There was a slight knock on the door, and a short and chubby Tian Buyi came out of Liu Xu's room, but he seemed uneasy, then he turned around and said to the room: "There are still things in the past few days. Just don’t practice for now, although it didn’t hurt the root, it’s better to recuperate.”

"Yes, I understand." Liu Xu replied respectfully.

After explaining a few words to Liu Xu, Tian Buyi turned his head in another direction, and said coldly, "Come out!"

Seeing that she had been discovered, Tian Ling'er could only shrink her neck, stood up from the back of the house, looked at Tian Buyi and said cautiously: "Father!"

Tian Buyi's face darkened, and he said: "You still know that I am your father! You are really courageous, you dared to chase into the deep mountains and old forests by yourself, if you hadn't been with Senior Brother Liu this time, you would have been a father!" Isn’t it necessary to collect the corpses for you and Lao Ba!”

Seeing that Tian Buyi was really angry, Tian Linger was also a little scared, so she could only lower her head and said softly: "Father, my daughter won't dare again, please forgive me this time!"

Tian Ling'er is the sweetheart of Tian Buyi and his wife, seeing her daughter admitting her mistake, Tian Buyi couldn't continue speaking, he hesitated to speak a few times, and finally waved his hand and said: "Go, go and see your senior brother Liu, thank you very much for saving me!" about you."

"Well, my daughter understands." Tian Linger stuck out her tongue, and then ran into the house in a few steps.

"This child..." Tian Buyi shook his head, took out his red flame sword and left.

In the room, looking at the somewhat pale figure on the bed, Tian Linger's eyes turned red, and she threw herself on Liu Xu's arms, crying bitterly.

"Senior Brother, I'm sorry, if I hadn't insisted on catching that monkey this time because of my willfulness, you wouldn't have..."

The voice stopped halfway, but it was Liu Xu who lifted Tian Linger's chin and kissed her gently.

Ling'er closed her eyes, and her whole body was immersed in happiness.

But she didn't know that at some point, a young man with the same pale face appeared outside the house.

Looking at the scene in the room, Zhang Xiaofan's fingertips sank deeply into the flesh.

Similarly, Tian Linger didn't know that Liu Xu, who was hugging her, had a smug smile on his lips.

Liu Xu's goal is to get back his wife Lu Xueqi, but he doesn't intend to let Tian Linger go.

Exactly: "Lu Xueqi, do what I want, Tian Linger, do what I want!"


The sky was bright and clear, but there was a burst of murmuring whispers from the bamboo forest behind Qingyun Mountain, occasionally mixed with the voice of a young girl's coquettish anger.

The two figures embraced each other, the man was handsome and handsome, and the woman was graceful and pretty.

"Senior brother, senior brother, don't be like this, we are not married yet! After we get married, Linger will definitely depend on you...well, don't..."

With a pretty face flushed, she slapped away Liu Xu's big hand that was making trouble in front of Yuexiong. Tian Linger gave him an annoyed look, but she felt a little sweet in her heart, as if she liked the way her sweetheart was obsessed with her.

Ever since they confessed their love that day, the two have been inseparable for the past few days, sneaking out for trysts whenever they had the chance, and getting tired of being together all day long.

During this period, Liu Xu showed his true colors even more, and began to act carelessly.

Poor Tian Ling'er is only sixteen years old, no matter who is Liu Xu's opponent, she can sternly refuse at first, but she can't stand him being soft-spoken, and Liu Xu succeeds every time.

Till now, Tian Linger's line of defense became more and more loose, if not for a trace of clarity in her heart, she would have been swallowed to the bone.

Even so, seeing Tian Linger limp in Liu Xu's arms, her pretty face flushed slightly, and her breath like blue, it was not far from losing the whole line.

Liu Xu smiled lightly, and was about to make persistent efforts to take down this increasingly attractive little girl today, but suddenly his brows frowned, and his hands slowed down.

There was a sound of rustling footsteps outside the bamboo forest, but someone came in.

Seeing that Liu Xu's movements stopped, Tian Ling'er was slightly taken aback, and her eyes regained a trace of clarity.

Immediately, she also heard voices from outside, and then she jumped out of Liu Xu's arms in a jerk, and started tidying up her clothes in a panic.

Tian Linger tidied up her clothes in a hurry, and finally tidied up her clothes before someone walked into the bamboo forest, then turned her head and said to Liu Xu, "It's all you, what if someone finds out?"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, but stretched his waist, and then opened his mouth, as if thinking about something, Tian Linger's face turned red.

Tian Linger pinched Liu Xu's waist twice more in anger, but Liu Xu grabbed her little hand and made a gesture to pull her into his arms again. Tian Linger jumped away in fright, and stared viciously at her. glanced at him.

"Senior sister, what are you doing?"

The visitor has already walked into the bamboo forest, he is half a head taller than Tian Linger, neither handsome nor ugly, but he is a bit dull Zhang Xiaofan.

At this time, he was looking at his senior sister and senior brother suspiciously.

Although Tian Linger has tidied up her clothes, she couldn't hide the bright radiance and coquettishness on her face, but fortunately Zhang Xiaofan didn't understand human affairs at this time, but she just felt that the senior sister was very beautiful today, but that's okay. Don't understand what's going on.


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Chapter 957 Longshoufeng Qihao, a gift of cool pearls

Seeing that it was Zhang Xiaofan, Tian Linger breathed a sigh of relief.

In her opinion, this little junior brother was very dull, so he casually said, "It's nothing, Senior Brother Liu and I are discussing each other!"

"Oh!" Instinctively thinking that the senior sister was not telling the truth, although Zhang Xiaofan had some doubts, he did not press the question. Instead, he said to Liu Xu and Tian Linger: "Senior sister, senior brother Liu, the master has something to ask you two, and he is on guard right now." Jingtang is waiting!"

"Well, I see!"

Someone bumped into her during a tryst, at this moment Tian Linger felt a bit guilty, after hearing this, she summoned Amber Scarlet Ling and rushed to Xiaozhufeng.

On the contrary, Liu Xu shook his head, glanced at Zhang Xiaofan, and asked, "Little Junior Brother, when will Master come to see us?"

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a while, and finally said: "I don't know, but just now Senior Brother Qi and Jing Yu from Longshou Peak came over, presumably it has something to do with this matter."

"So it's about time!"

Thinking of the scene in the original book, Liu Xu was a little stunned, and then he stretched out his hand and sacrificed an ordinary long sword.

Although Soul Eater has been subdued by him, but this thing is quite hostile, Liu Xu doesn't want to use it if it is not necessary.

Turning around to look at Zhang Xiaofan, Liu Xu said, "Little brother, do you need me to give you a ride?"

Zhang Xiaofan has not yet reached the fourth layer of Yuqing to repel objects, and Liu Xu took the blood refinement again, so he still can't fly with his sword.

Zhang Xiaofan was going to agree, but suddenly he remembered the scene when he just came in, and asked in a strange way: "Brother, what exactly were you and sister doing just now?"

Liu Xu was taken aback, looked Zhang Xiaofan up and down, looked at those flustered and stubborn eyes, but smiled, and said: "When you grow up, you will know!"

For some reason, looking at Liu Xu's smiling face, Zhang Xiaofan felt incomparably disgusted at this moment, then he took a deep breath and said, "Then don't bother Senior Brother, Master may be in a hurry, you should go quickly !"

Saying that, Zhang Xiaofan clenched his hands slightly, but left without looking back.

Looking at the slightly desolate back of Yuan Qu, Liu Xu stroked his chin playfully, and then rushed to the Shoujing Hall with the sacrificial sword.

When Liu Xu arrived at Shoujing Hall, besides Tian Buyi and his wife, there were two men standing in the hall.

One is older, tall and tall, unrestrained and unrestrained, with fluttering white clothes, extremely handsome.

The other person was a teenager, about fifteen or six years old.

At this moment, the older man was talking to Tian Linger with a smile.

"Could this girl be the famous Tian Ling'er, Junior Sister Tian?"

"Junior Sister Tian is only sixteen years old, and her attainments in Taiji Xuanqing Taoism are already extraordinary. This is something everyone in this sect knows, and I have admired it for a long time."

"Seeing you today, it really lives up to its reputation."


Facing the older man who spoke to her, although Tian Linger also had a smile on her face, she was very helpless in her heart.

Originally, this man was good-looking, his conversation was very elegant, and he was not a difficult person to get close to, but now she had her heart on Liu Xu, and the two of them had just expressed their feelings, so they were naturally worried about gains and losses, lest Liu Xu Misunderstanding, so there is a little distance between words.

But I don't know if this senior brother Qi Hao didn't notice it, or pretended not to know, still lingering on her, and even reached out and took out something.

"Brother, here is a small box of 'Cool Pearls', which I got by chance a few years ago when I followed my teacher Cangsong Zhenren to exterminate a group of evil cultists. Although it is not a rare treasure, but I carry it with me It can also dispel heat and reduce fever. In addition, it is said that it is also good for women's beauty and skin care. I will give it to my junior sister today, and I have the right to be a meeting gift."

After all, Qi Hao will pass it to Tian Linger.

Tian Linger frowned slightly, took a step back, and said: "This refreshing bead is considered a treasure, junior sister can't bear it, senior brother Qi, you should quickly put it away!"

Qi Hao was taken aback for a moment, but then said: "Junior Sister doesn't know something, this cooling bead is useless to me, it's like a chicken rib, but Junior Sister Tian is young and beautiful, it just works well, it can be regarded as my little care, I hope Junior Sister Don't be disgusted."

Tian Linger was in a dilemma, and to be honest, she was also a little moved by this "cool pearl".

After all, which girl doesn't love beauty and doesn't want her skin to be better?

Especially at this time, Tian Linger has a sweetheart, so she naturally hopes that she can be more beautiful, but if she accepts things from this person without knowing why, then it will be a little unclear, Tian Linger doesn't want Liu Xu misunderstood.

At this moment, only one person laughed and said: "Junior Sister, since it's Brother Qi's wish, you just accept it and make do with it. I have been concentrating on practicing for the past few years, and I have not gone down the mountain. Wait a few days I'll go down the mountain and get you better ones."

Qi Hao frowned slightly. Although the person who came did not speak harshly, the provocative meaning in the words was clear at a glance.

Immediately, he turned his head back, only to see a handsome young man coming over from the door, with eyes as small as morning stars, skin as white as suet and white jade, with an indescribably free and easy way of raising his hands and feet.

Even though Qi Hao himself is an outstanding person, he still feels ashamed in front of the visitors.

But after all, he has practiced Taoism for hundreds of years, Qi Hao quickly adjusted his mentality, bowed his hands to the person who came, and said, "Which junior brother is it from Dazhu Peak?"

Before the words finished, Tian Buyi, who was sitting on the upper seat in the Shoujing Hall, smiled.

"Lao Qi is here? Come, I have met your senior brother Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu from Longshoufeng!"

Just now Qihao brought Lin Jingyu here to discuss the Qimai Martial Art Competition, he spoke highly of himself as a junior, saying that he is no less talented than Patriarch Qingye.

Although he didn't belittle Big Bamboo Peak, it also made Tian Buyi, who is good-faced, a little bit embarrassed. Seeing his most proud disciple coming over at this time, how can he not show off.


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Chapter 958 Amber Scarlet Silk Dragon Slaying Sword, Big Bamboo Dragon Head Higher

I saw Liu Xu smiled slightly, bowed to Qi Hao, and said, "Liu Xu on the Big Bamboo Peak, I have met Senior Brother Qi Hao."

When Tian Linger saw Liu Xu walking in, she immediately showed a hint of joy.

After listening to his instructions, Tian Ling'er took the cool beads from Qi Hao's hand, and then walked behind Liu Xu like a little wife.

Qi Hao's eyelids twitched, and there was not only a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

"Liu Xu?" Qi Hao pondered for a moment, then remembered something.

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