Ding Shitao didn't sit behind the large boss's desk, but sat on the sofa with Liu Xu, with a very kind attitude and a person who liked to laugh.

"How does Master Liu plan to solve this problem?" Ding Shitao asked.

"I haven't been there yet, so I'm not sure." Liu Xu replied.

"Boss Ding asked me to take care of this matter, so I'll take the liberty to ask." Assistant Sang suddenly said: "Since Master Liu has the confidence to cooperate with us, he must have a strong background in Heishan County or Nanshan City. Hao."

"Who is Dou Hao?" Liu Xu glanced at Shenmeizhuang. Shenmeizhuang didn't say his name before, but he guessed that it was the second generation.

Assistant Sang showed a surprised look, and said, "You came to cooperate with us without knowing the details of the other party. Dou Hao's father is currently the deputy director of the National People's Congress and was once the deputy county magistrate. His uncle is the current deputy director of the Coal Bureau. As far as I know, his father has a deep relationship with the county's public security department and judicial department. The bully in Meishan Town is called Chi Gang, you don't know it, do you?"


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Chapter 937 What is the height of Xiao Si?

Shen Meizhuang immediately said: "Old Ding, I don't remember the names of those two people, and I didn't tell Liu Xu in detail."

"It's okay, I won't remember if Xiao Sang doesn't say anything." After Ding Shitao finished speaking, he glanced at Assistant Sang.

Assistant Sang didn't seem to see Ding Shitao, and asked, "Master Liu, can you tell me about your method of dealing with Dou Hao? I heard from Ms. Shen that you have good contacts in the magic city. How about in Heishan County?"

"I don't know anyone in Heishan County, and I haven't even been there." Liu Xu said frankly.

"Then why do you say you can solve the coal mine? The time of our North Mining Group is precious, and we cannot waste it on this." Assistant Sang was aggressive.

Ding Shitao didn't look at Assistant Sang any more, but just drank his tea with his head down.

"I said it can be solved, so of course there is no problem." Shen Meizhuang immediately said unhappily: "Even if it can't be solved, you won't lose anything."

"You can't say that. If Master Liu can't solve this coal mine, our company will give up entering Nanshan City and use the funds in other places as soon as possible. Every day of delay, the company will lose a sum of money." Assistant Sang pressed on step by step.

Liu Xu asked, "President Ding, can Assistant Sang fully represent you?"

"Of course not." Ding Shitao said with a smile: "But I let him be in charge of the affairs of Heishan County, and he has a certain right to speak. Xiao Sang, pay attention to your attitude, we are all friends."

Liu Xu turned his head to look at Assistant Sang's luck. As an assistant to the president of a company with an annual output value of [-] billion yuan, his luck is strong. However, there is a thread between his luck and wealth. The wealth is dissipating. Slow and transparent.

Every time Assistant Sang's wealth dissipated, part of his luck disappeared.

"Mr. Ding, I just took a look at your assistant. Your assistant has black hair and a moldy star on his head. He will go bankrupt and encounter disaster recently, which may even affect the entire North Mining Group. I suggest that he find a safe Hide somewhere to avoid this disaster." Liu Xu said slowly.

Assistant Sang showed an exaggerated astonishment, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ding, I just asked him for the benefit of the company. I didn't want to say anything at first, but you listen to what he said, it is simply a trick. Mr. Ding , I suggest that you carefully consider the matter of cooperating with him."

Ding Shitao chuckled and said, "Since you can see that Assistant Sang is in danger, can you help me see?"

Liu Xu looked surprised with his qi-watching technique. After a little calculation, he stood up abruptly.

The three of them looked at Liu Xu together in surprise. The weather outside was clear, but inside the room suddenly felt the tranquility and depression before the storm.

Liu Xu took out his mobile phone to check the time, stared at Ding Shitao, and said seriously: "Mr. Ding, immediately stop all coal mines under your company's name! Around [-]:[-], a major disaster will occur in one of your coal mines, and the death toll will exceed ten!"

Shen Meizhuang immediately looked at Ding Shitao, Ding Shitao was in shock and couldn't believe Liu Xu's words.

As soon as Assistant Sang heard this, he immediately jumped out to push back, and even bet Liu Xu with his [-] annual salary that an accident would never happen. In the end, for Shen Meizhuang's sake, Ding Shitao ordered all coal mines to stop working for an hour.

In the end, the result of the incident was naturally that Assistant Sang couldn't afford to be hurt, really couldn't afford to be hurt...

As for taking down Dou Hao, it was also very simple. Liu Xu called He Changxiong, not only was Dou Hao taken down, but Dou Hao's father and uncle were also arrested. Dang's fate in prison.


When they got home, Ran Jing and Bai Yanni were already asleep, while Guo Haizao was on the night shift and would not be back until midnight.

Shen Meizhuang sat on the sofa and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect the matter to be resolved so easily." Shen Meizhuang was still a little nervous and disbelieving.

He found a relationship with He Changxiong. Although the problem was solved, he also agreed to a condition.

Liu Xu sighed and said, "Yes, it's resolved."

"I went upstairs to wash and sleep." Shen Meizhuang got up and left, took two steps, turned back, leaned over and kissed Liu Xu on the cheek.

Shen Meizhuang looked at Liu Xu affectionately and said, "Thank you for everything you have done for me, my love."

After speaking, go upstairs.

Liu Xu took a look at Shenmeizhuang with his qi-watching technique, and there was no disaster aura, and the fiery wealth aura erupted and increased at an unstoppable speed.

Suppressing the impulse in his heart, Liu Xu said, "Sister Shen, let me take you upstairs!"

"it is good."

When they reached the stairs, before Shen Meizhuang could take a step, Liu Xu stopped her and picked her up suddenly, causing Shen Meizhuang to let out a soft cry.

"Bad guy!" Shen Meizhuang lightly beat Liu Xu's shoulder with his fist, then hugged his neck tightly and leaned against him.

Liu Xu hugged Shen Meizhuang and walked slowly to the third floor, then put her on the bed and kissed her forehead lightly.

"Good night, sister Shen." Liu Xu left.

"Good night, Liu Xu." Shen Meizhuang whispered.


The next day, a special car stopped at Azure Cartier.

Liu Xu and Shen Meizhuang got into the car, they were going to sign the contract, about the transfer of shares in the property.

Shen Meizhuang had been prepared for a long time, opened the bag and took out a copy of "Little Times" to read.

Recently, the film adaptation of "Little Times" is very popular, and there is a lot of controversy. Shen Meizhuang only bought the book after watching the film.

Liu Xu thought of some movie reviews on the Internet, and was about to say something negative, but compared it in his mind, on the one hand, he was teasing "Little Times" for causing two people to disagree, making them unhappy and even quarreling, and on the other hand, he didn't say anything. Happened, he chose the latter.

So, Liu Xu changed the subject.

"Sister Shen, what is the height of Xiao Si (Guo Jingming)?"


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Chapter 938 This is the rhythm of being divorced!

After Liu Xu made a decision, she vaguely understood why Shen Meizhuang was always liked by others. Shen Meizhuang was not a saint, but before she spoke, she would probably consider the consequences of each sentence in her heart, and finally chose the words that others liked the most instead of her own. .

When Shen Meizhuang heard Liu Xu's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and when he realized that the "little four" he was talking about was Guo Jingming, the author of Little Times, he couldn't help giving Liu Xu a blank look.

"Sister Shen, you look so beautiful when you read a book." Liu Xu said with a smile.

Shen Meizhuang put his hands on the pages of the book, looked up at Liu Xu, his eyes were full of smiles, and his face seemed to be proud of being loved and praised.

She reached out to help Liu Xu straighten his collar, showed a satisfied expression, and continued to read with her head down.

Liu Xu didn't look away immediately, and continued to look at Shen Meizhuang's side face, and soon noticed that her fair face was slightly red, and her breathing was a little short.

The clothes in summer are very close-fitting, and as soon as you breathe quickly, the beautiful arcs in front of Shenmei Zhuang Yuexiong are undulating and full of natural temptation.

Liu Xu didn't expect Sister Shen to have such a cute side, but he was shy because of being stared at, and stared at her for a long time before turning his head, because the destination had already been reached.

The shares in the mine were successfully divided and transferred to Shen Meizhuang's name. So far, her luck has been completely reversed, and she seems to have changed her youth.

When he looked at Shenmeizhuang again, Liu Xu had a feeling that the peach had matured.

Next, Liu Xu successfully bought the villa from a friend of Shenmeizhuang.

Now he has truly become the master of the villa.

Such a big event naturally needs to be celebrated, so a large house of people naturally got together again.

Of course, Jian Yao was also included, but Liu Xu told her that he had won the lottery.

After eating and drinking, at night, Liu Xu finished washing and was about to go to bed when his cell phone rang.

Liu Xu saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and put it to his ear to answer.


"Is Xiaoyao with you?"

Liu Xu was stunned, because the voice was so familiar yet so unfamiliar.

A strange memory came flooding in like a flood.

It was the owner of this voice who had given Liu Xu unprecedented humiliation.

It was the master of this voice who tore Liu Xu and Lu Xueqi apart.

It was the owner of this voice that forced Liu Xu and Lu Xueqi, who were originally childhood sweethearts and even engaged to be married, to separate.

Although Jian Yao's name is Liu Xu's brother-in-law, in fact Liu Xu and Lu Xueqi are not married, they just betrothed to each other since they were young.

"Hello, Auntie." Liu Xu said in a firm voice.

"I know that Xiaoyao has gone to your place. She wants to study there. We don't have any relatives in Shanghai. I hope you can take good care of her. As for Xueqi, she has already left with an expert. Before, she also left a message for you, telling you not to go to her..."

"Crack!" The phone was crushed by Liu Xu's terrifying force, "Lu Xueqi? Fiancee? This is the rhythm of being divorced!"

However, the woman who can be worthy of the name Lu Xueqi should be a stunning beauty!

Liu Xu remembered that in "Zhu Xian", his favorite female character was Lu Xueqi.

I don't know how long it took, Shen Meizhuang walked down with a sad face, saw Liu Xu sitting on the sofa, and said with a smile: "You can't sleep either? Oh, I don't know what's wrong, I tossed and turned today, but I just couldn't fall asleep..."

Liu Xu remained motionless.

Shen Meizhuang realized something was wrong, and asked in surprise: "Liu Xu, what's wrong with you?" Then, he turned on the light and quickly walked around the sofa.

"It's nothing, sister Shen, go to sleep!" Liu Xu didn't want to say more.

"What's going on, if you don't tell me clearly, I won't leave!" Shen Meizhuang sat beside Liu Xu, holding his face with both hands, his eyes were firmer than ever before.

"I'm really fine." Liu Xu frowned.

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