When Chen An'an was not present, Tian Erniu's face was very cold, obviously she was very unhappy by Liu Xu's excessive ridicule, and her attitude was very cold all the way back from the car, which was in stark contrast to the enthusiasm and presumptuousness before .

In the end, Liu Xu couldn't bear it anymore, and spoke first: "You are not so narrow-minded, you can't take a joke?"

Tian Erniu became even colder, and snorted coldly: "Get out of the car!"

Liu Xu scratched his hair and pushed the door to get out of the car, coughing lightly: "Where are you going so late?"

Tian Erniu had already closed the car window, and replied coldly, "I'm going to sleep in the shop."

Seeing the windows close and the Lexus sedan drive away from downstairs, Liu Xu couldn't help scratching his hair again.

He sighed sincerely in his heart, no matter how ruthless a woman is, she is still a woman. Although this woman turns vicious and ruthless, she is still a real woman, who can get angry and lose her temper.

When Tian Erniu was angry, she was a little less presumptuous, and she was a little more calm than usual. When she was angry, she was much cuter than usual.

After thinking about it, Liu Xu turned around and left the iPartment, since he couldn't sleep alone anyway, so he went to find Wang Xiaoya.

Three hours later, a young man and woman walked on the street, like a couple of gods and gods, but the time was a bit late. In Liu Xu's words, this time is just right for the moon.

The man and the woman were naturally Liu Xu and Wang Xiaoya. These two guys were so crazy that they fucked from twelve o'clock until past two o'clock in the morning.

The reason for the truce was because she was hungry. Although Wang Xiaoya is a Nine Heavens Xuannv, she is now in the body of a mortal woman. As a goddess who loves beauty, she naturally cares about her weight the most, so Wang Xiaoya eats very much at night. Not much, and having sex with Liu Xu is a lot of exercise. After sex, I was so hungry that I couldn't sleep.

"Hmph, it's all your fault. You didn't care about people's feelings at all, and played such a difficult move." Wang Xiaoya pouted her mouth, with a look of resentment on her face.

"I don't know who kept asking for it just now." Liu Xu pressed his forehead and couldn't help being speechless.

"Hmph, you still said that it's all your fault anyway, it's all your fault." Wang Xiaoya is obviously not a woman who can reason.

At this moment, Liu Xu wisely shut up. If he continues to argue with Wang Xiaoya, he will be the one who will suffer.

A creature like a woman is really difficult to speculate with common sense.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 720 Ghost Possession

"Hey, something seems to be happening ahead." Liu Xu pointed to a large group of people ahead, and decisively changed the subject.

As expected, Wang Xiaoya's attention was attracted, Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up in his heart, brother is so smart.

Liu Xu and Wang Xiaoya walked over and saw a middle-aged man in his thirties lying on the ground, his face was blue and his lips were white.


Liu Xu and Wang Xiaoya looked at each other, and both found the problem with this middle-aged man. Obviously, this man was possessed by a ghost.

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Xu pushed away a few passers-by who were off the night shift and walked in, ready to help the middle-aged man up to rescue him.

However, before Liu Xu approached, he was pulled back by a sweeping lady who cleaned the floor at night.

"Young man, don't you want to help him? Let me tell you, if something happens to you if you help him, his family will definitely rely on you." The cleaning aunt reminded Liu Xu kindly.

"Last time I saw a young man helping an old man by the side of the road, but after waking up, the old man said that the young man who helped him hit him, and that young man lost a lot of money. "

"This aunt is right. You see, I am riding a bicycle now. Do you know what I used to drive? It was a Rolls-Royce Phantom, but it ended up helping an old man, and that's it now. "Another middle-aged uncle next to him also spoke, it was a tear of bitterness!

In the middle of the night, the street lights were dim, and there were no cameras or skynets. If something happened, I really couldn't tell, but Liu Xu knew that the other party was definitely not touching porcelain, but was indeed in danger. With a dumbfounding expression on his face, he thanked a few kind-hearted people and helped the man on the ground up.

A stream of mana was sent into the middle-aged man's body by Liu Xu, and the ghost in the middle-aged man's body was forced to escape by Liu Xu.

Liu Xu didn't take care of it, because there are other people around now, so it's not the time to collect ghosts.

Everyone only felt a gust of wind blowing, and subconsciously shuddered.

"What's the matter? Knowing that it's the night shift that has added clothes, why do you suddenly feel so cold?"

It's amazing how everyone agrees with that statement.

At this time, because the ghost left the body, the middle-aged man also woke up.

"Huh? Why am I here?"

Although the middle-aged man woke up, he still hadn't figured out the situation in front of him, and his mind was a little confused.

"You passed out on the ground just now. If this young man hadn't been rescued in time, you probably wouldn't be able to hold on just now." The sweeping lady who persuaded Liu Xu just now spoke again. She also had good intentions, fearing that this man would blackmail Liu Xu. .

According to normal people's thinking, the middle-aged man should have stood up and thanked Liu Xu at this time, but the middle-aged man did not do so. Instead, he took a deep look at Liu Xu, turned around and left without saying a word. Did not say.

This caused many people to scold the middle-aged man as a white-eyed wolf, feel worthless for Liu Xu, and think that Liu Xu shouldn't have saved him at all.

Liu Xu just smiled and thanked these people for their kindness.

However, is this really the case?

"Xiaoya, have you noticed that something is wrong with this man, he seems to know that he has been possessed by a ghost." Liu Xu frowned.

Liu Xu discovered the problem when he was exorcising the ghost just now. If he was really forced by a ghost, his soul would definitely be damaged, but this man's soul was fine, and it was worse than the soul of an ordinary person. Powerful, this made Liu Xu a little confused.

"Why do you think so much? Let's follow up to see if we can find out. Anyway, the ghost just now hasn't gone far." Wang Xiaoya smiled and pointed to the intersection ahead, which was the place where the ghost disappeared just now.

Liu Xu took Wang Xiaoya's hand and followed.

"Huh? Why did the ghost disappear?" He was taken aback, and the ghostly aura suddenly disappeared at the intersection.

"Heaven, earth, universe, yin and yang open to mystery, yin and yang eyes open!"

Liu Xu shouted softly, a golden light flashed in his pupils, he opened his eyes, and the situation in front of him changed immediately, a ghostly aura floated in front of him, as if it might disappear at any time.

That was the ghostly aura left by the ghost just now. It was obvious that the ghost was very cautious and knew how to erase the aura it left behind.

However, Liu Xu's method was very clever, and through the power of his yin and yang eyes, he finally restored the residual ghost energy.

Liu Xu followed the ghostly aura and came to a hotel.

The ghost just entered this hotel, and all the ghostly aura disappeared in an instant, leaving no trace.

Just as Liu Xu wanted to go in, he was stopped by Wang Xiaoya. The man just now walked towards the hotel from another direction in a hurry.

"What is he doing here?" Liu Xu was puzzled.

However, he didn't make too many guesses, but hid aside and let the man walk into the hotel.

Liu Xu opened his yin and yang eyes and saw, my good guy, this hotel has been set up with a barrier, no wonder it can block the ghost energy.

After careful observation, Liu Xu walked in.

Liu Xu asked the hotel owner about the man just now, but the hotel owner didn't say anything, and said that it was a guest's information, and he couldn't reveal it casually.

How could Liu Xu not understand what he meant, didn't he just want money?

Money cleared the way, and the hotel owner quickly revealed the information about the man just now.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 721

The middle-aged man's name is Li Yuan. He has lived here a month ago. He leaves early and returns late every day. No one knows what he is doing.

The hotel owner also asked Li Yuan. At that time, Li Yuan said that he was here to discuss business, but the hotel owner said that it was not true. How could a person who was discussing business live in a hotel like him?

However, if Li Yuan doesn't say anything, the boss can't say anything, as long as Li Yuan doesn't have an accident with him, it will be fine.

Liu Xu was also a little curious at this time, it was very simple, Liu Xu felt a heavy ghost aura from this Li Yuan.

The aura of living people is almost suppressed, and this kind of situation can only happen to people who have been in contact with ghosts for a long time.

Moreover, the most important thing is that if there is such a heavy ghost aura on his body, then this person will be seriously ill at least, or die at worst, but this Li Yuan has nothing wrong with him, he was just being possessed by a little ghost.

Liu Xu could tell that even if he didn't make a move just now, Li Yuan could wake up by himself.

Liu Xu was very curious about what this Li Yuan did and how he came into contact with so many ghosts.

Moreover, a certain room in this hotel was obviously covered with a barrier, how could that Li Yuan have such a great ability, the barrier cannot be set up by anyone.

After greeting the hotel owner, Liu Xu left.

Since this Li Yuan has lived here for such a long time, he must have some important things to do here, so he will definitely not leave in a short time.

He asked the hotel owner to pay attention, if Li Yuan wanted to check out, let him inform himself.

The hotel owner naturally agreed, which made Liu Xu lament the charm of money.

Liu Xu left, so he didn't know what happened in Li Yuan's room at this time.

If he knew, maybe he wouldn't be so relaxed in his heart.

"Jie Jie Jie, Li Yuan, you failed today. You didn't bring me a single ghost back, and you almost lost a ghost. How do you think I should punish you?"

In the room, Li Yuan knelt on the ground trembling all over, and in front of him was a rolling black mist.

This is a powerful ghost, a very evil ghost.

"My lord, please forgive me. Today, I met a young man who knows magic. Otherwise, the villain will definitely bring you back a fresh soul today." Li Yuan knelt on the ground and explained desperately, he was afraid The adult in front of him killed himself when he was upset, but he has seen many people killed by this ghost because he offended it.

"Okay, my baby has already told me what's going on, that young man is not easy to deal with, and I don't blame you for this miss. But..." The voice of the black ghost suddenly became stern, "Don't worry about it. This time, otherwise I will definitely pull out your soul and eat it bite by bite."

"No, there will definitely not be a next time." Li Yuan was apprehensive, but he was still very happy in his heart.

Because although the mission failed this time, he didn't have to pay for it, which made him very happy.

"An interesting young man, from the information I brought back from Xiaoba, I felt a powerful soul breath. If I can eat his soul, my strength will definitely go further and become stronger. Maybe I can completely Recover your injuries." The black ghost couldn't help showing greed in his heart, he fell in love with Liu Xu's powerful soul, and Liu Xu didn't even know that he was being targeted by a fierce ghost, of course he knew, He doesn't care either.

"Li Yuan, you can change to another place later. That young man has already paid attention to this. We need to move quickly. Even if you die, you can't expose me." The black ghost is very ruthless, but Li Yuan didn't care about the tone of the black ghost. In his opinion, it would be abnormal if the black ghost didn't say such words.

However, Li Yuan was unwilling to change places so soon this time. In his opinion, there were too many ghosts that could be plundered in this place, so it was a pity to give up.

It would not be easy to find another place like this, but he dared not go against the words of the black ghost.

"Brother Dao in front, please wait a moment." As soon as Liu Xu left the hotel, he heard someone calling him from behind.

He looked back and saw two young men in their twenties chasing after them out of breath.

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