Guo Haizao said enviously: "Sister Shen, you are really different, even your hair is shiny. When I saw you before, I always felt that there was a kind of fatigue in your eyes that could not be removed, but now it is gone, and your face is radiant. Amazing."

Bai Yanni said: "I also noticed. When you walk, you are a little weak and wobbly. Today, sister Shen walks very steadily, as if the bones and muscles have been re-trained."

"Really? You really know how to talk, eat, eat." Shen Meizhuang smiled from ear to ear.

After Liu Xu got dressed and walked to the restaurant, the four women looked over together.

Shen Meizhuang blushed, his eyes involuntarily glanced at Liu Xu's lower body, and then he lowered his head to eat, with a satisfied and happy smile on his face.

Guo Haizao, Ran Jing, and Bai Yanni were much more miserable. They all had dark circles under their eyes, and they couldn't hide it after drinking the magic water. It can be seen that the three of them suffered a lot last night.

Bai Yanni gave Liu Xu a very rude look, her big eyes were very interesting.

The moment Guo Haizao saw Liu Xu, his face was on fire, his face turned red all of a sudden, he lowered his head to eat, he picked up the pickles four times with his chopsticks and put them in the porridge, he was so ashamed.

Ran Jing blushed slightly, and then said resentfully: "Landlord, I am not against you and Sister Shen, but you have a girlfriend! Besides, I think your ideal girlfriend is Guo Haizao. My sister is married, how can I cheat your meal money in the future?"

"You also know that you cheated me?" Liu Xu went to the table and sat down.

"That's not the point!" Ran Jing said unconvinced.

Liu Xu coughed lightly and said, "I'm announcing something. From today on, Sister Shen will be my fiancée. As for the fact that I have a girlfriend, in fact, I have some difficulties. I just blame myself for being too strong... "

He was serious, but everyone thought Liu Xu was joking.

Bai Yanni was puzzled and thought to herself: "How could Shenmeizhuang fall in love with a villain?"

Guo Haizao's eyes were full of envy, no jealousy, no anger, just a little bit lost and sad.

"Since Sister Shen is willing, I won't say anything more." Ran Jing was in a complicated mood, but she smiled brightly and said, "Sister Shen, I will replace wine with porridge. I wish you an early birth."

With that said, Ran Jing lifted the bowl like a treasure, and took a sip of the porridge.

Shen Meizhuang was full of happiness.

After finishing her porridge, Ran Jing asked, "It's raining too much today, and the plane can't take off. I have half a day off and I'll go to work at noon. Nian Nian is on the evening shift today. How about you, Sister Yanni?"

"I'll take a break, and I'll go to the police station when the rain stops," Bai Yanni said.

Ran Jing said: "If the rain doesn't stop, how about we have a meal together at noon to celebrate, congratulate the landlord and sister Shen?"

"Yes." Bai Yanni and Guo Haizao looked at each other.

Among the four female tenants, Shen Meizhuang is always the most popular one.

"Eat more." Shen Meizhuang stood up and helped Liu Xu pick up vegetables. There were eggs and beef on the table, all of which were strong.

Ran Jing smiled "puchi", and couldn't help but said: "Sister Shen, you are so considerate, any man who marries you must be very happy. However, the landlord is beyond my imagination, tossing us four women all night. , Sister Shen married you, she must be sexually blessed to death."

Everyone stared at Ran Jing together.

"Don't talk nonsense! You can't stop your mouth after eating!" Shen Meizhuang blushed and gave Ran Jing a pale look, added a spoonful of porridge to her, and then glanced at Liu Xu, shy and happy, becoming more shy than before Shy, like a little daughter-in-law who just arrived at her mother-in-law's house.

"The room is full of adults, what can't you say? Cut." Ran Jing said nonchalantly.

Guo Haizao gently tugged at the corner of Ran Jing's clothes, telling her not to talk nonsense.

Ran Jing sighed heavily, and said: "Niannian has waited for so long, but she has taken advantage of Sister Shen. Oh, Sister Shen, why don't you give up the landlord to Niannian for one night? Just one night, I guess, Niannian Can recall for a lifetime.”

"You!" Guo Haizao blushed from embarrassment, secretly glanced at Liu Xu, and hurriedly ran into the kitchen with the bowl and chopsticks.

Shen Meizhuang looked at Ran Jing with a smile, and said, "Liu Xu practices qigong, his body is different, he is like an animal. I can't handle it by myself, why don't I let it to you tonight, Xiao Jing, how about it?"

Ran Jing blushed, took a sip at Liu Xu, lifted her chest proudly, and said, "Sister Shen, don't insult me! I, Ran Jing, have both beauty and wisdom, breasts and a slender waist. You have a curvy buttocks and long legs, how can you fall in love with such a low-brow as the landlord?"


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Chapter 941 Something More Powerful Than Shenshui

"d?" Liu Xu pouted, "it's c!"

Ran Jing said proudly: "I just measured it, and it's already reached d! When was the last time you read it? It's an old calendar!"

There was a moment of silence in the dining room.

Shen Meizhuang and Bai Yanni stared at Ran Jing, and Guo Haizao secretly stood at the door of the kitchen watching curiously. He did not expect that Ran Jing and Liu Xujingran had such a relationship.

Ran Jing hurriedly explained: "The last time I went to the bathroom without clothes on, the landlord finally saw me after watching all night, and then I was watched a little bit by him. Of course, I blackmailed him for several meals and magic water afterwards! You guys Don't think wrongly, you have no conscience, without my devotion, you can't drink the magic water at all!"

Liu Xu said slowly: "Ran Jing, don't be self-righteous, with Sister Shen around and Nian Nian around, how could I fall in love with your little thing!"

"You fart! My mother is not small! Even if you don't like it, the fact is that you have seen it. Raw rice and cooked rice, do you dare to admit it?"

Shen Meizhuang didn't care, and said with a smile: "Eating and eating are all misunderstandings, so it hurts feelings. Ran Jing, if you feel that you are at a disadvantage, I will ask Liu Xu to treat you to a few more meals."

"Disadvantage? I have made a lot of money, okay! Since I drank Shenshui, my waist is not sore and my legs don't hurt. I eat a lot, sleep soundly, and even my moon is big. The key is not to get acne. Good skin makes everyone feel better. The stewardess is jealous. If he has something more powerful than Shenshui, I don’t care if I let him see it again!" Ran Jing was full of complacency, like a little fox stealing Tianputao.

Shen Meizhuang and Bai Yanni shook their heads helplessly. They were much older than Ran Jing and often couldn't keep up with Ran Jing's thinking.

Ran Jing stared at Shen Meizhuang for a long time, reached out and touched her skin, pouted and said: "Sister Shen, you have turned bad!"

"What's wrong?" Shen Meizhuang looked at Ran Jing suspiciously.

Ran Jing said aggrievedly: "I have always had the best skin among us, but today your skin is so good that you have already surpassed me. You must secretly eat what the landlord made for you and not share it with me."

"I didn't!" Shen Meizhuang said hastily.

"Sister Yanni and Niannian have both seen it, you are different today, you must have eaten something more powerful than Shenshui!" Ran Jing said.

Liu Xu froze for a moment, suppressed a smile, and ate in silence.

Shen Meizhuang was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed his true colors, showing an ambiguous smile and said: "If you are like me, sleep with him for one night and eat his good things secretly, your skin will be so good."

Ran Jing was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized, and said with a coquettish and shy face: "Sister Shen, you are also an old pervert just like the landlord!" She put down the dishes and ran upstairs barefoot.

Shen Meizhuang smiled and said nothing, but Liu Xu found that her smile was unnatural.

After dinner, everyone was busy with their own business.

It was still raining outside the window. After finishing the kitchen, Shen Meizhuang and Guo Haizao stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows at the back of the first floor, looking at the continuous pouring rain outside the window, lost in thought.

When the phone rang, Shen Meizhuang glanced at it, showing doubts.

"Hey, Miumiu, why are you calling me when you have time?"

"Sister Shen, can you contact Liu Xu? Tell him to come to the company quickly." Gong Xinliang's voice was anxious, "I called him, but the phone was turned off."

"What's wrong?" Shen Meizhuang asked.

"A woman who claimed to be her fiancée came to the company to look for him. I told him that Liu Xu was no longer working in the company, but she said that she didn't have Liu Xu's contact information and could only wait in the company. She had to explain it to Liu Xu. I have been here for half an hour, and she has been standing outside. I heard that she was here at five or six o'clock, and she has been standing for at least three hours now. I didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but this girl is so pitiful. The heavy rain and such a strong wind can't bear the iron-clad body."

"Well, thank you, I will tell Liu Xu."

"Okay, goodbye, Miss Shen."


Shen Meizhuang's face was originally rosy and radiant, but now all the redness has disappeared, leaving only pale.

"One night is enough, I'm satisfied. Without Liu Xu, I can't even get one night. Perhaps, this is a one-night gift from God, and I shouldn't continue to force it."

Shen Meizhuang cheered up and walked towards the study on the second floor step by step.

Liu Xu heard Shen Meizhuang's footsteps, turned his head to look, and found that her complexion was not good, and asked, "What's the matter, Miss Shen?"

Shen Meizhuang didn't want Liu Xu to see him sad, so he immediately smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm just a little tired. You died last night!" After speaking, Liu Xu gave him a blank look.

Liu Xu put his hand on her wrist, sending vitality into her body.

"I'm sorry, I went too far last night." Liu Xu apologized.

"Don't say that, I like you like that." Liu Xu raised his head, eyes full of deep nostalgia.

Liu Xu felt that Shen Meizhuang's attitude was wrong. At this time, Shen Meizhuang would definitely tease him.

Shen Meizhuang said: "Liu Xu, Lu Xueqi is looking for you. She stood downstairs in the company for three or four hours in the heavy rain. I think there is something wrong with it. Let's go see her now."

"I have broken up with her. You are my fiancee now. I will not make my fiancee sad for my ex-girlfriend."

Shen Meizhuang's cold body was warmed by Liu Xu's words, and he said softly: "I am ten years older than you. If I marry you, what will your relatives and friends think of you? What will others think of you? I don't want you to suffer from other people's eyes. "

My other women are a thousand years older than me, and they are not the most older than me...

Liu Xu held Shen Meizhuang in his arms, kissed her face lightly, and said, "If you go out now, if you say you are twenty-seven or eight years old, I can guarantee that others will only think you are younger, and will never think that you can reach Thirty years old. With my Shenshui, I can make you younger and younger! What's more, age is not a problem in my eyes!"


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Chapter 942 I know the pose every time

Shen Meizhuang was even more moved, hugged Liu Xu tightly, and said: "Enough, enough. You can say that, I am satisfied with last night. From the beginning to the end, I never thought about marrying you, but, I think Want one of your children!"

Liu Xu caressed Shen Meizhuang's face, and said, "I told you that if I marry you, it won't change!"

Shen Meizhuang pushed Liu Xu away and said, "I will never marry you!"

"Don't be angry." Liu Xu smiled and went to hug Shenmeizhuang.

Shen Meizhuang dodges.

"Do you know why I like you?" Shen Meizhuang asked.

"Tell me." Liu Xu looked at Shen Meizhuang's serious face, and stopped in his tracks helplessly.

"Because you can cure my illness, and because I like your character." Shen Meizhuang asked: "Do you know when I fell in love with you completely?"

"do not know."

"It's because of your respect and importance to me that I can't extricate myself completely. You may not understand the importance of this respect, but I do! Now, are you going to destroy my feelings for you?" Shen Meizhuang said.

Liu Xu suddenly felt a headache and said, "Sister Shen, why do you think so much? I want to marry you, and you want to marry me, isn't it great?"

Shen Meizhuang's eyes softened, and he said: "You haven't been suffering from illness for more than thirty years, you don't understand my worries and fragility. Besides, the age difference between you and me is too big after all. You don't need to care about other people's eyes, but I don't want to let Others look at you that way. Well, it’s settled, I’m still your sister Shen, and you’re still my younger brother. If you mention marriage in the future, I’ll leave immediately. "

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