help but followed in, and said, "How did you open such a big lock?"

Liu Xu turned around and looked at Li Sisi, and said with a smile, "I used to be a thief, you don't know that, do you?"

"..." Li Sisi gave Liu Xu a blank look, and followed him in.

Liu Xu found a few boxes of Niu Nv Nai that hadn't appeared in the corner of the factory building, and opened a bottle casually, which was very fragrant.

But this is definitely not the scent of Niu Nuo, but a bit like the white spices that can be seen everywhere on the ground outside.

"I'm afraid, these are the source of the poisoning of the students." Liu Xu said, looking at the pile of Niu Nv Nai.

Li Sisi also picked up the camera viciously, and said, "I must expose all of this."

After finishing speaking, the shutter sounded "click click".

While the two were collecting evidence, the side door of the factory building was suddenly pushed open, and two shirtless men walked in, holding Erguotou in their hands.

Liu Xu stared blankly, and wanted to go up and ask about the situation of these two people.

Unexpectedly, when Li Sisi saw these two people, she directly pulled Liu Xu to hide behind Niu Nunai, put her middle finger in front of her red lips, and made a hush look.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 706 Am I That Good?

Liu Xu lowered his voice and asked, "What are you doing?"

Li Sisi said: "Listen to their chat!"

Liu Xu looked at Li Sisi who was almost stuck to him, and was speechless in his heart.

Originally, he was planning to go up and give these two guys two punches to make them say everything.

I didn't expect this beautiful female reporter to play wiretapping, this is really...

Take off your pants and fart, troublesome.

However, the two squeezed into the narrow gap.

Well, very comfortable.

Those two people walked towards Li Sisi and Liu Xu, and sat on top of the mountain of Niu Nunai boxes, just beside them.

Li Sisi was so frightened that she turned around and hugged Liu Xu.


He felt like he was hurt ten thousand points.

Liu Xu instinctively fought back.

It just so happened that Li Sisi was wearing a skirt, and this time, she suffered a lot of "damage".

Looking at Li Sisi in embarrassment, Liu Xu made a mouthful and said, "I'm sorry."

Li Sisi's cheeks were flushed, her beautiful eyes glared at Liu Xu, she raised her fist and said, "Don't tell others."

Liu Xu nodded quickly.

At this time, Li Sisi's cheeks were flushed, and she had already forgotten that she was going to eavesdrop on the conversation between these two people.


"Did you hear anything?"

"I seem to have heard something."

The two looked around, but there was no one there.

One of them took another sip of wine and said, "There is nothing, where is someone?"

The two people outside looked around, and one of them suddenly realized that he had run out of wine, stopped the other by the shoulder and said, "Let's go, the boss asked us to look at the warehouse, but he himself has already run away, let's take a look at the bird Ah, go drink."

The other had already had such thoughts, and said with a smile, "Let's go!"

The two walked slowly towards the side door, and just as they closed the iron door to leave, Li Sisi, who was pressed against the wall by Liu Xu, lost her legs and lay down in Liu Xu's arms, lazily and powerlessly. at every turn.

"Are you all right?"

"Let go, let me down."

After Li Sisi stood up, she gave Liu Xu a white look and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Men don't tell, women don't ask, but both of them know it well.

So, this pair of dogs and men hiding in the gap left the prodigy Naiye company in such a grandiose manner.


Back home at night, Liu Xu poured the Niu Nv Nai he had brought back from the prodigy girl company into a cup, removed a talisman, and threw it into the Niu Nv Nai.

In an instant, Niu Nunao, which had a very high concentration, was suddenly diluted into a glass of water, and only white mist-like impurities settled out at the bottom of the glass.

Chen Anan on the side couldn't help asking in surprise: "Hey, what's going on?"

Liu Xu looked at the cup of cow girl in front of him and said, "This is the talisman that Huang Daxian asked for."

Chen Anan gave Liu Xu a blank look.

Liu Xu smiled and said: "The situation is not serious. This is nothing more than a black-hearted cow girl who is trying to collect money by the manufacturer. Although the students are in a critical situation, the reason is that the condition is not that serious. I will press the film on them. Their illnesses will heal naturally."

It's twelve o'clock.

Chen An'an stretched her waist, smiled charmingly at Liu Xunv, and said, "I'm so tired, go take a shower."

Chen Anan went to the bathroom and took off her clothes. Before turning on the shower, Liu Xu walked in.


Chen Anan covered her body all of a sudden, with a little anger in her eyes, she said, "What are you doing?"

Liu Xu took off his clothes with a smile and said, "Let's wash together!"

"You..." Chen Anan gave him a hygienic eye.

Of course, her refusal and protest are ineffective in front of domineering men.


The next day, Liu Xu used true qi to disperse the children's sickness, and then naturally the medicine cured them.

Hearing that the city's experts were helpless in the poisoning incident and was cured by Liu Xu, Li Sisi went to the hospital with a video camera on his back and asked to interview him, but Liu Xu was nowhere to be seen.

He was not a doctor in the hospital. Strictly speaking, Liu Xu was practicing medicine without a license.

Li Sisi had no choice but to interview a few children resentfully, then snorted with flushed cheeks, and said, "Hmph, let me see where else you can hide."

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Hey, Uncle Zhao, help me find someone."


In the evening, when Liu Xu finished his meal and was sitting on the sofa watching TV, Chen Anan walked over with his waist twisted, and sat directly on his lap, with a smile and twilight in his eyes, which made Liu Xu look Xu couldn't help being crazy.

In just a few days, this Chen An'an has been nourished by herself to become more voluptuous and gorgeous, she looks like a newly married young woman, an absolute mature woman!

Just as Liu Xu was about to conspire against Chen An'an, there was a piece of news on TV that made both of them stop what they were doing.

I saw Li Sisi sitting in the anchor room in formal attire, dignified and beautiful, with unparalleled national beauty.

Li Sisi greeted first and said: "Friends from the audience, good evening everyone, this is the Shanghai Evening News, let's first pay attention to the poisoning incident of Shanghai No. When I interviewed this doctor, I couldn't see him..."

What followed was a passage that made Liu Xu feel pained. It was like boasting him like Lei Feng, who saves people without leaving his name, and is a wonderful doctor.

Liu Xu looked at Chen An'an twitchingly, and asked, "Am I that good?"

Chen Anan gave Liu Xu a blank look, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV, twisted her waist and sat on his lap, and said, "You are not good, but you are very big."

"An'an, you are getting more and more rascal."

"I learn it from you."

"Okay, don't learn."

"What's good about you?"



Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 707

In the morning, when Liu Xu got up to go to the toilet, he looked at his pale face in the mirror and sighed. At this time, Chen An'an also came to wash up. His face was rosy, a hundred times more beautiful than makeup.

After Chen An'an went out, Liu Xu sighed and said, "Men can squeeze dry, but women can't suck it up. The ancients did not deceive me!"

Last night, the two of them tossed and tossed until after three o'clock before going to bed.

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