Shen Meizhuang said: "My friend has people in Beilin City, but he has no connections in Nanshan City. As long as I can help him get the mine safely, open the door in Nanshan City, and lay the foundation, he is willing to give me half of the shares."


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Chapter 935 Let's go to a private place then?

"Is that friend of yours really willing?" Liu Xu raised his eyebrows and asked.

Shen Meizhuang smiled slightly, and said, "I helped him back then, that's why he gave me so much."

"That is to say, there are only two questions left now, one is whether the coal mine can be kept after buying, and the other is the future sale?" Liu Xu asked.

A strange smile appeared on Shen Meizhuang's face, and he said, "Sales? There's no problem in this aspect. No matter how much coal you have, you can eat it. Now there is only one question, whether you can keep this coal mine."

"You don't know anyone?" Liu Xu asked.

"In terms of related matters, one can speak well, but the level is not high, and he can't reach there." Shen Meizhuang said.

Liu Xu thought for a while and said, "In addition to the antique company, I also plan to set up a club. I will give you a certain amount of shares, and you just wait to get the money."

Shen Meizhuang shook his head firmly and said, "I also want to have my own property!"

Liu Xu sighed softly and said, "Okay, I'll do my best."

A trace of worry flashed in Shen Meizhuang's eyes, and he said, "Liu Xu, if you think it's dangerous, then let's give up. I'll either do something else, or find a better coal mine."

"No! If I can't even do this, what right do I, Liu Xu, have to stand in front of you? It's not you, but them who should be worried!" Liu Xu said firmly.

Shen Meizhuang's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and with a happy smile on his face, he said, "As expected, I saw the right person, Liu Xu, you are so handsome at this moment."

"When am I not handsome?" Liu Xu half-jokingly said.

"You're not handsome when you're not bad." Shen Meizhuang smiled.

Liu Xu didn't continue playing, and said: "Tomorrow we will go meet your friend and the mine owner first. If the matter is true, I will win this coal mine for you."

"And our future children." Shen Meizhuang said in a low voice.

If my brother remembers correctly, he traveled across the heavens and the outside world, three thousand weak waters, and drank it dry in one gulp, but my brother only gave birth to Mingkong, that is, a child like Wu Zetian.

Liu Xu coughed, walked downstairs quickly, and said, "I'll find out whether to take the high-speed rail or fly!"

Shen Meizhuang laughed loudly and said: "There is a flight to Beilin City at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning. If you book an airline ticket online today, you can board the plane tomorrow with your ID card. You can ask Xiao Jing, maybe she is also on this flight."

Ran Jing was on the second floor and immediately asked loudly, "What are you asking? I didn't hear clearly."

Liu Xu went downstairs and said, "Sister Shen and I will fly to Beilin tomorrow, and Sister Shen would like to ask if you are on that flight tomorrow."

"I'm not flying to Beilin tomorrow." Ran Jing asked, "Have you booked your flight ticket? Do you need my help?"

"Do you have a discount for flight attendants?" Liu Xu actually didn't care about such a discount, he only cared about the convenience.

"We have discounts for ourselves, as well as discounts for our immediate family members, and nothing else." Ran Jing felt ashamed.

"Forget it, Sister Shen and I will book it ourselves," Liu Xu said.

Shen Meizhuang teased from behind and said, "That's right, you can't let Liu Xu become your family member just for a few votes."

Ran Jing immediately poohed disdainfully, and said, "He's the only one who deserves to be my family member? I'll be pooh!"

As he spoke, he kept shaking his little head.

Liu Xu was very calm, and said: "Well, there will be no more delicacies for you in the future."

Ran Jing stomped her feet angrily, and complained: "Sister Shen, look at the landlord, he always bullies me with this!"

Shen Meizhuang said with a smile: "Then let him become your family member, and you bully him every day."

"You two gang up to bully me." Ran Jing blushed pretty, and wriggled her ass into the bathroom.

Liu Xu walked back to the study room, seeing Jian Yao earnestly researching information and writing a thesis, he couldn't help but think about what happened to his wife who fell from the sky?

"Shenmeizhuang will have a coal mine in the future, so we have to find a way to prepare enough property for Jian Yao, clubhouse? Antique shop? Or another business? Even if I accidentally leave this world in the future, she can live without worry." Liu Xu thought to himself.

The next day, Liu Xu went to the airport with Shen Meizhuang and Ran Jing.

Before going to the airport, Shen Meizhuang called his friend and asked someone to pick him up.

The two boarded the plane smoothly, and landed at Beilin Airport an hour and a half later.

Liu Xu was a little disappointed, because the stewardesses he saw along the way were all average, far less beautiful than Ran Jing, thinking: "Maybe Ran Jing is not lying, she may really be the most beautiful stewardess of Dongjiang Airlines."

Looking at Liu Xu, Shen Meizhuang's gaze became complicated, and he asked, "Although the ownership has not been transferred, you are now the owner of the villa."

"Well, doing business now is all about connections." Liu Xu said, "This doesn't mean I'm getting in touch with the coal boss again."

Shen Meizhuang lowered his head and said softly: "I feel like I did something stupid."

Liu Xu realized that Shen Meizhuang was extremely fragile at this moment. The manager Shen who was in charge of the company was a woman after all, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged her in his arms.

"You will always be my sister Shen, and you will never change." Liu Xu bowed his head and kissed Shen Meizhuang's forehead, without any desire in his heart, only the purest love for her.

"It will change." Shen Meizhuang said in his heart, and then touched Liu Xu dishonestly.

Liu Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, let go of Shen Meizhuang, grabbed her hand, and said, "This is a public place."

Shen Meizhuang flicked his wavy hair, hugged Liu Xu's waist tightly, pressed his lower body against each other, cast winking eyes, his eyes were dishonest, but he said in a serious manner: "Then let's go to a private place?"


After getting off the plane, Shen Meizhuang called his friend, and after speaking, his face was a little unhappy.

Liu Xu asked as he walked, "What's wrong?"

"When I was talking about coal mines with my friend a while ago, that Assistant Sang asked for my contact information and wanted to chase me, but I flatly refused, and then pestered me several times... I clearly refused, and then he scolded me She deserves to be an old maid." Shen Meizhuang's face darkened again, "He is the one who picked us up this time."


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Chapter 936 From Miss to Lady

Hearing this, Liu Xu was a little annoyed, but he put his arms around Shen Meizhuang's waist with a smile, and said, "He can't eat Putao and said Putao is sour! Since he scolds you, he should be taught a lesson. You can choose any punishment method, Let's see how I, Master Liu, torment him."

Sensing the strength from Liu Xu's arm, Shen Meizhuang's complexion improved a lot, and he said, "Forget it, after all, he is the assistant to the president, his status is close to that of the vice president, he has a good relationship with my friend, and he has strong abilities. It's not good for you or me if you get stuck. .”

"Sister Shen, you are so tolerant."

"Besides, the responsibility lies with you, not him."

"The responsibility lies with me?"

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, then realized that Shen Meizhuang meant "the old maid's responsibility", and said in a low voice helplessly, "Sister Shen, don't always speak so toughly, okay? I'm thinking about your body."

Shen Meizhuang suddenly made up his mind and said resolutely: "Three months! I only give you three months. If you don't move within three months, don't blame my old lady Yuexiong for eating you! That's it. !” After speaking, he winked at Liu Xu.

Liu Xu just thought Shen Meizhuang was joking, and shook his head helplessly. It wasn't that he didn't keep his mouth shut when the beauty was brought to his lips, but that Shen Meizhuang's physical condition was really special.

Following the people out of the airport, Shen Meizhuang reluctantly called Assistant Sang, and then came to Assistant Sang's place.

Assistant Sang stood in front of an extended Hummer. He was tall and handsome, with a graceful appearance. He was flawless in any aspect, but his smile was a little hypocritical, and his gaze at Shen Meizhuang was occasionally mixed with lust.

Assistant Sang politely extended his hand and said, "Miss Shen, we meet again."

Shen Mei and Zhuangshen touched his hand, then retracted immediately, and said, "Mr. Assistant Sang, please call me Ms. Shen, this is the man next to me. He turned me from a lady into a lady. He is very powerful." After finishing speaking, Deliberately showing a touch of shame.

Liu Xu secretly thought that Sister Shen was still as tough as ever, so he applied to Assistant Sang with a smile, and said, "Hi, my name is Liu Xu, and I live with Sister Shen."

Assistant Sang's eyes flickered for a moment, without any change in expression, and he said enthusiastically: "You are the Master Liu that Ms. Ms. Shen, please."

The white extended Hummer is only a meter or two shorter than the ordinary bus, and it looks more powerful and wild.

The seat in the extended Hummer is not parallel to the driver's seat, but there are long sofas on the left and right sides, facing each other.

After the car started, Assistant Sang handed over freshly squeezed orange juice, smiled and said to Shen Meizhuang: "I know Ms. Shen likes to drink freshly squeezed juice, and I prepared it specially. Master Liu, what do you like to drink?"

Liu Xu glanced at the small wine cabinet and said, "No, I won't drink."

"I think you are so young, no matter how you look at it, you look like a gentleman. Besides fortune-telling, what else do you do?"

Liu Xu said with a smile, "I just run an antique company and a jewelry store for my own entertainment. I plan to open a club in a few days. I can't compare to Mr. Ding."

"Our North Mining Group has an annual sales volume of [-] billion and is one of the top [-] coal companies. Most people can't compare with Mr. Ding. Of course, Master Liu is so young, maybe in a few years, we will be able to match Mr. Ding's wealth." Assistant Sang smiled Said.

At first, Liu Xu was a little wary of Assistant Sang. He thought he was a villain like Shen Meizhuang said, but he was so polite.

However, it's also the same reason. If "I'm a hooligan" is written on his face, how can he come out to do business?

After chatting for a while, Liu Xu suddenly discovered that Assistant Sang had another purpose.

He is touching his bottom!

Liu Xu chatted for a few words, and used the excuse to rest and close his eyes to rest his mind.

Shen Meizhuang leaned on Liu Xu's body and often made some intimate moves. Sometimes he reached out and pinched Liu Xu's ear, sometimes asked him if he would drink fruit juice, and sometimes whispered and laughed in his ear, no different from a lover.

Assistant Sang didn't seem to care, and often smiled slightly.

The car slowed down in front of the North Mining Group, Shen Meizhuang pointed to the leader of the group of people standing at the door, and said: "That is the boss of the North Mining Group, Mr. Ding Shitao and Mr. Ding."

Liu Xu couldn't help but take another look at Shen Meizhuang.

Liu Xu didn't think that he was so important in the eyes of Ding Shitao, whom he had never met, and that he deserved to be greeted by a boss in person, naturally Shen Meizhuang.

The drunkard's intention is not the wine!

After getting out of the car, Ding Shitao walked over with a smile, holding a big general's belly, his eyes were extraordinarily bright, he looked like a vigorous person.

"Ms. Shen, you are finally here." Ding Shitao shook Shen Meizhuang's hand with his hands.

Shen Meizhuang shook it lightly, withdrew his hand, and said, "This is the Master Liu I told you about, Liu Xu, this is President Ding."

Liu Xu and Ding Shitao shook hands, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then, surrounded by everyone, entered Ding Shitao's spacious office.

Ding Shitao asked the others to leave except Assistant Sang, and then told the secretary to bring him.

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