
I only heard that the seniors in the audience stopped drinking for a while, and rushed to save Tian Ling'er.

But faster than everyone else, a figure flashed into the ring.

He embraced Tian Ling'er with one hand, waved an object with the other hand, and struck towards Tianya's blue light.

A huge Tai Chi Eight Trigrams suddenly appeared in the middle of the ring, and the quiet light on it was constantly flowing, which was indescribably mysterious.

And with the appearance of the gossip, Lu Xueqi felt that Tianya in her hand suddenly trembled violently, as if encountering an enemy of life and death, the light suddenly flourished and struck with a more violent momentum than before.

But the corner of the mouth of the person on the opposite side showed a faint sneer, facing Tianya's brilliant Tianwei, he just spit out four words lightly.

"Go back to me!"

Silently, the blue sword light collided with the huge gossip, bursting out a dazzling light.

As if being chopped on cotton, Lu Xueqi only felt that the sword energy colliding with the Taiji gossip was as if it had disappeared into the sea, without any reaction, and then a huge force surged from the sword, and her whole body was blown away. .

Lu Xueqi staggered back on the ground for a few steps before she stabilized her footsteps, took advantage of the situation to put away Tianya, and looked forward with some suspicion.

It was not the elders in the door who shot, but a handsome young man who looked about her age.

He was dressed in a white robe and held a strange short stick in his hand. His face seemed familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

But at this moment, the young man ignored Lu Xueqi's intentions and just looked at the snow-white beauty in his arms.

At this moment Tian Ling'er was still so frightened that her eyes were closed tightly, she didn't dare to open them.

She grew up so big, but she had never experienced such a dangerous thing.

The blue sword light in Lu Xueqi's hand made her feel the danger of death for the first time.

Then, Tian Linger heard a very familiar voice, and said angrily and funnyly: "Okay, my little junior sister, how long do you plan to close your eyes, where is the stubbornness that just refused to admit defeat?" gone?"

Only then did Tian Linger slowly open her eyes, and what she saw was Liu Xu's sharp-edged face.

With a "wow", the little girl burst into tears, buried her head in Liu Xu's arms, and sobbed: "Brother, I lost, I lost..."

Seeing the beautiful pear blossoms in the rain, the pitiful scene, I don't know how many Qingyunmen disciples in the audience were heartbroken by it, and I don't know how many people wished to replace Liu Xu.

Shaking his head helplessly, Liu Xu somewhat understood that Tian Linger would not have worked so hard if he hadn't been present today. This little girl treated Lu Xueqi as a rival in love and didn't want to lose face in front of her sweetheart, so she fought to the death.

In the end, not only did he lose, but he almost died in Huangquan. He was shocked and frightened, and now he lost his composure, crying in Liu Xu's arms under the eyes of everyone.

Seeing Tian Ling'er crying so sadly, Liu Xu also felt a little distressed in his heart. He whispered a few words of comfort, but looked up at Lu Xueqi.

"Junior Sister Lu?"

At this time, Lu Xueqi had already remembered where she had seen Liu Xu. She had just seen the scene in front of her a few days ago. It was the two embracing each other in the square after the first round of competition.

It's just that Lu Xueqi never thought at that time that that young man's cultivation was so advanced that he could knock him back with just one move.

"What's the matter?" Although she recognized Liu Xu, Lu Xueqi's face did not change at all, the expression was still as cold as ice.

In her eyes, it doesn't matter who Liu Xu is, except for her own master and those fellow teachers and sisters, why does she care about others.

It was already noon at this time, the sun was shining, the sea of ​​clouds was rolling, Lu Xueqi stood quietly on the ring, staring at the young man in front of her, that beautiful appearance, slim figure, was not like a mortal.

But seeing such a beautiful scenery, Liu Xu smiled faintly and slowly opened his mouth.

"Junior Sister Lu, you will definitely be defeated by me, I! Guarantee! Proof!"

"Junior Sister Lu, you will definitely be defeated by me!"

"Junior Sister Lu, you will definitely be defeated by me!"...

A simple sentence, but it was spoken loudly, echoing in everyone's minds, making the entire Yunhai Square silent.

The next moment there was an uproar, and many Qing Yunmen disciples started talking about it.

You must know that they are all members of the Taoist sect. Even if they hate each other so much that they itch their teeth, on this occasion, they have to pretend to be extremely friendly and brotherly. This is the first time I have seen such a frontal provocation, and provocative The target is still Lu Xueqi, who has been hailed as the most beautiful female disciple of Qingyunmen for hundreds of years.

The expressions of the disciples were extremely exciting, some of them were disdainful, they thought Liu Xu was sensationalizing, some of them were laughing, looking at Soul Eater, they thought that Liu Xu had simply lost his head if he wanted to use this firestick to deal with Tianya Well, there are those who yell and curse, daring to be disrespectful to beautiful women is simply a kind of blasphemy.

But there are also some people who secretly feel cold. They have all seen Lu Xueqi's strength just now. With a cultivation base above the eighth level of the Jade Qing Realm, combined with the divine sword Tianya, it can be said that she is above everyone else.


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Chapter 967 The big crowd, Qing Qing me

Liu Xu dared to utter wild words, he must have absolute confidence, especially just now, this person used Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao but forcibly blocked Lu Xueqi's last move, and there was room for it.

Great enemy!

Almost all the disciples who aspired to the throne of Qimai Huiwu had this thought in their hearts.

On the other side, listening to Liu Xu's bold words, Lu Xueqi was also taken aback. This seemed to be the first time in her life that she had encountered such a situation, and she had never been treated like this before.

"I am waiting!"

She took a deep look at Liu Xu, left a word lightly, and Lu Xueqi left a word, then turned and left, dressed in white like snow, without a trace of nostalgia, still as cold as ice, repelling people thousands of miles away.

Behind her, Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders and didn't take it seriously. Instead, Tian Ling'er smiled through tears, took his hand, and said with some embarrassment: "Senior brother, it's all my fault, if it wasn't for me For me, you don't have to provoke Junior Sister Lu so much."

From the little girl's point of view, the sweetheart did this purely to vent her anger. You must know that the audience is already in a mess because of Liu Xu's words.

Most of the disciples looked at Liu Xu very unhappy, whether they were jealous or annoyed, in short, they were overwhelmingly unfavorable to Liu Xu, and they could say anything ugly. The power of a beautiful woman can be seen.

Of course, Tian Linger hadn't noticed it yet, and she was part of the credit for this. If she hadn't shown off her affection with Liu Xu on stage before, Liu Xu wouldn't be a public enemy now.

At this time, the shame and fear in her heart gradually disappeared, Tian Linger was immersed in happiness, her lover's care made her feel as sweet as drinking honey.

And more importantly, Liu Xu's provocation of Lu Xueqi in front of everyone undoubtedly showed that he had no thoughts about the other party. Tian Linger naturally felt a lot easier when she let go of her worries about her rival.

It's just that she is happy, and the elders in the audience don't think so.

Master Daoxuan didn't say anything, he just laughed and looked at Liu Xu thoughtfully.

And Master Shuiyue of Xiaozhufeng did not look very good-looking, after all Lu Xueqi was her apprentice.

She gave Tian Buyi a sideways look, and said with a bit of yin and yang, "Junior Brother Tian, ​​you really have the ability to teach such an apprentice and blatantly challenge him, do you really think that there is no one in my Little Bamboo Valley?"

Tian Buyi has always been at odds with Shuiyue, although he felt that Liu Xu's actions were too arrogant and inappropriate, but at this moment, how can he show weakness, rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Your apprentice found that by himself, What if you hurt Linger? I think someone should clean it up and teach her a lesson!"

"You!" I didn't expect Tian Buyi to be so "shameless", Shui Yue was so angry that she almost lost her anger, she gritted her teeth and stared at the fat man who abducted her junior sister, and she suppressed her anger and said: "You think your apprentice Winning is certain, there is no competition yet, and it is not certain who will win! Don't let out big words, but in the end you are defeated by the hands, that would be ridiculous!"

After finishing speaking, Shuiyue turned her head again, and said apologetically to Suru, "Junior Sister, just now Xueqi didn't do it on purpose, after all, her practice is too shallow, her way is not deep, and she didn't control it well for a while." Ya' this fetish, don't take it to heart, I'll ask her to apologize to Ling'er later!"

After all, they are sisters of the same vein, Shuiyue and Suru have a good relationship, she doesn't want any conflicts between her disciple and her junior sister, so she didn't put on airs, but explained it sincerely.

But then Shuiyue felt that something was wrong, why didn't the junior sister respond at all?

She took a closer look, but saw Suruxiu staring at the stage with her eyes wide open, with a look of anger on her face.

Shuiyue turned her head to look, and Tian Linger was holding Liu Xu's hand on the stage, chirping something there.

Although their demeanor is somewhat intimate, it is not too much.

After all, Tian Linger was quite frightened just now, and it is not difficult to accept that under the shock, she behaved a little weirdly. No matter how bad it is, the two of them secretly fell in love. It can be regarded as a good match.

Why is the junior sister so angry, that expression seems to want to eat people?

How did Shuiyue know that Suru had a guilty conscience, she was afraid that her daughter's affairs would be revealed...

You must know that this is in public, if any sharp-eyed bastard can see that his daughter is not perfect, and then look at her and Liu Xu's state at this time, wouldn't he be able to guess the matter?

At that time, if there are any rumors, her daughter will be ashamed to face others.

Tian Ling'er was young and ignorant, so that's all, Liu Xu didn't know these things?

He must have done it on purpose!

Therefore, looking at the two people who were still kissing each other on the stage, Suru was startled and terrified, she didn't even hear her senior sister call her.

"Junior Sister, Junior Sister?"

Shuiyue yelled several times, Suru came back to her senses, and looked at her senior sister with some doubts.

Shuiyue smiled wryly, and then explained: "Well, just now Xueqi didn't do it on purpose, it's just that she didn't control Tianya well for a while, that's why she..."

But Suru waved her hand and said: "It's nothing, it's just a rivalry between the juniors, Ling'er didn't have anything wrong!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the stage, and shouted loudly: "Ling'er, Xiaoqi, if you don't come down, the competition is over, what are you doing there?"

There is nothing wrong with the content of the words, and the tone is normal, but for some reason, Shuiyue, who is very familiar with her junior sister, can hear a suppressed resentment from it, looking at the junior sister who is smiling brightly and looks innocent, unexpectedly I shivered involuntarily.

Shuiyue, who didn't see anything at first, now looked at Liu Xu and Tian Linger on the ring, and couldn't help thinking about it.


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Chapter 968

On the second day, it was the fourth round of the Qimai Martial Arts Competition. Four of the original eight arenas had been dismantled, and the rest were arranged in four directions: east, west, north, and south. The largest arena in the north was crowded with people.

Needless to say, it was Lu Xueqi who competed there today, but beyond everyone's expectations, there were quite a few people in the Western Ring where Liu Xu was, just watching those Qingyun disciples whispering one by one, with bad eyesight.

Obviously, they didn't come to cheer and cheer, they were all prepared to watch Liu Xu's jokes with the possibility of one in ten thousand. Regardless of whether they won or lost, they had to make fun of Liu Xu. Ah, moves, what can be said and what cannot be said, must be buried, so as to vent the anger in my heart.

Following the people from Dazhu Peak to the square, Liu Xu's face was extremely blue at this time, and he was even more upset when he was stared at by those malicious eyes. He subconsciously let out a cold snort, and walked slowly onto the stage , stood there without saying a word.

Last night, because of Hetian Linger's extraordinary performance in the ring, Liu Xu was asked by Suru to have a "heart-to-heart talk".

Although with his current strength, he is not without a fight, but the other party is his teacher and prospective mother-in-law, how could Liu Xu dare to fight back, he was immediately beaten up and ran away, embarrassed, even with today's mood is particularly unhappy stand up.

And it seemed that he deliberately opposed him. Liu Xu had been standing on the stage for a long time, but the other party had never been seen.

In the scorching sun, Liu Xu stood alone on the ring, looking somewhat ridiculous, while the disciples in the audience laughed and pointed at Liu Xu, looking gloating at his misfortune.

"You guys..." Tian Ling'er was so angry that she jumped up and opened her mouth to teach them a lesson, but Suru stopped her and shook her head, but at this moment, everyone in the Big Bamboo Peak was not very good-looking, and Tian Buyi was even more so. He looked at Liu Xu worriedly.

Standing on the ring, listening to the "whispers" of those people, Liu Xu's expression was extraordinarily calm at this time, but at some point, Soul Devourer had appeared in his hand, and a glow appeared on the pitch-black stick. You Guang seemed to feel something, and Soul Eater trembled with excitement.

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