Chapter 950 Taiji Xuanqing Road, Buddhism and Taoism Dilemma

What Zhang Xiaofan said was the truth, because he also tried it just now.

This black-jointed bamboo is really hard, Zhang Xiaofan tried his best to leave a white mark on it.

Therefore, in his opinion, Tian Linger, who can chop off a single blade with four knives, is already extremely powerful.

It's good that Zhang Xiaofan didn't mention this, but mentioning Tian Linger almost made her lungs explode.

"You! You!" She stretched out a hand, pointing tremblingly at Zhang Xiaofan, if not for the dull look on his face, Tian Linger almost thought he was mocking her.

"Hmph! Go chop your bamboo!"

Throwing the hatchet in her hand on the ground, Tian Linger walked down the mountain without looking back, leaving behind Zhang Xiaofan who was confused and didn't know what he said wrong.


On that day, Liu Xu's strong physique shocked the entire Dazhufeng.

Tian Buyi personally checked his body, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Liu Xu's internal meridians and bones are a hundred times stronger than those of ordinary people, so it must be twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, Tian Buyi took the opportunity to check whether Liu Xu had his own kung fu, and the two of them knew it well. After all, it was shocking to have such an ability without training.

Tian Buyi has been cultivating for hundreds of years, and has never stopped cultivating his true energy, but he can't guarantee that he can smash the black knotted bamboo with one palm.

As a result, nothing was gained. Liu Xu's body was empty, except for the naturally wide and strong muscles and bones, there was no trace of other exercises.

While Tian Buyi was relieved, he couldn't help sighing that there really are so-called wizards who cultivate Taoism in this world.

Now they found a treasure at Big Bamboo Peak.

Immediately, Tian Buyi personally passed on the first two levels of Taiji Xuanqing Dao to Liu Xu, and suggested some ways to cultivate Qi.

It must be known that Tian Buyi has always been lazy, most of the disciples under his sect are taught by his senior brother Song Daren and his teacher's wife Suru, and it is the first time in a hundred years that he personally took action, making the entire Dazhufeng disciples envious.

Of course, their qualifications are not as good as others, and they have nothing to do.

In another five years, there will be a big competition in the Qingyunmen sect once every sixty years. Judging from the situation of the people, it is also possible for senior brother Song Daren and junior sister Tian Linger and Liu Xu to compete for a good ranking. Common sense.

At night, Liu Xu sat cross-legged on his bed, holding a bright pearl with a faint white light in his hands, and his whole body was constantly pumping and breathing.

I saw one gold and one blue on his face, the two colors kept changing, and the white light on the pearl became more and more intense.

Gradually, there was a vague vision behind Liu Xu. On the left were two different snakes, one white and one green, while on the right was a soaring Jinpeng, magnificent and magnificent, with golden feathers like sharp swords.

As Liu Xu swallowed again and again, the two visions gradually began to merge, and the snake and Jinpeng kept getting closer, as if there were signs of becoming one.

But suddenly Liu Xu opened his eyes, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. The two visions disappeared like bubbles with a soft sound of the wave.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, Liu Xu smiled wryly. This "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" and "Da Fan Prajna" are really different.

At least without the coordination of the general outline of the heavenly scriptures, Liu Xu has no way to integrate these two exercises.

"Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" was taught by Tian Buyi, and "Da Fan Prajna" was learned by stealing from Universal Wisdom. At the beginning, he felt that his life was not long, so he decided to teach one person the magical skills of Buddhism, and then let him join Qing Yun's sect to practice. Taoist technique.

This can not only save lives, but also fulfill Puzhi's wish.

The two schools of Buddhism and Taoism have been separated since ancient times, and they do not communicate with each other in old age and death.

Qing Yun Sect never imagined that a young boy who lived under Qing Yun Mountain since he was a child would have the Buddhist Dafa in his body.

As long as someone has the knowledge of the two schools, he will surely break through the puzzle of immortality for thousands of years.

Puzhi felt that he would have no regrets in dying, so he used the remaining Buddhist power to rescue Zhang Xiaofan and taught him "Dafan Prajna".

It took Zhang Xiaofan three hours, that is, six hours, to memorize the secrets of Buddhism, but Liu Xu, who was "sleeping" next to him, memorized them all after listening to them only once.

Now Liu Xu can only rely on the power of the White Snake and the Green Snake to reconcile, barely keeping the two from interfering with each other.

But it is impossible to transform and complement each other. If there is no such magical method as the Heavenly Book, he may not have this ability within a hundred years.

But fortunately, he also knows where the five volumes of heavenly scriptures are located, as long as he follows the steps step by step, he probably won't have a big problem if he gets them.

For Liu Xu, the value of Qingyunmen now is only those few thaumaturgies left.

The real art of controlling thunder with the divine sword is not a big problem, when Liu Xu's skill is deep, Tian Buyi will teach him by himself.

Now only the old Daoist Wan Jianyi can kill ghosts and gods, and it is very difficult to get his favor without Zhanlongjian.

Although Zhuxinsuo was created by the ancestors of their lineage, it has long been strictly forbidden for disciples to learn from it.

The study of Tianji Calculation Physiognomy was brought out of the mountain gate by the heirs of Zhou Yixian's lineage, so he couldn't be here if he wanted to learn it.

After Liu Xu thought about it, it seemed that Qingyun Sect really didn't have too many thaumaturgies at his disposal, so he really wanted to practice here honestly for a few years?

Waiting for Lori's wife to grow up quickly, Liu Xu now has a feeling that Wu Qilong looks at Liu Shishi.

He touched the bead in his hand, Liu Xu chuckled again, he was really greedy, wasn't it just a few years?

Compared with the gains in the future, it is nothing, and I just took this opportunity to improve my skills.

Traveling through the world of Jade Immortals this time, Liu Xu did not bring the ancient blue mountain sword, but a bead.

One dollar beads.

The one-element bead can store energy, so Liu Xu has no energy left, and only maintains a strong physique. After Liu Xu worships as a teacher, he can naturally extract the energy in the bead little by little to replenish himself.


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Chapter 951 Molested Junior Sister

Liu Xu was naturally very satisfied with the miraculous effect of the one-yuan pearl. Neither Poison God nor Tian Buyi noticed any signs of his previous profound skills, and let him join the two sects with ease.

All kinds of thoughts turned in his mind, but Liu Xu laughed. He held the beads in his hands and wanted to continue to practice, but at this moment, there was a sudden noise outside, followed by Tian Buyi's loud scolding.

It turned out that Tian Ling'er was dissatisfied with Liu Xu teasing her, and wanted to find her parents to teach him a lesson, but Tian Buyi had just discovered that Liu Xu's apprentice was a Taoist wizard, and it was too late to take care of her, so she would not agree.

Tian Linger couldn't help it, and begged Tian Buyi to cancel her homework of chopping bamboo, but this was a basic practice, although she had been doing it for two years, but the fire was still a bit weak, so naturally she was not allowed.

Neither left nor right, but Tian Linger was furious. Before Liu Xu came, she was the little princess of Big Bamboo Peak, and her parents and senior brothers were obedient to her.

As a result, as soon as Liu Xu came, Tian Linger's status plummeted (in my opinion), and her parents no longer loved her, and forced her to do homework.

Tian Linger was still a little girl, so naturally she couldn't stand this anger, and immediately started crying.

At first Tian Buyi was in a good mood and even tried to persuade her a few words, but then seeing that Tian Linger was still refusing to let her go, she immediately became irritable.

The father and daughter quarreled on the big bamboo peak, and the sound spread all over the peak.

After listening to a few words and roughly understanding what happened, Liu Xu just smiled and didn't intend to pay attention to it, but then his expression changed, as if he still had some things to do in Qingyunmen!


In the blink of an eye, three years had passed, and Liu Xu's amazing talent was fully revealed.

He broke through six stages in a short period of three years, and directly broke through "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao" to the sixth level of Yuqing Realm, which is no less than that of Patriarch Qingyun back then.

As the head of the Big Bamboo Peak, Tian Buyi always has a smile on his face now. He not only pays close attention to Liu Xu's practice progress from time to time, patiently answers his questions, but also personally feeds Liu Xu and treats him like a kiss. My daughter is fine.

Seeing that Tian Buyi spared no effort, he was determined to make Liu Xu a blockbuster in the Qingyun Grand Competition, so as to vent out the grievances of the Big Bamboo Peak for many years.

Although the other senior brothers were also envious of Liu Xu's treatment, they also knew that it was all determined by their talents, and they had no objection if they were not envious, but there was one person who was different.

As Tian Buyi's daughter, whenever Tian Ling'er sees that her own father treats Liu Xu better than herself, her eyes almost burst into flames.

In the past three years, Tian Linger and Liu Xu have been in conflict, from small things like who will clean the pots and pans, to cooking an extra dish that someone likes to eat for dinner, to things as big as who can cultivate faster and who has better skills. High, there is no two people who are indisputable.

Of course, most of the time it was Liu Xu who had the upper hand. Tian Ling'er was so angry that she cried so many times. Whenever Liu Xu was mentioned, her teeth itch with hatred.

Even Zhang Xiaofan had bad luck, because he came out of the same village as Liu Xu, Tian Linger repaired it several times with excuses.

But I don't know if it's because of his natural personality, or because he has admiration for Tian Linger, Zhang Xiaofan didn't complain about her, he has always been obedient and obedient, pointing east and never west, telling a dog to beat a chicken.

In the end, Tian Ling'er felt a little embarrassed, she felt that Zhang Xiaofan was a honest and honest person, he didn't bully him anymore, just like in the original book, he took good care of him.


In the early morning of this day, the mountain breeze came slowly, the sky was bright and clear, and orioles were faintly singing in the forest, but the whole Dazhufeng was peaceful and quiet.

In the area of ​​the disciples, a figure was seen slowly falling from the sky with Hong Ling on it, but it was Tian Linger.

I saw that she first glanced at one room, curled her lips, and then came to another room door and opened the door to enter.

After a while, Zhang Xiaofan, who looked like a follower and bowed his head, came out, the two of them didn't talk much, and went directly towards the back mountain.

But at this moment, the door of the room that Tian Linger was looking at before suddenly opened, and Liu Xu let out a sigh of relief and leaned there with a tired face.

He was neatly dressed and looked like he had woken up early.

"Junior sister, junior brother, where are you going this early in the morning?" Eyes narrowed slightly, Liu Xu glanced at the two of them, and suddenly showed a narrow smile, "Isn't it going to the back mountain for a tryst?" Bar!"

"You!" Tian Linger was taken aback by Liu Xu's whereabouts, and her face changed slightly, but then she let out a cold snort, "I want you to care! And I'm your senior sister, not your little junior sister!"

But for some reason, she subconsciously took two steps forward, pulling a little distance away from Zhang Xiaofan.

Ignoring Tian Linger's furious shouting, he glanced at the opponent Yuexiong twice, but Liu Xu nodded again, and said jokingly: "That's right, Junior Sister Linger has grown up, and it's time to arrive." It's time for age!"

It has to be said that Tian Linger has grown up a lot in the past three years, and she has become more and more youthful, with bright teeth and bright eyes, and a smile like a flower.

The originally somewhat deficient figure has also developed into a slender and outstanding figure, with uneven bumps, and the whole person looks like a little fairy.

"You, you apprentice, just wait, one day I will definitely make you look good!"

"Don't think that with your father protecting you, you can be arrogant for the rest of your life!"

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not... believe me or not..."


Being ridiculed by Liu Xu with a pun, Tian Linger's face turned red.

A few years ago, she always remembered Liu Xu's molesting words!

Tian Linger pointed at Liu Xu and jumped, and began to be reluctant, but for some reason, a trace of unexplainable joy flashed in her heart.


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