The smile on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth became stronger and stronger, and an evil intention gradually appeared between his brows, which was completely different from the ethereal demeanor of the past.


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Chapter 954 Three-Eyed Alien Beast, Blood Refining and Soul Devouring

How could Tian Linger hide her feelings for her from Liu Xu, a seasoned veteran, and even the status of the two of them as happy enemies now was also caused by him intentionally or unintentionally.

With Tian Linger's temperament, you can please her, but it's better to make her angry, and make her remember you.

After three years of overt or covert efforts, although Tian Linger's love for Liu Xu can't be said to be devoted to everything, she still has deep roots in love.

As long as there are a little more tricks, it is estimated that he can kiss Fangze and eat the daughter that Tian Buyi and Suru have raised for many years.

Taking advantage of Tian Linger a few times, Liu Xu didn't have any deep thoughts. Instead, he stood up and turned around.

His gaze first glanced at Zhang Xiaofan who looked extremely painful even in a coma, but finally his gaze stayed on the gray monkey that led the three of them here.

This gray monkey is not simple, it is a three-eyed spirit monkey of a strange beast, who is proficient in the five elements of immortality and can see thousands of miles away.

In the original book, it follows Zhang Xiaofan all the time, not only has good fighting power, but also understands human nature.

At this time, the little monkey stayed within three feet of the Bitan, and stopped moving, with a painful expression on his face.

Seeing Liu Xu looking here, its big eyes kept blinking, as if it wanted to ask for help.

Liu Xu smiled.

Under the protection of the Buddha power on the bloodthirsty bead, he walked to the side of the little monkey, and then saw a white light emanating from his right hand, pressing towards the little monkey's head.


As if seeing something extremely frightening, the little monkey's eyes widened suddenly, and it kept screaming.

Reluctantly, although it has great potential, it is far from adult at this time, and the sky eye on its head has not even been opened, and it is under the power of soul-stirring, with less than half of its life left, it just struggled a few times, His whole body was enveloped by a ball of white light, and then he was thrown out by Liu Xu.

After dealing with the matter of the three-eyed monkey, Liu Xu stretched his waist and stood up, grabbed Zhang Xiaofan who was only half breathed with one hand, dragged him out of the attack range of Dementor, and threw him casually on the ground .

The poor Zhang Xiaofan who was in a coma didn't know that he was not as good as a monkey in the heart of this senior brother from the same village.

Because of being shrouded by the evil spirit of soul-destroying for a long time, although Zhang Xiaofan saved his life, he would inevitably suffer a serious illness, and his already slow cultivation would be delayed a lot.

The matter that should be dealt with was almost done, and Liu Xu then carefully looked at the pool.

This small pool is not big, and its source is unknown. It is estimated that it was formed by the gushing of underground spring water.

The water in the pool is emerald green, and you can’t tell how deep it is from here. There is a gap on the west side of the pool, and the water flows out from there, converging into a small stream, winding away.

In the middle of the pool, there is a pile of rocks of different sizes and shapes, with a small part exposed on the water.

Among the chaotic rocks, a short black stick was stuck obliquely, protruding a foot above the water surface, the rest was submerged in the water, the whole body was black, and it was hard to see what material it was, very ugly.

But Liu Xu didn't mean to underestimate this short stick in the slightest. This is one of the famous murderous creatures in the original book, Dementor.

There is a record in the ancient book "Ten Strange Treasures": "There is a strange iron in the sky, which falls in the Jiuyou, and the ghost fire burns the ghosts and spirits to refine it. It is red in a thousand years, formed in a thousand years, gathered in a thousand years, and formed in a thousand years. The ability to capture souls."

This soul-destroying power is impressive, when it was born, it was even capable of crushing the blood-thirsty bead that had just escaped.

It seemed to sense the existence of the same threatening thing, and the cyan airflow inside the blood-thirsty bead hit even harder.

After a while, there were only a few muffled sounds of "Ka Ka Ka", as if something was shattered. In Liu Xu's hand, the entire bead glowed brightly, and the mantra of the word "Swastika" on it shattered one after another. Then a strange suction came from Liu Xu's hand suddenly, and the blood all over his body seemed to flow backwards.

With a muffled snort, Liu Xu hurriedly used Dafan Prajna and Taiji Qingxuan Dao to protect his body. .

But at this moment, there was only a muffled sound, the world was dark, and in the dazzling blue light of the blood-devouring bead, the pool exploded suddenly, and the rubble in the pool shot out to the surroundings, making loud noises.

The water in the Green Pool burst into waves and swirled around the center, forming a big vortex.

And in the vortex, in the cracks of the water, something slowly rose, black air was rising, it was the black short stick, about two feet long, neither gold nor iron, a fierce aura rushed towards his face.

With a whistling sound, amidst the sound of water waves, the dementor shot out suddenly, rushing towards the blood-devouring orb that was flickering with blue light, and then there was a loud noise, two big and fierce things collided, black air and blue The air is lingering endlessly, colliding with each other.

Wrapped in the middle of the two things, Liu Xu's body was alternately green and black, like a bloodthirsty demon, and like a ghost of Jiuyou.

But Liu Xu didn't realize it. Instead, he laughed loudly and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Come on, come on, young master, I want to see how strong you are!"

"Soul Eater, Soul Eater, you are mine after all!"

The blood-devouring orb had just escaped from a trap, and its power was not as powerful as the soul-destroyer, and the green energy it belonged to was retreated steadily by the black pressure, but with the help of Liu Xu's blood, the blue light suddenly flourished, and it counterattacked vigorously, not only turning the situation back, but gradually overwhelmed it. Black gas.

Blood spewed out mouthful after mouthful, and finally Liu Xu cut his wrist directly, allowing the blood in his body to flow out continuously.

The blood poured down, and at the interface between the soul-devouring and the blood-devouring beads, although the blue light and black air were still fighting non-stop, the part of the stick that was in contact with the beads was slowly stained red by Liu Xu's blood.

A faint smell of blood wafted in the air.

He lost a lot of blood in a short period of time, even with Liu Xu's strong physique, he couldn't bear it. His face gradually turned pale, and blood bleeds from his seven orifices.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Looking at the gradually dimming blue light and black air, Liu Xu couldn't stop laughing out loud, and the laughter continued for a long time in the deep valley.

Chapter 955 Mo Xuejian, Daughter's Heart

"Linger! Linger! How are you?..."

The anxious call echoed in Tian Linger's ears.

Her mind was in turmoil, she just felt groggy, she didn't want to open her eyes at all, but the cries became louder and louder, Tian Linger couldn't stand it any longer, so she reluctantly opened her eyes.

What caught Tian Ling'er's eyes was an extremely familiar face, with a hint of panic in her anxiety, as if it was far away but still near, it slowly became clear in front of her eyes.

"Mom?!" Tian Linger moved her lips.

Suru was overjoyed, and patted her own preserved moong.

"Ling'er, you are so scared to death! When Liu Xu brought you and Xiaofan back, I thought something happened to you?..."

Tian Ling'er was still a little confused at first, but when she heard the name "Liu Xu", she was shocked, and her whole body became sober.

Sitting up from the bed at once, Tian Linger grabbed Suru's hand and said in a panic: "Yes, yes, I will go after that monkey, and then... mother! Liu Xu he How is it? Is he okay?"

Seeing her daughter's anxious look, Suru was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled lightly.

"It's okay, Xiao Qi just suffered some injuries and feels unwell, nothing serious, he is resting in his own room now!"

Blinking and blinking at her daughter, Suru pursed her lips and said, "Ling'er, when did you start caring about Liu Xu? Didn't you always dislike him? Didn't you just break your brain? Come on, let my mother take a look!"

As he spoke, he put his hand on Tian Linger's head, and pretended to check it.

"Mother!" Tian Linger's face turned red, and then she became coquettish, but quickly shook her head and jumped off the bed.

"No, I'm going to take a look!" Tian Linger ran outside after saying that.

Suru reached out to grab her, but Tian Linger dodged and ran away without looking back.

"Oh! This child!"

Suru shook her head helplessly.

She had also checked Tian Linger's body just now, and there was nothing serious, so she let her go.

The room of Tian Buyi and his wife is not far from the other disciples, after Tian Linger sacrificed Amber Scarlet Silk, it took almost a moment to arrive.

But before she opened the door and went in, she heard a voice.

"Master, how is the situation?"

It was Liu Xu's voice. Hearing the familiar voice, Tian Linger finally let go of her uneasy heart. She raised her foot and wanted to go in. Unexpectedly, another voice came from the next moment, but it was Her father Tian is not easy.

"I went to look at the small pool you mentioned, but I didn't find anything unusual. It seems that the reason is still the short stick."

There was a sound of "boom boom", as if Tian Buyi was beating something, and then he said with emotion: "This thing is neither gold nor stone, but it is very hard. I can cut it with red flames. It seems It is also a strange treasure, your luck is not bad! But..."

Tian Buyi's voice just paused, and he seemed to say with some hesitation: "I can't control this thing with my cultivation, but you can control it like a finger. Most likely it is the blood-trained thing."

The so-called blood refinement refers to the refining of treasures with human essence and blood.

Not to mention the weird and dangerous methods of this kind of thaumaturgy, the material of the magic weapon is extremely harsh, unique in a million, and the refining process is extremely dangerous. If one is not careful, the magic weapon will be swallowed back by the fierce and bloody energy, and the death is unspeakably miserable.

Of course, if it can be successful, this magic weapon must be extremely powerful, and there is another advantage, that is, the treasure is connected with the blood of the owner, and no one else can use it unless there is a refined human blood. Often there is a fierce spirit.

"Well, I think so too, as I said before, when my junior sister and junior brother and I passed by, it happened that the bead and the short stick were fighting, and because I wanted to protect my junior and junior sister, I accidentally sprayed blood on it. Above, and then this thing has its current appearance, it is estimated that it was a mistake and completed the blood refinement."

"Blood refining!" Tian Buyi sighed softly twice, as if thinking of something, his voice was a little confused, and then he asked: "Old Qi, do you want to use this short stick to make a weapon?"

"That's right, the master also knows that the disciple's practice is short after all. If he can find a good magic weapon, he will be able to be more confident in the martial arts in the future. This blood refining thing is quite powerful, and it is also convenient for the disciple to use, so I think... ..."

Liu Xu's voice was interrupted by Tian Buyi, and he said earnestly: "But old seven, it is said that the method of blood refinement was passed down by the ancient demon gods, but it has been passed down from generation to generation among demon cultists since ancient times. If you use this kind of magic weapon, you will probably have some troubles, why don't you follow what I said before, I will ask your teacher to pass Mo Xue to you."

Tian Ling'er outside the house was stunned, she knew that Mo Xue was her mother Suru's sword when she was young, after marrying Tian Buyi, it was sealed up and never used again.

Tian Linger had coveted Mo Xuejian for a long time. If she heard that Tian Buyi was going to pass Mo Xue to Liu Xu, she would definitely make a fuss, but at this moment she felt a little happy.

Looking at the Amber Scarlet Silk in her hand, Tian Linger thought to herself: "My mother's two magical weapons back then, Amber Scarlet Silk and Mo Xue, were in her and Liu Xu's hands respectively. Is this some kind of hint from Father and the others? ?”

Thinking of this, Tian Linger's exquisitely beautiful face turned red subconsciously.

But then I heard Liu Xu say: "Master, Mo Xue is the beloved thing of the master, how can the disciple win the love of others, and this sword was brought by the master from Xiaozhufeng after all, if I use this sword to defeat Xiaozhufeng Man, I'm afraid that Uncle Shuiyue is going to quarrel with you again. Isn't it embarrassing for the teacher's wife to be in the middle? Besides, although the method of blood refining comes from the Demon Cult, it seems that they have no famous blood refining magic weapon. , probably because this method is too dangerous, even members of the Demon Cult dare not try it lightly, and it is because of chance that this disciple can get this thing, so if he gives up like this, this disciple is a bit unwilling."

Chapter 956 Lu Xueqi, do what I want, Tian Linger, do what I want!

Not only Liu Xu was unwilling, but Tian Buyi also felt a little reluctant. Although Mo Xue's power is impressive, the blade itself is a foot shorter than ordinary swords, which is more suitable for women.

Liu Xu probably didn't make it easy, far less powerful than the blood-refined thing.

He only heard the sound of footsteps coming from the room, obviously Tian Buyi was thinking about something, even Tian Linger, who was hiding outside to eavesdrop, pricked up his ears.

Then, I heard Tian Buyi say: "Forget it, forget it, you can use this thing, Old Qi, and I will explain it to the senior brother in charge, but remember it for me, you boy. Mai Huiwu, if you can't get any grades, I will deal with you when the time comes!"


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