From the moment they become ghost people, they can only live for ten years.

After ten years, they will die and their souls will be taken away by ghosts.

However, there are very rare exceptions, that is, the ghost man killed the Lihun he gave his soul to, so that ghost man could break the curse, but this exception is so small that it is almost impossible.

From ancient times to the present, only two ghosts have succeeded, but they also paid a huge price for this, and they have never had a chance to live forever.

It is precisely because of this that ghost people have been extinct many years ago, because the effort and harvest are not directly proportional.

However, in some remote places, ghost people still exist. They can do anything for their powerful power. These people are undoubtedly of the lunatic type.

Liu Xu didn't expect to see a ghost here. No wonder Li Yuan has such a strong ghost aura, and he is able to live so well, so it's because of this.

Now it seems that the power of ghosts in this Li Yuan has been awakened, and Li Yuan at this time has become more terrifying than ordinary ghosts.

"Hehe, I would like to see how powerful ghost people are. Why are there so many people willing to become ghost people?"

Liu Xu sneered, although the ghost man is powerful, but it is relatively speaking, if it is compared with Yin Shisan, it is natural to knead at will, if it is replaced by Liu Xu, it is definitely not something that can be described as kicking the iron plate, it is kicking to a mountain peak.

"Jie Jie Jie, it really is you, I should have known that I shouldn't have gone there, otherwise I wouldn't have been targeted by you." Li Yuan let out a strange smile.

"Although you look very powerful, I am not easy to mess with. This is my home field. I am thinking that if I kill you and eat your soul, then my strength will definitely become very powerful .”

Li Yuan, who had transformed into a ghost man, was full of confidence at the moment, and he didn't take Liu Xu seriously at all. The powerful power of the ghost man gave him enough confidence.


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Chapter 726 Bloody Curse

The black ghost hiding in the dark has an urge to scold his mother at this moment. He is not afraid of opponents like gods, but subordinates like pigs.

This guy must be out of his mind, he was clearly reminded to be careful of Liu Xu just now, but now he is still so careless, this is simply playing tricks!

Liu Xu was also a little speechless, shouldn't he be the one who said this, why does the plot feel like it's been reversed.

Facing Li Yuan's attack, Liu Xu did not hesitate at all, and shot out three talismans, which directly blasted Li Yuan's ghostly aura, exposing Li Yuan's body.

"Roar!" Li Yuan roared, and the black ghost claws grabbed Liu Xu.

Where the ghost claws pass, the wind blows.

Because a tombstone was separated between the two, it was shattered by the ghost claw's ghostly aura.

A weak ghost was hiding in that tombstone, and ended up dying just like that. It was worse than Passerby A, and it didn't even have a line when it appeared.

Liu Xu was a little surprised, the power of this ghost claw must be too great!

If it is caught in the human body, even if it is not dead, it will be seriously injured.

Liu Xu couldn't help giving Li Yuan a thumbs-up. He deserves to be a ghost who is neither human nor ghost, and his attack power is really sharp.

However, does this work for him?

Liu Xu never gave Li Yuan the chance to attack him.

"Heaven, earth, universe, yin and yang connect the mystery, strangle!"

Two beams of light, one yin and one yang, shot out from Liu Xu's body and strangled towards Jiyuan.

Under the strangling of these two yin and yang rays, the ghost claw ghost energy directly collapsed, without any resistance at all.

"Impossible, how could your attack power be stronger than mine." The ghost claw was crushed, and Li Yuan expressed that he was very injured. As a ghost, Ma Qiaoao was directly broken by Liu Xu.

Not only Li Yuan, but even the black ghost in the dark was taken aback. The ghost's attack is very sharp, even if he wants to break it, it is not easy, let alone something as easy as Liu Xu, he can't do it. arrive.

Liu Xu's danger was once again raised by it.

"Nothing is impossible in this world. There are only the most powerful people, but there is no such thing as the most powerful attack. You have entered into a misunderstanding." Looking at Li Yuan in front of him, Liu Xu said in a deep voice: " The strongest in this world is always only oneself, and only when oneself is strong, the weakest attack will become terrifying."

"I don't believe it. I will definitely defeat you. I am the strongest." Li Yuan roared and attacked Liu Xu even more frantically, but his failure was already doomed.

His most powerful attack couldn't hit Liu Xu, but he couldn't stop Liu Xu's attack.

"You disappointed me so much. It turns out that ghost people are like this. After losing their powerful attack power, they will become inferior to ordinary ghosts. No wonder they will disappear in the long river of history."

Liu Xu's words are not wrong. Although there are many reasons for the disappearance of the ghost man, this reason is indeed one of them.

"Let me send you back to the west, there shouldn't be ghosts in this world." Liu Xu roared, the two rays of light, one yin and one yang, flowed even more terrifyingly, strangling frantically around Li Yuan's body, like that It was as if he would not give up until Li Yuan was killed.

"I didn't expect this Liu Xu to be so powerful. Fortunately, we didn't have any big conflicts with him before, otherwise it would be really miserable."

Fatty Shi couldn't see Liu Xu's strength, but Yin Shisan could.

He had lingering fears, this kind of power was not something Yin Shisan could contend with, and he longed for this kind of power very much.

"No, I can't let them fight anymore. Li Yuan will definitely die if this continues, and my plan will fall short." The black ghost hid in the void and was secretly anxious. Li Yuan was the ghost he had cultivated with great difficulty. He Never allow Li Yuan to die like this.

"Ghost blood curse, all ghosts worship, curse to kill." The black ghost made a very strange handprint in the dark.

There is nothing strange about these handprints separated, but when they are entangled with each other, a very terrifying force emerges from the void, forming a strange force, which looks very of evil.

This is the power of the Scarlet Curse.

With the help of the power of the ghosts in the underworld, it turns into a curse and kills all enemies. Anyone who is caught will be haunted by the curse, and their souls will sink into the boundless hell.

"not good."

Just when Liu Xu was about to kill Li Yuan, Liu Xu suddenly became restless, as if something terrible was about to happen to him.

This is an early warning, and all Taoists who are successful in cultivation will more or less feel this way when they encounter danger, and they can foresee that they will be in danger.

Now Liu Xu has this feeling. In this crisis, Liu Xu feels that he may die at any time, and his soul keeps beating in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Therefore, Liu Xu resolutely gave up the chance to kill Li Yuan. There are many chances to kill Li Yuan, and he doesn't care this time. If his life is gone, it is really gone.

Liu Xu knew that the danger this time must have been caused by the ghost behind Li Yuan, which cast a shadow in Liu Xu's heart.

"Mommy, Mommy, coaxing, wind, fire, thunder, lightning, Taishang Laojun is in a hurry like a law!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Xu recited the Golden Light Mantra, and intersected the middle and ring fingers of both hands, forming the Golden Light Mahamudra.

This is a very famous spell in Taoism. The golden light represents positive energy, and the power of the golden light spell can effectively resist the damage caused by ghosts.

As soon as Liu Xu finished the Golden Light Curse, a terrifying black ghost aura shot out from the void. The target came straight to Liu Xu, and then slammed into the golden mask formed by the Golden Light Curse.


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ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 727 Is this uglier than which one?


The golden mask was broken, but the terrifying ghostly aura also disappeared.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yuan quickly escaped from Liu Xu's attack range.

"Hmph, don't think I can't find you because you're hiding in the dark. There is no one in this world who can plot against me and live, let alone a ghost like you."

Liu Xu expressed his anger. He was still in fear. If he hadn't used the Golden Light Curse just now, he would definitely capsize in the gutter this time, and he might even be seriously injured by the curse.

There was no sound in the void, and the black ghost was waiting for the next opportunity to attack.

It was Liu Xu who didn't notice before and was attacked by the black ghost, but will Liu Xu give him a chance this time?

The answer is naturally no.

What kind of power the angry Liu Xu will have, the black ghost has no idea at all, if it knew, it would not be so reckless at all.

Since that ghost valued Li Yuan so much and wanted to save Li Yuan, what Liu Xu had to do was to kill Li Yuan completely and let the ghost behind Li Yuan come out by itself.

"Li Yuan, just die for me, even that ghost can't save you this time." Liu Xu roared, and the yin and yang light strangled again.

This time, Liu Xu showed no mercy.

Li Yuan originally wanted to run away, but he didn't expect Liu Xu's reaction to be so quick, as soon as he blocked the black ghost's attack, it was like launching a killer move himself.

This time Li Yuan didn't have the good luck of last time. Facing Liu Xu's attack, the black ghost had no time to rescue him, so he could only watch Li Yuan be killed by Liu Xu.

Li Yuan died, his soul emerged from his body, his expression was a little dazed, but when he saw Liu Xu, he subconsciously wanted to run away, this was instinctive fear.

A mysterious traction force descended from the void, wanting to take away Li Yuan's soul, obviously this was the method of the black ghost, how could Liu Xu let him do what he wanted.

Liu Xu struck out and directly beat Li Yuan's soul to pieces.

From then on, Li Yuan no longer existed in this world.


There was a miserable scream in the void. It was the scream of a black ghost. He was heartbroken for the destruction of Li Yuan's soul. You must know that it was the food he had cultivated for a long time.

The black ghost was very angry. The ghost man he had cultivated for so long died right under his nose. He didn't even have a chance to rescue him.

You must know that Li Yuan is not a passer-by, it is a chess piece arranged by Hei, what it wants is Li Yuan's soul, only Li Yuan's soul can help it recover its damaged power.

But now, everything has been ruined, and the plan of more than ten years has been wiped out.

The angry black ghost has lost its mind, and the only thing it wants to do now is to kill Liu Xu and eat Liu Xu's soul, so that it can vent its hatred.

The black ghost roared, and it no longer hid its body, completely revealing its own face.

The face in the darkness is ferocious and terrifying, its skin is covered with black lines, its hands and feet are covered with upside-down thorns like thorns, and its long fingernails and toenails look like Three points more terrifying than Shura.

A terrifying aura erupted from the black ghost's body. Under this aura, Fatty Shi pissed in fright, his legs were trembling constantly, and he couldn't even walk.

Although Yin Shisan was better than Fatty Shi, his face was also very pale, as if he had suffered from a serious illness.

It can be seen from this that the aura of this black ghost is so powerful.

However, this trick of the black ghost has no effect on Liu Xu.

The so-called imposing manner is a spiritual competition, and how strong Liu Xu's mental power is, the black ghost has no idea at all.

"Which one is uglier?" Liu Xu was speechless for a while, "Sure enough, there is no ugliest, only uglier."

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