Chapter 964: Double Beauty, Snow Lotus and Orchid

Shaking her head, Lu Xueqi immediately stopped paying attention and walked in the direction of her senior sisters.

There are still five rounds left, and the expectations and wishes of the master can be fulfilled by myself.


In the blink of an eye, two more days passed, and the Qimai Martial Arts Competition had already reached its third round.

Liu Xu's opponent this round is not weak, he has the sixth level of Yuqing Realm, but he still can't even force out his Soul Eater, and Liu Xu uses an ordinary long sword to knock him out of the ring.

Since then, for three consecutive rounds, Liu Xu, who has won easily without using any magic weapon, has long been noticed by many disciples and elders, along with Longshoufeng Qihao, Fenghuifeng Zeng Shushu, and Lu Xueqi, who has never unsheathed Tianya Excalibur, etc. Together they are listed as the favorites to win this year's championship.

The first few who had seen Liu Xu in the main hall in the early years urged their feet one by one, regretting not falling.

How could I be so careless at the beginning, let Tian Buyi pick up a loophole, and get such a good apprentice for no reason.

Especially this short and fat man doesn't know why he is so lucky. This year's top sixteen, he actually took up three places in Dazhufeng, and now his big face, which was not thin at all, has smiled round, and everyone watched for a while Tooth itching.

He won easily, but Liu Xu didn't show any complacency on his face, but walked towards the Ganzi ring without saying a word.

At this moment, disciples from the seventh floor of the Qingyun Sect gathered there. There was a sea of ​​people, and the applause was thunderous.

The radiant glow of amber scarlet silk and the endless blue light of Tianya Excalibur made this place look like a fairyland on earth, extremely beautiful.

But even more beautiful are the two young women flying around.

In Yunhai Square, under the Ganzi stage, everyone was shouting loudly, obsessed with the two beautiful figures on the stage.

Not to mention these junior disciples, the senior masters of Dazhufeng and Xiaozhufeng are also in the audience, stopping to watch.

Tian Buyi, Suru, Master Shuiyue, and even Master Daoxuan, the head of the sect, were sitting on the chairs at this time, with smiles on their lips from time to time, nodding frequently, expressing their relief.

When Liu Xu walked under the ring, Tian Linger had already been fighting with Lu Xueqi for nearly half an hour.

In mid-air, Lu Xueqi's bright eyes were as bright as stars, her black-haired skirt was fluttering in the strong wind, her grace was peerless and touching, her cold face showed no expression.

The Tianya Immortal Sword emitting ten thousand feet of blue light shook the surrounding fields, with endless power, it slammed left and right in the big net woven by amber scarlet silk, like a wild dragon coming out of a deep abyss, swimming around, with a radius of tens of feet All the clouds inside were dispersed layer by layer, and could not calm down for a long time.

And Tian Ling'er was not to be outdone, the Amber Scarlet Silk glow burst out, and the fairy energy was surging, curling or entangled, weaving a glow barrier on the top of her head, trapping Tianya layer by layer.

Although she was constantly pierced by the light blue light, she didn't show her signs of failure for a while, especially against the background of the sun, Tian Ling'er's delicate face and graceful figure were no match at all. Lu Xueqi was a hair's breadth away.

If the former is the snow lotus on the iceberg, then the latter is the orchid in the empty valley. Although it is not as dazzling as the snow lotus at first glance, it also has its unique maple love.

Only then did many disciples of the Qingyun Sect discover that there are beauties not inferior to Lu Xueqi in this Qimai Martial Art Competition, especially Tian Linger, who is delicate and sweet, but with a hint of mature and charming maple love , It made many brothers and sisters feel itchy in their hearts.

They secretly speculated that this junior sister was more approachable than that cold beauty, did they have a chance?

So when Liu Xu arrived, many of the disciples who had come here specially for Lu Xueqi had already turned against each other, and the support of the two was evenly matched.

"Master, mistress!"

Liu Xu glanced at the two people on the stage who were still tied, and walked straight to Dazhufeng Tian Buyi and Suru.

At this time, the two people were very close to each other, and they were both very nervous. They stared at the stage intently, and didn't even pay much attention to Liu Xu coming over.

"Well, Lao Qi is here?" Hearing Liu Xu's greeting, Tian Buyi said something lightly, but he didn't even turn his head, and continued to stare at the stage, but Suru turned her head and narrowed her eyes slightly , "Xiao Qi, how about the outcome?"

"It's a fluke!" Liu Xu replied calmly, with no complacency on his face, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

Suru nodded, she wasn't surprised, she just asked casually, but seeing her husband didn't pay attention at all, she was a little dissatisfied, and said coquettishly, "Tian Buyi, Xiao Qi won, so don't say anything, why don't you?" Do you care about your disciples?"

Knowing about the relationship between Liu Xu and Tian Ling'er, Suru now regards Liu Xu as her half-son-in-law, so she naturally hopes that Tian Buyi and Liu Xu will have a better relationship. Patronize the daughter and forget the apprentice.

"It's just a little guy on the sixth floor of the Jade Qing Realm, and he doesn't have any magical weapons. It's definitely luck to come so far. Where is Lao Qi's opponent? What can I ask?" Tian Buyi muttered impatiently After a few words, he turned his head and looked Liu Xu up and down, "Did you use that thing?"

Liu Xu shook his head and said, "No!"

Tian Buyi was startled for a moment, then a gleam appeared in his eyes, he looked at Liu Xu in surprise and suspicion, and then asked in a low voice: "Have you really reached that level?"

To be honest, since a year ago, as Liu Xu's cultivation has advanced day by day, Tian Buyi has been somewhat unable to grasp his realm.

Although what was revealed before is already a bit shocking, but it is not embarrassing to be able to take down a disciple of the sixth level of the Jade Clear Realm without a magic weapon. I am afraid that this is not something that the Jade Clear Realm can do!

Could it be that it took only five years, and this disciple...


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Chapter 965 Bound gods and sleepy sisters, the outcome will be divided

Immediately, Tian Buyi shook his head, putting this thought in his heart.

If this is true, at least half of the elders in the door will wipe their necks in shame.

Tian Buyi is also a person of that realm, he knows the difficulty of breaking through that realm, even with Liu Xu's talent, it is not so easy.

He reckoned that Liu Xu's cultivation should be at the pinnacle of the Jade Qing Realm, and he used all kinds of thaumaturgy well, which is why he has achieved the current results!

Tian Buyi didn't realize that, in fact, he was a little scared, so he didn't want to believe it.

If Liu Xu really got to that point, then his aptitude is really too monstrous, so monstrous that even a master like Tian Buyi is a little scared.

For so many years, although he no longer mentioned Liu Xu's brows full of hostility, Tian Buyi still kept it in his heart.

He knew better than anyone else, but he was incapable of resolving Liu Xu's inner demons. Tian Buyi just listened to the insincere flattery of those chief executives before, and didn't think so at all.

Although from the surface, everything seems to be normal for Liu Xu, Tian Buyi has no idea what is going on in his heart.

He has never seen through this disciple. If Liu Xu makes a mistake in the future and enters the way of the devil, then with Liu Xu's aptitude, character, and city...

Thinking of this, Tian Buyi almost broke out in a cold sweat.

Seemingly aware of Tian Buyi's thoughts, Liu Xu smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, master, I will definitely give you a surprise then, and I'll forgive you for being a little tricky now."

Tian Buyi also came back to his senses at this time, smiled slightly, and secretly said: "What I think about these things are all speculations, it's too unreasonable to worry about."

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction.

"Well, I won't ask any more questions as a teacher. I don't care about anything else. You must beat that kid to the ground by then."

Liu Xu looked along Tian Buyi's finger, but saw Qi Hao surrounded by everyone from Longshou Peak.

At this time, the latter was staring at the stage intently, with a particularly hot light emitting from his eyes from time to time.

Then, Tian Buyi's sinister voice came from Liu Xu's ear, it was a tone mixed with extreme anger.

"That bastard kid comes over every time Linger has a match. He's obviously plotting something wrong. What's his plan? I really don't know?"

"A person who has practiced Taoism for hundreds of years can still fall in love with a teenage girl at first sight, and show great hospitality at the first meeting."

"You're really brave enough to think I'm on top of you. Do you really think there's no one on my Big Bamboo Peak?"

"Old Qi, if you have the chance, you must give this kid a hard lesson, so as to stop his thoughts."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, but Liu Xu smiled and said, "Don't worry, Master, I was not his opponent two years ago, but now the result is different!"

Over there, Suru saw the master and apprentice murmured and didn't know what to say, her mind was confused, she snorted coldly dissatisfied, and said, "It doesn't matter if you two still care about Ling'er, what are you talking about there?" ? Linger is comparing to... not good, Linger, don't..."

In the middle of the conversation, Suru suddenly let out an exclamation.

However, the situation in the arena changed. Tian Ling'er, who was at a loss, gritted her teeth suddenly, and the amber scarlet silk that was trapping Tianya was suddenly retracted, and then she was in mid-air, with her left and right hands doing the orchid formula, Cross Yuexiong's mouth, and yelled in his mouth: "Bie Shen!"

With the sound of Tian Linger's incantation, Amber Scarlet Ling turned into a huge red ball, entwining Lu Xueqi with her sword in it with lightning speed.

The scene fell silent for a moment, the red cocoon formed by the amber scarlet silk kept shrinking, although a layer of blue light shot out from the gap from time to time, but the amber scarlet silk still spread inward little by little, becoming tighter and tighter.

The victory seemed to be coming soon. Although Tian Linger was pale, she still showed a smile, but she didn't see it. No matter Tian Buyi and his wife, or Liu Xu under the ring, they all frowned and looked worried.

Under the arena, seeing Tian Linger's bound god trapping Lu Xueqi inside, the Qingyun sect disciples supporting Tian Linger's side suddenly applauded.

This god-binding stance combined with amber scarlet silk and other celestial treasures is not bad, but it is mostly used for opponents who are weaker than himself or who do not have magic weapons.

Lu Xueqi's cultivation base is at least above the eighth level of Yuqing, and she holds Tianya, a nine-day divine weapon, Tian Linger's use of this kind of move actually puts herself at a disadvantage and wastes her true energy.

Sure enough, after a short while, the blue light in the red cocoon flourished, dragons roared, and layers of amber scarlet silk were propped up at a speed visible to the naked eye, like bubbles that had swelled to the extreme.

Tian Linger's complexion changed, she held the magic weapon in her hand, all her true energy was infused into the magic weapon, with this help, the amber scarlet silk suddenly shone brightly, and it was able to withstand the blue light, and they were in a stalemate.

But this time the side that supported Tian Linger didn't applaud, everyone was silent and looked at each other.

They all saw that Tian Linger was at a disadvantage, that pretty little face was so pale that there was hardly a trace of blood, and they just gritted their teeth and persisted.

"Ling'er, that's enough, admit defeat!"

Among the crowd in the audience, Suru felt a little distressed when she saw this, knowing that her daughter's defeat was doomed, she couldn't help but speak out.

Even Tian Buyi stood up and looked at the situation on stage with a gloomy expression.

But Tian Ling'er stubbornly shook her head, stubbornly refusing to admit defeat, and suppressed all the remaining true energy, intending to decide the outcome with one blow.

But Tian Linger's cultivation level at the sixth level of the Jade Qing Realm was much lower than Lu Xueqi's, and the power of the divine weapon Tianya was also far above that of Amber Scarlet Silk.

Xiaguang and blue light collided continuously, and the red cocoon trembled, making waves of overwhelmed wailing.


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Chapter 966 Never admit defeat in front of a rival in love

A moment later, there was only an explosion, and with the sound of tearing the silk, endless blue light burst out from the red cocoon.

Lu Xueqi's body and sword merged into one, and she slashed towards Tian Ling'er like a bolt of lightning.

But in mid-air, Lu Xueqi realized something was wrong, and frowned.

Under the blue light, Tian Linger's small face was already white, her eyes were closed tightly in fright, how could she have the slightest strength to fight back?

It's just that she just broke the seal with all her strength, but now she couldn't hold back her hand. She could only hope that the elders of the sect could make a move in time, and then watched Tianya in her hand slash towards the opposite side with endless divine power.


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