Looking at the embarrassment on his face, Tian Erniu laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten up.

Although the expression on Liu Xu's face was very serious, he was still in a very happy mood. At least Tian Erniu was right in one sentence. Liu Xu could definitely thrive in the dangerous industry of killers and mercenaries.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 716 This line should be said by me to fit the painting style!

In the middle of the night, Liu Xu turned over and sat up alert in his heart.

In the pitch black night half a step away from the bed, Erniu Tian was staring at him.

The woman was still neatly dressed, with all her clothes, trousers and jacket on, but her eyes were a little scary, straight and shining.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Chen An'an, who is not at all, is sleeping next to Liu Xu.

Liu Xu was taken aback and couldn't help cursing: "What are you doing in the middle of the night?"

Tian Erniu stared at him for a while before speaking softly: "Get up and get dressed."

Although Liu Xu felt that she was inexplicable, he turned over and got out of bed to get dressed, and when he got dressed, he naturally turned his back to avoid her.

From behind came Tian Erniu's chuckle again: "Ah, you're shy... Is there anything else on you that I haven't seen?"

"I should say this line to suit the style of the painting!" Liu Xu cursed in his heart, he ignored her lazily, got dressed, washed his face, and went downstairs together.

Every time after having sex with Liu Xu, Chen An'an was exhausted and wouldn't wake up when thunder struck. Tian Erniu had also experienced this, so she dared to speak loudly, not afraid of waking Chen An'an up.

After a while, the Lexus sedan slowly drove into the main road of the city.

Liu Xu looked at the cars passing by from time to time outside the window, and asked lazily where he was going.

On the contrary, Erniu Tian couldn't bear it anymore, and took the initiative to explain: "I'll take you to our new contact point for a tour, the helper sent by the head office is coming soon, it's the plane tonight."

Liu Xuwei nodded and understood that the contact location was the place where the members of the action team usually meet.

At two o'clock in the morning, the bustling business district.

The car stopped in front of a pet shop, which made Liu Xu feel ashamed again. He never thought that the contact place carefully designed by Tian Erniu would be a pet shop.

Of course Tian Erniu didn't know anything, she excitedly got out of the car and took out the key, opened the shutter door of the store, and walked in by herself.

Liu Xu grinned helplessly, and could only bite the bullet and follow into the store.

He had just entered the store, and the kittens, puppies, parrots and birds in the cages in the corners of the store were all screaming like crazy.

The little bird jumped up and down in the cage, the puppy stared at Liu Xu and bit desperately, and the kitten arched its body and barked desperately.

Liu Xu could only smile wryly, of course he knew his problem, because he was woken up in the middle of the night, so he was in a bad mood, and he didn't restrain his breath. Small animals are much more sensitive than humans.

Tian Erniu was also dumbfounded, she looked around at the crazy pet and then at Liu Xu.

Of course, the beauty also looked at a loss: "What's the matter, what are you doing?"

Liu Xu could still think of an excuse, so he explained casually: "I didn't do anything, there might be an earthquake!"

When it comes to Tian Erniu shivering in one sentence, I probably believe it. The crazy behavior of these little animals is very similar to the reaction before the earthquake.

Liu Xu was also full of helplessness, and while she was not paying attention, he stood silently, his mind moved, a wave of chill radiated from the place where he stood, and where the cold chill passed, the crazy kitten and puppy were miraculously quiet Now, get down obediently and don't dare to move.

The whole pet shop suddenly became miraculously quiet.

In the eerie silence, Tian Erniu showed a dazed expression again, obviously not understanding what happened.

Liu Xu, on the other hand, acted as if nothing had happened, and strolled to a cage. Shen touched the cute little head of the puppy, and patted the puppy's head with his big hand a few times. The cute puppy was already trembling with fright, almost Shake it into a sieve.

Liu Xu gently withdrew his hand, and grinned at Erniu Tian.

Tian Erniu was in a daze for a while again, she couldn't figure it out and she simply gave up, anyway, the store was quiet, so she could only think she saw a ghost.

A moment later, the pet store.

Under the gaze of Liu Xu's surprised eyes, Tian Erniu dug out the pet food, the bath tub, and the bath liquid for pets from the cabinet, heated the hot water with the water heater, and took care of the small animals carefully.

Liu Xu looked at her squatting on the ground, carefully grabbed a pug out of the cage, put it in the tub and hummed a song, really found it hard to imagine that this vicious woman had such a careful side.

Tian Erniu in front of her didn't look like a cold-blooded killer, but more like a careful pet shop assistant.

Even the words that came out of her mouth were more humane: "After two days, we will recruit two shop assistants, and this store will be officially opened for business. What do you think, the contact point I chose is not bad!"

Liu Xu didn't know what to say, so he could only nod, still feeling ridiculous.

Tian Erniu was busy humming a song for a while, and then sent a reproachful look: "What are you doing standing there, come help!"

Liu Xu could only bend down and bow his head, grabbed another big dog from the cage, and pushed it into the water.

The big dog seemed very obedient under his hands, standing in the tub like a log and not daring to move.

Tian Erniu was a little worried at first, but she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled when she saw this scene.

This smile is more sincere and cute.

Together, the two of them washed all the twenty kittens and puppies for sale in the pet store, and it was dawn.

Tian Erniu covered her mouth and yawned, hammered her slender waist, and forced her eyelids to write a recruitment notice and stick it on the window glass.

Liu Xu looked up and saw a taxi parked in front of the store, and a middle-aged man got out of the car with his luggage, knowing that the new action team members had arrived.

Liu Xu has already figured out how this type of action team works. Tian Erniu is the leader of the team and also serves as a liaison, and she is in charge of all negotiations with the head office.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 717 Brother Lanxiang graduated

Under Tian Erniu, there will be two to three members of the action team playing the role of thugs, and these people can spend their days and nights with amazingly high salaries.

But once it's time to perform the task, it's time to work hard, and it's an industry with a very high mortality rate. This is easy to understand. The reward is so high, and the risk is naturally high.

The middle-aged man pushed the door open, closed the store door vigilantly, and put down the luggage.

It was only then that Liu Xu noticed that he was very thin, his skin was very dark, and his hands holding the suitcase were thin but strong.

One can tell at a glance that he is also a ruthless character, a ruthless person who often plays with guns.

At five o'clock in the morning, the quiet, empty bustling business district.

The three of them sat opposite each other at the coffee table in the pet shop, and first confirmed their identities.

Liu Xu gently pushed his passport and documents over, worried that someone would find out, but soon realized that his worries were completely unnecessary. The middle-aged man did not have the slightest doubt, and took the initiative to stretch out his thin right hand.

"My surname is Ye, Ye Zhiqiang."

When this man spoke, his demeanor was simple and honest.

Liu Xu grasped his thin right hand, felt the thick calluses on his palm, and knew it by heart. This person's specialty should be firearms.

The two held hands together and shook a few times. Liu Xu also introduced himself: "My surname is Wang, Wang Tiezhu."

The middle-aged man still didn't have the slightest doubt, and spoke very kindly: "Brother Wang, give me some advice, Miss Chen... I haven't been back to China for several years, I want to go home and meet some friends first."|

Tian Erniu also nodded very easily: "Okay, keep in touch."

After a brief meeting, the three separated again.

A moment later, outside the pet shop.

Liu Xu and Tian Erniu stood side by side, looked at Mr. Ye, who was simple and honest, honest and thin, and got into a taxi.

After the silence, Tian Erniu reminded in a low voice: "Don't be fooled by his simple and honest appearance. This man is the most famous butcher in the head office. He has a cruel personality. We both have to be careful when working with him."

Liu Xu subconsciously grinned and mocked: "More cruel than you?"

Tian Erniu was also used to Liu Xu's sneering and sarcastic treatment, she was thick-skinned and still pretended not to hear anything.

There was nothing Liu Xu could do about Tian Erniu's thick skin. He glanced at his watch, it was almost six o'clock, and it was time to go to work in the hospital.

Tian Erniu yawned a few more times, and greeted in a teasing tone: "Take care of Xiao An'an for me, heh, a cute little girl."

Liu Xu waved his hands indifferently without looking back, and took a taxi to leave.


Today was Liu Xu's first day at work, so he specially changed into better clothes, which Chen An'an picked out for him. After putting on the clothes, Liu Xu went to the Provincial Hospital with Chen An'an.

His outpatient clinic is on the top of the building, very remote, but also very similar to that kind of extraterrestrial expert.

Anyway, Liu Xu also came to make soy sauce, and it would take up too much space if it was located downstairs.

As soon as he went to work, Liu Xu felt a little strange. The hospital sent him three nurses and two assistants.

But these people were very afraid of Liu Xu, and they didn't even say hello to Liu Xu. Even the two assistants left directly after ten o'clock, and there was no one there.

Liu Xu didn't think much about it, but when he was eating in the hospital cafeteria at noon, at Chen He's wedding, the people who were arguing for Liu Xu's treats, who had embraced the beautiful woman home, would take a detour when they saw him, which made Liu Xu Feeling a bit sore.

Liu Xu couldn't help asking Chen An'an, "What's going on?"

Chen Anan shook her head and said, "I don't know. The hospital didn't arrange a job for me at all today. I sat in the office for a long time."

Liu Xu said, "Me too."

Both of them were dumbfounded, and in the end they didn't know what happened.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, seeing that there was nothing to do, Liu Xu greeted Chen An'an, called Li Sisi, and then went to her home to give her a massage.

The one who opened the door was Li Sisi wearing a bath towel. As soon as Liu Xu entered the door, she said, "You have to give me my money back. It's four months!"

Liu Xu chuckled and said, "It's gone."

Li Sisi smiled without any blame, and said, "Let's get started!"

Liu Xu boiled the traditional Chinese medicine, then let Li Sisi lie down again, and helped her press the membrane.

This time Li Sisi didn't close his eyes, but opened them, and said with a smile: "You press it quite comfortably."

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