Chapter 952

He has long been used to this kind of quarrel, but Liu Xu took these words as deaf ears and didn't take them to heart at all. Instead, he listened to Tian Linger's clear and melodious voice, and regarded it as some adjustments in the morning.

After talking there for a long time with her hips on her hips, Tian Linger saw that Liu Xu was still looking so lazy, but instead she was so angry that she was half dead.

Tian Linger stomped her feet, and directly pulled Zhang Xiaofan away.

In the end, she didn't know what came to her mind, but she turned around and said to Liu Xu: "You are still Xiaofan's senior brother, and you don't even know that Xiaofan was bullied by monkeys. Today I will help him out, can you Stop chewing your tongue!"

These few words are not so much a threat or a complaint as an explanation.

"Oh, I see!"

Looking at Liu Xu's half-smile eyes, Tian Ling'er blushed, snorted, and ran away without looking back.

Zhang Xiaofan was a little baffled, didn't understand why his senior sister reacted like this, but he still greeted Liu Xu and followed.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaofan doesn't like to get along with Liu Xu very much, although they are brothers who came from the same village and started at the same time, the gap between the two is really too big.

In terms of appearance, temperament, and status in the hearts of masters and senior brothers, Zhang Xiaofan can't catch up with Liu Xu, especially the two started to practice almost at the same time, and the latter broke through the sixth layer of Yuqing in three years , but he just broke through to the second floor.

This huge contrast made Zhang Xiaofan unable to lift his head up in front of Liu Xu.

When they were in the village, the two didn't know each other very well, and in the past three years, they have become less and less talkative.

Gently shaking his head, Zhang Xiaofan shook off these distracting thoughts, and laughed at himself, finally spent a day alone with his senior sister, what was he thinking about.

But to Zhang Xiaofan's despair, he and Tian Ling'er had just walked a few steps when he felt a gust of wind blowing from behind, and Liu Xu had appeared beside them.

Seeing Liu Xu's figure, Tian Ling'er was overjoyed at first, but then sullenly asked, "What are you doing here?"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, looked at Zhang Xiaofan's bruised cheeks, and said, "No matter how you say it, Xiaofan has two levels of cultivation in Yuqing. To beat him like this, that monkey is by no means simple. Of course you have to experience it." experience."

Are you kidding me, today's matter is related to the ownership of a top magic soldier, and it is one of the few opportunities that Liu Xu can still get in Qingyunmen, so naturally we should hurry up.

Otherwise, Liu Xu wouldn't be so busy waiting for Zhang Xiaofan and Tian Linger early in the morning.

Although he didn't know the exact time when "Soul Devourer" appeared, Liu Xu could roughly figure it out based on the strength of the Buddhist seal on the "Bloodthirsty Bead".

In the past few days, Liu Xu has been paying attention to Zhang Xiaofan's situation very carefully, after watching him come back with a bruised nose and a swollen face, he is fully prepared.

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Zhang Xiaofan lowered his head in shame, after all, the dignified disciple of Qingyun was bullied by a monkey, it was really too embarrassing.

But Tian Ling'er curled her lips and said angrily: "That's because he is too stupid. I can catch that dead monkey to avenge Xiaofan later, so don't make a move."

That's what she said, but Tian Linger didn't mention the matter of driving Liu Xu away, but after hearing her words, Zhang Xiaofan lowered his head even lower, and unconsciously clenched his hands.

After a while, the three of them came to the bamboo forest.

Tian Linger signaled Zhang Xiaofan to go in alone, then took Liu Xu's hand and hid behind a nearby hillside.

Not to mention how Zhang Xiaofan was waiting for the monkey to come to the door, behind the hillside, Liu Xu blinked his eyes, watched Tian Linger grabbing his hand, and smiled lightly.

"Junior sister, can you let go of your hand?"

Tian Linger blushed, and hurriedly let go of her hands, then glanced at Liu Xu as if nothing had happened, and then let out a cold snort.

"Who cares about it! You are like a big girl all day long, you can't even touch it. I think you should stop practicing Taoism and go home and learn embroidery."

But Liu Xu ignored her, instead he lay in ambush behind the hillside, looking at Zhang Xiaofan intently.

Tian Ling'er made fun of herself, smacked her mouth, didn't say anything, and followed Liu Xu to stare at Zhang Xiaofan.

But I don't know if that monkey has understood human nature, knowing that today Zhang Xiaofan came to find a helper, and the two of them waited for a long time but disappeared.

Tian Linger was idle and bored, so she could only look around.

The black bamboo forest has a good view and a quiet environment.

Tian Ling'er has been chopping bamboo here for three years, and she has long been a little bored. After a while, her eyes fell on Liu Xu involuntarily.

At this time, Liu Xu still looked at Zhang Xiaofan quietly, that concentrated expression combined with his already very handsome appearance made Tian Linger blush.

She looked around guiltily, and then peeked over from time to time.

Looking at it, Tian Linger saw that Liu Xu turned his head suddenly, and the two pairs of eyes happened to meet each other.

Feeling that her heartbeat missed half a beat, Tian Linger faltered and said: "You, what are you doing?"

She was very disturbed, wondering if he had noticed her actions just now?

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu stretched out a finger, put it between his lips, and said in a low voice, "Shh, here we come!"

Just hearing the sound of "creak creak", there was a burst of screaming above the two of them.

Tian Ling'er looked up, but in the depths of the bamboo forest, there was a gray monkey hanging upside down on the bamboo branch, laughing non-stop.

And under it, Zhang Xiaofan was holding his head and crying out in pain.

"I'll catch it!"

Seeing that things were not as she thought, Tian Linger breathed a sigh of relief, and then rushed out as if fleeing.


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Chapter 953

With a wave of her hand, the "Amber Scarlet Silk" flew out automatically, stepped on it, Tian Linger grabbed the monkey like lightning.

Unexpectedly, the monkey was extremely clever. Hearing the sound of the wind, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and immediately reacted. The tail wrapped around the bamboo branch immediately let go, and the whole body fell down.

Tian Linger was a little careless in her haste, she couldn't help being startled, and took a moment.

On the ground, Zhang Xiaofan was waiting to surround the monkey, but when he saw the monkey falling down, he wanted to move.

But the monkey stretched its arms lightly, grabbed the bamboo stem, and immediately attached itself to it.

Without hesitation, the monkey wobbled and jumped, swaying from one bamboo to another and then to the next bamboo, and fled immediately.

Tian Linger glanced at Liu Xu who was standing behind the two, her face flushed slightly, she stomped her feet, and shouted: "Chasing!"

Regardless of Zhang Xiaofan, he sacrificed Amber Scarlet Ling and rushed out at full speed, it seemed that she would not give up until she caught that monkey today.

Liu Xu smiled lightly and shook his head, also raised an ordinary long sword, grabbed Zhang Xiaofan, and also followed.

If it was on the open ground, with the speed of Amber and Scarlet Silk, Tian Linger would have caught the gray monkey in a short while, but now in the dense bamboo forest, it is a big hindrance.

The gray monkey was extremely clever, and never ran away in a straight line. It swayed left and right in the forest, twisted and turned, and ran forward.

While Tian Linger has to pay attention to the monkeys, she also has to beware of the ubiquitous black-jointed bamboos, which is very troublesome.

Although he was full of anger, there was nothing he could do about that monkey for a while.

As for the two people following Tian Linger, Zhang Xiaofan kept urging Liu Xu to speed up, but he was still counting on the three-eyed spirit monkey to lead him to the place where the dementor was, how could Liu Xu be so easy Catch this spirit monkey.

Therefore, while he was hesitating to deal with Zhang Xiaofan, he was urging his long sword and following behind Tian Linger unhurriedly.

Three people and one monkey chased after each other, but after more than half an hour, they chased into the deep valley of the back mountain, and got deeper and deeper.

All kinds of miscellaneous trees and wild trees are everywhere, and they are no longer the same green bamboo.

After chasing for a while, the trees in front of him gradually thinned out, and a faint light came in. It seemed to be an open space, and there seemed to be some sound of water in my ears.

Hearing the gray monkey's hasty scream, it seemed hesitant, but seeing the three people chasing after him, it had no choice but to run forward desperately.

After a while, an open space appeared in front of the three people and one monkey. Among them was a small green pool with rippling water flowing westward.

For some reason, the monkey's pace suddenly became extremely slow when it got here. It was more like a walk than an escape.

Tian Linger was overjoyed when she saw this, this monkey made her face a lot of embarrassment in front of Liu Xu today, how could she let it go so easily.

Immediately, she yelled, drove Ling straight in, rushed into the open space, and rushed towards the gray monkey.

Seeing that he was about to catch the monkey, he heard Liu Xu shouting suddenly from behind.

"Junior Sister, be careful!"

That voice was unprecedented anxiety and panic.

Tian Ling'er didn't know why, suddenly there was a "boom" in her head, her body shook twice involuntarily, a nauseating feeling rose from her five internal organs and went straight to her forehead.

In a moment, her whole body trembled, she couldn't control the Amber Scarlet Silk any longer, and fell headlong on it.

There was a strong wind, and at the moment of falling, Tian Linger seemed to see a somewhat anxious face, her heart was slightly sweet, and she passed out the next moment.

With a sound of "Plop", in the end one of the three fell to the ground, but it was not Tian Linger, but Zhang Xiaofan.

Holding Tian Ling'er in one hand and slowly falling from the air, Liu Xu held a dark purple bead in the other hand and carefully played with it.

Just after chasing the three-eyed monkey for more than half an hour, Liu Xu had already taken the blood-devouring bead from Zhang Xiaofan's neck without anyone noticing it.

Without the protection of this thing, how could Zhang Xiaofan's mere Jade Clear Realm and Dafan Prajna skills resist the power of soul-stirring here.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan fell to the ground, motionless, his face was pale, his brow was covered with cold sweat, he had already passed out.

Gently holding the bead, Liu Xu felt a faint warm current flow from his fingertips. The dark purple bead had turned into lavender, and there was a green energy inside, swirling and circling, colliding with the bead's surface in all directions.

Every time it hits, the surface of the bead will glow with a golden light, and then a Buddhist mantra "卐" will appear to block it, and the warmth from the fingers is also transmitted from this mantra.

It's just that with the passage of time, the "Swastika" mantra on the beads has become much inferior in size and brightness, and it is almost fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is there still a little time?"

Glancing at Bitan, Liu Xu smiled slightly, put away the blood-devouring beads, and walked outside with Tian Linger in his arms.

Qingyunmen, the valley behind the mountain, with the pool of clear water as the center, within three zhang, not a single blade of grass grows, but beyond three zhang, there are lush trees.

Liu Xu picked up Tian Linger by the waist, walked a few steps, and came to a big pine tree.

Arriving here, the disgusting feeling has long since disappeared. Although Tian Linger is still unconscious, her complexion looks much better.

Putting down the girl in his hand, Liu Xu smiled when he looked at the well-proportioned body and the beautiful little face, although a little pale.

He touched his chin with one hand, but with the other he climbed up to the mountain that was neither too big nor too small, and pinched it.

"Youmei from the same family has just grown up, and my junior sister has grown into a big girl before I know it, it seems that I can push it!"

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