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Chapter 984 Silly girls, Tianya Blade

Lu Xueqi's face turned even paler, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes, she didn't know what method she used, but her little face suddenly flushed red.

With a coquettish shout, her true energy soared, and the "immortal binding rope" that had penetrated into the flesh was unexpectedly broken away by her for a while, and then she saw her hands stretching repeatedly in the limited space, turning into Orchid tips.


The Tianya Excalibur came out of its sheath automatically, and the blue light turned, but it was suspended above her head.

The demons were startled, and hurriedly took a step back. The young woman's expression changed, but then she patted Yue Xiong's chest, covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "It really scared my sister, but Little sister, even if you draw your sword out of its sheath, do you still have the strength to drive it?"

The young woman has already seen that Lu Xueqi used some kind of secret method just now, and exploded the remaining true energy in her body, so that she could break free from the immortal rope. She probably has no ability to fight anymore.

Lu Xueqi smiled indifferently when she heard the words, she looked like an ice lotus blooming on a snow mountain in the blue sword light, and the young woman was also taken aback.

"But at least I can prevent myself from falling into your hands!"

Lu Xueqi was dizzy for a while from the pain caused by the bound fairy rope, and every breath made her physically and mentally exhausted.

"Master, I'm sorry, Xueqi will go first!"

Closing her eyes, Lu Xueqi mobilized the last of her true essence, and under the somewhat horrified gaze of the young woman, Tianya cut off with a blue light in a hurry and resolutely.

Blood splattered everywhere, and a bloodstain slowly flowed down Tianya's blue sword.

But the severe pain as imagined did not come, instead a voice of exasperation came from Lu Xueqi's ear.

"Stupid girl, every time I save you, I have to hurt myself!"

Slightly opening her beautiful eyes, what caught Lu Xueqi's eyes was Liu Xu's extremely ugly face. On his right hand side, Tianya was tightly held there, the sharp blade cut open his palm, and blood continued to flow flowing.

"You silly girl, can you not be so happy to commit suicide! I almost succeeded in a sneak attack, but now I am injured instead."

Seeing Liu Xu's panic-stricken eyes, Lu Xueqi's heart relaxed, she opened her mouth slightly, and was about to say something, but suddenly her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

The continuous fighting, the damage caused by the binding of the immortal cable, had already exhausted her physically and mentally, but now under the ups and downs, she couldn't hold on any longer, and passed out.

The delicate body fell backwards and fell into an embrace.

Looking at Lu Xueqi's beautiful maple love in a coma, and feeling the faint fragrance coming from it, Liu Xu's heart beat uncontrollably twice.

"I really owe you, there is no way, who told you that you are destined to be my woman!"

Holding Lu Xueqi in his arms, Liu Xu inserted Tianya in his right hand back into the scabbard behind her, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he began to look at the surrounding demons.

Being watched by that indifferent gaze, for some reason, the young woman felt a chill in her heart, and just about to say something, she saw a short black stick suddenly appearing in Liu Xu's right hand.

Absorbing the master's blood, Soul Devourer suddenly jumped happily, as if excited for the next killing.

A dazzling green light exploded in the dark night, accompanied by Liu Xu's deep voice.

"You bastards, die here!"

The ghosts and gods from Jiuyou descended into the world at this moment. Looking at the ghostly aura, all the devils felt a chill in their hearts. It was a more evil devil than them.


According to the legend, the world was originally dark, but [-] years later, there was a giant god Pangu who opened up the world and transformed mountains and rivers;

According to legend, the first light between heaven and earth was born in the darkest place.

In the darkness, Lu Xueqi slowly opened her eyes. What entered her eyes was a vast expanse of white mist, seemingly real or unreal, unusually misty, with a faint white light, gradually turning into the profile of a person. , Smiling faintly at her.

Feeling a bit confused, Lu Xueqi shook her head, and after she had a closer look at that face, she exclaimed again: "Yin Ling!"

According to ancient legends, life is old and dead, only the soul is immortal. When one life dies, the soul will leave the body and go to the next life, life after life, endless cycle.

However, in the world, there are resentful spirits. Because of the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance, and because of fear, evil, and fear of fear, they are attached to the world, look back on the past, and do not want to be reborn. They are "yin spirits".

At this time around Lu Xueqi, in the endless darkness, there were countless ghosts densely packed, wandering there one by one, the number was so large that Lu Xueqi's heart could not help but feel her scalp tingling.

But then she calmed down again. Not far ahead, there seemed to be a faint light and shadow on the ground. It seemed to be an invisible wall, or something else. As soon as those ghosts approached, they turned around and left. .

Immediately after a while, it floated back again, repeating the cycle again and again, but it was still unable to get within one foot of her.

And at this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from Lu Xueqi's ear.

"you're awake?"

Lu Xueqi turned her head, but saw a person sitting next to her, playing with a bonfire.

The bonfire shone warmly on his body, but the man's condition was not very good. It was blood red, as if it came out of the blood, and the dark red blood stains all over his body, but he didn't know if it was his own or someone else's. of.

That person's expression seemed a bit haggard, but even so, those eyes were still extremely bright, shining brightly in the darkness.

It's Liu Xu!

Inexplicably feeling at ease, Lu Xueqi forced herself up, sat up from the ground, and asked, "Where is this place?"

Although her body was covered with gray, she still couldn't conceal her peerless elegance.


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 985 Necromancer Abyss, Get Alone


For some reason, Liu Xu's voice was very soft, and he seemed a little confused.

Holding a wooden stick, he fiddled with the bonfire unconsciously.

Liu Xu replied casually: "The Abyss of Necromancy under the Ten Thousand Bat Cave, or the 'Sea of ​​Heartless', is pretty much the same anyway!"

"Then why are we here?"

With a slight shake of his hand, the wooden stick in Liu Xu's hand fell into the bonfire, and it started to burn.

"Well, it should be said that while fighting and running, he was finally kicked here by those members of the Demon Cult!"

In the darkness, Liu Xu's voice was a little unnatural, and his expression was a little stiff, but Lu Xueqi didn't notice it.

She nodded, moved her body slightly towards the campfire, hugged her knees with her hands, and curled up with her whole body.

It stands to reason that at this time Lu Xueqi should exercise her energy and adjust her breath so as to recover her combat power as soon as possible, but for some reason, she just wanted to stay quietly like this.

For the next period of time, everything was very quiet, neither Liu Xu nor Lu Xueqi spoke, only the bonfire made a light "crack" sound from time to time.

After a while, Lu Xueqi's voice suddenly came from the darkness.

"Thank you for saving me."

"you are welcome."


Then, everything returned to silence.

Stretching and clenching his hands, Liu Xu looked at his right hand, his face turned slightly pale.

He lied just now, Liu Xu and Lu Xueqi were not driven to the Necromancer Abyss by the Demon Sect, on the contrary, it was the red-eyed Mr. Liu who hugged Lu Xueqi and chased and killed those people in the Blood Refining Hall all the way.

He entered the Ten Thousand Bat Cave and reached the Necromancer Abyss. Even after those terrified masters of the Blood Refining Hall jumped off the Necromancer Abyss, Liu Xu jumped down without hesitation and continued to chase and kill.

The Blood Refining Hall is over, don't wait until ten years later, when the four major sects of the Devil's Cult attack each other, they are over now.

Nian Laoda, Daoist Wild Dog, Liu Hao, all masters with names and surnames died under Liu Xu's hands, and even the woman who did not have a name in the original book fell not far from the two of them at this time.

Liu Xu underestimated the influence of the blood-thirsty bead and soul-destroying two ominous creatures on him. Although they usually have no effect, but after the soul-devouring sees blood and its full power is fully activated, the frenzy caused by it makes him terrified even now. .

That is not the influence of spiritual spells or the like, but hostility and evil thoughts. If I really want to say it, it is just like some environments will make people depressed, and some environments will make people in a trance. It is just an external guide.

At that time, Liu Xu just felt that those people in the Blood Refining Hall were not pleasing to the eye, and wanted to kill them all, and then killed them like that, bloodthirsty, merciless, and wantonly vented his killing thoughts in his heart.

Smiling wryly, Liu Xu felt that his performance might not be as good as that of Zhang Xiaofan in the original work, facing the hostility that devoured souls. It was not a matter of determination, but of character.

In the two-dimensional world, Liu Xu calls the wind and calls the rain, and is used to being a blessing and an authority. In his bones, he completely means "I am the only one".

In fact, in this world of Jade Immortals, Liu Xu didn't pay attention to anyone. Killing those people in the Blood Refining Hall was like crushing an ant to him. Kill them if you want.

It's not that Liu Xu didn't control himself, but he never thought about controlling himself at that time.

The bitterness on his face is even stronger, this time he killed the people in the Blood Refining Hall, he would kill them if he killed them, they are just a group of small characters, so there is no need to worry, but if one day he can't think about it for a while and starts killing people in Qingyunmen, then The fun will be great.

And the possibility of this kind of possibility is probably not low. One must know that people like Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu, if they provoked themselves in the Qingyun Sect, and then happened to encounter themselves and turned into the state just now, It is estimated that Liu Xu may really kill them both in front of everyone.

But having said that, it seems that it is not impossible to really kill them, as long as the arrangement is proper...

Shaking his head, Liu Xu pushed the dangerous thoughts that had just arisen out of his mind. His current level is far from being invincible, and there is no arrangement in this world that is really seamless, so this kind of thing must not be done , at least not yet.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Xu calmed down slowly, then turned his head to look at Lu Xueqi.

In the dark Necromancer Abyss, Lu Xueqi seemed to be emitting a faint white light at this moment. The bonfire shone on her snow-white skin, forming a faint halo. The support is getting fuller and fuller, and with that cold expression, it looks more and more alluring.

I really want to put her...

Looking at Lu Xueqi, Liu Xu gradually had some unsuitable thoughts for children.


The next moment, Liu Xu slapped himself hard on the face, then stood up suddenly, this sudden action startled Lu Xueqi.

Lu Xueqi asked in surprise, "What's the matter?"

"Kill the mosquitoes!"

Liu Xu waved his hand impatiently, with a irritated expression.

Although it is said that Liu Xu is more than [-]% sure that he will get Lu Xueqi now, she has no room to resist at all, but for the sake of quickening Lu Xueqi's Fa-rectification on the spot, she still has to bear with it, and later, with another The fiancée who can fight and warm the bed leaves this world hand in hand...

Liu Xu felt that he should be very clear, but now he couldn't control his emotions.

Looking around, Liu Xu suddenly said to Lu Xueqi: "I'll go out to find out, you can rest here! I've already set up a formation here, these ghosts can't get in, so you don't have to worry. "

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