At this moment, Fatty Shi couldn't help but think of Wang Xiaoya, he had never seen such a woman in his life.

Yin Shisan deeply agreed with this, but what he cared most about was Liu Xu's strength, which he couldn't see through.

As for Wang Xiaoya, he ignored it directly, because Yin Shisan's realm was too low, and she couldn't sense the realm of Nine Heavens Profound Girl at all.

So in his eyes, Wang Xiaoya is just an ordinary person.

"Fatty man, next time you see that woman, you have to be more careful. I can't see through that Liu Xu's strength." Yin Shisan reminded.

He didn't really think about Fatty Shi, but he didn't want to lose Fatty Shi, a subordinate who came and went as soon as he was called.

In his eyes, Fatty Shi is similar to his subordinates.


Hearing Yin Shisan's words, Fatty Shi was taken aback. In his eyes, Yin Shisan was already very powerful, but now Yin Shisan actually said that he was not as good as Liu Xu, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"Fatty man, pay attention, I can already feel the ghosts around here." Yin Shisan said suddenly, which woke up Fatty Shi.

"Sure enough, there are indeed ghosts and ghosts here." Yin Shisan's face showed a sinister look, and he wanted to vent on these ghosts the anger he received from Liu Xu today.

Two big living people suddenly appeared in this eerie cemetery at night. Such a breath can't make the ghosts pay attention.

The two lonely ghosts spotted Yin Shisan and the other two, and rushed towards them with ferocious faces.

Obviously, the two lonely ghosts failed to realize the threat Yin Shisan was posing to them.


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ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 724

"Give me death!"

"Bronze mirror of yin and yang, life and death can be broken by one mirror!"

Seeing the two lonely ghosts rushing towards him, Yin Shisan took out a gossip bronze mirror.

He cast a spell to attract the moonlight, and with the help of the powerful power of the moonlight, he directly knocked out the two ghosts who rushed at him, leaving nothing behind.

"Okay, let's go, we can go to the employer for money now."

"Oh, good."

Fatty Shi didn't realize all of a sudden, why was Shisan so fierce today, and he managed to get rid of the two ghosts so quickly.

However, what Yin Shisan did not expect was that these two lonely ghosts were not ordinary ghosts, but were raised by someone.

The moment the two lonely wild ghosts flew away, the black ghost that had already arrived at the gate of Qingling Cemetery was furious. It sensed that the little ghost it raised had been exterminated.


"Hmph, I want to see who it is that dares to destroy my ghost slave."

The black ghost blew a whirlwind and drifted towards the depths of the cemetery.Li Yuan naturally followed, and he was also very surprised how someone would come over and kill those two brats in the middle of the night.

"Come on."

The black ghost saw Yin Shisan, sensed the ghost energy left on Yin Shisan, and knew that it was these two who killed his ghost slave.

Yin Shisan naturally also found the black ghost, knowing that this is the Lord's return, and the two little ghosts he killed just now were probably just appetizers.

"Both of you are going to die!" The black ghost roared, and the terrifying ghost energy turned into sharp blades to kill Yin Shisan and Fatty Shi.

This shot did not hold back at all, it wanted to solve these two people in the shortest possible time.

Yin Shisan's expression was solemn, he felt that this ghost was unusual, and it gave him a lot of pressure.

"Thirteen, why do I feel that something terrible is coming?"

Although Fatty Shi couldn't see the black ghost, he could feel the pressure brought by the black ghost.

"The young one is beaten, the old one is coming, let's run quickly." Yin Shisan was very shameless, he had no intention of fighting head-on with the black ghost at all.

"Yin-yang bronze mirror, life and death can be broken with one mirror!" Yin Shisan shouted loudly, the bronze mirror caught the moonlight, and returned to the black ghost with great power.


The two collided, and a terrifying air blast exploded. Under this pressure, both Yin Shisan and the black ghost took a step back involuntarily.

"Hurry up." Taking advantage of this brother's opportunity, Yin Shisan took Fatty Shi and ran towards the entrance of the cemetery.

"Fatty man, run fast, if we are caught by that old ghost, we will be finished."

Hearing this, Fatty Shi ran even faster, that speed is simply beyond what a fat man can achieve, and I don't know how he got it.

"I want your life to be worse than death!" The black ghost roared from behind, with a hideous expression.

He was very angry. He was forced to run away by a young man before, but now his hometown was copied by two people.

The most important thing is that they ran away under his hands.

The black ghost chased after it, and it no longer considered whether it would be exposed. What it wanted to do most now was to kill Yin Shisan and Fatty Shi, and then draw out their souls, making their lives worse than death.

Seeing that he was about to reach the entrance of the cemetery, Yin Shisan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief before the ghosts behind him came after him.

"Thirteen, why do you think we came here again?" Fatty Shi was panting around the old statue. He remembered that he had already passed here just now, why he was still here after running for a long time, and the gate of the cemetery was clearly in front of him. , but I seem to be unable to reach it no matter how I run, this is unscientific.

"This is a ghost hitting the wall. It looks like we are in danger." Yin Shisan saw the trick here. He was able to silently plant a ghost hitting the wall in such a large area. The old ghost's magic power is very powerful. He is no match at all.

"Ghost hitting the wall? Shisan, hurry up and think of a way to break it." Fatty Shi yelled.

"Jie Jie Jie, you don't have the qualifications to break my wall. You just keep running around here until you die from exhaustion. I want your souls to never be reborn." The black ghost The voice came from all directions, and Fatty Shi screamed in fright.

Although Yin Shisan wanted to break the ghost wall, but he was not strong enough to break it at all. Yin Shisan knew that this time he was in danger.


"Qingling Cemetery, I didn't expect this Li Yuan to run here. Could it be that the haunt of the ghost behind him is here?"

Liu Xu followed the little Zhihe to the Qingling Cemetery, with a look of doubt on his face.

"It doesn't matter, let's go and have a look first."

Liu Xu stepped in, and the surrounding scenery immediately spun.

He took a look, what kind of cemetery is here? This is clearly a mass grave.

There are many tombs, the tombstones are scattered, the crows are screaming, and some of the tombs can even see the bones scattered outside.

Liu Xu noticed that there was a vicious dog eating dead human flesh not far away, and its green eyes looked in his direction from time to time, and the dog's mouth still oozes foul-smelling saliva from time to time.

Obviously, this vicious dog was after Liu Xu.

It all looks so intrusive.

If ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they will definitely scream in fright, and the timid people may even be frightened to death directly.

But everyone, don't forget what Liu Xu's identity is, Maoshan Ghost Catcher, if he is scared to death by this scene, he will definitely laugh to death if he speaks out.

"Hmph, you dare to use mere obfuscation techniques." Liu Xu snorted coldly, "Break it for me!"


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 725 The guy who is neither human nor ghost

How could he not see the tricks here? It should be the old ghost who found out that he was coming, so he set up such an illusion, trying to give him a blow.

But it's a pity that Liu Xu's spiritual power is beyond the imagination of the black ghost. Such an illusion can't stop Liu Xu at all. Liu Xu discovered the flaw in it as soon as he came in.

The terrifying illusion shattered with Liu Xu's roar, and two big living people appeared in front of Liu Xu.

"Yin Thirteen? How did these two guys appear here?"

Liu Xu frowned. Judging from the situation, Yin Shisan and Fatty Shi should be trapped in the ghost wall, unable to get out for a while.

He knew how powerful this old ghost was. If it wasn't for Liu Xu's Taoist supernatural powers endowed by the system, and his spiritual power was different from ordinary people, he might not be able to break the illusion just now.

This Yin Thirteen, relying on his meager skills, it is not so difficult to break the ghost wall, basically it is impossible to do it.

"What exactly does this Li Yuan want to do?" Liu Xu felt that he was getting more and more confused, "Forget it, let's save Yin Shisan and the others first!"

"Heaven, earth, universe, yin and yang connect mystery, strangling." Liu Xu made a move, two rays of light, one black and one white, flashed past, and after hearing a crisp sound, Liu Xu broke the ghost's power to hit the wall .

"Liu Xu? Why are you here?" After the ghost wall was broken, Yin Shisan immediately reacted. He thought it was the old ghost who was going to make a killer move, but he didn't expect to see Liu. Asahi.

"Tell me why you are here first, did you see a middle-aged man in his thirties coming in?" Liu Xu frowned, and the little paper crane lost its effect here, as if it was blocked by something same as perception.

"You..." Fatty Shi was about to speak when he was immediately stopped by Yin Shisan. He knew that this was not the time to argue about this.

"I didn't see the person, but there is a ghost, and I am not its opponent." Yin Shisan is very single, and decisively admits that he is not an opponent. He wants Liu Xu to make a move, and wants to drive away the wolf.

"Tell me where that ghost is, and I will tame it myself. If you are afraid, go away!" It is impossible for Liu Xu not to know his little thoughts, but his goal is that ghost.

Liu Xu's expression was cold. He felt the chill in the air, and the pervasive ghostly aura became more and more intense, as if something terrible had awakened in the darkness.

"Are you looking for me?" At this moment, a person came out from the mist, and this person was obviously Li Yuan.

At this time, Li Yuan looked like a devil who came out of hell, his eyes were exposed, and his face was covered with dark patterns.

"This is? A ghost!" Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of shock appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that there are still people who are willing to become ghosts. It is really unimaginable."

After Liu Xu was shocked, he sneered. To put it mildly, he is called a ghost, but to put it mildly, he is actually a guy who is neither human nor ghost.

This kind of thing is not willing to admit that human beings exist, and even ghosts are not willing to accept them.

A long time ago, there were ghosts in this world. These people were originally human beings, but in order to master the power of ghosts, they sold their souls to ghosts in exchange for the power of ghosts.

However, they also paid a huge price for this, not only the soul, but also the lifespan.

As long as they are ghosts, their lifespan is particularly short.

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