Then, there was a burst of lightning and thunder outside, the strong wind was strong, there were faint sounds of Buddha's cry, ghosts crying, and thunderbolts fell from the sky.

Sitting quietly in the grass temple, Liu Xu showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In the end, there was an explosion, and the white light was golden, unparalleled in splendor, far surpassing the sun in the sky.

The whole grass temple was suddenly torn apart. Liu Xu was blown out by a gust of wind, bumped his head against the pillar, and did not move anymore.

After a while, the old monk came over slowly, stumbling, with Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu under his ribs.

Stretching out his hand towards Liu Xu's breath, seeing that he was still breathing and his pulse was stable, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then put the two children down.

The old monk lowered his head and looked towards the front of his Yuexiong. He could vaguely see the scorched and smelly monk's clothes, and a puff of black air had gradually surrounded the mouth of Yuexiong, leaving only a small place in his heart, which was not invaded.

With a wry smile, he took out a pill from his bosom and took it, but the old monk was exhausted, and he sat down on the ground all of a sudden, gasping for breath.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, they treat everything as a dog!"

For some reason, this famous Taoist saying was read out slowly from the old monk's mouth with a bit of bitterness and anger.

I don't know what to think of, this person laughed excitedly again, and there was a frenzy in his eyes.

He looked at the three children, first he stretched out his hand to Liu Xu, but he didn't know what he thought of, he stopped halfway, and finally woke up Zhang Xiaofan.

They didn't know what they said, then the old monk handed a bead to Zhang Xiaofan, and unexpectedly slapped Zhang Xiaofan unconscious.

Then I didn't know what to think of, the old monk's brows were slightly frowned, but his whole body was full of hostility, a faint black air lingered between his brows, like a ghost, he took a look at Zhang Xiaofan, but took a big step leave.

It's just that the old monk didn't notice that shortly after he left, another person sat up among the three of them, and it was Liu Xu.

Hearing the faint cries coming from the direction of Caomiao Village, Liu Xu blinked, glanced at the bead in Zhang Xiaofan's hand, thought of something, but lay down again.

On the cold ground and the faint but unmistakable smell of blood in Liu Xu's nose, he turned over and muttered slightly: "You can enter the Qingyun Gate tomorrow!"


In Tongtian Peak, Yuqing Palace, among the majestic halls, Liu Xu was yelling loudly at the people on the seven sandalwood chairs: "Who did it, who did it!"

Behind him, Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan were in great grief, hugging a lunatic who looked like a woodcutter, crying bitterly, then knelt down and kowtowed.

The old Taoist among the six people, dressed in a dark green Taoist robe, with a crane bone fairy wind, and warm and bright eyes, is the current head of the Qingyun sect, Daoxuan Daoxuan.

The massacre in Caomiao Village was something that Qingyunmen had never heard of in the thousand years. It happened right at the foot of Qingyunmen, and the faction of Qingyunmen was shaken.

Reverend Daoxuan was shocked and angry after receiving the report, and immediately summoned the heads of the other six branches to discuss.

At this moment, apart from the first Master Shuiyue of the "Little Bamboo Peak" lineage, Master Future, the heads of the other five lines are all present.

Reverend Daoxuan carefully looked at Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan, then glanced at Liu Xu who clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, sighed slightly, and said: "Poor child."

But Lin Jingyu didn't get up, looked up at this god-level person, and said sadly: "My lord, we are young and ignorant, and suddenly we have undergone such a big change. You have great powers, please be the master for us!"

At a young age, he was undergoing great changes, and facing such a world-renowned expert as Master Daoxuan, he still spoke in an orderly and clear manner, which attracted the eyes of all the leaders. The meaning of pity.

In the way of cultivation, aptitude is extremely important. There is often a saying in the world that a genius enlightened is better than a hundred years of practice.

Therefore, famous teachers are hard to find, but disciples with high qualifications are equally rare.

Lin Jingyu was extremely talented and had excellent bones, so he immediately fell in love with the leader of the Qingyun sect, and then everyone looked at Liu Xu regretfully.

In terms of aptitude, Liu Xu still has to be higher than that of Lin Jingyu, but it's a pity that he suffered a big change, his thoughts are meticulous, but he thinks more, the hatred in his heart is too strong, the hostility is entangled, and it will definitely damage his mind in the long run.

Moreover, Qingyun Sect is a Taoist sect after all. With Liu Xu's temperament at this time, it may be difficult to calm down and practice. If he makes a wrong step, he may go crazy. But it's like chicken ribs, far less delicious than Lin Jingyu's.

The tragedy in Caomiao Village happened right under the nose of Qingyunmen, but the perpetrators were extremely ruthless, leaving no clues behind, so the leaders had no choice but to put the matter down for the time being and discuss the arrangement of the three children .

Then there was a debate, the talented Lin Jingyu wanted to be recruited by everyone, but Liu Xu and the mediocre talented Zhang Xiaofan were ignored.

In the end, under Daoxuan Daoxuan's arrangement, Lin Jingyu entered the Cangsong sect of Longshou Peak, while Liu Xu and Zhang Xiaofan were packed and thrown to Dazhu Peak. Still talking sarcastic remarks on the side.

"Junior Brother Tian, ​​didn't you say that the people in the Dazhufeng lineage are weak? This time, these two children will be entrusted to you to take care of them. Compared with someday, they will definitely brighten up your Dazhufeng lintel!"


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Chapter 947 Big Bamboo Peak, Tian Linger

After finishing speaking, Cang Song glanced at Liu Xu again, and said softly: "However, this child, the hostility between his brows must be dissipated, or else he will become mad and unable to cultivate. Don't blame me, the head of the Criminal Law Hall, for being ruthless!"

"You!" Tian Buyi was so angry that he almost couldn't hold back his anger, he stared at Cang Song, and couldn't help but wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the head Daoxuan.

This Daoxuan Daoxuan said something fair, he first reprimanded Cang Song, and then sent a voice transmission to Tian Buyi: "Junior Brother Tian, ​​this second son, Zhang Xiaofan is fine, but Liu Xu has extraordinary talent, if you understand Open your heart, your aptitude may not be inferior to Lin Jingyu, you just need to be careful to enlighten, maybe it will have a miraculous effect."

Hearing these words, Tian Buyi's expression became better, but he still pulled Liu Xu and Zhang Xiaofan out with a dark face.

Tian Buyi threw Zhang Xiaofan to his disciple Song Daren who was waiting outside the main hall, then raised a red long sword and took Liu Xu to the sky.

The white clouds were faint, and the breeze was blowing slowly. On the cloud, Tian Buyi suddenly stopped his flying sword, and just stood there with Liu Xu.

"How do you see the scenery here?"

Now that Liu Xu and Zhang Xiaofan have already taken care of him, Tian Buyi naturally can't let it go.

Zhang Xiaofan's aptitude is not good, Tian Buyi has no good solution, but Liu Xu has a problem in his mind, so he can try.

Although he doesn't know much about children's minds, he somewhat knows that seeing such a spectacle may relax Liu Xu's heart a little bit, and if it can arouse his interest in cultivating Taoism, then it will be fine.

Sure enough, I saw Liu Xu's face was pale, and the gloomy look between his brows disappeared a lot. He seemed to be extremely curious about the surrounding scenery, and immediately hit the rails while it was hot: "With your talent, if you put your heart into it, it won't be long before you can reach the object-dispelling state. At that time, it will be easy to take revenge or concentrate on cultivating the Tao, so don't be in a hurry at ordinary times, as long as you put your heart into it, there will always be..."

Poor Tian Buyi was usually dull-spoken, but at this time, he had exhausted his mind to produce talents under his sect, but he didn't know that although the apprentice opposite him nodded in agreement, he actually didn't take it to heart at all.

Liu Xu has already done countless things like Feitian, so why is there any curiosity?

He even did such things as flying in the sky, are you afraid?

For revenge, the so-called members of the Liu family were just recruited by Liu Xu from the rivers and lakes. They are similar to servants, so there is no need to avenge them.

As for the hostility between the brows, it was caused by replacing Qin Wuyan's identity, and it was a little difficult to resolve for a while.

But for the sake of future arrangements, Liu Xu still pretended to be touched, relaxed his dark face, and restrained his hostility a little.

Tian Buyi was overjoyed when he saw this, he thought that a clever person like Liu Xu would be easy to get into a dead end and not easy to enlighten, but he didn't expect that just a few words would have such a miraculous effect, he couldn't help but thought to himself: "This Go down to the Big Bamboo Peak and find a treasure!"

Immediately, he tried his best, wishing to untie Liu Xu's "heart knot" immediately. He went back and forth until it was getting dark, and then brought Liu Xu back to the Big Bamboo Peak with unsatisfied intentions.

Shoujing Hall is the first hall of Dazhu Peak, with red brick pavement, red tiles and stone pillars, and a big "Tai Chi" figure engraved on the ground.

All in all very simple.

At this time, there were two chairs in front of the hall, one of which sat a quiet and dignified beautiful woman, who looked to be in her thirties, with a graceful appearance.

Standing beside her was a little girl with delicate features and watery eyes, which were extremely agile and lovable.

Then there are seven male disciples at the bottom, lined up, tall or short, strong or thin, at this moment Zhang Xiaofan is also standing among them, but he is the last one.

At this moment, Tian Buyi is in a good mood because of Liu Xu's change, with a smile on his face, which surprises his wife Suru and first disciple Song Daren.

Especially the latter, Song Daren saw with his own eyes that his master came out of Yuqing Palace with a dark face, how come his complexion changed in an afternoon, while Suru looked at Liu Xu thoughtfully.

After the simple apprentice ceremony, Liu Xu and Zhang Xiaofan formally entered the Dazhu Peak.

After Tian Buyi confessed, he went out with his hands behind his back, looking very happy by his expression.

Suru blinked her eyes, and ran out after her husband, obviously going to ask questions.

As soon as the two elders left, all the disciples relaxed, and surrounded Liu Xu and Zhang Xiaofan, chirping and asking.

The little girl moved the fastest, she had already flashed in front of Liu Xu and Zhang Xiaofan, staring at them with her big eyes.

Liu Xu was unmoved, but Zhang Xiaofan blushed.

This little girl is naturally Tian Ling'er, the daughter of Tian Buyi and Suru.

Although she is young, she is already a beauty.

Zhang Xiaofan grew up in Caomiao Village, he lost his composure when he had never seen such a beautiful girl of the same age.

"Ha!" Tian Linger pointed at Zhang Xiaofan and laughed loudly as if she had discovered a treasure: "Senior brother, look, he will blush when he sees me!"

The hall roared with laughter, Zhang Xiaofan's face turned redder, and he got teased even harder.

Then, Tian Linger blinked again, but this action was the same as her mother's, looking at Liu Xu.

Compared with the rustic Zhang Xiaofan, Liu Xu, who is handsome and has a good temperament, is obviously more attractive to little girls.

She coughed on purpose, and said to Liu Xu in an old-fashioned way: "Hey, who is that, call me Senior Sister."

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "I am older than you, you should call me Senior Brother, Senior Brother is over there."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Zhang Xiaofan.

"You!" Tian Linger jumped.

As the only daughter of Tian Buyi and his wife, she has always been the youngest on the Big Bamboo Peak, so she is naturally doted on and pampered. She thought she would have two juniors today, so she would no longer have to be the youngest. Who would have thought that Liu Xu would not give face and still want to put her on her head?


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Chapter 948 Little Witch, Heijiezhu

Immediately, Tian Ling'er thrust her waist and yelled at Liu Xujiao: "I don't care, I was the one who got started first, and according to the rules, you have to call me Senior Sister!"

Liu Xu didn't speak, just swept Tian Ling'er from head to toe with his eyes, and then stayed on the slightly undulating figure for a moment, shrugging his shoulders, although he didn't say it clearly, but the meaning was obvious.

Just you, a yellow-haired girl, want to be a senior sister?

As a result, as soon as this action came out, there was silence in the room.

The senior brothers looked at each other, and thought to themselves: "This new junior brother is really bold, dare to mess with the little witch in the Big Bamboo Peak?"

But Tian Linger was taken aback for a moment, and then her face suddenly flushed red.

Although she was only thirteen years old, she also knew about beauty and ugliness. Tian Linger almost exploded with anger when Liu Xu looked at her like this, and her teeth itch with hatred.

Originally, she had bright eyes and teeth, and a charming figure. She was always praised by others, so she was naturally happy in her heart, but her figure was still a little lacking due to her age. Now Liu Xu pointed it out, and she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

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