"That goes without saying." Liu Xu flicked his hair arrogantly, "Brother Lan Xiang graduated."

"Use some strength!" Li Sisi chuckled, and then said something that caught Liu Xu's imagination.

What is this about?

Just when Li Sisi was instructing Liu Xu not to be so sympathetic to her, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Li Sisi lay lazily on the sofa, glanced at Liu Xu, and said, "Go and open the door.

Liu Xu opened the door and saw a man in a black suit.

He was holding a gift box in his hand. After seeing Liu Xu, his face was not surprised, and he walked in without waiting for Liu Xu to speak.

Like a master, the other party said: "Sisi, is this your boyfriend?"

After hearing this man's voice, Li Sisi with flushed cheeks sat up all of a sudden, looked up at the man in front of him, and asked suspiciously, "Why are you here?"

The man in the black suit smiled wisely, sat down on his own, handed the gift box in his hand to Li Sisi and said, "It's nothing, I just came to see you, this is a piece of jewelry I bought abroad two days ago. you."

"I don't need it." Li Sisi said angrily.

The man ignored Li Sisi's words, but walked up to Liu Xu, and said with a smile, "Liu Xu, I heard that you have excellent medical skills. I've heard of you for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, not knowing who this man was, he raised his hand and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it’s 520 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats on the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 718 I like hooking up with married women the most

The man smiled and said: "Sisi is my woman. I am very pleased that you are treating her, but if you have unreasonable thoughts, then I don't mind letting you know how powerful I am. You are a sensible person, and you don't speak dark words, right?"

"Are you married?" Liu Xu asked.

"For your size, I'm still... single..." Li Sisi was almost speechless.

"What a pity!" Liu Xu pouted, "I like hooking up with married women the most."


Then, Liu Xu just wanted to kick the guy who was talking nonsense just now, you are so arrogant if you are not married!

He couldn't bear to be so aggressive, Liu Xu had already started to think about how to deal with him.

Li Sisi stood up, looked at the man, and cursed: "That's enough, Qi Yuzhe, first of all, I'm not your woman, and it doesn't matter to the two of us, and you can't control whose girlfriend I am, even if I marry It is our happiness to give to beggars along the way, and it has nothing to do with you."

After finishing speaking, Li Sisi glared at Qi Yuzhe, in Liu Xu's eyes, that was simply extremely cute.

Qi Yuzhe smiled wisely, looked at Li Sisi and said, "Sisi, you marrying a beggar really has nothing to do with me, but I, Qi Yuzhe, like you, which is well known in the upper circles of Shanghai, and I also said There is a saying that says that if anyone marries you, you will become a widow the next day, and if anyone dares to touch you, then he will become a skeleton the next day."

After speaking, he looked at Liu Xu angrily, and left Li Sisi's house.

Li Sisi's Yuexiong was up and down in anger, and Liu Xu came over, told her to lie down, continued to press the film on her, and said, "Who is this guy, so dragging?"

"The son of the deputy mayor in charge of culture," Li Sisi said.

"This guy likes you, and then you don't like this guy, so he came to make trouble, and as far as I know, you didn't have a boyfriend before, I'm afraid that's the reason!" Liu Xu frowned.

Li Sisi nodded.

Liu Xu smiled, the strength in his hands increased a little, and he didn't speak.

The treatment of myself and Chen An'an in the hospital was probably also caused by this matter, everything was pressured by Qi Yuzhe!


As soon as he walked downstairs, he saw another ordinary Mazda [-] parked there. Qi Yuzhe stood aside, playing with the car keys in his hand, with a mighty smile on his face, looking at Liu Xu who came down, smiling Said: "One hour, you have exceeded the time."

Liu Xu walked to Qi Yuzhe's side with a smile, looked at this incomparable second-generation official, and said with a smile, "I'm giving Sisi a breast massage, and it feels so good, I couldn't help staying longer."

"You..." Qi Yuzhe's face suddenly turned pale.

Liu Xu pursed his lips, as if he didn't care who you were.

Qi Yuzhe shouted: "Grass mud horse." Then he punched Liu Xu.

Liu Xu grabbed his fist directly, then kicked his leg, he sat on the ground directly, then Liu Xu clapped his hands and said: "Don't take yourself too seriously, or you don't know yourself How did you die?"

After speaking, he walked away.

After get off work in the hospital, on the street.

The two strolled along the bustling street.

Chen Anan stopped suddenly, made a suggestion, and said, "Call your cousin, let's go shopping together!"

When Liu Xu heard that he almost fell over, he asked, "Aren't you tired after working all day and going shopping?"

"Why do you get tired from shopping? Hurry up and call your cousin!" Chen An'an was very interested and was already begging.

Liu Xu could only smile wryly in his heart, and couldn't bear to refute her interest, so he could only grab the phone and call his counterfeit cousin Tian Erniu, and ask her out to go shopping together.

As soon as the call was made, it was snatched away by the excited Chen An'an.

Chen An'an excitedly grabbed the phone, very happy: "Sister Niuniu, I'm Chen An'an... do you have time to go shopping?"

A picture instantly appeared in Liu Xu's mind. The counterfeit cousin Tian Erniu must be very proud.

Sure enough, Chen An'an was talking on the phone, her voice became sweeter: "Okay, we'll wait for you at the east entrance of the pedestrian street, sister Niuniu, you must come!"

Now Liu Xu can only admit it, and knows that even if the end of the world comes, it won't be able to stop these two women's enthusiasm for shopping.

Same-sex repulsion, two beauties cannot coexist. These natural laws have no effect on these two beauties.

Liu Xu originally didn't want the two of them to have too much contact, but he couldn't bear to spoil Chen An'an's interest.

At night, the busiest pedestrian street in Magic City.

Seeing Tian Erniu's cousin at the entrance of the pedestrian street, Chen Anan cheered happily and ran over.

Tian Erniu also had the posture of a caring big sister, and took her slender arm with a bit of resentment, and the two women chatted happily together soon, arm in arm, and chatted about women's topics with smiles on their faces.

Seeing the happy smile on Chen An'an's face, Liu Xu felt relieved, let her be happy!

The three of them went to eat a western meal first, and then began to visit famous fashion stores.

Liu Xu once again experienced the pain of shopping with women.

Tian Erniu was fine. Every time Chen An'an changed into a piece of clothing she liked, she would come to ask Liu Xu's opinion, which made Liu Xu dumbfounded.

Fortunately, the slender beauty An An is simply a natural clothes hanger. Looking at her delicate and frail figure, she still has flesh where there should be flesh.

No matter how difficult a fashion is to wear on her body, the eyes of those who can see it will be straightened.

The door of the dressing room closed and opened again, and Chen An'an, who was wearing a sweet little dress, came out, and Liu Xu's heart was burning hot when he saw his pretty appearance.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 719 It's all your fault

"Miss, this Victorian-style retro dress has been in our store for more than a month, and it's the first time anyone dares to try it on. You have such a good figure." Even the shop assistants in the mall couldn't help but admire, of course it's good A good salesman naturally knows what kind of customer to say when he sees it.

Chen An'an smiled sweetly and turned around delicately, with a slender waist, slender legs, and a small half of thin and fragrant shoulders exposed.

The cute, pure, and sweet girl Fengqing rushed towards her face, making Liu Xu and the men who passed by couldn't help swallowing.

Chen An'an was originally pure and lovely, but wearing this dress made Liu Xu's eyes soft, and he felt a strong urge to hold her in his arms.

Next to her, Tian Erniu also had a charming smile on her face, and she sensibly took out her wallet to pay the bill.

Seeing Erniu Tian take out her credit card, Chen Anan became a little anxious, and hurriedly stopped her and said, "Sister Niuniu, what are you doing, I have brought the money."

Tian Erniu still looked like a big sister, and replied with a chuckle: "Don't argue, this set is considered a gift from sister Niuniu."

The two beauties got together to be polite for a while, but in the end Chen An'an still couldn't resist the kind and friendly sister Niu Niu, and gladly accepted the valuable gift.

This dress costs more than [-] yuan, and Tian Erniu paid the bill without blinking her eyes. Chen Anan is also a well-educated girl. When she went to the next jewelry store, she naturally exchanged courtesies and sent Tian Erniu a gift back. A pair of earrings worth more than [-] yuan.

Seeing the two of them getting more and more intimate, Liu Xu had complicated feelings in his heart.

Tired after shopping for a while, the three sat in a coffee shop to rest.

While Chen An'an was going to the bathroom, Tian Erniu came over and whispered, "This little sister is very nice, you have a good eye!"

Liu Xu taunted her naturally: "It's rare that you can speak human words, you are too involved in the drama, don't you really think of yourself as my cousin?"

After saying a word, the smile on Tian Erniu's face froze, and she was splashed with cold water.

Liu Xu regretted the words as soon as he uttered them. What he said was too much, and it was a bit hurtful.

Sure enough, the smile on Tian Erniu's face quickly disappeared, she silently lowered her head and drank her coffee without speaking.

Seeing her suddenly depressed, Liu Xu really regretted it a bit. He was used to running the train.

After a while, Chen An'an came back from the bathroom.

When Tian Erniu raised her head again, her face was already very calm: "It's late, An An, you should go home."

Chen An'an was at a loss as to what was going on, looked down at his watch and was startled, and said, "Ah, it's past ten o'clock, time flies so fast."

She's going home to live today, so she can't stay out too late.

"My car is parked in the parking lot outside. I'll take you home." Tian Erniu was in a depressed mood, and the smile on her face was obviously forced.

"Thank you, Sister Niuniu." Chen An'an still sent a sweet smile, and happily agreed.

When Liu Xu stood up, he took a peek at Tian Erniu, moved his lips and let it go, don't say anything.

In the evening, the love apartment is downstairs.

After sending Chen An'an home and driving back to the apartment building, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Sitting in the co-pilot seat, Liu Xu endured Tian Erniu's cold face, and felt a little embarrassed.

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