Blue, cyan, yellow, all kinds of light flashed away, and then I heard Liu Xu's annoyed voice, which echoed throughout the bat group...

"Li Xun, just wait for me, this matter is endless!"

But then all the sounds were covered by the sound of "cracking, crackling" wings, and in the dark sea of ​​clouds, several figures began to flee towards the surrounding forest.


The starry sky was shining high, the wind was blowing, and in the black sea of ​​bats, a strange scene happened at this time. Among the fierce bats, a young man stepped on a long sword, but he was unhurriedly flying in the air. flight.

Wherever they passed, those huge bats obediently dodged aside, making way for a passage, obediently like servants.

The person who came was Liu Xu who had been separated from the Qing Yun Sect because of Li Xun's action.

With the magic weapon of Soul Devourer, this kind of bat swarm driven by the secret method can't do anything to Liu Xu at all, stepping on the long sword under the cover of the bat sea, after a while, Liu Xu came to a remote place.

Looking at the barren rocks on the left and right, Liu Xu frowned slightly, and then shouted at a boulder: "Come out, there is no need to hide."

Hearing a slight hey, a skinny man with wrinkled face came out from behind the rock, with sunken eye sockets and shriveled lips, he was three parts human and seven parts ghostly.


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Chapter 982 Uncle and nephew, secretly attack

The visitor looked Liu Xu up and down, and suddenly asked, "Who are you? Why did you discover my hiding place, and what happened to those bat swarms just now? That's my master's secret method."

With such a question on his mouth, the visitor was full of murderous intentions, and a small red fork and a fang-shaped magic weapon quietly floated up behind his back.

But the next moment, this person was taken aback, only to hear Liu Xu suddenly asked: "Nephew Jiang, is the blood-sucking elder alright?"

"Junior Nephew Jiang?" Youngest Jiang was taken aback for a moment, but he was a little confused.

Jiang Laosan knows how much he weighs.

Although he is quite well-known in the holy religion, he is known as a "vampire", but in fact he is not in the eyes of the three major sects of the orthodox path. They may know the name of his master vampire elder, but they must say they know him. The name of the third child, that is impossible at all, and what is this righteous boy talking crazy...

Nephew Jiang?

When will they be able to call themselves brothers and sisters of the Holy Church and the Righteous Way, and this seniority is not right!

This kid looks only seventeen or eighteen years old, even if he wants to get close, he should be called Senior Brother Jiang!

As if seeing Jiang Laosan's doubts, Liu Xu smiled slightly and said calmly, "My name is Liu Xu, but there is another name called...Qin...Wu...Yan!"

"What?! You are Qin Wuyan!"

Jiang Laosan was just shocked, maybe outsiders don't know, but his master, as the right-hand man of the Poison God of the Wandu Clan, knew that the Poison God had accepted a closed disciple of a heavenly genius a few years ago.

It is rumored that this disciple has a rare and strange poisonous thing by his side, and he is born to be able to control all kinds of poisonous beasts. face can not be seen.

I heard that Lord Poison God intends to let him inherit his mantle and lead the Wandu Sect in the future.

Jiang Laosan only heard his master say it a few times, but he has never met the disciple of the Lord Poison God.

Now it seems that this person did not devote himself to cultivating in the Poisonous Snake Valley as rumored, but entered the Qingyun Sect as a spy, and it seemed that he was very successful.

Jiang Laosan knew that the ones who could be sent to Kongsang Mountain this time were all the disciples who were among the best in the righteous way.

"What evidence do you have?" But as a member of the Demon Cult, Jiang Laosan couldn't believe Liu Xu with just a few words.

It is unlikely that Qin Wuyan's name will be known by outsiders, but there are other channels for people in Baobuqi Zhengdao.

Liu Xu smiled lightly at this, and waved slightly towards the sky, only to see a sea of ​​bats circling in the air suddenly split out and surrounded Liu Xu, those who became fierce because of Jiang Laosan's secret method The abnormal bat was jumping around obediently on Liu Xu's hand at this time, looking extremely docile.

Jiang Laosan's pupils shrank, and then Liu Xu said slowly: "I remember that even in our Ten Thousand Poison Sect, only you blood-sucking elders know the secret method of driving bats, except me who can control it according to the rumors. Who else do you think is a 'wizard' of poisons?"

Jiang Laosan's complexion kept changing, but finally he bowed and said, "I have seen Master Qin, what advice does Master have here?"

The Poison God is the oldest living member of the Devil's Cult, and even the Suzerain of the Ghost King Sect has to call him "Senior" when he meets ten thousand people.

Liu Xu, as the closed disciple of the God of Poison, logically, Jiang Laosan should call him "Master Uncle", but people in the Demon Sect always respect their strength, and when they say this, only Jiang Laosan can tell how much sincerity he has in his heart. understood.

Ignoring Jiang Laosan's constantly changing expression, Liu Xu reached into his arms, took out a letter, flicked it, and landed on Jiang Laosan's body.

"I have a letter here, please pass it on to Master Master for me! It is related to my sacred plan, so it must be handed over to Master as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Jiang Laosan put the letter close to his body, and then asked respectfully: "My nephew will definitely live up to my uncle's entrustment, but I don't know if my uncle Qin has other orders?"

Seeing this, Liu Xu frowned, then chuckled again, and said, "Mr. Jiang, what have you gained in the past few days? Mixing with those trash from the Blood Refining Hall, I'm afraid you also want to beat the black-hearted old man back then." The idea of ​​a relic!"

Jiang Laosan hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head and said, "I'm ashamed to say that the geography of the Ten Thousand Bat Cave is extremely complicated, and there are countless winding passages, and each of them is connected to the most mysterious 'Ruthless Sea' among the five seas." Nephew explored for a few days, but found nothing."

Liu Xu was noncommittal, stretched his waist, turned around, and said, "That's it, forget it! I still have something to do, and I need to continue to lie in ambush in Qingyun Sect. You can handle your own affairs yourself!"

After all, he was about to turn around and fly away.

But the moment he turned around, Jiang Laosan behind him suddenly raised his head, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, the dark red fork and the yellow flying sword made of wild animal fangs fiercely nailed towards Liu Xu's back.

But faster than them, with his back to Jiang Laosan, a blue-black light flew out of Liu Xu's palm.

After two bumps, the blue-black light sent the little fork and the flying sword flying, and then slammed into the Yuexiong's chest on the right side of Jiang Laosan.


The red fork and the flying sword were stuck on the ground, the red light on it dimmed for a while, but it seemed that the blow had injured the spirit.


Jiang Laosan glanced at the black short stick stuck in Yuexiong's mouth, pointed at Liu Xu, and was about to say something, but there was a rush of blood in his body, and a huge suction came from the short stick.


With You Yuexiong as the center, Jiang Laosan shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. His body, which had little flesh and blood, instantly became like a skeleton.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 983 Vampire, Immortal Binding

Frightened and desperate, Jiang Laosan, who had always taken pleasure in sucking other people's blood, could only watch his own blood being sucked by others at this time.

"Hey, Nephew Jiang, why do you want to do something to my uncle?"

At some point, Liu Xu had already arrived at Jiang Laosan's side, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Let me guess, is it because you have a good relationship with a certain senior brother of mine and you don't want to let the head of the sect fall aside, or is it because you have some thoughts on your own, thinking that one day, the blood-sucking elder may also be able to ascend the throne of the suzerain. At that time As his only disciple, you will become the successor of the next generation?"


Unfortunately, under the suction of the blood-thirsty bead, Jiang Laosan couldn't even say a word, and could only look at Liu Xu, his eyes were full of pleading.

Smiling calmly, looking at Jiang Laosan's increasingly desperate eyes, Liu Xu shook his head, put his hand on Soul Eater, and pulled it out forcefully.


Devouring the soul and leaving the body, Jiang Laosan suddenly seemed to have lost all his strength, and fell limp on the ground, sucking in a big mouthful of air, and curled up all over.

Standing on the ground, Liu Xu looked down at Jiang Laosan from a high position, his eyes were cold, without a hint of a smile.

"Junior Nephew Jiang, I don't care if it's because of my senior brothers or because of your own ambition, you remember it for me, this is the last time, if you dare to attack me next time, I will I must let you taste what it's like to be a human!"

Having sucked most of Jiang Laosan's blood, the whole Soul Eater was emitting a faint light, which was reflected on Liu Xu's face, flickering on and off, looking extremely strange.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, he raised his head and looked up at the figure who was close at hand, but Jiang Laosan felt a chill in his heart, as if he saw the low smile of the Nine Nether Demon Demon in the dark.


In the pitch-black night, in a not too dense forest, a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up, dazzling and brilliant, illuminating half of the sky.

Suspended in mid-air, Lu Xueqi's posture was peerless, her whole body was moving and fluttering with the wind, and around her, four or five shadows were constantly scurrying around, like ghosts preparing to hunt in the night.

Gray flying swords, fangs of beasts, and magic weapons of various dark colors kept hitting Lu Xueqi like a giant web woven by spiders.

Seeing this, Lu Xueqi let out a soft shout, and the blue light of Tianya Divine Sword exploded, transforming into a huge blue lightsaber, and slashed towards the dark place.

With a sound of "Boom", the blue lightsaber slashed on the ground, and the broken stones flew randomly. The power was astonishing, and almost all of those demons were defeated.

But Lu Xueqi's condition is not very good, her pretty face is slightly pale, she first fought with the countless bat swarms for a long time, and then she was attacked by these people just after rushing out, her true essence was greatly consumed.

Especially these devils, all of them were extremely cunning, they didn't confront her head-on at all, but just kept fighting, trying to completely exhaust her true energy.

In the pitch-black Kongsang Mountains, the brilliance of magic weapons could be faintly seen in several places. Accompanied by low-pitched roars, it seemed that the other righteous people had also encountered an ambush, and they would not be able to come for reinforcements in a short time.

Seeing the group of extremely cunning demons swarming over from all directions again, Lu Xueqi bit her cherry lips, Tianya in her hand seemed to be a little sharper, her body and sword united, and she charged at one of the demons. past.

The azure blue light cut the magic weapon sacrificed by the other party in half in an instant, and then swirled on the man's head unabated, bloody light shot up into the sky, and a huge head flew up immediately.

The two magic weapons chased after her and slammed on Lu Xueqi's back fiercely. Even though Lu Xueqi had been prepared to concentrate the power of Taiji Qingxuan Dao behind her back, she was still smashed to the point of tearing her internal organs, and a mouthful of blood spewed out uncontrollably out.

Although the move of human-sword fusion is extremely powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy. After using it, it is very easy for others to take advantage of it, but Lu Xueqi didn't care.

She wiped her lips with her hand, her pretty face became colder and colder, and the radiance of Tianya in her hand flourished again, in that darkness, like a goddess riding on ice and snow.

There was another same bright blue light, and the second demon fell under the Tianya Divine Sword.

Slightly breathing in the fragrance, Lu Xueqi stared at the rest of the people without moving. That awe-inspiring look made them terrified. They were not sure that they would be able to follow the bright sword light, so they backed away involuntarily. took a step.

Seeing this, Lu Xueqi's expression was also slightly relieved, her real energy had already been consumed a lot, if possible, Lu Xueqi didn't want to use that kind of consuming trick again.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, a black rope suddenly appeared from the pitch-black forest, and it bound Lu Xueqi's hands to her sides very quickly, making her unable to move.

"Giggle..." With a burst of coquettish laughter, a pretty-looking woman came out from the forest. She was very close at hand. Unexpectedly, Lu Xueqi didn't notice it, and only heard the young woman laughing: "Little sister!" , You look so beautiful, I really feel sorry for you, this 'immortal binding' is specially prepared by my sister for you righteous immortals! If you don't want to suffer, just obediently don't move."

On the other side, Lu Xueqi's face was pale, the "Bound Immortal Suo" had sunk deeply into her flesh in a short while, causing her unceasing pain, but she still gritted her teeth and struggled vigorously.

The young woman shook her head, as if she was very confident in her "Binding the Immortal Cable", she didn't take it seriously, instead she looked Lu Xueqi up and down.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you really are a stubborn little sister, but it's no wonder that once a beautiful beauty like you falls into the hands of our holy religion, it can be said that life would be worse than death! Maybe my subordinates will never die in this lifetime." Having seen fairies like this, I really don't know what they will do to you? Sigh, it's such a pity with such a small face and figure..."

As if in response to the young woman's words, the devils around walked over with obscene smiles, their eyes lingering on Lu Xueqi's body with malicious intent.


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