He naturally wanted to know the secret, how could he let Liu Xu leave like this?

As the saying goes, whoever sees gets a share.

However, it is a pity that Yin Shisan's thinking is too naive, no, it should be said that he is a little too greedy.

Liu Xu had already saved his and Fatty Shi's lives, but Yin Shisan actually wanted to push forward and share the secret of the black ghost...

"Hehe, be careful if you walk too far." Liu Xu turned and left, not paying any attention to Yin Shisan who was behind him with a livid face. To him, Yin Shisan was just a passer-by in his life, even if Yin Shisan It's useless to hate yourself again and again.

If Yin Shisan doesn't know what to do anymore, I don't mind finishing him off.


"Heihun, is this the place where the ghost gourd is hidden?" A young man pointed to the villa in front of him.

"It can't be wrong, there is still my mark here, but it wasn't like this when I came here fifty years ago!" Heihun scratched his head, his eyes showed doubts, he said that he I don't know why it's like this here.

The young man was a little speechless. In such a beautiful place, how could those developers give up?

Fifty years is enough time for them to transform this place into a large villa area.

These two people were naturally Liu Xu and the black ghost. After leaving the cemetery last time, the black ghost and the black soul told about its origin and everything it knew.

Hei Hun lived in the late Ming Dynasty and was killed for resisting the Qing Dynasty.

After death, the black soul was unwilling, and turned into a fierce ghost. After being captured by the soul ferryman and entered the underworld, he escaped by luck and hid in an ancient tomb. At the first stage, he became a fourth-level magic cultivator, and later because of various opportunities, he finally became a fourth-level magic cultivator. He was only one step away from becoming a fifth-tier magic cultivator.

I don't know if Black Soul is God's illegitimate child. When he was hunted down by the soul ferryman, he accidentally discovered an ancient land. Under the ancient land, he found a vine with a small gourd attached to it. .

At that time, the black soul was very excited, because he had seen this gourd in the underworld before, it was a gourd for raising ghosts, it was a natural magic weapon, and it possessed all kinds of incredible powers.

The biggest function of raising ghost gourd is to be able to nourish ghosts and make the power of ghosts stronger.

Hei Hun was ready to pick off the ghost-raising gourd at that time, but at this time tragedy happened, a once-black light shot out from the ghost-raising gourd, directly sucking the soul of the black soul into the ghost-raising gourd, and the black soul Soul has no resistance at all.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 732 Cousin Chen Meijia

Hei Hun forgot that although the ghost-raising gourd has a great effect on ghosts, it is also the nemesis of ghosts. The ghost-raising gourd that has not been sacrificed will automatically absorb the ghosts that approach it. This is instinct.

Therefore, the black soul escaped after a near-death struggle in the ghost-raising gourd.

But how could the black soul be willing to fail like this, so it left its own unique mark near the ghost-raising gourd, in order to come back to retrieve the ghost-raising gourd when it becomes stronger in the future.

However, he was seriously injured in raising the ghost gourd, so the black soul found Li Yuan, Yan Xiu deceived Li Yuan into a ghost, and after Li Yuan died, he could recover by refining Li Yuan's soul injury.

However, Black Soul only saw the beginning and did not guess the ending.

Liu Xu's unexpected appearance made him fall short. Not only Li Yuan was killed, but even he himself was captured by Liu Xu. If he hadn't begged for mercy in time, there would be no such ghost in this world now.

"You mean that ghost-raising gourd is under the ground of that villa?" Liu Xu frowned slightly.

"There is a small space below here, and the vine with the ghost-raising gourd grows in it. After fifty years, I think the power of the ghost-raising gourd should become stronger." Black Soul Say it quickly.

The existence of a small space is not something that can be discovered by flattening the house or digging up the ground. With real power, only the soul body can enter.

The ghost-raising gourd can restrain ghosts, and once the soul approaches, it will be sucked involuntarily.

Liu Xu opened his yin and yang eyes, and at a glance, he saw a purple-gold gourd hidden deep in the ground. He closed his eyes and speculated for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "It's not time to pick this gourd yet, you stay here to protect it .”

He was not afraid of the black soul playing tricks, because it was forbidden, and its life and death depended on Liu Xu's thought.

Two days later, the weekend.

He didn't see Tian Erniu's person for two days and didn't answer her calls, so Liu Xu became a little worried.

On a whim, I made an appointment with Chen Anan on the weekend morning, and went to the pet shop together to find someone, and the two walked into the newly opened pet shop side by side.

Two young female shop assistants greeted them with smiles: "Sir, miss, welcome."

Liu Xu's sharp eyes caught sight of Tian Erniu who was fiddling with the ledger with her head down, and gave Chen An'an a wink.

Chen An'an smiled knowingly and said: "Sister Niuniu, you are too mean, you didn't even say hello in advance when you opened your new store, heh, I wish Sister Niuniu a lot of money every day."

Tian Erniu who was awakened raised her head, she was a little cold when she first saw Liu Xu, and quickly put on a smiling face when she saw Chen An'an.

The two slender hands held each other affectionately again, and she still said affectionately to Chen An'an: "You have a sweet mouth, no wonder you can coax so many men around."

Chen An'an is an innocent girl, she exchanged a few words with Niu Niu, and then naturally ran to the cute little animal in the cage.

Liu Xu, who was left out in the cold, didn't feel uncomfortable at all, on the contrary, he felt quite warm. He suddenly thought that if he really had such a cousin, she would actually be pretty good. This thought startled him again, and he quickly erased it from his mind.

The good news is that after staying in the store for a while, Tian Erniu's mood finally improved.

Although his attitude towards Liu Xu was still very cold, it was not as scary as the previous two days.

This made Liu Xu want to sigh again, this woman, isn't she really into the drama too much, is she addicted to playing her cousin?

"Wait a moment……"

Liu Xu suddenly turned his head and looked at one of the two young female shop assistants.

"Meijia...cousin?" Chen Meijia lowered her head just now, but Liu Xu didn't recognize her.

"You are..." Chen Meijia looked at Liu Xu suspiciously.

"I'm your cousin!" Liu Xu said with a smile.

"Cousin?" Chen Meijia looked confused and thought, "Where did I get my cousin?"

"You in the country, have you forgotten? We took a bath together when we were young!" Liu Xu hurriedly gave important evidence.

"Oh! It's you!" Chen Meijia tilted her head and thought for a while, with a sudden realization expression on her face.

Chen An'an and Tian Erniu both fell into dementia when they saw the two who had recognized their cousins.

"Cousin, why are you and my cousin..."

"I posted a job advertisement under the love apartment, Meijia, your cousin is here to apply."

This is such a coincidence.

However, now comes the question, Chen An'an is Liu Xu's cousin, and Chen Meijia is Liu Xu's cousin, so what is the relationship between Chen An'an and Chen Meijia?

At noon, the fast food restaurant opposite the pet shop.

Looking at the decent store opposite, Chen Anan couldn't help but praise again: "Sister Niuniu, you are really amazing, it shouldn't be easy to run such a store!"

"Opening a pet shop is my dream, and now I finally have the opportunity to realize it." Tian Erniu was eating a hamburger, and her eyes were a little bewildered.

"Isn't your dream to be a charter woman?" Liu Xu said, then lowered his head to eat the hamburger.

Tian Erniu gave Liu Xu a blank look. Although her words were nonsensical, Chen Anan was fascinated: "My dream is to open a bridal dress shop, hehe, I even went to the pedestrian street to inquire about it. It costs millions of dollars to open a bridal shop in the pedestrian street, and the rent alone costs [-] per square meter, which is too scary."

"Cousin, my dream is also to be a charter woman." Chen Meijia said in a vague voice, because she was stuffing roasted wings into her mouth.

Liu Xu, who was eating a hamburger with his head down, heard them talking about their ideals in life, and for some reason suddenly wanted to laugh. He had to pinch his thigh hard to hold back the laughter.

Liu Xu has been waiting for the three women to ask him about his dreams, but after eating all the food, no one asked him...


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 733

One day was spent in the pet shop. Chen Anan was also a person who couldn’t walk when seeing kittens and puppies. He even happily cameo for a day as a clerk, until the pet shop closed at [-] o’clock in the evening. Shirdi went home.

Because of the relationship with Liu Xu, a dangerous person, Chen He, the sister-in-law, vaccinated the two elderly people in the family. Chen An'an has been living at home recently.

As for Chen Meijia, she left before it was time to get off work. The reason was that the supermarket downstairs had a discount today.

Having recognized Liu Xu as her cousin, Chen Meijia and Tian Erniu, the owner of the pet shop, have also established an inseparable relationship. It seems that coming late and leaving early will become her norm in the future.

In the evening, after driving Chen An'an home, Tian Erniu's expression became cold again, and she drove out of the urban area and onto the expressway.

It took more than two hours to get off the expressway and drive along the long mountain road into the sparsely populated deep mountains.

Looking at the gloomy mountain road outside the car window, Liu Xu asked alertly, "Where are you going?"

Tian Erniu had revenge, and sneered coldly: "The underworld."

Liu Xu couldn't help but find it funny again, this beauty is still very temperamental, she is still angry after several days!

In the early hours of the morning, the car stopped at the foot of a deserted and desolate mountain.

A nimble man jumped out on the side of the road, carrying a large luggage bag in his hand, it was Ye Zhiqiang.

Ye Zhiqiang opened the door and got into the car, grinning at Liu Xu: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come here?"

Liu Xu was speechless, but Tian Erniu, who was driving, asked in a low voice, "Where's the gun?"

Ye Zhiqiang easily opened the zipper of the luggage bag, revealing three long rifles inside.

Two assault rifles, one sniper rifle, and a pile of magazines scattered around.

Liu Xu's heart became hot, and he grabbed an assault rifle to try its weight. The fighting instinct deep in his heart was suddenly stimulated, and his blood surged up in Yuexiong.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the time when he and An Ran were fighting in the border forest.

In the early morning, in the desolate mountains.

Liu Xu held a loaded assault rifle in his hand, and stood side by side with Tian Erniu, watching Ye Zhiqiang lying on the ground fiddling with another sniper rifle. The target was a rock three hundred meters away. A red circular circle was drawn, Ye Zhiqiang spent a long time from installing the night vision sight to adjusting it.


A gunshot sounded suddenly in the silent mountains.

Liu Xu followed Tian Erniu's example and raised the gun. Looking through the low-light sight installed on the gun, the first shot was slightly crooked.

Ye Zhiqiang adjusted the front sight slightly, and the second shot accurately hit the center of the target.

The honest middle-aged man got up and clapped his hands in satisfaction: "Good gun."

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