Biting her lips slightly, Lu Xueqi hesitated to speak, but in the end she could only turn her head away and ask in a nonchalant manner: "Then when will you come back?"

Walking towards the outside step by step, Liu Xu didn't even turn his head.

"When you miss me."


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ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 986 Black Water Profound Snake, Old Tree Blood Hole

In the dark sea and the icy cold wind, Liu Xu walked quietly on the edge of the Necromancer Abyss and the Heartless Sea, his eyes constantly wandering on the surrounding cliffs.

A few pale Yin spirits hovered around him, attracted by the human breath, but fearful of the Soul Eater in Liu Xu's hands.

Soul Devourer is a very vicious thing, and the bloodthirsty bead on it was refined by the black-hearted old man, the leader of the former demon sect.

Ninety-nine percent of the Yin spirits who died here died on the bloodthirsty beads, so why not be afraid?

There is also a soul-destroying rod, which is a strange thing made from the strange iron from outside the sky that was calcined by the ghost fire for [-] years in the land of the nine netherworld.

The combination of the two is enough to frighten all the spirits in the Necromancer Abyss.

Sure enough, only a faint mysterious light appeared in Soul Eater, and those Yin spirits ran away scrambling as if they saw something very frightening.

Although the Yin Ling's problem was easily solved, there was no sign of happiness on Liu Xu's face.

He resolutely left Lu Xueqi's side, not really for the purpose of investigating the situation of the Demon Sect near the Heartless Sea, but for the Blood Drop Cave hidden by the sea, and for the first volume of the Heavenly Book.

But Liu Xu somewhat underestimated Zhang Xiaofan's luck in the original book. He thought it would be easy to find an old tree growing on a cliff near the Ruthless Sea, but he had already walked along the seaside for half a day, but still found nothing. .

In fact, it was Liu Xu who had misunderstood. Although Zhang Xiaofan and the others accidentally bumped into the ancient tree hiding the blood-dropping hole, they were first knocked down into the Necromancer Abyss. After walking a short distance, they arrived at the place.

But Liu Xu jumped down by himself, and he didn't go very far after chasing and killing those people from the Blood Refining Hall, so there was still some distance. In addition, he was afraid of missing the place, so he always walked over step by step, so It's normal to go to the fairy and not find it.

Just as Liu Xu was getting more and more anxious, and began to wonder if he had gone to the wrong place, he suddenly stopped, his ears moved slightly, and his expression changed slightly.

I don't know what came to mind, but Liu Xu gritted his teeth in the end, summoned Dementor, stomped on his feet, and galloped away in one direction.

The continuous sound of the waves came into the ears, and as Liu Xu approached, the sound became louder and louder, until it was like thunder in the ear.

Speeding across a section of tortuous cliffs, what Liu Xu saw was an extremely shocking picture.

On the dark and deep sea, the waves were churning, and huge waves several feet high kept hitting the cliff.

Among the waves, an extremely huge black giant snake was making waves there. Its lower body was coiled in the water, and the snake's body was unknown how many feet long.

And the upper body is as thick as a few people, and it is tens of feet high from the ground. The snake eyes with faint green light are like two huge lanterns in this dark night.

Roaring and roaring, the giant black snake kept rolling up huge waves with its tail, and slapped towards the cliff.

On the opposite side of the giant snake, a few people who looked as small as ants in comparison were dodging non-stop, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Black Water Profound Snake, Baguio, You Ji!"

While saying three names, Liu Xu's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, and his eyes frantically searched on the cliff not far away.

The next moment his pupils shrank slightly, and on a cliff behind Baguio and the others, a lonely old tree was taking root there.

Because there is no grass growing nearby, it looks extremely abrupt.

Some hesitantly glanced at the Black Water Profound Snake who was showing off its power, Liu Xu was a little unsure about noticing that the Black Water Profound Snake was not easy to mess with.

In the original book, except for the few top existences such as the natural enemy Huangniao, Zhuxian Ancient Formation, and Beast God, few people can guarantee a steady victory over it.

It doesn't seem like a good thing to touch into the blood dripping hole under its nose.

But in the next moment, Liu Xu couldn't help thinking about it, and saw that in the darkness, the black water snake flicked its tail again, and the thick black snake tail directly hit the cliff near the old tree.

With a sound of "bang", the old tree was swept away by the aftermath, revealing the dark cave behind, and due to the great force of the black water snake, near the entrance of the cave, stones began to fall rustlingly, as if they might collapse at any time.

Before he had time to think about other things, Liu Xu drove Dementor and shot directly towards the entrance of the cave like a blue lightning.


As if aware of something, in the crowd below, You Ji, who was holding the Vermilion Bird Seal and dodging left and right in the waves, was desperately resisting the black water snake, suddenly let out a coquettish cry, and turned her head to look in one direction.

The cyan light and the blood-stained white clothes, You Ji discovered the identity of the person who came just by looking at it, but it was the Taoist priest from the Qingyun Sect who had clashed with her group in Heyang City that day. Secretly groaning.

In their line of business, their luck was extremely extreme, and it was enough to encounter an old monster like the Blackwater Profound Snake who had lived for an unknown number of years, so why even this little evil star came to join in the fun.

Originally, keeping Bi Yao in the hands of the Black Water Profound Snake had already exhausted You Ji's strength, and now there is another great enemy coming, what should I do?

But fortunately, what happened next made You Ji feel relieved again, as if annoyed that another lifeless bug broke into her territory, the giant black snake curled its tail, and a wave even taller than before directly hit her. Shoot towards Liu Xu.

Facing the monstrous waves, he took a deep breath, and with a swipe of Soul Eater with Liu Xu's right hand, a huge Tai Chi gossip appeared and hit it like a wall.


A huge explosion sounded, and the whole gossip was shattered under the impact of the huge waves. Liu Xu's mouth was sweet, and a stream of blood gushed out, but he still gritted his teeth and used the momentum to move towards the exposed hole. fly away.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 987 Deng Tuzi, Blood Dropping Cave

"Supreme Realm!"

Seeing this, You Ji exclaimed in surprise. Although she knew Liu Xu's cultivation was good, she never expected to be so advanced.

His Tai Chi gossip is not only powerful, but also does not contain a trace of fireworks, it is definitely a performance that can only be achieved in the realm of the supernatant.

I really don't know how this young man cultivated. Judging from his appearance, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he has already reached a height that ordinary people have not been able to reach for hundreds of years.

Because of Liu Xu's performance, You Ji was a little dazed, but what a critical time it is now, just such a distraction almost caused a catastrophe.

Seeing that Liu Xu couldn't be killed with one blow, the Blackwater Xuan Snake was furious immediately, with a piercing neigh, its tail curled up, and it hit another direction.

The huge snake tail made a burst of explosion sound, and the waves that rushed before seemed to be divided into two by the huge force.

"Aunt You!"

Looking at the oncoming black giant, Baguio's face turned pale, and she made gestures with both hands.

The white light lit up, and the white flower in her hand rose up in front of her. In a moment, six strange flowers transformed into a white halo around the flower in the middle, and she exclaimed in her mouth at the same time.

"Not good, Baguio!"

At this time, You Ji also reacted, and the Vermilion Bird Seal in her hand brought a yellow light, and directly hit the black water snake's tail.


The yellow light flew back, the white light wheel was shattered, Baguio tried his best to move his body, but was still hit by the remaining force of the snake's tail, and his whole body flew towards the cliff like a kite with a broken string.

It turned out to be a coincidence that it fell on the road that Liu Xu was passing by. I don't know whether it is lucky or unlucky for Baguio.

Liu Xu, who was rushing towards the Blood Drop Cave with all his strength, suddenly heard the wind blowing in his ears. When he looked up, he saw a woman hitting him.

The water-green clothes, the jade-like skin that bullies Shuang Shengxue, even in pain, that small face still carries a soul-stirring and strange beauty.

After a little hesitation, Liu Xushen stretched out a hand, grabbed Bi Yao, and rushed forward into the bleeding hole.

With a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, You Ji looked at the scene in front of her, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Baguio fell into the hands of righteous people, she was a little worried, but it was better than hitting a cliff and being smashed to pieces.

Taking a deep breath, You Ji planned to follow into the entrance of the cave, but after repeated misses, the black water black snake was already furious, and its giant tail knocked on the cliff in a venting manner, and suddenly a large piece of it fell apart. The stone fell down, covering the hole tightly.

Reluctantly, she glanced at those boulders, and then at the black water black snake that was so fierce that it made a mess of the surrounding sea, You Ji finally gritted her teeth, and greeted those subordinates with her hand.


Being held in Liu Xu's arms, although the other's movements were very gentle, Baguio still felt the bones all over his body whine.

Baguio dodged most of the black water snake's blow, but the aftermath alone nearly killed her, and her body still hasn't recovered.

What makes Baguio even more ashamed and indignant is the state at this time. She is actually hugged by a strange man, especially this man who made her teeth itch with hatred not long ago.

"You, you let me down!"

Because of the injury, Baguio's words seemed weak at this time, but the firm eyes clearly expressed his meaning.

It's a pity that Liu Xu would easily let go of such an opportunity to take advantage of it and gain favor with him, just flicking Baguio's head with his finger.

"Don't make trouble!"

Bi Yao was taken aback by this intimate gesture, and then her face became more rosy, and her body struggled desperately in Liu Xu's arms.

"You bastard, let me go!"

With a flash of white light in his hand, Baguio even wanted to mobilize the "Sad Flower" regardless of his injury.

But Liu Xu dispelled her movement with one move, lowered his head, Liu Xu approached Baguio's ear, and threatened in a low voice: "If you move around again, I will kiss you, so close You can't hide from it."

Baguio stopped her movements almost immediately, glared at Liu Xu fiercely with big eyes, gritted her teeth and muttered the words Dengtuzi, and then asked Liu Xu coldly: "What do you want? What are you doing? Do you think you can threaten Aunt You by catching me?"

Liu Xu smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "You think too much. In this situation, I don't think your Aunt You will pose any threat to me, and I don't need to use you to do anything."

Liu Xu stopped in his tracks, turned around with his arms in his arms, and Baguio had time to pay attention to his surroundings.

This is a closed and damp cave with a high ceiling for two people.

The two sides are only three feet wide, very narrow, and the sides of the hole are covered with cold and hard stones, which look the same as the cliffs outside.

Just now she was a little dizzy from being hit by the Black Water Profound Snake, but Baguio didn't realize that she had been brought into the cave by Liu Xu, but then her gaze was fixed and her pupils dilated ...

At some point, the entrance of the cave in front was sealed tightly by a pile of boulders without a single gap.

Liu Xu, who was holding Bi Yao, felt that the soft female Qiao's body in her arms became stiff all of a sudden.

When Baguio was young, she was once trapped underground with her mother, and it was her mother who gave up her own life to save her. Therefore, she is better than ordinary people in this situation of being trapped underground and unable to get out. more fearful.

Tightening his arms tightly, Liu Xu comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, we will find a way out."

Hearing Liu Xu's voice, Baguio felt warm in her heart. In this darkness, having someone to rely on gave her great courage.

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