As a result, the two were blowing their beards and staring, and they almost started fighting. Even the head of Daoxuan and the chief officials couldn't persuade them, and then whoever said something, everyone started arguing.

Senior Uncle Tianyun of Luoxia Peak said that Senior Brother Zeng Shushu of Feng Huifeng was not a serious person. If you don't win the game, you can win another game.

Fenghuifeng Master Zeng said that Master Cangsong was playing a rogue and operating in secret, and that Senior Qi Hao hadn't met any masters along the way, otherwise Senior Brother Zeng might have won.

Uncle Tian complained to the master, saying that the beauty of our Xiaozhufeng disciple is a disaster. If it weren't for you, junior sister, Junior Brother Liu Xu would not be hostile by so many people. In the end, the master exposed the old background of Uncle Tian, ​​saying that he has always held a grudge, and also I don't know who secretly went to seek Uncle Su during the Qimai Martial Arts Competition, and was almost beaten out by her.

... If it wasn't for the final master slapping the table, it is estimated that our Qingyun sect's chiefs will really do it.

Tsk, that scene is really... I have been in Qingyun for so many years, and I have never seen it so lively! "

Speaking of this, Wen Min remembered something again, and said to Lu Xueqi: "By the way, Junior Sister, I heard from the head master that the top four of this competition will go down the mountain together in a few days, you'd better prepare a bit!"

Chapter 975 Liuhe mirror, Zeng Shushu

Heyang City is the most prosperous city within a hundred miles, with nearly [-] to [-] residents, and it is located in an important place, with many business travelers coming and going, it is very lively.

On this day, in a remote and secret place outside Heyang City, a blue light suddenly flashed, but three men and a woman descended from the sky.

All of them are handsome and elegant in white clothes, unlike ordinary people, especially the man in the head and the woman with a long sword on her back. Their appearance and temperament are even more unique, which makes people amazed.

Then one of the young men holding a fan smiled slightly and said, "Junior Brother Liu, Brother Qi, and Junior Sister Lu, it's getting late today, we'll just rest here in Heyang City for the night, and leave tomorrow to go to the sky." How is Sangshan?"

These four people are the top four of Qing Yunmen's Seven Meridians Competition, Liu Xu, Qi Hao, Lu Xueqi and Feng Huifeng's Zeng Shushu.

After the Qimai Martial Arts Contest, because there were signs of the activities of demons in the Wanbat Ancient Cave on Kongsang Mountain, which seemed to be related to the bloodthirsty bead, the master Daoxuan sent four people down the mountain to investigate. The hidden danger of teaching is also to experience the disciples.

At this time, after hearing Zeng Shushu's words, everyone did not object and nodded, but then there was a silence, and the atmosphere seemed very awkward.

Qi Hao kept his face cold and expressionless. He should be the team leader according to his seniority and experience, but he didn't say a word. It seemed like someone owed him money.

Lu Xueqi was the same as before, extremely cold, with an aura of not getting close to strangers all over her body, although it made people's hearts flutter when she saw it, she didn't dare to speak.

And Liu Xu stood there lazily, yawning and fiddling with a small mirror in his hand.

The shape of this small mirror is simple and clumsy, with a bronze edge carved, a dragon engraved on the top, a tiger engraved on the bottom, and the eight trigrams directions are engraved on the mirror.

The lens in the middle is not an ordinary bronze mirror, and it is too yellow to see clearly, but it is a treasure obtained by Liu Xu in this Qimai martial arts meeting.

sextile mirror.

Wufangzi, the tenth generation patriarch of Qingyunmen, refines treasures, which are very powerful, and can rebound corresponding attacks according to the ability of the holder.

Seeing this scene, Zeng Shushu felt the corners of his mouth twitch slightly.

Although I already knew that Senior Brother Qi and Junior Brother Liu Xu had serious conflicts, and Junior Sister Lu was cold by nature and not good at talking, but don't make it so that they get along as well as enemies now.

You must know that this trip to Kongsang Mountain is not only their Qingyunmen family, but also Tianyin Temple and Fenxiang Valley.

If outsiders saw this scene, they wouldn't think that there was internal strife in Qingyun sect!

He wanted to persuade him, but Zeng Shushu swallowed the words on his lips.

He also knew everything about Qi Hao and Liu Xu.

Being punished at the Qimai Martial Arts Competition, losing such a big man, with Qi Hao's temperament, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he didn't turn his face on the spot, it was because of his good cultivation and peaceful mind.

Let him take the initiative to speak and adjust the atmosphere, it would be better than killing him.

Didn't look at Qi Hao, he didn't even do the job of leading the team?How can I persuade myself.

And Junior Sister Lu is by nature like this, let alone with them, even when she is with her Tongmai teacher and sister, she is reticent. If I can make her smile and talk gracefully, then Zeng Shushu thinks that he can change his name. It's called Lover.

As for Junior Brother Liu Xu, who seemed to be the most talkative, always smiling, and would occasionally speak a few words, in Zeng Shushu's eyes, he was the most irritating one.

Obviously a treasure of this level like the Liuhe Mirror can be put away like one's heart, and can be stored in the body, but it is always kept in the hand, ostentatiously, clearly to stimulate the defeated senior brother Qi Hao and Lu Xueqi. As soon as he opened his mouth, he could find an excuse to tease senior brother Qi Hao a few words, and then fight again.

Glancing at everyone with some headaches, Zeng Shushu felt more and more that the future of this trip to Kongsang Mountain was bleak, but he still tried his best to say: "I heard from the brothers who have been to the mountain that there is a family in Heyang City called Shanhaiyuan." The inn, the food is good, today my younger brother is sitting in the village, how about treating a few of you to a big meal?"

Qi Hao and Lu Xueqi were noncommittal, but Liu Xu smiled and said, "Then it's better to be respectful than to obey. It just so happens that my younger brother hasn't been to this market place for many years, and I miss the food here a little bit!"

The four of them entered the city, and in order to avoid trouble, they changed the clothes of Qing Yunmen disciples early in the morning, which did not arouse any suspicion.

But Lu Xueqi's beautiful appearance caused quite a commotion, causing many passers-by to stop and watch, causing her to frown slightly, and her bright eyes were already filled with a tinge of anger.

And Liu Xu, who is also good-looking, has many little girls secretly stopping to watch, but he is obviously enjoying it, and smiles at those little girls from time to time, which makes the other's little face blush, don't pass Turn your face away, and then sneak a look over after a while.

Just on the way to the inn, two or three bold girls pretended to be casual and collided with a few of them, but fortunately Liu Xu didn't really plan to do anything. The thoughtful little girl sent away.

But looking at this scene, Qi Hao's face was a little gloomy, he didn't know what to think of, but Lu Xueqi frowned even tighter, as for Zeng Shushu, he was a little envious, looking at Liu Xu's appearance, there was a kind of sympathy The feeling of being a person.

The four of them are all practitioners, with good physical strength, and they arrived at their destination in a short while.

The scale of this Shanhaiyuan is quite large, there are four other gardens in the back garden, the four of them live in Xiyuan, each with a room, each took a rest, and was called by Zeng Shushu to have dinner together.

Shanhaiyuan has its own restaurant, which is located on the busiest street in Heyang City, but in the VIP room on the third floor, it is very clean. There are only less than ten tables in the spacious hall, and there are about five tables now. There are guests eating.


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Chapter 976 Two beauties, disciples

The food was not bad, especially the stewed sleepy fish, which was fragrant, smooth and tender, and sweet in the mouth, which attracted Zeng Shushu's applause again and again, and sighed that the trip was worthwhile.

It's just that his act of enlivening the atmosphere was obviously not very successful. Qi Hao and Lu Xueqi ate with their heads down, ignoring his intentions at all, while Liu Xu glanced slightly in another direction.

On a big table there sat eight people, six men in yellow clothes, and two women.

One woman was wearing a long lavender dress with a light veil covering her face, she couldn't see her face clearly, but the exposed skin was white; Beautiful, with slender eyebrows and snow-skinned skin, a pair of bright and big eyes are extremely agile, making people's eyes shine, even compared to Lu Xueqi.

Zeng Shushu followed Liu Xu's gaze, was startled for a moment, then slapped Liu Xu, and said with a chuckle: "Junior Brother Liu is really good-looking, he found such a beautiful woman so easily, it's not like that for a brother." You have good eyesight! Tsk tsk, that little girl is really pretty, I don't think she is worse than Junior Sister Lu..."

Hearing his words, Qi Hao showed displeasure, but he glanced at Liu Xu, but said nothing, while Lu Xueqi followed his gaze.

Girls who love beauty are girls like Lu Xueqi who are usually as cold as ice. Now that Zeng Shushu said that there is someone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him, he couldn't help but look at that little girl more.

Seemingly aware of the gazes of several people, the little girl pouted, seemingly a little annoyed, and wanted to stand up, but was pulled to sit down again by the woman in the purple skirt beside her.

The two whispered a few words, the little girl just let out a cold snort, then bowed her head and started eating again.

Zeng Shushu felt that he was a bit Meng Lang just now. He drank a sip of wine, made a haha, and was about to say something, but Liu Xu who was on the side said abruptly: "Really? I think the older one beside her is better , that figure, that temperament, she is definitely a first-class beauty, and she is mature enough, more in line with my taste."


Zeng Shushu was drinking, but now he spit it all out in one gulp. He stared at Liu Xu dumbfounded, filled with admiration.

The few words he said just now were a little too much for Meng Lang, but Liu Xu was almost bluntly teasing.

Sure enough, the little girl next to her slapped the table and jumped up.

"Dengtuzi, what are you talking about!"

This time, the woman in the purple skirt did not stop her, and the beautiful eyes exposed outside the veil also burst into anger.

But before Liu Xu could do anything, Qi Hao who was beside him suddenly got up, and said to Liu Xu coldly: "Junior Brother Liu, be careful, you are my Qingyun disciple, and every move you make represents my Qingyun sect." Feng Fan, don't you want to disgrace my Qingyun Sect. Besides, if you do this now, where will you put Linger Junior Sister on the Big Bamboo Peak?"

Listening to Qi Hao's questioning, Lu Xueqi on the side also showed a trace of dissatisfaction in her eyes. She somewhat agreed with Qi Hao's words. As a woman, she was even more displeased with Liu Xu's molesting words.

But Liu Xu smiled disdainfully, and said coldly to Qi Hao: "Never mind your business! Itchy skin, you deserve a beating again, right?"

Hearing Liu Xu's blunt words, Qi Hao's entire face turned red, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

A bone-piercing cold air rushed towards the face, with Qi Hao as the center, a layer of frost spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dishes on the table made crisp noises, and were actually frozen and cracked.


The diners around suddenly screamed, and stood up one after another, staring at everything in front of them in a daze, and a few clever ones wanted to turn around and run away.

But at the next moment, Liu Xu showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, stood up abruptly, looked at Qi Hao coldly, with a faint blue light flashing on his face, and his black hair could not stand on his own.

An extremely repressed aura enveloped the entire third floor, making people breathless, as if there were giant beasts from ancient times hovering there.

The diners who wanted to run suddenly lost their legs and feet, and collapsed to the ground.

The girl at the opposite table originally planned to trouble Liu Xu, but at this moment she was taken aback by the majestic momentum, and the woman in the purple dress next to her moved her fingers slightly, pulling the little girl back to sit again, After saying something in a low voice, the two of them just watched with cold eyes.

Facing Liu Xu's aura, Qi Hao's expression also changed slightly, a trace of fear flashed involuntarily in his eyes, but he stiffened his neck and looked straight into Liu Xu's eyes, refusing to back down even a single step.

Seeing this, Liu Xu stretched out his hand, and a short black stick slipped into his hand, a faint black air lingered, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, as if he was about to strike immediately.

Qi Hao took a step back subconsciously, then his face turned red, and he also drew out the Frost Sword not to be outdone.

The scene was extremely solemn, and it seemed that the two of them might strike at any time.

Lu Xueqi hummed softly, stood up, and stood beside the two of them impartially, without any intention of making a move.

On the other side, Zeng Shushu hurriedly stood up, stopped in front of Liu Xu, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Liu has something to say, don't do it, don't do it!"

But to everyone's surprise, Liu Xu suddenly turned his head to look at the opposite table, and said loudly, "Which sect of the Devil's religion are you an expert? Changshengtang, Wandumen, or Ghost King Sect?"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback. Zeng Shushu and Lu Xueqi subconsciously held their hands towards their magic weapon, and moved slightly back. Qi Hao was also startled, and for the first time moved his eyes away from Liu Xu. Kai came and looked at the people at the other table.


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Chapter 977 Demon Sect, You Ji Baguio

The woman in the purple dress on the opposite side couldn't see her expression clearly because she was covered with a veil, but the expressions of the girl and the strong men all changed, and they secretly became alert.

Then I saw the woman in the purple skirt smiled slightly, and asked calmly: "Young master, why did you say that? The next few people are just ordinary people, but they can't get along with the devil's sect or something. Could it be that the young master just saw the sex and wanted to give it to the concubine indiscriminately?" Accuse yourself of a crime!"

The woman's voice was deep and lingering, extraordinarily soft, which made people feel pity subconsciously, and listening to what she said, it turned out that they were taken aback by Liu Xu and Qihao's actions.

Not knowing what to do, several diners turned their heads one after another, looked sideways at Liu Xu and the others, and a trace of disdain flashed in their eyes.

If Liu Xu and the others hadn't just revealed extraordinary means, maybe someone would come forward and the hero would save the beauty, and even the Qing Yunmen and the others would have looked at Liu Xu with suspicion in their eyes.

But Liu Xu didn't change his face. He glanced at the table next to him and said with a chuckle, "Ordinary people? Ordinary people should be like them."

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