Finally, under the repeated urging of the referee elders, a passage was parted in the crowd, and a man in white came onto the stage surrounded by the crowd.

The man had a smile on his face, and his appearance was considered good. Although he was not as handsome as Liu Xu, he could still be called handsome. As soon as he came to the stage, he greeted all the disciples first, which attracted a lot of applause.

"Brother, you must teach this kid a lesson today!"

"Yes, let him know what the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

"Senior brother Chang Yun has reached the seventh floor of the Jade Clear Realm, and he must win today!"


Chang Yun smiled very brightly, ignored Liu Xu's meaning at all, and kept communicating with the brothers in the audience.

After a long while, listening to the sound of the bell, he turned his head and said to Liu Xu: "Sorry, Junior Brother Liu, Brother Yu just watched Junior Sister Lu's match, so he came a step late, Junior Brother probably won't Blame it!"

He said so, but in Chang Jian's eyes, there was no apology at all, instead, he was somewhat complacent.

This scene was discussed a long time ago between him and several senior brothers who also admired Lu Xueqi. It was an excuse to humiliate Liu Xu. Not only would it disturb his mind about the competition, but he might also take this opportunity to get close to Lu Xueqi and kiss Fangze.

Posing handsomely, Chang Yun showed a shining white sword, and smiled as he looked at the fire stick in Liu Xu's hand.

"Junior Brother Liu, why don't you just use this kind of thing to compete with Brother Wei!"

"What is this? A fire stick? You, Big Bamboo Peak, don't even have a decent magic weapon!"

"Forget it, I'll let Brother Wei practice with you and accumulate some experience, so that you can get a better ranking in the next Qimai martial arts competition. Come on, let's start!"

But at this moment Liu Xu finally raised his head, his gaze was extremely cold.


"Then let me go!"


Following Liu Xu's shout, the Soul Eater in his hand suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light, and half of the square was dyed blue.

An incomparably huge cyan beam of light shot out from the short black stick, and wherever it passed, the hard giant wood that made up the arena flew in all directions like confetti.


Chang Yun even had time to hold the sword horizontally in front of his body before being submerged by the huge beam of light like the waves of the sea.


There was a loud noise, and smoke and dust splashed all over the sky, and the entire Yunhai Square seemed to tremble from that blow.

After a long time, the smoke dissipated and the dust dissipated, and there was a mess in sight, half of the arena collapsed, and Chang Yun fell into a big pit, covered in blood, he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The sword in his hand was stuck on the ground, and it was densely packed with cracks. A gust of wind blew by, and there was a click, and two knots were broken.

The disciples in the audience stared blankly at all this, opened their mouths, but couldn't speak, and farther away, many people rushed over one after another, staring at what happened, and then looked at the deep Hang, sucked in a breath of air, and also opened his mouth wide.

"You, you, you..." The elder who was acting as the referee stared at Liu Xu, pointing at Liu Xu, speechless.

He is at the Upper Purity Realm, but he couldn't react to the blow just now, let alone save someone...


The elder even doubted whether he could take this blow.

But after all, as an elder and the referee this time, he gritted his teeth and shouted at Liu Xu: "You, Zongmen Dabi, how can you play such a tricky hand?"

Liu Xu glanced at him, and the piercing cold made the elder shut his mouth subconsciously.


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Chapter 969 Surviving serious injuries, naughty wife

However, he immediately realized that he was actually intimidated by a new disciple, his old face blushed, and he shouted angrily to Tian Buyi who was in the audience: "Tian Buyi, is this how you teach your disciples? "

Maybe the elder didn't even realize that he was a little afraid of Liu Xu, and he didn't dare to meet those cold eyes at this time, so he had to ask Mr. Liu Xu for trouble.

Under the stage, Tian Buyi frowned when he heard the elder's question.

As early as when those disciples provoked Liu Xu, he subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

Liu Xu's calm and cold appearance was not quite the same as usual, but more like when the two met for the first time, when the hostility was lingering around their bodies, so he was secretly vigilant and ready to save people at any time.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xu's blow also exceeded Tian Buyi's expectation, he didn't sacrifice the Chiyan Immortal Sword because he was a bit overwhelmed, and he didn't even dare to block it.

It's not that this blow can even kill Tian Buyi, but with his bare hands, Tian Buyi didn't think he could stop this blow without injury, so he simply didn't try to stop it.

Are you kidding me, if Tian Buyi is the head of the Great Bamboo Peak, if he was wounded by his own disciples in order to save others during the Qimai Martial Arts Competition, it would be a big loss of face.

Of course, this is also because Tian Buyi saw that although Liu Xu was furious, his subordinates still showed affection. Although the blow was fast, in the eyes of an expert like Tian Buyi, he could still see that the angle was a bit off. It's like, death is not death, as for what kind of injury, it depends on good fortune.

Poor Chang Yun, Tian Buyi, the only one present who could save him, easily abandoned him because of his own face.

For the latter, during the Qimai Martial Arts Competition, the death is a big event, and the reputation of his own lineage is very bad if it is spread, so he must be rescued; but seriously injured and dying, isn't that commonplace?

A mere disciple who is not from the same line, with a serious tone, but with terrible ability, and even runs against his best disciple, will be seriously injured if he is seriously injured. How can his own face be important?

Tian Buyi thought that he had done Chang Yun wrong by not standing up and applauding loudly just now.

It's just that it's not good to seriously injure a fellow disciple. At this moment, Tian Buyi had no choice but to stand up and explain: "Senior brother Fan, the seventh brother..."

At this time, Liu Xu, who had been expressionless all the time, suddenly spoke. He glanced at Chang Yun, and then said coldly: "Don't worry, that kid won't die, but at least he will lie on the bed for a year or so. As for the remaining levels of cultivation base, I can’t guarantee it.”

When he said this, Liu Xu's expression didn't change at all, as if the person lying there wasn't his fellow apprentice, which made everyone feel cold.

Elder Fan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the person is not dead, he waved his hand and signaled the disciples beside him to heal Chang Yun, then frowned, looked at Liu Xu and asked, "You can easily defeat him, Why did you have to make such a heavy hand in the end?"

Liu Xu sneered at this, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "I'm sorry, my cultivation base is superficial and my eyesight is poor, so I can't see the depth of Senior Brother Chang Yun. He just said 'practice your hands' and shut it up' Accumulate experience', I thought he was very strong, so naturally I wanted to attack with all my strength. I just didn't expect that senior brother Chang Yun had a good mouth, but he didn't have any real skills, so..."

With a glance, Liu Xu's last sentence was said by the disciples in the audience, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

With such a glance from Liu Xu, the faces of the disciples in the audience immediately turned red. It was obvious that Liu Xu was pointing fingers at Sang and scolding Huai, saying that they were good at gossiping, but they had no real skills.

A few opened their mouths to say something, but when they saw the big hole in the ring and Chang Yun who didn't know his life or death, they had to shut up again. Even Chang Yun, one of the top eight, was beaten into that virtue by one move. , They came out at this time, didn't they want to die?

At this time, Tian Ling'er, who had been pulled by Suru, also jumped out, and shouted arrogantly: "That's right, that Chang Yun just now, the cowhide blew loudly, but in the end he didn't have any skills at all, he deserved to be beaten like that , how can you blame my brother?"

Just now the little girl was taken aback by Chang Yun's appearance of not knowing whether he was alive or dead. It was the first time she had seen a dead person at such a big age, so she was too scared to react.

At this time, when he heard that the person was not dead, he regained his spirits. Seeing that the elder wanted to trouble his sweetheart, he naturally jumped out and complained.

Hearing Tian Linger's yelling, Elder Fan smiled wryly, this is the little girl, others have the nerve to open their eyes and talk nonsense.

In the same discipline, it is easy for those with high realms to see how much cultivation is for those with low realms, especially from the one blow just now, Liu Xu's realm is at least two or three small realms higher than Chang Yun's. Maybe they have all reached the supernatant level, how could it be possible not to see how much strength Chang Yun has?

He was clearly picking up the opportunity to retaliate, intending to abolish Chang Yun.

But then Elder Fan sighed softly again, shook his head, so what if he knew, no one was dead, as long as Liu Xu insisted that he didn't know Chang Yun's strength, Elder Fan couldn't help it.

Glancing at Chang Yun, who was lifted up by several disciples and was unconscious, a trace of pity flashed in Elder Fan's eyes. In this way, there is no way to deal with the other party now.

Finally, he took a deep look at Liu Xu, but Elder Fan turned around and announced loudly to the crowd: "Dazhu Peak, Liu Xu wins!"

Coincidentally, at the same time, a blue light shot up into the sky from the arena on the north side of the square, followed by the crisp sound of dragon chant.

A moment later, another elder shouted loudly: "Little Bamboo Peak, Lu Xueqi wins!"

" this a demonstration against me?" Looking at the blue light, Liu Xu, who was sullen, smiled lightly, "My wife is really naughty and refuses to admit defeat! Then we will meet in the finals!"


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Chapter 970 Fairy Xie Shaoxi, Soul Eater Fights Tianya

The sun was rising, and there were only two arenas left in the Sea of ​​Clouds Square.

Looking at the beautiful girl opposite, Liu Xu sighed slightly. He thought that the two would meet in the final, but they met in the semi-final instead.

This situation seems to be somewhat similar to what happened to Zhang Xiaofan in the original book, but I don’t know what he was thinking when he looked at the woman who looked like a snow lotus on the iceberg, admiring, confused, or at a loss.

Immediately, Liu Xu smiled lightly again, thinking about what he was doing, anyway, the result was already doomed, the final and semi-final were the same.

He is not Zhang Xiaofan, he will not be slashed by the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhenjue just to win the heart of a woman, even if this woman is his fiancée whose memory has been sealed.

He has won the game.

Now that he has made up his mind, Liu Xu has time to appreciate Lu Xueqi who is opposite him.

Anyway, after this match, it is estimated that the opponent will hate himself so much, so he must read enough at this time.

Of course, the final finale must be that he, Mr. Liu, embraced the beauty and returned it.

On the opposite side, Lu Xueqi noticed Liu Xu's unscrupulous gaze, which seemed to be looking at goods, which made her frown slightly, and unconsciously remembered what the master said to herself last night.

"Xueqi, just do your best this time around. The outcome is not something you care about. I went to see the arena where Liu Xu and Chang Yun fought yesterday. He's probably already here..."

"In short, in this competition, you should protect yourself first, and don't get any injuries. I heard that in the early years, I heard that the hostility was around my body, and the evil spirit was quite heavy. It is inevitable that I will not be serious when I make a move. You must be careful!"

Lu Xueqi knew that Shuiyue was not optimistic about her own game, so she made these remarks, but after ten years of hard work, how can she easily give up her master's wishes and ideals?

There are still two games, and I must win.

Dressed in white clothes like snow, and blue hair like waterfalls, Lu Xueqi stood quietly on the ring, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks.

Behind her, the Tianya sword sang without wind, and a faint blue light spewed out, as if sensing the master's fighting intent, echoing it from afar.

In the audience, noticing Liu Xu's unscrupulous gaze, Tian Ling'er pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, and tugged at the amber scarlet silk with her little hands.

She is not so worried about Liu Xu's empathy anymore, she just feels upset when she sees her sweetheart staring at other women.

And those male disciples of Qing Yunmen, seeing Liu Xu's rude appearance, all gritted their teeth, but they dared to be angry but dared not speak out because of Liu Xu's majesty yesterday.

He could only stare at the stage bitterly, and the arena became quiet for a while.


Bells and cauldrons rang together, echoing on Tongtian Peak.

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