"If you don't tell me, I won't leave!" Shen Meizhuang's attitude became more determined.

Liu Xu said helplessly, "I broke up with my fiancée."

"Ah? Fiancee?" Shen Meizhuang asked in surprise, "Do you have a fiancee?"

I just found out. Liu Xu couldn't say that. He sighed and said, "Forget it, it's all over."

Shen Meizhuang was angry, like an old hen guarding her chicks when facing a poisonous snake.

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with your fiancee? Let's go, let's find her right now, let's go!"

Shen Meizhuang stood up and pulled Liu Xu's arm vigorously.

"Sister Shen, forget it." Liu Xu held Shen Meizhuang's wrist instead.

"No! My younger brother Liu Xu is the best man in the world, better than all men combined! Any woman who doesn't like you is blind! She's crazy! She's a fool! Go, I don't believe it, drive you car, with your villa real estate certificate, I don't believe she will leave you."

Liu Xu didn't expect that the first time Shenmeizhuang got so angry was for himself, he pulled her back to the sofa with a wry smile, and pressed her shoulders.

"Her mother called just now to say that she left with the master... Anyway, the matter is over, and I don't want to mention it anymore..."

Shen Meizhuang looked at Liu Xu, and gently held Liu Xu's head in his arms like a gentle sister.

"Liu Xu, don't be sad. Our Liu Xu can do whatever he wants. She doesn't like you. It's her loss. It's God's punishment! Tomorrow I will take you to a banquet and introduce you to the beauties I know. , the daughter of the governor, the daughter of a general, the daughter of a wealthy businessman, as many as you want, all of them are guaranteed to be more beautiful and temperamental than your fiancée! Okay?" Shen Mei Zhuang said like a cannonball.

Liu Xu grinned bitterly and said, "Sister Shen, you're almost suffocating me to death."

It was only then that Shen Meizhuang realized that he had changed into pajamas just now, and two balls of soft cotton tightly clamped Liu Xu's head, making him blush.

Seeing Liu Xu's embarrassed look, Shen Meizhuang laughed and let go.

Being interrupted by Shen Meizhuang, Liu Xu's mood improved a lot.

Seeing Liu Xu's relaxed expression, Shen Meizhuang secretly heaved a sigh of relief.


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Chapter 939 You like big breasts, right?

"I wasn't joking just now. Tomorrow I will take you to buy a few sets of clothes, and then I will introduce you to beautiful women." Shen Meizhuang said with a smile, "Don't worry, they will definitely be Bai Fumei. Don't be picky when the time comes."

Liu Xu said helplessly: "Sister Shen, I just broke up with you... No, someone who just got divorced, can't you let me rest for two days? Go to sleep!"

"You hate me? I'm dead." Shen Meizhuang looked sad, stood up and left.

Knowing that Shen Meizhuang wanted to distract him, Liu Xu held her wrist with a smile and pulled her back.

As a result, with a little force, Shen Meizhuang turned around, faced Liu Xu face to face, and straddled his lap.

Shen Meizhuang smiled triumphantly, put his arms around Liu Xu's neck, flicked his black hair, and said, "It's still my godbrother who loves me. Don't worry, my sister will definitely introduce you to a top-notch Bai Fumei. You like Yuexiong University right Right? Let me think about whose daughter is in good shape."

"Who told you? Don't frame me." Liu Xu said with a straight face.

"Don't hide it, the way you look at Niannian has long betrayed yourself, and the way you look at me." Shen Meizhuang said, proudly pushing Ting Yuexiong, "I don't believe you can't help but look at me." !"

The two looked at each other.

"Liu Xu, touch my sister's heart, it's beating so badly, quickly treat her." Qiao Shengmei, the girl from Zhuang, grabbed Liu Xu's hand and placed it on her Zuo Yuexiong.

Liu Xu withdrew his hand, wrapped his arms around Shen Meizhuang's waist, and said helplessly: "Sister Shen, you molested me before, and I was worried about your body, so I endured it. Now your body is healed (the shares in the coal mine have been transferred to Shenmeizhuang) body, the luck has completely changed, and the body is already fully recovered), if you tease me again, you are definitely playing with fire and setting yourself on fire!"

"Then you come!" Shen Meizhuang raised his chest proudly, twisting his waist.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Liu Xu's throat became dry, and he said, "Sister Shen, if you do this again, I will not be polite."

"Do you think my mother is afraid of you? Come here!" Shen Meizhuang continued to tease him, she still lowered her head as she spoke.

The two people's noses touched, and the breath they exhaled was blown into each other's faces.

Their eyes meet again.

Liu Xu has never looked into Shen Meizhuang's eyes so closely like today. For a moment, he saw Shenmeizhuang's heart, her love, her worry, her attachment, her concern, and her shyness through her eyes. , her longing, her desire, her beauty, and her unreserved.

"I've been holding back for thirty-five years." Shen Meizhuang's aggrieved voice was very soft, but it caused Liu Xu's desire to erupt like a volcano, burning away his reason, his bondage, his pain, and everything else.

"Sister Shen, let's get the marriage certificate tomorrow!" After Liu Xu finished speaking, under Shen Meizhuang's surprised eyes, he lowered his head and kissed her...

Because it was Shen Meizhuang's first time, the first time in this life, and Liu Xu's first time, today's first time, so the battlefield moved from the living room to the bedroom.


At this moment, the main door of the villa suddenly opened and closed, and the sound was very clear at night.

Guo Haizao is back!

The bedroom door is open!

Anyone going upstairs will see the scene from the bedroom door.

Liu Xu and Shen Meizhuang were still at the same time, but how could they bear this kind of thing when they were getting better?


Guo Haizao in the living room was stunned. She knew exactly what happened in Liu Xu's bedroom.

Hearing Shen Meizhuang's voice, she took off her shoes in a panic, and ran to the second floor in a panic before she had time to change and take off her shoes, her little heart beating violently.

Passing by Liu Xu's bedroom door, Guo Haizao couldn't hold back and took a peek.


Guo Haizao crossed his legs, his face was flushed, he rushed up to the second floor quickly, went to the wrong room in a hurry, and threw himself on Ran Jing's bed.

"Huh, Nian Nian?" Ran Jing's shy voice sounded.

"Ah! You didn't sleep?" Guo Haizao panicked and was about to leave.

"It's so big down here, how can I sleep, you sleep with me today." Ran Jing said, pulling Guo Haizao into the bed.

"Don't, don't..." Guo Haizao suddenly had a bad feeling.

"I'll help you undress." Ran Jing immediately took off Guo Haizao's clothes.

"No, no need, I myself..." Guo Haizao said in tears, "Ah... Xiaojing, please, don't touch..."

"It's not that I haven't touched it before! Don't move, you have to listen to me tonight." Ran Jing said fiercely.


The sky outside gradually became dark, and after a few flashes of lightning and thunder, it began to rain heavily.

However, the sound of the rain did not cover Shen Meizhuang's voice.

It wasn't until the sky brightened that the two stopped, lazily lying face to face and hugging each other, their eyebrows heavy and solemn in Liu Xu's arms.

As the typhoon approached, the rain outside became lighter around [-]:[-] in the morning, but suddenly became heavier again at [-]:[-], and the wind was violent and the rain was furious.

"Liu Xu, you are like a humanoid pile driver. You smashed my bones." Shen Meizhuang rested his head on Liu Xu's arm, and stroked his chest with his right hand.

"No way, my body is different from ordinary people." Liu Xu was both happy and helpless.

"Ah? If this happens every day in the future, you can bear it, but I can't bear it! My whole body is sore now." Shen Meizhuang said in surprise, even though she had changed her luck, her body recovered, and Liu Xu's pure yang vitality was nourished, but her body was not as good as Liu's after all. Xu is so strong that it is difficult for him to bear such a long time of sex.

"It shouldn't be every day, but I still want it." Liu Xu began to be dishonest again.

"Don't, I can't do it anymore. If you come again, I will die." Shen Meizhuang begged, completely losing her sister's appearance.

"I won't die!" Liu Xu assured her promise.

"No?" Shen Meizhuang asked doubtfully, "What will happen then?"

"I want to die!" Liu Xu said with a smirk.

"Bad guy!" Shen Meizhuang cracked a mouthful.


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Chapter 940 The Four of Us Women Didn't Sleep Well All Night

Seeing Shen Meizhuang falling asleep, Liu Xu went to the bathroom on the third floor to take a shower, and then went downstairs.

Halfway there, I saw Bai Yanni, who hadn't slept all night and had a big black circle on her face, walking out of the bedroom, holding a soaked sheet in her hand.

The two eyes met.

Liu Xu quickly covered the bottom and ran away.

"Stinky rascal! Next time I see you, I'll castrate you!" Bai Yanni was filled with endless anger.

Ran Jing asked in the room: "Sister Yanni, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, I use the bathroom." A look of shame flashed across Bai Yanni's face, her eyes fell on the sheet in her hand, feeling ashamed and annoyed.

It's okay to be woken up last night, but I had another dream, dreaming that I was under the pressure of Liu Xu...

After waking up, Bai Yanni found that the sheets were soaked, which made her extremely ashamed and angry.

When Liu Xu returned to the room, there were some bright red marks on the crumpled sheets, like blooming flowers.

"Luohong is not a heartless thing!"

Liu Xu laid out new sheets, lay on the bed, the scenes of last night kept appearing in his mind, and fell asleep with a smile full of accomplishment.

It was raining continuously outside.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Liu Xu was awakened by the sound of the restaurant.

Liu Xu was dressing in the bedroom, listening to the conversation of the four women.

"Sister Shen, your skin has become very shiny, it looks like a light tube is installed inside." Ran Jing looked surprised, "Let me touch it."

"Don't move around, eat." Shen Meizhuang smiled helplessly.

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