Li Sisi looked impatient, walked over to Yuexiong, and said: "Here, you are my half husband and half son. If you want to call me daughter-in-law in the future, you will also call me nanny."

Liu Xu shook his head and said without opening his mouth, "I mean, I can make you produce milk without having a baby."

Li Sisi was taken aback, and said, "Really?"

Liu Xu nodded and said, "Yes, I can develop a prescription. How about it? You can provide our family with fresh milk in the future!"

Hearing what Liu Xu said, Li Sisi's face became even hotter.

Without further ado, Liu Xu bowed his head and kissed Li Sisi, and said, "That's it, I'll go and study it later, and when I'm done, I'll make medicine for you to drink, and see if I can produce milk."

Speaking of this, Liu Xu paused for a moment, and continued: "I can't believe the milk now. Look at the prodigy milk industry last time. Is there any safe milk in the world? So it's better to produce it yourself!"

Li Sisi was completely speechless, looked at Liu Xu who was lying in her arms, hugging her Yuexiong, angrily made Liu Xu bury his head in front of her Yuexiong, and said: "Be good, son, sleep well."

"Pfft..." Liu Xudan was in pain.

Li Sisi snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, if you want to breastfeed, just call me mom."

Liu Xu gave her a disdainful look, and said, "It's only natural for a husband to eat his wife's milk. Daughter-in-law don't make trouble, and give your husband obedient milk."

Li Sisi was completely defeated by Liu Xu's shamelessness, and turned over to sleep without a word.


When it came to doing it, Liu Xu immediately began to study it. His theory of traditional Chinese medicine was absolutely powerful, so An Xin Nai soon had a clue.

Moreover, this prescription is not harmful to the human body. On the contrary, it will be beneficial. It regulates pregnancy and releases milk, which can make women more radiant. It will definitely not cause stretch marks, crow's feet, and dark yellow skin as soon as pregnancy is adjusted.

Liu Xu rushed to the pharmacy to grab two doses of medicine, brought them to Li Sisi's den, and boiled two small bowls for her to drink.

Li Sisi didn't drink at first, but she couldn't stand Liu Xu's request, so she had to drink it down.

And Liu Xu touched Li Sisi's Yuexiong, and said with a smile: "Sisi, I can wait to become my nanny."

"Get lost, my aunt is going to bed, and I'm going to broadcast live tonight." Li Sisi said angrily.

Liu Xu left in a hurry.


Today is not the weekend, Liu Xu was going to open a food shop, so he went to the supermarket to buy a lot of vegetables, both expensive and right.

After preparing the ingredients, he specially called Jian Yao to ask her to come to the villa, and then contacted Zhang Zeling, who said he didn't have time.

Before Liu Xu went to Yanjing, he called Jian Yao, talked about the villa, and introduced her to Shen Meizhuang and Ran Jing, so that even if he was not in Shanghai, Jian Yao would not show up. What happens but no one is found.

Regarding Liu Xu's identity as the landlord, and the matter of living in the same villa with several beauties, Jian Yao just asked, "Brother-in-law, do you know that you are so caring?"

In front of the girls, for some unknown reason, Jian Yao never said that she was Liu Xu's sister-in-law, but only that she was Liu Xu's cousin.

Before Jian Yao left school, Liu Xu came to the milk tea shop next to the school gate and bought a glass of fruit juice.

In summer, the days are long and the sky has not yet turned dark. Jian Yao came out with her schoolbag on her back.

A very beautiful girl walked with Jian Yao, wearing a long skirt, slightly shorter than Jian Yao.

Jian Yao's face is slightly round, while this female student's face is a standard melon face, and her appearance is also very pure, but there is often a flash of light in her eyes that makes a man's heart beat.

Liu Xu's concentration is very good, but he is still a man after all, and his eyes are attracted by this girl.

"The girls nowadays are so well developed. I thought Jian Yao was old enough, but I didn't expect that this person seems to be a circle older than Jian Yao, and she trembles when she walks." Liu Xu took a look and immediately looked away. A glance is a man's surname, but a stare is a hooligan.

Seeing Liu Xu, Jian Yao let go of the girl's hand, rushed over happily, and threw herself into Liu Xu's arms.

"Brother, do you miss me?" Jian Yao hugged Liu Xu's waist and asked with her head raised.

"I think, I really think about it." Liu Xu smiled and asked, "Why don't you call me brother-in-law?"

"Aren't I afraid of hindering you from picking up girls?" Jian Yao smiled like a green fox.


Jian Yao put one arm around Liu Xu's waist, and said sideways: "Brother, this is Song Qian, the classmate in our class, isn't she pretty? They say I'm thinner! Song Qian, this is my brother, isn't he handsome?" handsome?"

Song Qian looked gentle and quiet, but her eyes were a little seductive. She smiled slightly and bowed her head, saying, "Actually, Jian Yao is the school teacher, much prettier than me."

Is Song Qian the one who was chosen by South Korea's SM Entertainment Co., Ltd. to be a trainee?

Liu Xu took a closer look and found that Jian Yao was right. Song Qian's nose, mouth and eyebrows were very similar to hers, but the eyes and face shape were quite different.

"Hi Song Qian, my name is Liu Xu." Liu Xu said with a smile, "My sister is not sensible, please forgive me in the future."

Jian Yao immediately protested, "Don't listen to my brother!"

Liu Xu stroked Jian Yao's hair affectionately. Under the setting sun, the two stood together like a picture scroll.

"Song Qian, let's go home in my brother's car!" Jian Yao said.

Song Qian smiled and waved her hands and said, "I'll go by myself! Goodbye Jian Yao, goodbye Brother Liu."

"Goodbye." Jian Yao held Liu Xu's arm with both hands, and leaned her head on Liu Xu's body, looking like a sweet couple.

Song Qian stared blankly for a few seconds, the smile on her face disappeared, and she walked forward slowly, occasionally glancing at cars that were getting further and further away.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 934

When they returned home with Jian Yao, Guo Haizao, Ran Jing, and Shen Meizhuang were already there, and some cold dishes were already placed on the dinner table, but Ran Jing continued to steal food as usual.

Guo Haizao tried to persuade her from time to time, but it didn't work at all. All kinds of hot dishes were officially served, and there were other dishes stewed in them, including bear paws, sea cucumbers and other ingredients.

This meal was the richest and most expensive meal Liu Xu had eaten since he moved in. Everyone was full of praise, even Guo Haizao, who was always shy, ate a lot.

It was the first time for Ran Jing to eat these top-level delicacies, and she was so crazy that her standard figure had an obvious small belly after eating. After eating, she sat on the sofa, covered her stomach and yelled that she had eaten too much and was not full enough Comfortable.

Liu Xu was afraid that Ran Jing would burst her stomach, so she walked over, patted her belly, and sent her true energy at the same time.

"An pregnant woman." Liu Xu smiled and walked away.

Ran Jing was so angry that she yelled that Liu Xu was molesting her, but after yelling a few times, she found that the uncomfortable feeling just now disappeared, and there was no abnormality in her stomach.

Ran Jing immediately understood that Liu Xu used qigong to help her.

"Hmph, being gentle with others would kill me!" Ran Jing thought to herself, gently stroking her belly, remembering the words "An pregnant woman", and poohed softly.

Ran Jing and Liu Xu are the laziest, one is holding a mobile phone and the other is playing computer, Shen Meizhuang and Guo Haizao clean up the kitchen, Jian Yao clings to Liu Xu for a while, and starts to write a thesis.

At night, wash and sleep.

The morning is always so busy, after a while of flying around, everyone can have a peaceful breakfast.

After the meal, Liu Xu sent Jian Yao to Shanghai Metropolitan University. Not far from the station, he happened to see Jian Yao's classmate, Song Qian.

Jian Yao asked Liu Xu to stop, then kissed Liu Xu on the face, giggled and opened the door, carrying the small bag, and shouted: "Song Qian."

Song Qian looked back, showing a faint smile, glanced at Liu Xu who was driving, nodded, and walked with Jian Yao.

Liu Xu noticed that from the back view, Song Qian and Jian Yao were very similar, except that one had double ponytails and the other had single ponytails.

Not forgetting his original intention of returning to Shanghai, Liu Xu went to find the black soul, and planned to collect the gourd for raising ghosts.

As a result, things were more difficult than imagined, because the ground veins changed, and the ghost-raising gourd seemed to have mutated.

Now if you want to collect the ghost-raising gourd, it will definitely disturb the dragon's pulse. This matter is no small matter. If it is not done well, the whole magic city may be destroyed.

Liu Xu didn't dare to take the risk, so he had to let the black soul closely monitor him, and notify him immediately if there was any situation.

Since yesterday's ingredients were not used up, yesterday's people reunited again.

The meal was equally enjoyable.

After dinner, Liu Xu went to the study on the second floor to play games and rest, while Jian Yao wrote a thesis.

Not long after, Shen Meizhuang walked in, patted Liu Xu on the shoulder, and said softly: "Go to the balcony, I have something to tell you."

The two walked to the viewing balcony on the third floor one after the other.

Holding on to the railing, Shen Meizhuang looked at the night view and said, "The mosquitoes in summer are big and fierce, but our house is strange, there are no mosquitos at all on the open-air balcony."

Liu Xu smiled slightly. Insects and beasts know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages best. With him around, mosquitoes dare not approach at all.

Shen Meizhuang turned around, with his buttocks on the balcony railing, looked at Liu Xu and said, "I recently invested in a coal mine with a friend, and I want to find you as a consultant."

"Sister Shen, I'm already busy enough to help me manage the antique company, why are you still so tired? I don't want you to be more tired."

Shen Meizhuang smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to put his hair that was blown by the wind behind his ears, with a different kind of love on his face, and said: "You are right. In the past, my illness was difficult to cure, and I had no hope for the future. I was single One person, so that money is enough. But now it's different, I have a man I love, and I want a child."

Liu Xu looked at Shen Meizhuang, and found that there was an aura of maternal surname on Shen Meizhuang at this moment, which was even more mysterious than before.

Shen Meizhuang noticed Liu Xu's gaze, smiled joyfully, and said, "However, I am much older than my child's father, and my child's father is destined to be a big carrot, it is impossible to love only one A woman and a child. So, I'm going to make money and get everything ready for my child."

When Shen Meizhuang spoke, there were regrets and regrets, but more of it was happiness and satisfaction.

Liu Xu felt guilty and said quickly, "Then let's talk about the coal mine."

For some reason, Liu Xu suddenly felt that this coal mine was very important and related to the future of Shenmeizhuang.

As for Shenmeizhuang's child, Liu Xu felt even more guilty when he thought about it, as if he had done something shameful, and it wasn't his fault that he couldn't have a child, it was only because his genes were too strong.

Shen Meizhuang said, "Do you know the coal and coal cities?"

"Well, Nanshan City and Beilin City are two major coal-producing cities in Dongjiang." Although Liu Xu is blind, he has a good knowledge of geography.

"My friend owns a few mines in Beilin City, and he is a moderate coal owner. Recently, there was a small coal owner who was willing to sell him a coal mine in Heishan County, Nanshan City at a low price."

"Is there a problem with this coal mine?" Liu Xu asked.

"Yes, that mine was taken by a local bully and another rich second generation."

Liu Xu was stunned, and asked, "Nobody cares about this matter?"

Shen Meizhuang sneered and said, "I have personally seen people from the County Public Security Bureau arrest petitioners at the gate of the Provincial Public Security Bureau. What do you think is impossible?"

Liu Xu sighed and said, "Continue to talk about the coal mine, such as the profitability of production."

Shen Meizhuang said: "That coal mine has an annual output of [-] tons. In addition to various taxes and fees, in the worst case, the annual net profit will not be less than [-] million."

"So much money? No wonder those people want to rob coal mines, no wonder there are a large number of coal bosses getting rich."

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