In the center of the square, a huge copper tripod is placed every tens of feet, divided into three rows, three in each row, a total of nine, arranged in a regular manner.

From time to time, light smoke would rise from the tripod, and the taste would be clear but not scattered.

In the past, this sea of ​​clouds was a clean place, but today it is crowded with people.

The eight large platforms are built with waist-thick giant logs, each of which is more than a dozen feet apart, arranged in eight trigrams. At this time, many Qingyun disciples are surrounding the platform, cheering for their fellow disciples shout.

On the Kunzi stage, a huge Tai Chi gossip was suspended in the air, blocking the endless frost outside, and then saw an elegant and outstanding young man on the stage smiled and made a move.


The Taiji gossip spun quickly, and suddenly bounced back the silver-white fairy sword fixed in the center of the gossip, and then turned into a cyan light and struck towards the opposite side.

The boy's opponent's expression changed drastically, and he quickly recalled the fairy sword, laying down three ice walls in one go.

"Crack, click, click!"

But in front of that blue light, the three ice walls were pierced through like thin paper, and then slammed on the opponent, knocking him off the ring.

"Brother Fang admitted it!"

The boy saluted with a smile, but looked at the elder who was acting as the referee.

Only then did the elders at the side react from the shock, and announced, "Liu Xusheng on the Big Bamboo Peak!"

There was an uproar in the arena, Fang Chao was a disciple of Longshou Peak, his cultivation was not weak, but he didn't want to be thrown off the stage without even forcing out the opponent's magic weapon?

This is how Liu Xu, who represented Big Bamboo Peak in the battle, has achieved so much in Taiji Xuanqing Dao!

Could it be that you have already caught up with the elders?

Not to mention these disciples, even the elder looked a little dazed.

This kid has only been in the field for five years, how can he have such a profound cultivation base?

Originally thought that Lin Jingyu of Longshou Peak was a genius from heaven, but compared to this one, he was nothing.

Under the stage, Tian Buyi, who was sitting in the distance watching the battle, narrowed his eyes happily.

Glancing at Taoist Cangsong with an ugly face beside him, Tian Buyi said teasingly: "Senior brother Cangsong, what do you think of my disciple? It's no worse than your disciple Lin Jingyu! Oh, yes, that Fang Chao is also your disciple Disciple, I don't know whether I have ever sparred with Lin Jingyu before, and I don't know how to win or lose? Alas, it's also my family who is ignorant. You said that I have specially ordered you to keep some hands when you fight with your senior brother, but the result is still two or three You beat him down without even releasing the magic weapon. Don’t you think this hurts the fellowship? Well, but Senior Brother Cangsong has a lot of them, so he won’t mind these things, right!”

Poor Tian Buyi has been aggrieved for so many years because of the weakness of Dazhufeng, and now he has the opportunity to express his grievances, his usually dull mouth suddenly became sharp.

Tian Buyi kept talking non-stop, so angry that Cang Song's face flushed red, and he muttered dissatisfiedly: "You lucky guy! If it wasn't for that year..."

On the other hand, Master Daoxuan stroked his long beard, and said with a smile: "This son's heart is exhausted, but his talent is fully displayed, and I have added another genius to Qingyun Sect, Junior Brother Tian has contributed a lot!"

Although Liu Xu's so-called heart knot has nothing to do with Tian Buyi, it does not prevent this short fat man from accepting the compliments from everyone with peace of mind, and the little guru demeanor that was originally left due to obesity is even more exhausted. do.

Sitting behind Tian Buyi, seeing her husband's complacent look, Suru just rolled her eyes and said to herself: "If you know that this little bastard has eaten up our daughter, let's see if you can still be complacent? "

Looking at Liu Xu again, Suru sighed softly when she saw that graceful and elegant figure, no wonder her daughter has such deep love that she even gave her body.

Liu Xu is such a character, how can that girl not fall in love with him?

Immediately, Suru gritted her teeth fiercely again, and said to herself, "Xiao Qi is good at everything, but he is too courageous, if I don't come forward to deal with him, Ling'er will be bullied to death by him in the future?

Liu Xu, who had just stepped off the ring, felt chills all over his body, as if someone was staring at him. Just as he was about to investigate, a figure rushed towards him from the opposite crowd.

Tian Linger smiled and grabbed Liu Xu's arm, shaking it back and forth, her face full of pride.

"Senior brother, you are really powerful. You beat that Fang Chao down without even using your weapon. Now, do the people watching them at Longshou Peak dare to be arrogant again?"

Not far away, Qi Hao, who was leading someone to help Fang Chao up, froze. He glanced at Tian Linger, who was holding Liu Xu's arm and acting coquettishly, with a glint of gloom in his eyes.

"Let's go!" Liu Xu led the people away without looking back.

At the end of the Longshou Peak crowd, Lin Jingyu involuntarily moved his hand towards the Dragon Slaying Sword behind his back, with fighting intent gushing out from his eyes, he took a deep look at Liu Xu before turning around and leaving.

"Hmph! What's the air of your defeated general?"

Wrinkling her nose, Tian Linger snorted dissatisfiedly, then took Liu Xu's hand and chirped non-stop.

But she didn't realize that Zhang Xiaofan clenched his hands tightly behind him and bit a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth as he watched the two of them being intimate.

But Tian Ling'er didn't notice it, but Liu Xu looked at it straight, with a hint of mockery flashing in his eyes.

Because Liu Xudi joined, this time Dazhufeng also had nine disciples participating, plus Nagato had ten people participating, exactly sixty-four people, Zhang Xiaofan naturally couldn't get a bye in the first round.

But Soul Eater was taken away by Liu Xu, and his own cultivation could reach the fourth level of Yuqing Realm, and he didn't even have a decent magic weapon. How could he be an opponent of other people of several lines?


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 963

You must know that not all the seven veins are like Dazhufeng, the population is thin, and even the disciples who are less than the fourth floor of the Jade Qing Realm can come to make up the number.

To be able to participate in the Qimai Martial Arts Competition, one must at least be able to dispel things and have a magic weapon, so in the first round, Zhang Xiaofan was knocked down almost immediately.

But fortunately the opponent saw that Zhang Xiaofan's cultivation was low, so he didn't hurt him, so Tian Linger pulled him to cheer Liu Xu after the match.

A smile flashed in his eyes, in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes that were about to breathe fire, Liu Xu stretched out a hand, and put Tian Linger's hair bun behind his ears.

"Ling'er, it's only the first round, the real opponent is yet to come!"

"Maybe, I met Ling'er, and I was defeated by you!"

Tian Ling'er blushed, the little girl was a little shy to be so close to her sweetheart in public.

"I hate it, brother, you just like to make fun of me, how could Linger be your right..."

Before the words were finished, there was a sudden burst of exclamation from the Xunzi Terrace next door, which attracted the eyes of the two people, and then an elder shouted: "Little Bamboo Peak Lu Xueqi wins!"

On the arena, a beautiful woman in blue clothes, who was as cold as ice and extremely beautiful, walked down slowly with a long sword on her back.

With plain face and cold eyes, and long black hair, that woman attracted everyone's attention just by standing there.

Her beautiful and refined face and her frosty demeanor amazed everyone, and it was impossible to think of anyone else in the world who could compare with her.

Tian Linger's appearance and temperament are actually excellent, not inferior to this cold beauty, but she lacks the feeling of being amazing and sinking at a glance.

After all, the kind of beauty that people can get close to, compared with the kind of beauty that can only be looked up to and dare not desecrate, is undoubtedly the latter that attracts more attention, especially the attention of men.

"Xueqi?" Liu Xu sighed slightly as she watched the beautiful figure walking down the ring step by step, "She probably doesn't remember me!"

According to the nature of time travel, Lu Xueqi is definitely the last "reward" to be taken away, not someone who can get close at the beginning.

As soon as the words fell, there was a slight pain in the waist. Looking back, it was Tian Linger's pretty face that was gloomy like dripping water, and two fingers kept twisting and twisting Liu Xu's waist.

Seeing Liu Xu turn around and let out a cold snort, Tian Ling'er put her hand down, her mouth full of jealousy.

"Brother, where are you looking?"

"Hmph, isn't it just a woman? Isn't it just a little colder? What's the big deal!"

"Is she as beautiful as me? Hooked your soul away!"

Seeing Tian Ling'er whose vinegar jar was overturned, Liu Xu smiled lightly, and stretched out his hand to shave the other's nose.

"No one else is as beautiful as my junior sister. If anyone can hook the soul of my senior brother, it can only be you, Linger!"

"Cut, who cares, keep your soul for yourself!"

Tian Linger pouted, as if she didn't take Liu Xu's words to heart at all, but in fact she was relieved.

Lu Xueqi's charm is so great that even a woman can't resist her, let alone this lustful senior brother.

In case Liu Xu really moved on, Tian Ling'er really didn't know what to do.

Frowning slightly, Tian Linger felt a little worried.

If it had been before, she might not have been so afraid of Lu Xueqi. Comparing appearance, temperament, and cultivation, the two of them were siblings.

But now her greatest sweetness is given to Liu Xu, and her attraction to him has plummeted, and Lu Xueqi is the kind of woman who can be known to be very cold and arrogant at first sight, who can most arouse men's desire to conquer.

Compared with the two, the invisible space fell into a disadvantage.

Suru recalled what her mother said, men like the new and dislike the old, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot...

The more she thought about it, the more scared Tian Linger became.A small face turned slightly pale.

Liu Xu was taken aback when he saw this, and then suddenly realized that for him, the ability to deal with women is more than his own cultivation.

Seeing what Tian Linger was thinking at a glance, Liu Xu smiled lightly and pulled her into his arms.


Tian Linger was shy, although most people's eyes were attracted by Lu Xueqi and didn't notice them, but she was still a little shy in front of the crowd, but her heart became inexplicably quiet, and her face changed. recovered.

It's just that Tian Ling'er didn't notice that Zhang Xiaofan, who was standing behind her without looking away, turned pale, shook his body slightly, then turned and left in a daze.

"Hey, Ling'er, don't worry."

"I will never let you down in the future. Although Lu Xueqi is beautiful, it has nothing to do with me. Now I only have you in my heart!"

"Ling'er, in my eyes, you are the Nine Heavens Fairy."

Liu Xu stroked Tian Linger's beautiful hair with his hand, and whispered in her ear, but he didn't lie.

After all, "now" only has you in mind, Liu Xu didn't say anything about the future...

Cheap or not!Just say he is cheap or not!

Although he said so, Liu Xu's eyes still inadvertently looked in Lu Xueqi's direction.

Walking among the noisy crowd and being watched by countless people, Lu Xueqi was able to give everyone a sense of aloofness and arrogance walking alone in the snow.

Once this kind of cold beauty can be conquered, it will definitely give people an incomparable sense of satisfaction!

Sighing slightly, Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, then lowered his head, and continued to pour sweet words on Tian Linger, coaxing the little girl into a coquettish smile and forgetting all her worries.

At the same time, in the crowd, Lu Xueqi, who didn't say a word, seemed to have noticed something, she swept her eyes slightly, but she looked in a direction, where a couple who came from nowhere unexpectedly embraced each other on the square Together, it's daring as hell.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

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