Back then when Lin Jingyu entered the sect, the master once mentioned something, saying that among the people who entered together, there was another person whose aptitude was even higher than Lin Jingyu's. At that time, the master was still a little bit regretful.

But looking at Liu Xu now, his complexion is rosy, and his brows are full of heroism, and there is no trace of knots in his heart.

Looking at Liu Xu's cultivation again, Qi Hao was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't see through it?

Although it is possible that he practiced some method to conceal his cultivation, but Liu Xu's attainments in Taiji Qingxuan Dao are definitely above the fourth level of Yuqing Realm, otherwise he would never be able to hide it from his eyes.

This person obviously started with Junior Brother Lin, and there was still a knot in his heart. How could he still have such a speed of practice, which is not inferior to the Junior Brother who is fully cultivated by Master?

And this is only three years, after another two years, to what extent this person's cultivation will improve, maybe he will be a great enemy in Qimai Huiwu.

Seeing Qi Hao's gradually solemn expression, Tian Buyi just smiled, feeling indescribably proud.

All along, his population in Big Bamboo Valley was small, and he didn't produce any geniuses. He was always at the bottom of Qimai martial arts, which made Tian Buyi unable to hold his head up among the leaders.

At this time, looking at the big disciples of Longshou Peak were shocked by his disciple's cultivation, Tian Buyi naturally felt elated, even with a smile on his face, he was a little eager, not as stiff as before.

Then they chatted with each other again, but Qi Hao was more and more amazed at Liu Xu.

This son is not only talented, but also has a very delicate mind, and he does not leak water in his dealings with others. Although his words were provocative at the beginning, he calmed down immediately, and he talked gracefully. With a few words, the distance between everyone was shortened. .

It's just that Qihao didn't know that the smiling young master Pianpian was secretly slandering him at this moment, looking him up and down, planning to teach this big disciple of Longshou Peak a lesson who was trying to pry him into a corner.

People who are over a hundred years old still want old cows to eat young grass and covet Tian Linger.

Looking at the little girl diagonally behind, Liu Xu smiled unscrupulously in his heart. The first step is to eat up this guy's wife in the original book.

The two were complimenting each other, true or false, when they suddenly heard a shout from outside the hall: "Oh!"

Before the voice fell, a figure fell in from outside the hall, fell to the ground with a plop, and rolled backwards a few times without stopping, looking ashamed and extremely embarrassed.

Everyone looked closely, who is it not Zhang Xiaofan?

Everyone in the Dazhu Peak lineage changed their expressions, Tian Buyi snapped and twisted the armrest of the chair.

Tian Linger and Zhang Xiaofan are the best friends, she has always regarded the latter as her little brother, she rushed up first, helped him up, and asked anxiously: "Xiaofan, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Xiaofan fell so hard in this fight that he felt a little dizzy in his head, but he still said, "No, nothing, I'm fine."

At this moment, Lin Jingyu also ran in from the door, with a worried look on his face, and said, "Xiaofan, you're fine, I missed it for a while..."

It turned out that Lin Jingyu didn't get along well with Liu Xu when he was young, and now the relationship is not very good. Seeing that the other party had a lively conversation with his elder brother, it somewhat aroused his resentment when he was young, so he found an excuse to go out to find Zhang Xiaofan went.

Coincidentally at this time Zhang Xiaofan also came back from the bamboo forest, the two happened to run into each other.

Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan had played together since they were young, and had that kind of encounter at the same time, their relationship was naturally unusual, and they chatted immediately.

After all, it was young at heart, not long after, Lin Jingyu suggested that the two of them make gestures to see each other's progress.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't know whether he was stimulated, or he was happy to see his old friend, so he agreed, but he was sent flying out as soon as he met him.

Seeing what Lin Jingyu said, Tian Ling'er didn't know who had bullied her junior brother, so she got angry and didn't think too much, she pointed her hand, and suddenly saw the glow of the sun, Amber and Scarlet Ling had already raised her hand, " "Whoosh" and rushed towards Lin Jingyu.

That Lin Jingyu was not a vegetarian either, his whole body was covered by azure light, and he raised his radiant azure sword. , and also reflected the faces of everyone in the Shoujing Hall into blue.

In the hall, Tian Buyi snorted suddenly, and said coldly: "Cang Song is really willing to pass the 'Dragon Slaying Sword' to him."

It has to be mentioned that Dragon Slaying Sword and Amber Scarlet Silk are both treasures, and they fought together under the control of the two, and Hongxia and Biguang kept colliding.

The two couldn't fight for a long time, Tian Linger was annoyed that Lin Jingyu was bullying her younger brother, and wanted to show it in front of Liu Xu, ten levels of strength actually used twelve levels, while Lin Jingyu was arrogant, how could he Can accept being defeated by women of the same age.

After going back and forth, the two started a real fire.

Then, seeing Tian Linger's beautiful eyes wide open, she yelled softly: "Bound God!"

The glow suddenly grew, the amber scarlet silk that was originally three feet long, the glow of the glow, it grows when it sees the wind, it is unparalleled in speed, and it grows many times in an instant, filling the entire Shoujing Hall to the brim, and immediately killing the dragon The blue light of the sword suppressed.

A moment later, they turned into tens of thousands of silk ropes and rushed towards Lin Jingyu, surrounding him in an airtight manner.


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Chapter 959 Nine Heavens Divine Weapon, Nine Nether Magic Weapon

And Lin Jingyu also let out a low growl, the human sword merged into one, and the whole body faintly appeared in the shape of a dragon, like an arrow leaving a string, a gap was abruptly cut out from the layers of multi-layered rays of light, and he rushed towards Tian Ling unstoppably Son.

The sound of shattering was endless, Lin Jingyu's dragon-slaying sword pierced layer after layer of red silk, although the movement was slowed down, but the momentum of indomitable going forward did not decrease slightly, and the two of them were about to decide the outcome of life and death.


A chill passed through the lobby, and an ice wall formed in the middle, trying to separate the two of them, but faster than the ice wall, a blue light flashed, and directly hit the Dragon Slaying Sword, knocking Lin Jingyu away. Knocked out.

Stretching out his hand to support Tian Ling'er, whose face was a little pale, Liu Xu sneered.

"I haven't seen you for a few years, Lin Jingyu, you've grown up, haven't you? You actually bullied my Liu Xu's younger brothers and younger sisters, and you really think that there is no one in Dazhu Peak?!"

"We both started in the same year, so don't say I'm bullying the younger."

"Come on, brother today, I will teach you how to be a human being."

Hearing Liu Xu's provocation, Lin Jingyu, who had just been blown away, was furious and his eyes were blood red.

"Liu Xu, do you still think I'm still the same as me a few years ago?"

Just like Zhang Xiaofan envied Lin Jingyu's outstanding qualifications, Lin Jingyu didn't envy Liu Xu when he didn't join Qingyun sect a few years ago.

In the neighborhood, Lin Jingyu has always been the king of children, everyone is willing to play with him and listen to him, but Lin Jingyu himself knows better than anyone else that other people actually like Liu Xu better, that distinctive and noble dress, Good conversation, and the magical ability to split a small tree with one palm.

Everything about Liu Xu makes these children feel envious, but everyone knows that they are not from the same world, so no one will go to Liu Xu.

Sometimes looking at the tall figure of Tingba, Lin Jingyu could not help but feel ashamed of himself, the other party must be a great person in the future, and he is destined to beg for food in the dirt all his life.

Back then in the main hall, Lin Jingyu was scrambled by everyone, but Liu Xu and Zhang Xiaofan were ignored, he was actually secretly pleased and complacent.

In Lin Jingyu's view, it won't be long before the figure he could only look up to will look up at him, and he will keep moving forward, leaving the other party with a back that he can never reach.

But now the reality is like a slap in the face of Lin Jingyu, he tried his best to strike back but was blocked by the opponent's move, and everyone was blown away.

It seems that the previous position has never changed, that figure still needs to be looked up by himself, how can Lin Jingyu accept this?

The dragon-slaying sword seemed to sense the master's thoughts, and the blue light returned to its full glory.

"Senior brother!"

When Qi Hao saw this, he was anxious, stood up and wanted to pull Lin Jingyu back.

He has been in Qingyun sect for a long time, he knows that although the strength of the Dazhufeng branch is far inferior to the other six branches, but the first Tian Buyi and his wife Suru have amazing supernatural powers, no one dares to underestimate them.

Taoist Cangsong, who always had his eyes high above his head, also repeatedly told him not to provoke him unless it was absolutely necessary.

In front of Tian Buyi before, Lin Jingyu beat his apprentice and daughter successively, and now he is going to do it, isn't this pure courting death?

Besides, even Qi Hao couldn't see through Liu Xu's cultivation, so how could Lin Jingyu be his opponent?

On the spot, he wanted to pull Lin Jingyu back.

But the next moment, Qi Hao's movements froze, but at some point, Tian Buyi had already come behind him, with a hand on Qi Hao's shoulder.

Then, he saw the short and fat head seated with a smile and said: "Brothers from the same sect, it's normal to compete with each other! Nephew Qi, let's see how we go?"

Qi Hao smiled wryly, can he say no at this time?

Immediately, there was another sigh in his heart.

If it was Tian Buyi who took action personally and used the big to bully the small, Qi Hao might still be able to play around, but Liu Xu and Lin Jingyu started at the same time, they belonged to the same generation.

From the looks of it, Lin Jingyu's beating was inevitable, but he hoped that the injury would be less severe, so that he would not be unable to explain to his master.

In front of the Shoujing Hall, Liu Xu and Lin Jingyu stood on both sides, their respective auras were constantly rising, and the grass and trees were blown continuously, but it was obvious that Lin Jingyu had gradually fallen below.

Although his aura was fierce, he couldn't get within three feet of Liu Xu at all.

Liu Xu's aura was not majestic, but it was unshakable.

The Dragon Slaying Sword continued to whine, and gradually had the tendency to merge with Lin Jingyu.

Looking at Liu Xu coldly, Lin Jingyu said coldly: "Where's your weapon?"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and with a gesture of his hand, something that looked like a fire stick appeared in his hand.

Looking at the fire stick-like thing, Lin Jingyu's pupils shrank, and then his aura shot up, and he shouted: "How dare you insult me?!"

"To deal with you, this thing is enough." Liu Xu didn't explain, but sneered slightly.

The next moment, the dragon-slaying sword was unsheathed brazenly.


Lin Jingyu's whole body turned into a blue sword light, the angry dragon hissed wildly, the sound moved for nine days, and the endless blue light immediately swarmed towards Liu Xu.

"court death!"

Liu Xu was not angry but happy, Lin Jingyu dared to compete head-on with him at the [-]th level of Yuqing, the Dragon Slaying Sword is the Nine Heavens Divine Weapon, its power is extraordinary, but you are a vegetarian if you are a soul eater?

All the power of Taiji Qingxuan Dao at the sixth level was poured into the short stick in his hand, and in the dark green light, Liu Xu swung it out with one blow.


With a tearing sound, an invisible air current swept away amidst the blue light and the gloomy light.

Liu Xu took two steps back, and regained his footing in a flash. On the other side, Lin Jingyu fell out like a kite with a broken string.

While in the air, Lin Jingyu spurted out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

"Senior brother!"

Qi Hao couldn't care less, he jumped to catch Lin Jingyu, but this time Tian Buyi didn't stop him.


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Chapter 960

Realizing that Lin Jingyu's injury was not serious, he just passed out after holding his breath in his heart because of his rage, Qihao was relieved.

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