If things go on like this, not to mention whether Qi Hao will have inner demons because of this, but if he fights against Liu Xu again, he may lose by three points before fighting.

But listening to Qi Hao's question, Liu Xu smiled and shrugged.

"Who knows?"

Although he sensed something was wrong with Qi Hao, Liu Xu would not remind him kindly. With the relationship between the two of them, he wished Qi Hao would shrink his neck when he saw him!

It was an understatement, but Qi Hao was so angry that his face froze, he flicked his sleeves and strode away.

Half of the third floor of Shanhaiyuan had been knocked down, and there were stubble and rubble everywhere. Zeng Shushu and Lu Xueqi didn't have the mood to continue eating here. Seeing Qi Hao leave, they all went back to their rooms to rest.

Before Zeng Shushu left, he did not forget to remind Liu Xu to be more careful and to gather in time tomorrow morning. He was so verbose that he looked like a nanny.

But after everyone left, Liu Xu scratched his head with some headaches.

"It's troublesome now!"

Although there was only one blow, Liu Xu believed that in the situation just now, Baguio had tried his best, and it was absolutely impossible to hide anything.

It's a pity that he didn't feel the wonderful breath of Nengtianshu from the formulas used by Baguio. After studying Tai Chi, Qingxuan Dao and Dafan Prajna for many years, Liu Xu wondered whether one formula can make these two unique skills There is already a general judgment on the integration, although Baguio's formula just now is not bad.

However, according to Taiji Qingxuan Dao and Dafan Prajna, both are still far behind, not to mention compared with the more extensive and profound Tianshu, that is to say, Baguio does not know the second volume of the Tianshu. Liu Xu wants to get the Tianshu The entire volume, but also to start on the ghost king.

"Ah, what a hassle!"

The look in his eyes kept changing, and gradually, Liu Xu made a decision.


Ten days later, as the sun set to the west, on a precipitous but extremely desolate mountain three thousand miles away from Heyang City, several figures quietly descended from the clouds and stood on the cliff by the side of the mountain.

After stepping on the weeds on the ground with all his might, Zeng Shushu sighed at the desolate and desolate scenery around him.

"We have finally arrived at Kongsang Mountain, what should we do now? Should we go directly to the 'Ten Thousand Bat Ancient Cave', or find a place to rest for the night first?"

Qingyun Sect did not have a leader in this trip, Liu Xu was the strongest, Qi Hao had the most experience, but the two of them did not deal with each other, so everything had to be discussed.

Qi Hao pondered for a while, looked at the sky in the distance, and said: "I don't think there is anyone here to stay, why don't we go up the mountain immediately, while looking for the 'Ancient Cave of Ten Thousand Bats', and maybe we can come across the mountain where we can borrow a house." The people who live there!"


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Chapter 980 Black Bat Cloud, Rescue People

Lu Xueqi and Zeng Shushu nodded, but Liu Xu did not speak.Instead, he frowned and stood where he was.

Qi Hao suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked coldly: "Why, what's wrong with Junior Brother Liu?"

"Hush!" Liu Xu frowned, and pointed out a finger.

Seeing this, Qi Hao was even more dissatisfied, and opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly his expression changed.

There was only a loud noise in the distance, a few insignificant shouts of anger, and then a burst of "cracking, crackling" sounds.

The sound of "cracking, cracking, crackling" gradually became denser, but in the end it became louder and louder, and the rhythm could not be heard clearly, only the noise of "rumbling" echoed in this barren mountain.

Then in the afterglow of the setting sun, several people looked around, and saw the valley behind the mountain, but a black cloud suddenly rose, rolling and rushing from behind the mountain.

Liu Xu's eyesight was still higher than that of everyone else, but he clearly saw that it was not a black cloud at all, but countless densely packed bats.

However, the bats were more than twice the size of the bats they had seen in the past, each of them opened their mouths wide, and the mouths were scarlet, ferocious and terrifying.

And among the bat swarm, there would occasionally be one or two streamers of different colors flashing past, as if there were still people fighting hard in the black cloud.

"Be careful! Don't leave the aperture on the ground!"

Liu Xu took out a small bronze mirror from his bosom, recited a few mantras in a low voice, and then saw that dim little mirror suddenly brighten up, and a light yellow halo illuminated the surroundings of the four of them The range of six feet protects several people together.

Immediately afterwards, as if sensing the brilliance emitted by the Liuhe mirror, a shout was heard in the black cloud, and then several figures rushed out of the black cloud.

But there were four young people, three men and one woman, and two of them were monks. They seemed to be about the same age as Liu Xu and the others, but they looked somewhat embarrassed at this moment.

All of them were covered in blood, and they were rushing towards Liu Xu and the others while fighting hard to kill the swarm of bats.

Then, a monk with fair skin and bright eyes suddenly shouted at Liu Xu and the others: "Excuse me, are the four benefactors from Qingyun's sect? I hope you can help me a little bit, little monk Tianyin Temple!"

Liu Xu had expected it a long time ago, but he didn't have any doubts. Instead, he echoed: "We are the disciples of Qingyun, the masters of Tianyin Temple, and come here. I have a treasure bestowed by the master here. Can protect one or two!"

Fa Ping was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately urged the magic weapon beside him, and the speed was a little faster, and flew over from a distance.

Although the swarm of bats was extremely fierce and fearless of death, but Fa Pang had a high level of cultivation, and the magic weapon in his hand was not ordinary. After fighting for a while, did he catch up with the swarm of bats and arrive at the place where several people stayed? .

Liu Xu manipulated the Liuhe mirror to open a gap in the halo, and let several people walk in.

Before a few people opened their mouths to introduce, the bat swarm had already arrived, and the originally bright sky was completely dimmed.

Countless huge bats hit directly on the aperture of the six-fold mirror without looking back. It was so crazy that it made one's heart tremble. call.

But fortunately, the Liuhe mirror, as the treasure of Qingyunmen, is very powerful. All the bats are separated from the aperture, no matter how they hit and squeeze, the aperture will not move at all.

On the contrary, near the light circle, the bats that came into contact with the light yellow light made a "sizzling" sound one after another, and fell to the ground after a while, struggling endlessly, seeing that they could not live.

Only then did everyone feel relieved, and then saw the young monk who spoke before smiling slightly, pointing to a few people and introducing: "Thanks to the benefactors for their help, the young monk is the Dharma Minister of Tianyin Temple, and this is the younger brother Fashan. The two next to me are Li Xun and Yan Hong, outstanding disciples of Fenxiang Valley."

Standing behind Faxiang was a tall monk with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a fleshy face.

Listening to the senior brother's introduction, the other party greeted him in a warm voice and thanked him for his help.

But the remaining two, that is, a man and a woman from Fenxiang Valley, looked a little arrogant.

The two of them bowed their hands to Liu Xu and the others, even if they thanked them, then they saw the man named Li Xun ask: "I don't know why the Qingyunmen came so late, and they made an appointment with my family?" It’s been so long late, but what happened in the door? Could it be because he was afraid of the battle and dared not come!”

Hearing these words, the Qing Yun Sect members were a little annoyed, this Li Xun was too rude, there was a hint of questioning them in his words, regardless of who rescued them just now.

In terms of arrogance and arrogance, the members of Qing Yun Sect are not bad, but Zeng Shushu chuckled and said in a strange way: "There is no way, who told me to wait for the others to encounter the Demon Sect as soon as they leave the mountain gate?" Another group of monsters fought against each other, so it was a bit late, after all, it is not as powerful as Junior Brother Li, even running a little faster than others, and he is not afraid of those demons' entanglement at all!"


Li Xun is also a smart person, so he couldn't hear the irony in Zeng Shushu's words.

He was born in Fenxiang Valley, he has been valued by his teachers since he was a child, and he practiced Taoism. Among his peers, except for a few people, all of them are far better than other peers. Get this angry?

At that moment, Li Xun's complexion changed, and he said coldly to Zeng Shushu: "You Qingyunmen have always regarded themselves as the leaders of the righteous way, and the true method of Taoism is unrivaled in the world. Li is not talented, and I want to ask for advice today."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the circle of light frowned, annoyed in their hearts that Li Xun was so ignorant, and now that the crisis outside had not been resolved, he wanted to fight in the nest first, really disregarding the overall situation.


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Chapter 981 Enraged Li Xun, explored the magic kiln alone

In fact, Li Xun was also impulsive, and he said it without going through his brain, but as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he couldn't get off the horse now, so he could only look at the eyes of the Qingyunmen and others, and said, "Why, don't you dare?"

When it came to the honor of our sect, Zeng Shushu couldn't back down at this time, he stood up and said, "Since senior brother Li Xun has such a passion, I should take care of him. Although I'm not good at it, I can't even rank among the top three in Qing Yun sect's generation." Go up, but I think it can satisfy my brother."

The implication is that the Qingyun Sect is full of talents, and you, Li Xun, as the most outstanding disciple of Fenxiang Valley, are nothing to them, not even ranked in the top three.

At the same time, Lu Xueqi suddenly took a step forward, holding the Tianya Divine Sword in her hand, and said coldly: "Don't bother Senior Brother Zeng, let me learn about the fairy art of Fenxiang Valley!"

Li Xun was stunned for a moment, he acted too hastily just now, and the light was extremely dim, he did not notice Lu Xueqi's stunning beauty.

Her jade face is as white as snow, but she has an awe-inspiring beauty that looks down on all sentient beings, she is really beautiful. Li Xun originally thought that his junior sister Yanhong was a rare beauty, but compared with Lu Xueqi at this time, she is Much inferior.

Li Xun has long forgotten about fighting each other, honors and disgraces of sects, and at this moment only Lu Xueqi is in his eyes.

Extremely annoyed by Li Xun's disrespectful gaze, Lu Xueqi's Tianya Divine Sword kept beating behind her back, and she wanted to strike in this light circle regardless of her care.

However, Li Xun was so immersed in Lu Xueqi's beauty that he didn't react at all, as if he was stupid.

Faxiang smiled wryly, in this situation, Qingyunmen and Fenxianggu cannot be allowed to fight, so he could only take a step forward and persuaded him: "Everyone, I came here to investigate the remnants of the Demon Cult. The seniors have already taught us that if they know that we are acting on our own will, I am afraid that we will be punished when we go back. Besides, this is a trivial matter, how about we all give in a step?"

Li Xun had come to his senses at this moment, snorted, turned his head away, and muttered in his mouth: "For the sake of this junior sister, let's forget about it today."

When he was talking, he kept looking at Lu Xueqi from the corner of his eye, and his desire to please was clearly revealed.

It's a pity that this action only added fuel to the flames, Lu Xueqi's eyes grew cold, she was the kind of woman who used Li Xun to give her face.

Zeng Shushu was also very angry, Li Xun obviously still looked down on them, what does it mean to look down on Junior Sister Lu's face, let's forget about it?

He just wanted to have a seizure, but was pressed on the shoulder by Qi Hao, who shook his head, but thought of Daoxuan Daoxuan's instructions before leaving, and didn't want to mess up the trial.

But Qi Hao forgot that Zeng Shushu was not the most irritating member of Qingyunmen.

"Senior brother Zeng, forget it, why bother to be as knowledgeable as this kind of person. Fenxianggu has no other skills, but this face-skinning skill is a must. I just saved my life, and now I can put on airs here, I really can't accept it. Although my Qingyun sect has profound Taoism, I can't cultivate such a face."

Holding the Liuhe mirror in his hand, he slowly poured his true essence into it, but Liu Xu spoke lazily, with a look of disdain beyond words.

"What did you say?"

Li Xun was so angry that his whole body was trembling, his hand flashed with brilliance, but he used the magic weapon Nine Suns Ruler, when had he ever been humiliated like this, especially in front of the woman he admired.

The blood rushed to his head, and now Li Xun only had Liu Xu's disgusting expression in his eyes.

As soon as Liu Xu opened his mouth, Fa Xiang and Qi Hao secretly thought it was not good, and reached out their hands to grab Li Xun and Liu Xu, but it was already too late.

Hearing Liu Xu sneer, he said, "Why, your Fenxianggu exercises still have the effect of deafness?"

boom! boom! boom!

The blood in his body seemed to be boiling, and Liu Xu's words were like the last straw that broke the weight, breaking Li Xun's nerves.

"Go to hell!"

The next moment, the brilliance of the Jiuyang Ruler flourished, and it exploded in the Liuhe mirror.

"you dare!"

"Brother Li, stop!"

"No, everyone be careful!"


The light yellow halo shattered suddenly, and the swarm of bats that had been blocked by the Liuhe mirror rushed in cheering, drowning everyone.

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