This is the sound of the game starting.

As if it had been suppressed for too long, a burst of overwhelming voices suddenly broke out among the disciples in the audience.

"Come on, Junior Sister Lu, you must teach this kid a lesson!"

"Excalibur Tianya can't be compared with that fire stick!"

"Junior Sister Lu will win!"


Hearing the voice that sounded like a mortal market, Tian Buyi sat among the leaders, his face turned ashen, he turned his head to look at Taoist Cangsong, and said, "Senior brother Cangsong, when will my Qingyun Sect be with those people?" Ordinary people are average, with so many apprentices, how did you become the head of the execution court?"

But Cang Song didn't take it seriously, glanced at Tian Buyi, and said: "It's because your disciples are too ruthless and have caused public anger."

Because in yesterday's match, Liu Xu beat Chang Yun to nothing with one move, and the elder referees couldn't stop him.

Therefore, today these first few people including the sect leader Daoxuan Daoxuan are all present, one is to see what happened to Liu Xu, the most outstanding disciple of Qingyun sect for hundreds of years, and the other is to prevent any accidents from happening.

After all, to be able to enter the semi-finals, each of them will be the pillars of Qingyunmen for hundreds of years to come.

Hearing Cang Song's explanation, Tian Buyi was furious, and said, "What did Lao Qi do wrong to cause public outrage? Didn't he just take action to teach a junior who was blinded by beauty? How many years of cultivation, can he still be punished?" Just beautify and bewilder, this kind of person in our Qingyun Sect will embarrass everyone."

Tian Buyi kept talking there, but he didn't realize that Shuiyue's face on the side was downcast, this fat man took every bite, did he insinuate that his disciple relied on his appearance to win?She's still 'beautiful', and I don't know who secretly went to have a tryst with my junior sister during the Qimai martial arts competition, but the energy was low, and the next day, I was kicked out of the ring within two strokes.

Shuiyue opened her mouth to satirize Tian Buyi, but at this moment, Master Daoxuan spoke.

"Okay, they are all the first place in the line, what does it look like to be noisy, the competition has started, let's concentrate on watching!"

Reverend Daoxuan has been in charge of Qingyun for many years, so he naturally has a certain majesty, seeing him speak, Tian Buyi and the others can only shut their mouths resentfully.

"Big (little) Zhufeng disciple Liu Xu (Lu Xueqi), please enlighten me."

Accompanied by two simultaneous greetings on the stage, Liu Xu and Lu Xueqi also exchanged hands.

Lu Xueqi compared her right hand, and Tianya behind her slowly rose from the scabbard. The crystal clear sword was surrounded by light blue brilliance, and the biting cold made the temperature of the entire square drop.

Just when the match started, Lu Xueqi's Tianya was already out of its sheath.

On the opposite side, Liu Xu held his right hand empty, and a short black stick that looked like a fire stick slipped from his sleeve and fell into his hand.

Although it was not the first time I saw it, there was still a burst of laughter from the audience. Compared with the majestic, noble and immortal "Tianya" on the opposite side, Soul Eater at this time is like an ugly bug on the ground, and the large number of Qingyun disciples are even more so. There was a burst of hissing.

It's just that there are still some people with good eyesight in the first seats, but they didn't laugh, but watched closely.


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Chapter 971

They didn't believe that Liu Xu, who was as powerful as Liu Xu, would use a fire stick to go on stage. The population of Dazhu Peak was small, but there was also such a shortage of magic weapons.

Leaving aside, they all know that Suru still has a sealed handle Mo Xue hasn't brought out yet!

A cold feeling filled his whole body, as if he knew he had met his former enemy.

In Liu Xu's hands, Soul Eater seemed to be very excited as if he had a spirituality, and the speed of the cold feeling was much faster than before.

On the opposite side, Lu Xueqi's complexion suddenly changed, the moment Soul Eater appeared, Tianya's light was radiant, and she felt immortal.

But at this moment, before she could think about it, Lu Xueqi's magic formula was tightly held like a mountain, and Tian Ya, who was shining brightly in mid-air, suddenly turned around and struck towards Liu Xu like lightning.

Facing the dazzling blue light, Liu Xu smiled, and he didn't see him chanting the spell, but let go of Soul Eater.

With a swipe of his right hand, he faintly spit out a word.

"go with!"

Soul Devourer suddenly burst into blue light, jumped straight into the air, and collided with the ten thousand zhang blue light.

That battle did not lose the slightest bit of wind.

The shining blue light flickered, and the brilliant blue light intertwined in the air, reflecting the entire square like a fairyland, but under this beautiful spectacle, there was a fierce murderous intent.

Where the two rays of light passed, giant trees on the ring were scattered like confetti, and the sound was as loud as a thunderbolt from the blue, deafening.


The thousands of Qingyunmen who were onlookers all changed their expressions. Yesterday Liu Xuyi destroyed half of the arena. They didn't see it with their own eyes, and most of them were skeptical.

A huge arena was dismantled by the two of them. They had never seen such power before, and each of them was silent, and retreated a certain distance unconsciously.

On the viewing platform, Liu Xu and Lu Xueqi floated into the air almost at the same time.

Lu Xueqi held the magic formula with both hands, and controlled it with all her strength, her posture was solemn and elegant; while Liu Xu was even more relaxed and freehand, just using the two fingers of her right hand to compare, the fire-burning stick was head-on, fighting Tianya very well Lehu, it seems that he is still able to do a job with ease.

In the blink of an eye, the two had fought for dozens of rounds, and the surrounding clouds were shattered by the aftermath of their fight, and they could not calm down for a long time.

Shuiyue's complexion in the audience gradually turned ugly, but Tian Buyi showed a hint of joy.

Then seeing the person in mid-air, Liu Xu suddenly smiled lightly.

"Junior Sister Lu, how about admitting defeat?"

Everyone in the audience saw that the burning stick that was originally fighting with Tianya suddenly became bright green, like an angry dragon, it slammed into Tianya's sword fiercely, accompanied by a loud bang, the entire divine sword was knocked into the air Going out, Lu Xueqi on the opposite side also spit out a mouthful of blood.

The audience was quiet. Although many people had already prepared in their hearts, they were still a little disappointed to see Lu Xueqi spitting blood at this moment. With Fairy Lu's ability, she was really no match for that arrogant guy.

With a slight sigh, Shuiyue, who was sitting in the first seat, stood up, ready to make a move at any time.

How could Lu Xueqi be willing to admit defeat, she gritted her silver teeth, her face was pale, her clothes fluttered in the wind, she urged Tianya and Soul Eater to deal another heavy blow, and then with a move, she called Tianya back and held it in her hand.

At that moment of contact, a flash of blue light engulfed Lu Xueqi's figure, and the human and sword merged into one, soaring to the top, and actually rushed into the cloud.

Seeing this, Liu Xu's expression was a bit dignified, and with a sudden urging, the black energy on Soul Devourer was filled with black energy, intertwined with the blue light, forming a huge beam of light, soaring into the sky.

And at the same time, just beyond the sky, there was a howl of swords like a dragon's chant, and thousands of blue lights gathered together, facing the blue light beam, and slashed down in the air.

The wind howled, the sea of ​​clouds rolled, and under that blow, the world lost its voice.

There was a faint red tide on Liu Xu's face, and he stepped back a few steps, stepping on the ground to make a few shallow pits, then looked up, but he sneered.

Looking at the sky, he shouted faintly: "Junior Sister Lu, admit defeat!"

The clouds dissipated and the sky was as clear as glass.

In mid-air, a figure appeared. The white clothes were stained red by the blood from the corner of the mouth, and the black hair was scattered. It was obvious that Lu Xueqi was in a very bad state at this time.

Shuiyue hesitated to speak, stretched out her hand a few times, but let it go again.

In the air, Lu Xueqi wiped the bloodstains from the corners of her mouth, her crystal-clear eyes burst into a frightening look, holding a sword formula in her hand, she walked seven steps in a row in the air, the long sword pierced the sky suddenly, and Yuyan regained consciousness in an instant. Not a trace of blood.

"Jiutian Xuansha, turned into divine thunder. Huanghuang Tianwei, lead it with a sword!"

Tian Buyi suddenly got up, looking at Shuiyue with cloudy eyes.

"Shuiyue, how did you teach your apprentice? Do you want to kill her?!"

And Shuiyue also had a face of remorse, her face turned pale, and her body shook unexpectedly.

At the same time, Liu Xu's face was also a little livid. Looking at Lu Xueqi's figure, his expression was uncertain, but finally he gritted his teeth and spit out three words.

"Mrs. Melon!"

The three words were not loud, but they were heard clearly in everyone's ears.

All the Qingyun disciples present were in an uproar. Lu Xueqi, with a peerless appearance, elegant and refined, and good cultivation, was a fairy in the hearts of ninety-nine percent of the disciples present, but now someone dared to call her a "melon lady" in front of everyone.

Immediately, the crowd was excited, and countless people cursed. If it weren't for the competition, someone would have jumped out to do it.

But listening to Liu Xu's words, all the heads shook their heads with wry smiles, saying that the "Gua Po Niang" was a little bit rough, but if it was stubborn, it was not bad at all.

This Divine Sword and Thunder Control Secret Art is the top thaumaturgy of Qing Yunmen, how can it be so easy to use?

Ordinary disciples don't even think about it if they don't reach the realm of Shangqing, but for a genius like Lu Xueqi, even with the help of a divine weapon like Tianya, it is extremely difficult to perform in the realm of Yuqing.


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Chapter 972 Divine Sword Royal Lightning True Secret

Lu Xueqi fought with Liu Xu several times just now, and was seriously injured. At this time, she still forcibly used the magic sword to control thunder. Wouldn't it be her own death?

If one is not good, Lu Xueqi will be killed by the thunderbolt backlash, but this magic sword is to use the vitality of heaven and earth for her own use, to control the real thunder, and it is difficult for the chief spectators present to help her.

"Brother Sect Leader!" Shuiyue looked at Sect Leader Daoxuan as if asking for help.

Among the people present, he had the highest cultivation, if he could save Lu Xueqi, he might be the only one.

His eyes turned to the sky, and he kept stroking his long beard with his hands, but Master Daoxuan finally shook his head.

"Junior Sister Shuiyue, I'm afraid the old man is helpless. The sky thunder has gathered. Although I can interrupt it with a shot, the consequences are almost the same as a backlash. A careless one may kill Martial Nephew Lu. Instead In this way, it is better to let her use it, with the Tianya Divine Sword, maybe there will be some turning points!"

As if aware of the dignified faces of the elders, the disciples who were still chattering gradually calmed down, and their eyes turned to the sky.

The original blue sky instantly turned dark, dark clouds billowed, thunder rumbled, and the heaven and earth were filled with chills.

Then there was a strong wind, and a huge vortex appeared out of nowhere in the dark clouds, sweeping countless electric snakes, like a tunnel leading to Jiuyou.

But standing under the vortex, there was an exceptionally petite figure, pale and precarious, but stubbornly held up Tianya in his hand.

pain! pain! pain!

In the dark clouds all over the sky, Lu Xueqi felt that the whole world was pressing on her, her blood was churning, her bones were moaning, no matter how overwhelmed she was, the injuries that were originally suppressed continued to deteriorate, bit by bit eating away at her remaining hope.

The Tianya sword in his hand has never been so heavy, as if he will not be able to hold on the next moment.

In the violent wind and thunder, Lu Xueqi was like a grass in the wind, and the words of Master Shuiyue when he taught her this thaumaturgy unconsciously rang in her ears: "Xueqi, you have the best aptitude, which I have only seen in my life, but this is the real trick. The power is too great, so the power of backlash is even more unbearable. You are still young in cultivation, although you can barely master it, but you must not cast spells at will to avoid disaster."

has it ended?

Because my own willfulness not only failed to fulfill the master's wish, but also made her old man sad?

His vision had already started to blur, and there was violent thunder in his ears. Behind the layers of dark clouds, at the very center of the vortex, a bright light shone over. It was endless lightning, but it was also Lu Xueqi's life-threatening talisman.

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