I saw those ordinary people on those tables trembling, not because they were afraid, but because Qi Hao had just activated the Frost Sword unintentionally, and was invaded by the biting cold air, a natural reaction .

On the contrary, the people at the opposite table were all full of energy, with fierce eyes, unlike ordinary people. Now even Qi Hao and the others had reacted, no matter how much they cared about internal strife, their expressions were extraordinarily dignified.

The woman in the purple dress over there obviously also reacted, knowing that she had been exposed, she stood up together with the people around her, and with a slender hand, she held a ball of light yellow circle, which seemed to be a seal, But the girl beside her had a white flower in her palm.

Glanced at everyone, but the woman in the purple dress finally fell on Liu Xu, feeling a little apprehensive, and asked softly, "I wonder when Your Excellency discovered our identity?"

Liu Xu shrugged his shoulders and thought, "Of course you'll know it after reading the original book!"

But he couldn't say that, he shrugged his shoulders: "I knew it from the beginning, and my cultivation level is not bad. Although your aura is hidden, you can still feel it. I didn't think much about it at first, after all, The Central Plains is so big that there may be crouching tigers, hidden dragons everywhere, maybe a few of them are hermits and masters. I don't want to cause trouble, but later Senior Brother Zeng accidentally made a mistake, and the little girl was obviously about to do it, but was caught Your Excellency stopped me, which made me feel that something was wrong."

"Oh?" The woman in the purple skirt seemed to be interested, and asked softly: "What's wrong with this, your Excellencies are extraordinary, and they are from a famous family at first glance. I think there is nothing wrong with calming things down?"

But Liu Xu shook his head, glanced at the girl with upturned willow eyebrows over there, and said, "But this girl's expression is not like that, that vicious look is not an expression of holding back a breath, but a look of planning to settle accounts after the fall. Besides, with your cultivation base, even in our Qingyun Sect, you are still a first-class expert. With such an identity, it seems that it is not too difficult to ask a few juniors for an explanation. It will give Your Excellency a face, and I won’t go into it, but Your Excellency intends to swallow your anger, but the people around you are planning to take revenge. This situation is a bit weird. Apart from not wanting to be exposed because of your special status, I really can’t think of any other reason.”

"And when it comes to special status, which can make masters like Your Excellency feel scrupulous, then they can only be enemies of life and death! Apart from the Demon Cult, there is no other possibility!"

The girl in the purple skirt frowned slightly with her eyebrows exposed outside the veil, and her bright eyes looked at Liu Xu with a sudden murderous look.

"So, you are going to test further and utter such arrogant words? Are you not afraid of guessing wrong and setting up a big enemy for yourself and the sect?"

But Liu Xu chuckled lightly, and said a little rascally: "The big deal is to apologize at that time. As a fellow senior, I can't be slaughtered just because of a few jokes! You know, no matter how you say it, my Qingyun sect is also in the world." Who doesn’t care about the number one sect?”

"Shameless!" The little girl with a white flower in her hand jumped her feet, pointed at Liu Xu and cursed arrogantly: "You righteous people are really despicable and shameless, you can use this kind of trick, you really are not a good person."

After all, he waved his hand and planned to kill him, but was stopped by the woman in the purple skirt with one arm. The latter looked Liu Xu up and down, and suddenly admired him.

"I didn't expect a talent like you to appear in the Qingyun Sect these years. Not only is your cultivation high, but your mind is also so meticulous. Given time, you must not be a thing in the pool!"

But at this point, the woman's voice changed. The original deep and wafting voice suddenly took on a ghostly look, and she looked at Liu Xu and said murderously: "But you don't know that the more this is the case, today my holy religion The more you want to get rid of you, the sooner it will be done? It’s okay to be safe and sound, but now I don’t know how sure you are, you can save your life under my hands!”

Hearing the threat from the woman in the purple skirt, Liu Xu smiled faintly. The woman in front of him was You Ji.

She is one of the four great envoys of the Ghost King Sect, and her cultivation is naturally extraordinary, and the Vermilion Bird Seal on her hand is also a first-class treasure, but it is difficult to kill Liu Xu with these.

Taiji Qingxuan Dao Shangqing Realm, Dafan Prajna, and such treasures as body protection, Liu Xu is now confident that as long as he does not encounter dangerous situations such as Beast God and Zhuxian Sword Formation, he can save his life, and he Today's target is not You Ji either.

His eyes turned to the pretty girl who was not under Lu Xueqi, but there was a gleam of light in Liu Xu's eyes.

Baguio, the daughter of the head of the Ghost King Sect, used the Infatuation Curse for Zhang Xiaofan in the original book, and scattered all the soul essence and blood from her body to block the ancient sword of Zhu Xian.


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Chapter 978 The Second Volume of the Book of Heaven, You Ji Suzaku Seal

It has to be said that this is a heart-wrenching woman, no matter it is the appearance or the kind of affectionate temperament.

But this is not the reason why Liu Xu pays attention to her and would rather the two sides tear each other up here. The real reason is the heavenly scriptures.

There are a total of five heavenly books in the original book, and Liu Xu is confident that he will get four of them according to the plot, but he is a little helpless about the one in the ghost king sect...

He is not Zhang Xiaofan, it is impossible for him to join the Ghost King Sect because of Baguio, and then be taught by the Ghost King. As a disciple of the Qingyun Sect and a dark son of the Wandu Sect, no matter what his status is, he will be the first in the Heavenly Book. The road to volume two.

So Liu Xu is very curious now, what method does Baguio practice?

If she knew the second volume of the Heavenly Book, it would be easier to deal with. There are many ways to deal with this kind of little girl.

But if she doesn't know how to do it either, then she can only rely on that hero's heart.

If the resourceful ghost king took possession of him, then the trouble would be huge, and the price would definitely not be small.

Originally, it seemed more suitable to get in touch with Baguio at the Ten Thousand Bat Cave, but Liu Xu couldn't guarantee it.

After all, Liu Xu's strength is far higher than that of Zhang Xiaofan in the same period in the original book. To deal with such a few waste materials, the old man, should not be beaten all the way to Necromancer, and then fell off the cliff, so let's try it now It's good to have a look.

All kinds of thoughts turned in my heart, but outside it was just a moment.

Hearing You Ji's threatening words, Liu Xu said coldly: "Then you should try it out."

After saying that, with a move of the hand, Soul Devourer shot straight towards You Ji like a blue lightning bolt.

"How brave!"

You Ji was so angry that a junior from Qing Yun Sect dared to act recklessly.

Do you really think he was that person back then?

The yellow seal in his hand came out and turned into a yellow light, which was about to meet Liu Xu's Soul Eater.

The two rays of light, one blue and one yellow, were about to collide, but the blue light suddenly turned an arc in the air, made a sharp turn, and hit Bi Yao who was beside You Ji.

"you dare!"

You Ji was startled and angry at once, she didn't expect Liu Xu to be so despicable and shameless, to play such a trick when confronting the enemy, even she, a woman who grew up in the magic gate, didn't notice it without checking for a while, when did this happen People in the righteous way also play tricks?

However, the distance between the two was extremely short. With Liu Xu's change of move, Soul Eater flew past the Vermilion Bird Seal, making it impossible for You Ji to use the Vermilion Bird Seal to intercept it.

Biting her cherry lips slightly, You Ji stretched out a bare hand, and stopped in front of Bi Yao, intending to take Liu Xu's blow hard, but Bi Yao behind her gave a light slap.

"go with!"

The small white flower in Baguio's hand trembled, and immediately turned into countless petals, emitting a faint white light, and directly bumped into Soul Eater.

"Ping ping pong pong..."

Like the sound of rain hitting plantains, the petals kept hitting Soul Eater's stick.

From a distance, it looks like a ball of white light, trying to trap Soul Eater.

But how fierce is Soul Devourer, the Bloodthirsty Orb and Soul Devourer are the most ominous things that are hard to see in a thousand years. There was a sudden explosion in the white light, and Soul Devourer burst out like a dragon like a dragon. In one fell swoop, all the light clusters were scattered, and they headed towards Baguio.

The entire third floor was dyed green, and under the dazzling blue light, Baguio's little face turned pale.

However, the sad interception just now was not completely ineffective, after all, it was blocked.

At the critical moment, You Ji's Vermilion Bird Seal finally rushed back, and bumped into Soul Eater in front of the two of them.


There was a muffled sound, and a wall on the third floor of Shanhaiyuan exploded suddenly, and two rays of light, one blue and one yellow, flew out.

Pedestrians on the road just exclaimed and stopped to watch, not knowing what happened.

Standing on the floor of the third floor, Liu Xu glanced at the big hole opened by Soul Eater and the Vermilion Bird Seal, frowned slightly, and took back Soul Eater that flew out with a single move.

And You Ji over there also took back the Vermilion Bird Seal, put it in her hand, and looked at Liu Xu as if facing a formidable enemy.

The two just fought for a round, but You Ji noticed that Liu Xu was not easy to mess with, not only his cultivation was good, even the humble fire stick in his hand was also a rare treasure, its power was not inferior to her Vermilion Bird Seal , is a great enemy.

And the confrontation between the two just now was like a fuse, igniting the whole atmosphere, Qi Hao, Lu Xueqi and the others also sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, colorful and colorful, dyeing the entire third floor of Shanhaiyuan in a strange color , and the men who looked like attendants on the opposite side were not to be outdone, they all took a step forward and protected You Ji and Bi Yao behind them.

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, but Liu Xu thought of something, but put Soul Eater back into his sleeves, suddenly turned his head, and said to Zeng Shushu: "Brother Zeng, there are other places to eat here. ?”

Everyone was stunned. The tense atmosphere eased a little. Zeng Shushu couldn't laugh or cry, and said angrily, "Junior Brother Liu, what time is this? Do you still want to eat?"

But Liu Xu blinked, and said casually: "Anyway, I can't fight anymore, so naturally I have to worry about the problem of eating. My little brother was not full just now!"

Hearing this, Qi Hao on the side frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure: "Junior Brother Liu, stop messing around, now that the enemy is at hand, we'd better get rid of these demon cult monsters first!"

Although he was extremely at odds with Liu Xu, Qi Hao also knew that Liu Xu was the strongest among the four on this trip, and if he really wanted to fight, he needed to deal with the woman with the highest cultivation.

Lu Xueqi didn't speak, but looking at her holding the Tianya Divine Sword, she obviously had the same idea as Qihao.


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Chapter 979 Thunder and rain are small, the ancient cave of ten thousand bats

Liu Xu turned to one side and pouted. There were only a few diners crouching under the table with their heads in their hands, trembling.

Then I saw Liu Xu looking at Qi Hao, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Senior brother Qi, you don't mean to fight here regardless of the life and death of these mortals, do you? And it's still a busy city outside, so let's really fight. But it will affect hundreds of people!"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Qi Hao's eyes. After all, it was an orthodox sect. It was impossible for their Qingyun sect to ignore the lives of those mortals. It was really difficult to do it at this time.

On the other side, Baguio snorted softly, wrinkled Qiong's nose, and said coquettishly, "Do you think you won't fight if you don't want to? You have to ask us!"

She was caught off guard by the blow just now, but she suffered a lot and almost lost her life. How could she let Liu Xu go so easily at this time.

But Liu Xu waved his hand disapprovingly, and said, "Little girl, you'd better look at the person next to you!"

When Bi Yao turned her head, she saw that You Ji's expression on her brows eased a lot, and she put away the Vermilion Bird Seal, as if she didn't intend to do anything.

"Aunt You!" Bi Yao pouted dissatisfiedly, but You Ji shook her head.

If there were only her and Liu Xu, You Ji would not hesitate to fight.

But there are Qi Hao and others on the opposite side, all of them have good cultivation and powerful magic weapons. In a real fight, You Ji is not sure that they can protect Bi Yao.

Although her followers are not weak in cultivation, their magic weapons are far inferior to these famous disciples. There was no way to do it just now. Now that there are choices, You Ji is naturally unwilling to go to war.

"Let's go, Baguio!"

Pulling Biguio's small hand, You Ji, under the protection of several attendants, led Biguio towards the big hole that was opened, obviously planning to leave directly.

Bi Yao was obviously unwilling, but she couldn't win You Ji, so she could only follow her out.

But before disappearing, she suddenly turned her head and shouted at Liu Xujiao: "That kid over there, please remember, this girl will never let you go! You bastard who only knows how to sneak attack!"

Liu Xu didn't care. Instead, he waved his hand and said with a smile, "No problem. I thought I was a small fish, but I didn't expect to have some identity. Next time, I won't let you go so easily."

Thus, the confrontation between Liu Xu and his party and the devil Wang Zong ended in such a thunderous and rainy way.

"You've been planning to attack that girl for a long time?"

Seeing You Ji and the others going away, the corners of Qi Hao's mouth were slightly pursed, and his gaze towards Liu Xu became more and more fearful.

In his opinion, the reason why Liu Xu killed the little girl suddenly was to confirm her identity.

The status in those people's minds, no matter whether the girl in the purple skirt is desperate to protect her, or just sit by and watch the little girl die, it has no effect on Liu Xu at all. Seven inches away, forcing the woman in the purple skirt to retreat helplessly...

Such scheming and city government are truly terrifying.

Because of the previous series of blows, Liu Xu has already left a shadow in Qi Hao's heart. Although Qi Hao didn't notice it himself, now he almost subconsciously thinks that every move of Liu Xu has a deep meaning and a meaning. Countless followers.

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