When Liu Xu was hesitating whether to knock the hostage unconscious, he gradually felt that the necrotic muscle tissue in the injured part of his left arm seemed to be developing and expanding. He squeezed out, lowered his head, and watched the wound on his left arm bulge slightly.

A bullet with bloodstains was slowly squeezed out bit by bit from the bloody wound.


In just a matter of seconds, the bullet was extruded from the body and dropped to the grass.

After that, the bloody wound healed quickly, leaving only a few bloodstains in the end.

Liu Xu's eyes were straightened, and suddenly he thought of a medical term, rejection.

Rejection, the medical explanation is the inevitable rejection of foreign tissue after it enters an immunocompetent host, which is an immune process.

This jaw-dropping result can only be explained by medical knowledge, which can only show that Liu Xu's immunity is countless times stronger than normal people.

The bullet that invaded the body caused a hyperacute rejection reaction. Under the subconscious command of the brain, the muscle tissue forcefully squeezed out the foreign matter. That's why such a dramatic scene happened. With the rapid healing of the wound, the sharp stab The pain also disappeared.

"It seems that without Taoism supernatural powers, you can force yourself to exert your maximum physical potential in actual combat."

Liu Xu resisted the ecstasy in his heart and wiped off the muddy water on his face. He looked up and saw that, tens of meters away, Tian Erniu had piled up two dead people to make a cover, and was walking towards the The fleeing robbers shot wildly, screaming one after another, and from time to time, some robbers were knocked to the ground by bullets.

Liu Xu silently scolded another bastard, and while the robbers were running away, he picked up the hostages and ran back to the car parked far away.

He carried the hostage into the car, grabbed an assault rifle in the back seat and strode back to the battlefield.

Half a minute later, Liu Xu knelt down on one knee, held his assault rifle flat, opened the safety, aimed at a robber who was still lying on his back and fired randomly a hundred meters away, and pulled the trigger after hesitating for a while.

With his super eyesight, Liu Xu could clearly see that the first shot hit half a meter in front of the robber and missed.

Liu Xu hesitated for another half a second before raising the muzzle of the gun a little bit. With his super vision, he accurately corrected the trajectory, and then pulled the trigger. The second bullet accurately hit the robber's forehead. This method of trajectory correction It's dumb but effective.

After a few seconds, the gunshots subsided completely, leaving only the messy corpses of the robbers on the ground.

Liu Xu stood up silently, and after a while, strode towards Tian Erniu who was checking the results of the battle tens of meters away.

Tian Erniu held the gun leisurely, and casually greeted: "Are you okay?"

Liu Xu was furious, stared at her fiercely, and couldn't help cursing: "What the hell are you doing? If the robber sees the grenade, his first reaction is not to lie down with his head in his arms but to shoot, not even us They were also killed together..."

Before he finished speaking, a smoking grenade rolled to Liu Xu's feet. Liu Xu was startled and subconsciously rolled over on the spot, lying down, trying to get out of the explosion range of the grenade.

Amidst the presumptuous laughter at the scene, Tian Erniu smiled presumptuously with her hips akimbo, and then lightly kicked the smoking grenade away.


The grenade exploded more than ten meters away, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Tian Erniu didn't mind being scolded by him, and she leaned over and knelt down on one knee gently, and said in a gentle tone, "Can't you trust me once, an ordinary person who hasn't undergone long-term special training sees a bird that is about to The first reaction to an exploding grenade is definitely to hide, not to kick, heh... this has nothing to do with a person's guts, it's an instinct in a person's subconscious, you still have a lot to learn!"


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 736 Go and close the door!

A slender hand stretched out, Liu Xu's face changed slightly, but he grabbed it and stood up with his strength.

At this time, there was nothing to say, her real reaction had already confirmed her theory, which was [-]% correct.

Thinking that he wronged her, Liu Xu felt a little sorry.

Tian Erniu didn't take it seriously, and smiled at him again, stepped forward with her long legs, stepped on the blood and stumped limbs, and found the four large boxes full of cash.

Ye Zhiqiang, who was holding a sniper rifle in the distance, also appeared, and greeted him from a distance: "Are you all right?"

Tian Erniu naturally waved her hand and said, "Thanks to you, I still can't die... why are you still standing there, help me get the money!"

Liu Xu took two boxes of money from her, looked around at the hellish situation on earth, and left silently.

After a while, the off-road vehicle started and drove away quickly, leaving behind a pile of corpses on the open grass.

These amateur robbers who usually farm and rob in groups during the slack season will only be slaughtered when they meet professional masters like Ye Zhiqiang and Tian Erniu.

In the evening, a hotel in downtown Phnom Penh.

Liu Xu stood by the window and looked at the street outside, reminiscing over the whole process of action over and over again, the whole process was indeed impeccable.

From the smoking grenade to the subsequent massacre, the entire tactic was perfectly designed, and it could almost be called the art of killing. It can be seen that Tian Erniu is definitely a master tactician in this line of work.

This was a completely one-sided massacre, and dozens of amateur robbers were completely powerless to resist.

At least one thing Tian Erniu said was right, she was still a novice in this industry, and indeed she still had a lot to learn.

Just as he was thinking of being in a state of ecstasy, the door opened.

Tian Erniu came in from the outside and asked casually, "How is the hostage?"

Liu Xu glanced at the foreign female reporter who was sleeping soundly in the small suite next door, and replied softly, "I fell asleep after taking a shower... I was just overly frightened and didn't suffer any trauma."

Tian Erniu seemed to be in a good mood, and sent another charming smile: "It's your first mission, and you performed well."

Liu Xu also calmed down, and asked casually, "Where is Zhiqiang?"

Tian Erniu lay on her back on the soft bed, and replied in a tired voice, "I'm going to contact the people at the British embassy, ​​and I won't be back until evening."

Liu Xu moved his fingers slightly, but he still took a few steps closer and lay down on the bed, lying side by side with her.

After going through a fierce gun battle and a small misunderstanding, Liu Xu felt a lot closer to her.

An inexplicable sense of intimacy, of course Tian Erniu wouldn't mind, she got up hard, and leaned most of her soft body into Liu Xu's arms, the atmosphere suddenly became hotter.

The two entangled for a while, and Tian Erniu's eyes were about to drip, and she spoke in a tired voice: "Go and close the door!"

|Liu Xu's heart was so hot that he didn't care to close the door, untied her belt impatiently, and tore off the soft trousers...

Two hours later, Ye Zhiqiang returned with the military attache from the British embassy.

Liu Xu also dressed neatly again, Tian Erniu Fan still had the luster on her face after sex, and communicated with the British embassy in proficient English.

Standing outside the window, Liu Xu looked at the large number of foreign journalists waiting outside for interviews. Adding lips, this exciting part-time job seemed to be pretty good. After waiting for another half an hour, the rescued British female reporter woke up from her deep sleep Come here, people are more energetic.

The rescued female reporter only knew Liu Xu, and she rushed over to hug Liu Xu, kissing and hugging her tightly, thank you very much.

Liu Xu was kissed on the face by her raindrops of kisses. In front of the staff of the British embassy, ​​he felt a little embarrassed and couldn't push her away. He could only let her toss for a while before he was relieved.

Afterwards, the interview was a matter for the British. Liu Xu and his two companions retired quietly, taking advantage of the chaos outside.

One day later, in the magic city, the manager's office of the pet shop.

A check for [-] US dollars was pushed over, and Liu Xu received the high reward for this mission.

It was much easier for Ye Zhiqiang to receive the check, put on his hat once he received the check, opened the door and left.

When there were only two people left in the room, Liu Xu took the check after thinking about it.

Chen Meijia's greeting suddenly came from outside: "Sister Niu Niu, cousin, An An is here!"

Liu Xu heard Chen An'an's voice from outside, and got up to greet her. Behind her, Tian Erniu rolled up her hair as if nothing had happened, and followed her out of the manager's office.

After the three met and chatted for a while, Chen An'an said with concern again: "Are you okay in Yanjing?"

Liu Xu used the excuse that his relatives in Yanjing were ill, and he felt guilty for a while when he was asked, so he hurriedly said, "Uh, it's all done."

Fortunately, a customer came in to buy a pet, which temporarily rescued Liu Xu.

A young couple enters.

"Hi, may I ask what kind of pet you want to buy?" Chen Meijia greeted her.

"We want to buy a puppy." Among the young couples, girls are obviously dominant.

"Puppy! Puppies like to defecate messily, you should buy a lizard!" Chen Meijia recommended a very uncommon pet, "or spiders are also fine, they usually stay in the box and don't go anywhere."


The corner of Liu Xu's mouth twitched. He wanted to buy a puppy, but Chen Meijia recommended him to buy... lizards and spiders...

He was speechless for a while. If Chen Meijia hadn't picked up his cousin, Tian Erniu would definitely have fired her.

Tian Erniu put on a smiling face and went up to her. The couple who were coaxed by a few good words smiled happily. The couple happily bought a puppy worth more than [-] yuan, and a lot of dog food. Life, It seems that the previous calm has been restored again.


Ps1: I recently joined the ranks of purchasing movie tickets. Hey, it is 5-20 yuan cheaper than major group buying websites (nationwide). If you need it, add WeChat ztc446809293

ps2: When purchasing tickets, please directly send screenshots of the selected seats in the app. Don’t keep asking about the price, time, and location. There are too many messages to reply.Purchase tickets 2 hours in advance!Urgent orders will not be accepted!

Chapter 737 Tougher Than Life?

Returning to the civilized modern city from the bloody massacre at the desolate Cambodian border port, Tian Erniu was very calm. She disposed of the guns, combat uniforms, and bulletproof vests on the way back, and Ye Zhiqiang and the three were in Vietnam again. After going around half a circle, I took a long-distance bus back home from the Friendship Pass on the Sino-Vietnamese border.

In the pet shop, Liu Xu whispered to Chen An'an while peeking at Tian Erniu.

This beauty took off her bulletproof vest and put on a home-style loose dress. She instantly changed from a cold-blooded killer to a warm and amiable pet shop owner.

Thinking of her calmness and cruelty at the Cambodian border port two days ago, Liu Xu suddenly felt absurd again, how could a person complete the role change so quickly.

After dinner, they sat and chatted in Tian Erniu's pet shop.

A truck suddenly stopped outside the door, and people from the courier company got out of the car and carried several pet cages into the store.

Tian Erniu signed the delivery note very kindly, then ordered the shop assistant to move the cage to the shelf, and finally put a label of Totoro on it.

"Is this a Totoro?" Liu Xu was full of doubts. Does Totoro look like this?

"Of course, this is a genuine chinchilla." His layman's words drew ridicule from almost all the women in the store, but Chen Meijia didn't laugh because she didn't know him either.

Since the customer bought a dog and was recommended by her to buy a lizard and spider, Tian Erniu has replaced her to be in charge of the cashier.

Looking at the fat mice in the cage, Liu Xu could only laugh and shake his head, they looked more like mice no matter what.

It was Tian Erniu who explained with a smile: "The chinchillas sold in the market are actually chinchillas, and I only recently found out."

Liu Xu suddenly realized, looking around, this pet shop is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more pet varieties on the shelves, and it looks more and more like a real pet shop.

Chen An'an knew a lot about the goods, and rushed to another cage with a coquettish cry: "Ferret!"

When Liu Xu saw a dozen young ferrets lying together in the cage, he also thought Ting was cute.

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