When this fairy technique is completed, it is also when she dies.


An explosion of thunder resounded throughout Tongtian Peak, as if the ancient thunder god was awakened from a deep sleep, roaring furiously.

Under the thunder that fell across the sky, Lu Xueqi's whole face was pale, helpless and miserable.

"Mother Gua, hold on a little longer."

In the strong wind, Lu Xueqi seemed to hear something, and a figure rushed into the sky amidst the layers of clouds.

Looking at the huge thunder pillar, and then at the swaying figure under the thunder pillar, Liu Xu just gritted his teeth and raised the Soul Devourer in his hand high.

"Jiutian Xuansha, turned into divine thunder. Huanghuang Tianwei, lead it with a sword!"


Under the arena, Master Daoxuan suddenly stood up, looked at the two figures in the sky, his face was full of astonishment, he didn't even know that he had grabbed the long beard around his mouth.

And beside him, those chief seats also jumped up one by one, looking at the scene in the sky in disbelief.

I saw that the dazzling thunder pillar that slid down from the sky seemed to be pulled by something and began to change. It was actually divided into two in the air and landed on the two people respectively.

There was lightning and thunder, and two loud bangs sounded in the air at the same time, and then two figures slid down from the air.

"Old Seven!"


Tian Buyi and Shuiyue exclaimed at the same time, and flew towards the air.

Cangsong on the side opened his mouth slightly, glanced at Master Daoxuan, and asked in a low voice: "Senior Brother, can the Divine Sword of Thunder Control of our sect be used in this way? Continue the divine thunder attracted by others?"

Reverend Daoxuan's eyes were also extremely confused, he thought about it carefully, then shook his head, and said: "Impossible, if you use the Divine Sword and Thunder Control Technique at the same time, it may be possible to attract the divine thunder at the same time, but absolutely It is impossible to forcibly take away the divine thunder attracted by others like now, otherwise, who would dare to use this divine thunder during the Grand Competition?"

"Then..." Cang Song was a little speechless, and looked towards the sky, only to see that before Tian Buyi and Shuiyue arrived, one of the two figures stabilized his figure again, and then moved The other one was also received in the arms.

"Perhaps this son is a wizard of Taoism, and he has learned some mysteries that I have never comprehended from the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue,"

Daoxuan looked at the handsome young man in the air, seemed to think of something, sighed slightly, and said with emotion, it felt like the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead.

Hearing these words, Cang Song bowed his head and remained silent, thinking about something silently, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

In mid-air, Shuiyue looked towards the young man standing in the void with a somewhat complicated expression. Although he was a little embarrassed at this time, with his snow-white clothes in tatters and one hand in pitch black, he still couldn't hide the heroic spirit in his brows. , the piercing eyes are still emitting a frightening brilliance.

In Liu Xu's arms, his apprentice Lu Xueqi was lying there quietly. Although her face was pale, her breathing was fairly steady.

Looking at this scene quietly, in Shuiyue's eyes, Liu Xu's figure overlapped with a person from many years ago. He was also so high-spirited back then, and he also sacrificed his life to save...

Shuiyue was only halfway through the recollection, but the opposite party threw Lu Xueqi over, which startled her.


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Chapter 973 Xueqi wakes up, senior sister Wenmin

"You..." Catching Lu Xueqi in a hurry, Shuiyue looked at Liu Xu furiously, and just wanted to scold her.

But Liu Xu said coldly: "Uncle, send this melon woman back first! By the way, tell her that next time you want to die, don't hurt others. If you really can't survive, just wipe Tianya on your neck. Don't bother to use the magic sword to control thunder!"

After finishing speaking, he looked down at his hand again, looked at the charred piece, bared his teeth, and cursed in a low voice: "Unlucky, I got hacked once!"

At this moment, Tian Buyi also arrived, he was relieved to see Liu Xu floating there, and then asked with concern: "Old Qi, how is it?"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders, moved his dark right hand, and said, "It's okay, it's just that I got hurt by some melon woman and cut the meridians of my right hand. I'll be fine after a few days of rest."

Relying on his own balance technique using Taiji principles, Liu Xu used Dafan Prajna and Taiji Xuanqingdao at the last moment to forcibly take away half of the sky thunder Lu Xueqi had attracted, which prevented her from dying.

But after all, it was done hastily, and he has no experience. The attribute of Soul Devourer in his hand also clashed with Shenlei, and he was injured a little in the end, which made Liu Xu, who originally planned to win the game without injury, depressed. Is it at the same level as Zhang Xiaofan in the original book?

Being scolded by Liu Xu's mother-in-law on the left and the mother-in-law on the right, even if Shuiyue has a good temper, she can't bear it anymore, let alone her own temper is not very good. She frowned and said: "Mr. Nephew, although Xue Qi is wrong about this matter, you are too aggressive, and it is too disrespectful to curse people when you open your mouth."

But Liu Xu wrinkled his nose, and said angrily and amusedly: "Demeanor? Nephew, I have a competition tomorrow, and I have to suffer this crime for no reason. Some people obviously lose and refuse to admit it. They insist on fighting A jade and a stone are burned together, and in the end, it is over when one's own eyes are closed, leaving a mess for others."

After finishing speaking, he glared at Lu Xueqi who was still in a coma, and muttered in a low voice, "Mother Gua!"

If it wasn't from my family, I wouldn't be bothered to save it!

"You..." Shuiyue was so angry that she could hardly speak, but it was her own fault, so she could only swallow the words again.

And after hearing Liu Xu's words, Tian Buyi's complexion became ugly, thinking of tomorrow's match, his brows frowned.

"Senior Sister, is there anything else? If nothing else, I will take Lao Qi to heal his injuries."

As he said this, Tian Buyi didn't wait for a reply, and directly dragged Liu Xu away, as if he couldn't wait to heal this disciple.

After all, it is rare to have the chance to win the title of Qimaihui Wutou. If they fail because of this, they will be wronged at Dazhufeng.

Seeing the two people leaving in a flick of sleeves without any regrets, Shuiyue's face turned blue and white, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Why bother?"

In the end, Shuiyue sighed lightly, and looked down at the unconscious apprentice in her arms.


The mighty thunder, the endless lightning, the figure standing in the sky, the warm embrace, and the anxious and awkward but warm words.

"Mother Gua, hold on to me a little longer."

There seemed to be endless fragments rolling in her mind, Lu Xueqi felt her headache was about to split, and she slowly opened her eyes.

The entrance is a simple and clean room, except for a bamboo couch and a few clothes, there is nothing superfluous.

This is your own room?

Her head was still a little dizzy, but Lu Xueqi came to her senses bit by bit as she looked at the familiar scenery.

Then a voice said in surprise: "Junior Sister Xueqi, are you awake?"

Lu Xueqi looked up, but she was a beautiful woman with an oval face, her hair was like clouds, and her skin was like snow. Seeing that she had woken up, she walked over in surprise.

Lu Xueqi whispered, "Well, Senior Sister Wen Min?"

She wanted to sit up from the bed, but she only felt sore all over her body, and she almost fell down again.

Wen Min hurriedly supported her, and said angrily, "Don't move, you are still lying down when you are injured!"

Looking at Lu Xueqi's pale face, she felt distressed again, and complained: "You said you, what's your life for a good competition! That day, I scared the master and me to death, if it wasn't for the action of Liu Xu, who led away Half of Tianlei, you will really die this time..."

Listening to her senior sister chattering endlessly, Lu Xueqi gave a wry smile, but a warm current gradually surged in her heart, but she was desolate and not good at words, so she didn't know how to answer, so she could only change the topic irrelevantly.

I saw that Lu Xueqi's face was a little dark, and she said in a low voice: "Senior sister, then I lost the competition? In the end, I still let the master and her old man down."

Hearing this, Wen Min was furious, why is this little junior sister so stubborn!

Although it was always the master's wish to win the championship of Qimai martial arts, it was not to the point where his disciples were required to fight with their lives.

Wen Min flicked Lu Xueqi's head with his slender fingers, causing the latter to let out an exclamation.

"Injury like this, why do you still want to win! You have only been a beginner for a few years? It is very impressive to be in the semi-finals. If you let the master and her old people down, wouldn't it be worse for me as a senior sister? Two times, the final ranking is only the top eight, not as good as you!" Wen Min pouted, then glanced at Lu Xueqi, and said unceremoniously: "What? Are you trying to say that I also let the master down? gone?"

Looking at the somewhat arrogant senior sister, Lu Xueqi shook her head slightly, knowing that the other party said this to reassure herself, otherwise, how could the usually gentle and generous senior sister say such things?


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Chapter 974 One Hand, Shangqing Realm

Not wanting to continue entanglement on this issue, Lu Xueqi asked casually: "Then who won the Qimai Wushu?"

Wen Min's expression was a little strange, he glanced at Lu Xueqi quietly, and then said: "It's Junior Brother Liu from Dazhu Peak, he had a competition with Senior Brother Qi Hao from Longshou Peak two days ago..."

"Really?" Lu Xueqi was noncommittal, but she wasn't too surprised. In her opinion, although Qi Hao's strength was not bad, his cultivation level was at best similar to her own.

She has the Tianya Excalibur in her hand, so she might be more likely to win. Since Liu Xu can easily defeat herself, she can naturally defeat Qihao as well.

Seeing that Lu Xueqi's face didn't change, Wen Min secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Liu Xu had provoked her junior sister carelessly before, and she didn't know what was in her mind and whether she took it to heart. She felt relieved when she was fine.

Then, after remembering something, Wen Min laughed, covered his mouth with his hand and said with a coquettish smile, "Junior Brother Liu Xu is really bad enough. Dazhufeng is obviously a place for honest people, so why not With such a vicious mouth guy like him, during the competition that day, he not only scolded you...uh..."

Wen Min's voice was paused, it seemed a little awkward, Lu Xueqi naturally knew what she was going to say, and when she thought of the "melon mother-in-law" she said before she passed out, she felt a little ashamed and annoyed in her heart, with an indescribable feeling of hatred. Some teeth itch.

Fortunately, Wen Min quickly changed the topic as if nothing had happened, and continued: "Uh, after scolding you that day, the next day's finals pissed off senior brother Qi Hao."

"Before, in order to save you, he forcibly lured away the Thunderbolt of the Excalibur Yu Lei Zhenjue, and accidentally injured his right hand, so he could only play with the injury the next day..."

When he said this, Wen Min didn't notice that Lu Xueqi's face suddenly turned pale again, and he said to himself: "Senior brother Qihao greeted him politely and said, 'Junior brother Liu is injured, and the next book I don't want to take advantage of this, but it is related to Longshou Peak's performance, so I have to apologize for the fact that I will come to the door in the future", but Junior Brother Liu blinked and said, "It's okay, I planned to use one hand to make peace with Qi." Senior brother has made a move, and now is just right'. Junior sister, you didn’t see that, after hearing this, senior brother Qi’s face turned green."

While talking and laughing, Wen Min seemed to have [-]% similarity between Qi Hao's elegant voice and Liu Xu's grinning tone, vividly.

Lu Xueqi could imagine the scene at that time, under the watchful eyes of everyone, in front of all the disciples of Qingyun Sect, Senior Brother Qi Hao, who was originally meant to be polite, was speechless, but with his usual style, it was impossible Like a shrew swearing at the street, confronting Liu Xu tit for tat, in the end he could only expose the matter with a smile.

That bastard is really annoying.

Thinking in her heart, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Lu Xueqi's mouth.

Then I heard Wen Min continue to say: "Afterwards, the two fought against each other, and it turned out..."

Having said this, Wen Min paused for a moment, looked at Lu Xueqi, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Junior Brother Liu has demonstrated the cultivation level of the Supreme Purity Realm of the Taiji Qingxuan Dao. This move knocked Senior Brother Qi off the ring!"

"Shangqing Realm?" Lu Xueqi was taken aback for a moment, and then her heart felt a little turbulent, but she was speechless.

"Shangqing Realm!" Wen Min nodded, with envy and jealousy on his face, "He has only practiced Taoism for five years! With such aptitude, I am afraid that he is still higher than the Qingye Patriarch back then! So, Xueqi, I lost this time." If you lose, the master won't blame you when you meet such a monster, so don't be too hard on yourself!"

After being silent for a long while, Lu Xueqi's expression turned pale, but she nodded and said, "I see, Senior Sister!"

Seeing that Lu Xueqi seemed to have realized something, Wen Min also relaxed a little, and then said with a smile: "But what happened after that is much more interesting.

After Senior Brother Liu Xu knocked Senior Brother Qi off the ring, he stood on the edge of the ring, stretched out his left hand, and said to Senior Brother Qi, "Senior Brother Qi, let me tell you, it's just right to fight you with one hand. Look, I just used one hand." Just hand it! 'Senior Brother Qi was not seriously injured at first, but after hearing this, he spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

Uncle Cangsong was so angry when he saw this, he jumped up and stood up from his seat, pointing at Uncle Tian and scolding him, saying how he taught his disciples. But the uncle said that Uncle Cangsong couldn't afford to lose, and that Senior Brother Qi could be fainted by a sentence or two, that is Yue Xionghuai who has no cultivator at all.

Uncle Cangsong also said that Uncle Tian was lucky to pick up an apprentice for nothing, but in fact he didn’t teach him at all; Apprentice, he can't even win with one hand.

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