
Liu Xu was speechless. He didn't expect Shen Meizhuang to value age so much, and he couldn't understand her thoughts.

Shen Meizhuang raised his chest and said: "Last night was just a misunderstanding! You listen to me and go to Yuanhai Building with me immediately to meet your fiancée! Now I ask you, would you go to see her without me?" she?"

"Yes." Liu Xu didn't want to lie.

"That's good. Change your clothes and come with me. If you really don't care about her at all, I will suspect that you don't have us women in your eyes at all!"

"Sister Shen!" Liu Xu could bicker with Guo Haizao and Ran Jing, but he really couldn't do anything against Shen Meizhuang who was like a sister.

Shen Mei and Zhuang Shen made a move, gently touched Liu Xu's face, and said: "Compared with those young girls, I have no advantage. In a few decades, you will still be strong, but I will become an old woman. At that time, you Only hate me. But if I were your sister, no matter what time, you will not hate me. You are still young, when you grow up to be my age, you will understand my worry. I do this, no For you, but for myself."

After all, Liu Xu is still a person living in the two-dimensional world, and it is difficult to understand the feelings of Shen Meizhuang who lives in the three-dimensional world.

"Sister Shen, if one day I can make you stay young forever, even if you are a hundred years old, you will stay in your thirties, so that you will never age, will you marry me?" Liu Xu stared Shen Meizhuang's eyes, he didn't dare to say that even if he lived thousands of years, he was afraid of scaring her.

"Marry! If you can do it, if you are really willing to do that for me, I will listen to you. Even if you betray me and hate me in the future, I don't care. Liu Xu, you moved me again." Shen Meizhuang Nose sour.

Liu Xu was stunned for a moment, very helpless, he said this because he really had this ability, but to Shen Meizhuang, it was a beautiful love story.

"Don't worry, there will be that day!" Liu Xu said.

"Wait until that day." Shen Meizhuang said with a smile.

The two put on their clothes, took an umbrella, and rushed into Shenmeizhuang's car.

The wind was howling and the rain was pouring down. The umbrellas of the two people couldn't stop the rain at all. In just a few seconds, the clothes of the two people were soaked from the waist down.

Shen Meizhuang drove towards Yuanhai Building.

On the surface, Liu Xu doesn't care about the cheap fiancée, but he still doesn't want to be annulled after all.

Because, being divorced is usually the beginning of a waste of firewood. The plot is halfway through, and there is no way to kill a fiancée halfway.

Shen Meizhuang handed Liu Xu his mobile phone.

"Call her and let her shelter from the rain."

Liu Xu took it over, although there was no Lu Xueqi's number in the phone blog, but it was in his head.

"Beep beep..."

"She turned off the phone." Liu Xu said.

"It should be raining too much and the phone is wet. You call miumiu and ask her to let Xueqi answer the call." Shen Meizhuang said.

Liu Xu froze for a moment, remembered Gong Xinliang's cell phone number, and dialed it.

Shen Meizhuang glanced at her, and said with a sneer: "Last time I asked Miumiu to be your personal secretary, but you still refused, and now you even remember the mobile phone number so clearly, do you keep in touch with her often, or do you keep talking to her every day?"

Liu Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Sister Shen, I'm from the Taoist sect, and I have a very good memory. Do you believe that I can describe in detail every action you made last night? You were satisfied six times yesterday, each time is I know any pose."


Shen Meizhuang's pretty face was flushed, and she couldn't help but think of the Jiqing last night. She wanted to refute, but a numbness came from there, which made her shut her mouth involuntarily, and her gaze towards Liu Xu became soft, with a little resentment.

"Hello, sister Shen?" Gong Xinliang's doubtful voice came from the phone.

"I'm Liu Xu, and I'm going to Yuanhai Building. Can you send my phone to Lu Xueqi for me so that she can answer the call? It's raining so hard, your phone may have problems, don't worry, as long as you let Lu Xueqi Answer, I will definitely buy a new one to compensate you."

"Who do you think I am, miumiu? You are nothing! Abandon her! I, miumiu, don't want to give up a mobile phone in order to help a poor girl? I have been waiting for your call at the door, go out now!" Gong Xinliang said rushed out.

"I didn't abandon her!" Liu Xu hurriedly explained, but Gong Xinliang didn't hear it at all.


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Chapter 943

Soon, Gong Xinliang's voice came from the phone: "Liu Xu is talking to you. Let me tell you, Liu Xu has a small belly and he has hated me for a long time for a little shit. He can't get along with him. I advise you to leave him as soon as possible."

If it was normal, Liu Xu would definitely refute that it was Gong Xinliang who had a small belly, but he didn't speak now, after all, he borrowed her mobile phone.

"Hello?" A weak voice came from the opposite side, and at the same time there was the sound of rain hitting the umbrella, Liu Xu's heart ached.

Liu Xu hurriedly said: "Xueqi, it's me. You go to Yuanhai Building to hide from the rain immediately. I'm on the way and I'll be there soon. No matter what happens, your body is important."

"I'm sorry, I was cheated by my mother! There is a Taoist priest who claims to be a Taoist who wants to take me away. He gave my mother a lot of money and asked my mother to call you, ruining our marriage contract, saying that this is the end My secular thoughts in this world...I'm sorry, it's all my fault...I'll always be here waiting for you."

Hearing the familiar yet unfamiliar weak voice, Liu Xu felt extremely distressed.

"Xueqi, you are right. It was the two of them who were wrong. Don't punish yourself with the mistakes of the two of them. You should go in with miumiu to rest immediately. If you don't go in, I won't go! I hate not Obedient woman."

Liu Xu said this with a guilty conscience, after all, he only thought of Lu Xueqi as his fiancée yesterday.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Lu Xueqi said weakly.

"You, don't hang up, listen to me. That Taoist priest is very powerful, he even practiced the legendary flying sword... Although my mother took his money, she was actually scared by him... Hey , are you listening?"

"The signal here is not good, I can't hear clearly, wait for me, let's meet and talk, okay?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Lu Xueqi said reluctantly.

Liu Xu put down his phone, gritted his teeth and said, "Flying Sword? Hmph, I'm looking at you!"

Shen Meizhuang asked: "What's going on, tell me."

Liu Xu relayed Lu Xueqi's words, because Shen Meizhuang knew that he knew Taoism and supernatural powers, so Shen Meizhuang believed in Taoist priests, which seemed impossible to others.

Shen Meizhuang sighed quietly, and said: "It seems that my choice is right. If I force you to marry me, you must hate me forever."

"No, I will be responsible for you." Liu Xu said hastily.

"You have a good heart, of course you won't hate me, but you will blame yourself, you will blame yourself, you will feel that you owe Xueqi, and you may even change your temperament drastically. Now everything is back to normal, last night was just an accident "Shen Meizhuang said slowly, depressed.

"Sister Shen!"

"Liu Xu, I'm sorry. I'm afraid you won't like me in the future." Shen Meizhuang stopped the car slowly, covered his face with his hands, and burst into tears.

Liu Xu hurriedly hugged her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

Shen Meizhuang's tears flowed down his face.

Liu Xu held Shen Meizhuang's face and kissed it vigorously.

The rain outside was very heavy, and the rain curtain was like a cloth. No one could see the movements of the two people inside.

"Okay, I'm fine, really." Shen Meizhuang wiped away his tears and forced a smile.

"If you cry again, I'll beat you up!" Liu Xu threatened viciously.

Shen Meizhuang laughed through tears, and said, "Little wolf, you've actually thought about it for a long time, haven't you?"

"It's my highest dream to be in the cayenne with Sister Shen." Liu Xu said maliciously, now that Lu Xueqi entered the room, he felt a little relieved and comforted Shen Meizhuang first.

"Okay, when I have a chance, let's see how my car shocks you, sister?" Shen Meizhuang said, and started driving again.

"It was my car that shocked you." Liu Xu corrected Shen Meizhuang's mistake.

It rained heavily for three or four hours, and finally gradually became smaller, from heavy rain to moderate rain.

When it turned to light rain, the red Cayenne passed through the rain curtain, approached the entrance of Yuanhai Building, and stopped slowly.

Inside the transparent glass door, there were many people standing, among which two women stood out the most.

One is Gong Xinliang in professional women's attire, wearing black-rimmed glasses, white shirt, black suit skirt, flesh-colored stockings and black high-heeled shoes, with long hair hanging down, eyes like silk, and red lips like fire.

She stood there like a little sun, glowing and glowing all the time, attracting men to look at it, but they were afraid of being burned by her.

Standing beside Gong Xinliang was a beautiful and unparalleled young girl, her eyes were red and swollen, her lips were pale, and her face was sickly, but it did not damage her pure beauty at all, instead she had a kind of sickly beauty.

The girl was wearing a white dress and a black women's suit jacket, which obviously matched Gong Xinliang's skirt.

A coquettish, a pure, strong contrast forms a huge attraction, attracting men's eyes like a black hole.

Liu Xu opened the car door and walked out holding an umbrella.

"Liu Xu!" Lu Xueqi stuffed the clothes to Gong Xinliang. She was wearing a thin long skirt and came galloping like a baby swallow returning to her nest, with tears in her eyes.

Her clothes were all wet from the rain, and they clinged tightly to her body, outlining all her curves, and the skirt was completely attached to her legs, straight as a compass.

Liu Xu's heart ached. Lu Xueqi must have been sick after standing in the heavy rain for three or four hours in a thin skirt.

Lu Xueqi's tearful eyes shone with joy, seeing that she was only a few steps away from Liu Xu, she couldn't hold on any longer, her body tilted and fell down.

The people in Yuanhai Building screamed together with Shen Meizhuang.

Liu Xu threw down his umbrella and rushed up, before Lu Xueqi landed, supported her, and then hugged her.

The surging vitality surged into Lu Xueqi's body, shattering her sickness and nourishing her body.

But after all, because Lu Xueqi was seriously ill, she couldn't recover immediately.

Liu Xu hugged Lu Xueqi and sat in the back seat of the car. Shen Meizhuang didn't feel any dissatisfaction, and immediately drove back to Azure Cartier.

Lu Xueqi lay in Liu Xu's arms, opened her eyes, and showed a faint smile.


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Chapter 944 The Span From Martial Arts to Immortals Is A Little Big

"I'm finally waiting for you. I'm a bit cold, can you hold me? I'm afraid that if I fall asleep, I'll never see you again." Lu Xueqi's voice was extremely weak, almost dying, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes after speaking.

Liu Xu hugged Lu Xueqi tightly, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I won't leave. I have learned Qigong now, which can help you cure your illness. Your body will get better soon, and you will be fine after you sleep."

"Well, I feel like there's something extra in my body." Lu Xueqi grinned, revealing her white teeth, her eyes were like two small crescents when she smiled, pure and lovely.

Lu Xueqi was ill, Liu Xu said softly: "Go to sleep first, everything will be fine when you wake up."


When the car returned to Azure Cartier, the rain that had rained all night finally stopped, and a wide and colorful rainbow appeared in the sky. Shen Meizhuang couldn't help taking out his phone to take a photo.

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