"After the rain, the sky is clear and the rainbow is in the sky. This is a good sign." Shen Meizhuang opened the car door, looked at Liu Xu with a smile, "Let everything start again!"

Liu Xu didn't answer, and walked into the villa with Lu Xueqi in his arms.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the villa, Liu Xu felt dizzy.

The next moment, he lost consciousness.


The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog!

In today's world, the righteous way is prosperous, and the evil spirits retreat.

The land of the Central Plains is beautiful, popular, and rich in products. It is firmly occupied by decent schools, among which "Qingyunmen", "Tianyin Temple", and "Fenxiang Valley" are the three pillars and leaders.

But more than a hundred years have passed since the last battle between good and evil. The people in the Demon Sect have recharged their batteries and recovered their vitality, and they are secretly ready to move.

The four major sects of the Devil's Way, the Ghost King Sect, the Hehuan Sect, the Changshengtang, and the Wandumen are all talented people, and the incense is flourishing. There is a tendency to unify the Demonmen and the righteous way. The strongest and the loudest.

However, the head of the ghost king sect of this generation also possesses the second volume of the "Book of Heaven", the treasure book of the demon sect, with profound morals and great talents, and he secretly fights against it.

In the Central Plains, in a canyon full of poisonous smoke and miasma that is not known to outsiders, there are two people standing faintly on a small hill.

An old man with white hair like snow, looks a bit daoist, but there is a black air between his brows.

But the other one is a boy about ten years old, with white lips and red teeth, extremely good-looking.

On his wrist, there are two long worms wrapped around one left and one right.

"Wuyan, have you made up your mind?" The old man looked at his most outstanding disciple, his eyes filled with relief.

Whether it is aptitude or character, this disciple is the most satisfying to him, especially with such a city at such a young age, sometimes it makes him a little scared, wondering if he is the reincarnation of the legendary fairy god.

The boy smiled slightly, and fiddled with the two little things on his shoulders with his hands.

A white snake and a green snake, nodding their heads and uttering letters, looked extremely well-behaved.

"Master, you also said that I have the highest qualifications under your sect. With the Ice Emperor and Qingjiao by my side, even if I delay for a few years, those senior brothers will not be as good as me. With me, I'm afraid there will be many obstacles."

The old man frowned slightly, after all he was still reluctant to take risks with his most outstanding disciple.

I saw a flash of evil spirit between his brows, and he said in a low voice: "Even if your senior brothers refuse to accept it, so what? Your cultivation base and xinxing are higher than them. If they refuse to accept it, you will kill them. Join my holy religion, and the strong are respected. "

Qin Wuyan shook his head at this, and looked at his master. He was not at all disturbed by the old man's evil spirit at such a young age, and said slowly: "Master, my goal is to unify the two ways of righteousness and evil. Wouldn't it be unwise to lose the opportunity due to internal friction? Therefore, Qingyun and his party have no choice but to do it!"

The old man was stunned for a moment, looking at the confident and ambitious apprentice, he sighed in his heart.

From the cloth bag in his arms, he took out a colorful centipede, which was as big as a palm, and the strangest thing was that it had seven prongs in its tail, which looked like it had seven tails, and each one had a different color and was different from each other. The colors are gorgeous, but there is a bit of horror in the beauty.

"Since Wuyan has made up his mind, it is natural for a teacher to have the beauty of an adult. Take this seven-tailed centipede. Firstly, it can be used for self-defense. Secondly, the old Taoist Cangsong also has one in his hand. When the two get close, they will naturally sense it. You want to enter Qingyun You can go find him!"

But the young man shook his head and refused: "The seven-tailed centipede is the master's self-defense, how can Wu Yan ask for it? Besides..."

As he said that, he sneered and continued: "Wuyan can't trust Taoist Cangsong. It is true that he wants to kill Daoxuan and destroy Qingyun, but this person still has nostalgia for that righteous way, otherwise I will ask for it for my master last time." If you want the "Taiji Qingxuan Dao", he won't hem and haw and say nothing, Wuyan has his own magic method to sneak into Qingyunmen, Master don't have to worry!"

The old man thought about it, nodded slightly, and took the seven-tailed centipede back.

"Then you go, ten years, I will wait for your good news as a teacher, this old bone won't last long!"

"As ordered!"

The boy bowed and gave a salute, then walked slowly down the mountain, and disappeared into the miasma after a while.

"If this son is wholeheartedly thinking about my holy religion, then my holy religion will definitely prosper!"

Seeing the young man going away, the old man turned his back and sighed faintly.

It just so happened that the boy who went away also had the same thoughts.

"The Sutra of Ten Thousand Poisons? Although it is also from the 'Book of Heaven', it is far behind Taoism's "Taiji Qingxuan Dao", Buddhism's "Dafan Prajna", and Fenxianggu's "Fenxiang Jade Book". I am a fool if I don’t choose, but instead revise the "Ten Thousand Poisons Manual"! Although this young master has inherited Qin Wuyan’s identity, he will not follow his old path, but the power of the Ten Thousand Poisons Sect can be used!”

"Qingyun Sect, here I come!" Looking into the distance, Liu Xu revealed a smile on his lips, and whispered, "From martial arts to immortal, this span is a bit big!"


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Chapter 945 Embarking on the Road to Finding a Wife

The young man who replaced Qin Wuyan was naturally Liu Xu. He traveled with Lu Xueqi at the time, but now he is alone. As for Lu Xueqi, even if he thinks about it on his knees, he must be in Qingyunmen.

As for Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, Liu Xu didn't understand why they traveled together, but Bai Suzhen said that this time travel would be of great help in recovering Xiaoqing's soul damage, because this is not the earth that lacks spiritual energy. It is not the Dharma-ending Era, but the Zhuxian world full of aura.

Now, Liu Xu is about to embark on his journey to find his fiancée, Lu Xueqi.


At the foot of Qingyun Mountain, fifty miles to the northwest of the big city "Heyang", there is a small village called "Caomiao Village".

On this day, the sky was gloomy, with dark clouds hanging down, making people feel breathless.

Outside Caomiao Village, a group of children are playing.

"Stinky boy, where are you going?" A child about ten years old, with delicate features, led four or five boys and girls, chasing another child in front of him.

The kid in front was two years younger than him, and also shorter in stature. At this moment, his face was full of smiles, and he ran forward as hard as he could, sometimes turning his head and making a funny face.

"Zhang Xiaofan, stop if you have the guts!" The child behind shouted loudly.

The child named Zhang Xiaofan in front gave a "bah", and said while running: "Lin Jingyu, you think I'm an idiot!" As he spoke, he ran even faster.

Chasing all the way, these children gradually approached the dilapidated grass temple at the east end of the village.

From the outside, this small grass temple is dilapidated, and I don't know how many times it has experienced the wind and rain of the world.

Zhang Xiaofan was the first to rush in, unexpectedly he accidentally got knocked by the door panel, he was about to fall to the ground, but at this moment a hand stretched out and helped him up.

"Xiaofan, be careful!"

When Zhang Xiaofan raised his head, he was a son of a rich family of fourteen or fifteen years old, with a pearl hanging around his neck, red lips and white teeth, he was very handsome, he already had a bit of demeanor at a young age.

"Brother Liu Xu!" Zhang Xiaofan stuck out his tongue.

Facing this young man who was not much older than himself, he was somewhat cautious.

Unlike the friends who had grown up together, this young man named Liu Xu did not grow up in the village, but moved to Caomiao Village with his parents two years ago.

It is said that he came from a well-known martial arts family in Jianghu, and the reason why he built a house in Caomiao Village was to worship the immortals.

At this moment, Lin Jingyu and others also rushed in, the leader Lin Jingyu grabbed Zhang Xiaofan and said with a smile: "I caught you, now you have nothing to say, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan rolled his eyes strangely, and said: "It doesn't count, I'm talking to Brother Liu Xu, how can it be counted?"

Lin Jingyu glanced at Liu Xu, first shrunk his neck, but then curled his lips and said: "I don't care, if you agree to catch it, you will admit defeat, will you accept it?"

Zhang Xiaofan ignored him, but looked at Liu Xu, apparently wanting him to say something fair.

Liu Xu's demeanor is different from these children, so naturally some people respect him while others envy him. Lin Jingyu is one of those who dislike him.

Of course, at Lin Jingyu's age, there are no dark thoughts at this time, it's just a child's heart, seeing people with a better life than himself, always envious, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't look at Liu Xu, it's good, but it makes him look at him He's a little out of step.

Lin Jingyu got angry from his heart, strangled Zhang Xiaofan's neck with one hand, and said angrily: "Are you convinced?"

His strength was strong, Zhang Xiaofan's trachea was strangled by him, it was gradually difficult to breathe, and his face gradually turned red.

Zhang Xiaofan is so young, his temper is extremely stubborn, he insists on not saying a word.

Both of them were very stubborn, gritted their teeth and refused to give in. Seeing that a catastrophe was about to happen, the children next to them ran out in fright, and Liu Xu was the only outsider left in the grass temple.

There was a slight gleam in his eyes, and Liu Xu stretched out his hand to pull the two of them apart, but one of them was faster. He only heard the Buddha's name, and someone said: "Amitabha, stop quickly."

Then a skinny hand came out, stretched out two fingers, and flicked Lin Jingyu's hands.

Lin Jingyu's whole body was shaken as if he was being shocked by an electric shock, and his hands loosened naturally.

Zhang Xiaofan panted heavily, obviously holding back hard.

The two of them were stunned on the spot, came back to their senses, recalled the scene just now, and looked at each other, both of them were a little scared.

Then Liu Xu suddenly asked, "Thank you, master, for your rescue. I don't know where the master came from?"

Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan followed his gaze, saw an old monk standing in this temple, his face was wrinkled, he was wearing a shabby cassock, his whole body was dirty.

The old monk held a string of jasper rosary beads, which were crystal clear, dazzing, and emitting a faint blue light.

Strangely, among the dozen or so sapphire rosary beads of the same size and clear and clean, there was a dark purple round bead that was neither jade nor stone.

The old monk didn't answer, but only looked at the three children carefully, couldn't help but looked at Liu Xu a few more times, and said in his heart: "Good qualifications, but why is there a evil spirit between the brows? A child, judging from his background, it doesn't look like his family has suffered a catastrophe, where is the hostility?"

Then he glanced at Lin Jingyu again, and said in surprise: "That's right, although it's not as good as the former, but the aptitude is pretty good!"

Among the three, they paid the least attention to Zhang Xiaofan.

The old monk didn't talk much, and he was a stranger, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu were children after all, chatted with him a few words, didn't ask anything, and ran home.

Liu Xu stayed and started chatting with the old monk. He didn't say anything serious, but just asked some anecdotes casually.

The old monk made insinuations about Liu Xu's life experience, but he evaded them all, and then, like ordinary children, he kept pestering the old monk, always asking him to say something strange, which made the old monk feel uncomfortable for a while. The monk forgot to investigate the hostility between his brows.


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Chapter 946

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

There was a thunder, the wind swept through the clouds, and the black clouds rolled in the sky.

Liu Xu didn't know what he noticed, and suddenly his voice stopped.

Glancing at the sky outside the temple, he cupped his hands at the old monk, and Liu Xu said, "Master, it's getting late, why don't you rest at your next home?"

The old monk smiled slightly, and just about to say something, he let out a little surprise, got up suddenly, and rushed out of the temple.

"Wait a minute, little benefactor, there seems to be evil spirits appearing outside the temple, the old monk will come back as soon as he goes, don't leave the temple!"

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