Liu Xu was already secretly surprised. Compared with the special forces, the gold medal killer's marksmanship was not bad at all.

Tian Erniu, who was a few steps away, also skillfully picked up the assault rifle and put it on her shoulder, and tried to shoot a few shots in the distance.

Liu Xu followed suit and fired up thirty bullets in the gun, and was refreshed again by the biting cold mountain wind.

Afterwards, the three of them got into the car, and Liu Xu also got his first mission briefing.

The location is Cambodia, and the task is to exchange hostages for ransom.

Tian Erniu suddenly changed her face, and turned into a cruel killer again, and said coldly: "We flew directly from the airport to Hanoi, Vietnam this morning, crossed the south and then took the waterway to the Yongchang Pass on the Vietnam-Cambodia border, and drove in Yongchang after completing the visa. When you arrive in Phnom Penh, the place to pay the ransom is at the Stung Treng Port in Cambodia, it is [-]:[-] in the morning, and you have six hours to prepare... meet at the airport at [-]:[-] in the morning, the old rules, if there is an accident, find a way to get out."

Ye Zhiqiang quickly showed a relieved expression, of course there is no problem.

Liu Xu was extremely excited. He didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to go on a mission so soon.

Military training is too boring, and the job of killer is more suitable for him.

At least for the time being, Liu Xu will never forget the agreement with An Ran.

Seven o'clock in the morning, iPartment.

After driving Ye Zhiqiang to the hotel to stay, the two returned home.

Tian Erniu started first, packed a few changes of clothes, prepared passports and cash, and was busy for a while without saying a word.

Liu Xu sat on the sofa and watched her rummaging through things. After thinking about it, he also picked up the phone and called or sent text messages to the women around him one by one.

Putting down the phone and meeting Tian Erniu's eyes, Tian Erniu taunted again and again: "This lie is made up by someone with a nose, men are really unreliable."

Liu Xu was also lazy to argue with her, thinking of the next few days' schedule, he had never played such a thing as a ransom for a hostage.

When they went out together at [-] o'clock in the morning, they unexpectedly ran into the gold digger Manuo in the elevator.

Mano obviously recognized Liu Xu, and then saw the two people dressed for a long trip, and said with a smile: "You two are going on a trip?"

Liu Xu's heart moved, he gently shook Ueda Erniu's slender hand, and agreed casually: "Yes, staying at home is too boring, we want to go to Vietnam to have fun."

In front of Mano's smiling face, Tian Erniu could only allow him to hold hands, forcing a smile to deal with it first.

"Who was that woman in the elevator just now? It's your cousin again!" Tian Erniu said angrily.

"No, it's my girlfriend with sex." Liu Xu said.

"..." Tian Erniu didn't say anything, and gave him a blank look.

After arriving at the apartment building and getting into the car, Tian Erniu was already in a much better mood. She thought Liu Xu was teasing her by saying that Mano was his girlfriend with sex.

Liu Xu sat in the co-pilot seat, fastened his seat belt, and waited for the departure.

Tian Erniu started the car, and suddenly whispered in a nonchalant voice: "You still have time to quit now."

Liu Xu waved his hand without thinking, and said, "Drive."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Tian Erniu stopped pestering him, and the car slowly drove out of the apartment to the airport.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it’s 520 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats on the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 734

At nine o'clock in the morning, the airport.

Liu Xu looked back at the big package on Ye Zhiqiang's back, and couldn't help but wonder how he could pass the customs with so many guns on his back.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in the airport, the police opened the way, and a group of foreign bodyguards in suits surrounded an elegant old man in suits, and rushed into the airport hall from outside.

The police set up a protective wall in front of the road. Only important diplomatic officials at the ambassadorial level can enjoy this kind of treatment.

When Liu Xu was observing, he was suddenly pulled up by Tian Erniu, sandwiched between her and Ye Zhiqiang, and swaggered towards the elegant diplomat.

Liu Xu was really taken aback. He wondered what the two companions wanted to do. They wanted to assassinate the diplomat, right?

The police were also very nervous and stopped the three of them.

What was even more surprising was that the elegant diplomat stopped and walked over in person, and even negotiated with the foreign affairs police officer leading the team.

After a while, the leading policeman nodded slightly.

Liu Xu was staggered again by Tian Erniu, and swaggered into the diplomatic team.

A group of people passed through the diplomatic VIP channel and went straight to a business jet.

Liu Xu looked at the Brazilian flag printed on the fuselage of the plane and understood everything. The public relations ability of this jungle bird company is simply jaw-dropping. Even diplomats at the ambassadorial level can order around at will. .

In addition to being shocked and shocked, Liu Xu also realized how serious the consequences of betraying this company would be. Of course, this is for ordinary people.

Half an hour later, the diplomatic business plane took off and flew directly to Hanoi, Vietnam.

I didn't encounter any trouble along the way, until I arrived at the Brazilian Embassy in Hanoi, it was already late at night.

After staying at the embassy for one night, the three of them boarded an off-road vehicle with a civilian license plate and disappeared quietly on the streets of Hanoi in the early morning of the next day.

A day later, the Stung Treng port in Cambodia.

Tian Erniu parked the car in front of a bank's business hall, and after a while, she took out four large boxes of cash and put them all in the trunk of the off-road vehicle.

Liu Xu also sensed a hint of danger. Diplomats, business jets, and four large boxes of two million dollars in cash, one can imagine how prominent this kidnapped man must be. Last but not least, this man must be from a country. Politicians at the level of congressmen!

Of course Liu Xu also understood the rules, just work and don't ask too many questions, even if she asked Tian Erniu, she wouldn't tell.

After more than ten hours of tossing and turning on the bumpy jungle path, the off-road vehicle finally stopped in a desolate wilderness and reached the destination.

Liu Xu got out of the car and at the same time rubbed his sore waist and stretched his waist. Even with his domineering physique, he still felt sore and backache. The journey was really hard enough.

There were two other sounds of closing the car door behind him, and Tian Erniu and Ye Zhiqiang also got out of the car one after another.

The division of labor between the three is very clear, Tian Erniu is in charge of negotiation, Liu Xu is in charge of carrying four large boxes of cash, Ye Zhiqiang is in charge of peripheral support and cover, the thin middle-aged man gestures with a sniper rifle on his back, and quickly disappears into the Deep in the jungle.

Liu Xu brought up four boxes of cash, and the secretion of adrenaline suddenly became strong.

Following closely behind Tian Erniu, she walked into an open space with one step higher and one step lower.

Standing on the open grass, Tian Erniu looked down at the map and made a gesture, and Liu Xu put down the box knowingly.

Suddenly there was a whistle around, and a group of ragged armed robbers got out from behind the tree, and pushed and pushed a foreign girl in a white shirt. The foreign girl was tortured enough, and her whole body was filthy.

Finally Liu Xu couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "Who is this person?"

Tian Erniu hesitated for a while, and then answered in a low voice: "The British Guardian's Asian issues column chief writer, chief reporter."

With a slight nod, Liu Xu understood that she was a foreign woman who had a standard sense of justice and didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

After the negotiation, the group of robbers on the opposite side suddenly became emotional and started yelling.

Tian Erniu hurriedly took off her coat and raised her hands and spun around in a circle, indicating that she was not carrying a weapon. With a wink, Liu Xu quickly followed suit and took off her coat and spun around.

Seeing that the two men were not carrying weapons, the robbers seemed to be satisfied, and sent a few people to push the hostage back over.

A moment later, Liu Xu and Tian Erniu each had an AK47 on their foreheads.

Seeing several thin-faced robbers carry away the box containing the money, and then pushed the hostage over, Liu Xu hurriedly hugged the foreign girl and took a step back. He was also relieved, but felt that the task was easy. of.

Suddenly, Tian Erniu made a very strange movement, and gently unbuttoned a shirt with her slender hands.

One, two, when the third shirt button was unbuttoned, most of Yue Xiong's fair skin was exposed.

Although Liu Xu had seen her before, he still couldn't help swallowing. The two armed robbers closest to her couldn't help but stare at the fair skin exposed around her bulletproof vest. Liu Xu reacted instantly. , rolling over on the spot with the foreign girl in his arms.

Almost at the same time, there was a muffled gunshot in the distance, and Ye Zhiqiang, who was hiding outside, fired.

The robber who was closest to Liu Xu was blown upside down by bullets in an exaggerated way, blood dripping all over the ground.

At the same time, Tian Erniu also made a move, and a grenade hanging on the bulletproof vest fell to the ground, still smoking.

The robber guarding her stared at the smoking grenade.

Human instinct caused the robber to yell in fright and drop his gun, subconsciously lying down with his head in his arms for cover.

The other robbers were still at a loss as to what was going on because they were standing a little farther away. They only saw one of their companions being beaten into the air, and the other was lying down with his head in his arms, screaming.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 735 Rejection and first reaction

The robbers were stunned for about a second, Tian Erniu suddenly showed a cruel smile on her face, and kicked the smoking grenade into the robbers with a light kick without panic.


When the grenade exploded, amidst screams, Liu Xu took the opportunity to roll over with his arms around the hostage, bounced off the ground after the roll, and fled frantically with the hostage in his arms.

Bullets flew by his side, Liu Xu was inspired to his full potential at the critical moment, and he could run fast with a person in his arms.

From a distance, it looks like a galloping cheetah, which accelerates to an astonishing limit in an instant, and at the same time all senses become clear in an instant. While running wildly, it is keenly aware of a string of bullets, chasing after it at a very high speed. In desperation, he protected the hostage and rolled in the air.

A string of bullets passed by, hitting the ground and stirring up a cloud of dust. Liu Xu and the hostage rolled into a ball in a mess. After a few rounds of rolling, it was a blessing in disguise, and rolled into a low-lying puddle.

Lying in the puddle to wipe the muddy water off his face, he scolded his two bastard companions in his heart, what the hell are they doing.

"Da da da……"

The explosion of the grenade stirred up dust all over the sky, making the sight extremely poor. The robbers were obviously just a mob, just shooting randomly.

Ye Zhiqiang on the periphery shot after shot, continuing to carry out one-sided massacres at a long distance.

In this open area with no cover, the group of robbers running around was quickly dispersed, and one after another became the prey of Ye Zhiqiang's sniper rifle.

After rolling into a safe puddle with the hostages in his arms, Liu Xu felt a tingling pain in his left arm. He lowered his head to see that his coat had been pierced, and a little blood oozed out.

The female hostage had also been frightened and had a nervous breakdown. Both hands were still tightly grasping the injured left arm, and she would not let go.

Liu Xu patted her on the face to try to calm her down, but found that no matter how she tried to comfort her, it was futile. This woman was already out of her mind.

The stabbing pain in the left arm gradually deepened and slowly turned into a sharp pain.

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