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Chapter 988 Disciple of the Righteous Path, Demon Sect Demon Girl

After all, it was the daughter of the head of the Ghost King Sect. After taking a few deep breaths, Baguio quickly calmed down.

She asked Liu Xu, "What exactly is this place? You were outside just now, and you rushed in regardless of the danger of the black water mysterious snake. I'm afraid you know something about this place!"

"Here? This is the secret place of your Demon Cult's Blood Refining Hall, the legendary Blood Dropping Cave!"

Liu Xu shrugged, hugged Baguio and continued walking towards the depths of the cave.


Baguio just exclaimed, unexpectedly, the blood dripping hole that was hard to find was here.

The Demon Cult has a very long history, and there are many factions in the sect, with a large number, which rise and fall from time to time.

Eight hundred years ago, the Blood Refining Hall, where the black-hearted old man belonged, was known as the number one sect of the Demon Cult at that time, with strong strength and numerous masters.

The black-hearted old man himself is an ancestor on the way of cultivation, but as the years changed and he fought several times with the righteous way, the Blood Refining Hall gradually declined and was replaced by other factions.

In today's world, the four major factions of the Demon Sect are headed side by side, namely the Hehuan Sect, Wandu Sect, Changshengtang, and Ghost King Sect, but when it comes to the prosperity, none of them can compare to the once-prosperous Blood Refining Hall. .

In the Demon Sect, for the past [-] years, it has been said that after the war between righteousness and demons, although all the main leaders of the Blood Refining Hall were killed in battle, most of the secret treasures were stored in the Blood Drop Cave, the foundation of the Blood Refining Hall. middle.

Baguio, the daughter of the ghost king's sect master, and You Ji, one of the four great envoys of the ghost king's sect, came all the way to the Heartless Sea, but it was precisely for the treasure in the cave.

But then Baguio looked at Liu Xu suspiciously again, and said, "Not many people in my Holy Cult know the location of the Dripping Blood Cave. How do you, a righteous disciple, know this kind of Xinmi? Will it be a lie to me?"

Liu Xu avoided answering, but continued to walk inside with Biguio in his arms.

After a while, the two of them came to the end of the passage, and saw a curtain of water hanging straight down from the ceiling of the cave. , but there is no other way out.

Behind the waterfall is a hard stone wall, which is no different from the stones on both sides of the passage. The small pool is clearer and the bottom is visible, and there is nowhere for the water to flow out. It is only a small place that seeps into the ground.

Baguio felt a slight shock in her heart, and then she whispered to Liu Xu, "This is what you call a blood-dropping hole. There is no way out, and we are trapped here."

A smile appeared on Liu Xu's face, he put Bi Yao down gently, and then pointed to the top of the cave with his hand, there were a few red spots on the stone wall, water droplets flowed through, and were reflected like blood color.

Looking around, Baguio found that through the water drops, there were seven and a half palm-sized red stones inlaid on the top of the cave.

"It's really a blood-dropping cave!" Baguio murmured in a low voice, looking at this wonderful scene, and then struggled to stand up, "Since this is a blood-dropping cave, there must be some mechanism or something! We Find it quickly!"

It's a pity that she was injured quite badly before, but when she moved, Baguio felt a sharp pain in her internal organs, and she almost sat on the ground again.

At this time, a big hand supported her, and at the same time, a small bottle filled with red liquid was handed to her eyes.

"Drink it, it should be good for your injury, although the effect may be a little worse than before!"

Subconsciously took the vial in Liu Xu's hand, but Bi Yao hesitated. She looked at Liu Xu, wrinkled her nose, and said, "What is this? You probably want to give me some poison or something. Bar!"

Liu Xu chuckled, and hit Baguio on the head again.

"What are you thinking? If I really want to do something to you, do you think you can resist in your current state?"

"You..." After Liu Xu played it again, Bi Yao was annoyed secretly, but after thinking about it, what Liu Xu said made sense, so she still drank the potion in the bottle suspiciously.

Unexpectedly, when the potion was poured into the mouth, it immediately turned into a warm current and penetrated into the internal organs, it felt like basking in the sun in summer.

After a while, Baguio found to her surprise that most of her injuries had healed, and although she still couldn't do anything, her normal activities were no longer hindered.

"What kind of elixir is this? It's really effective!" She asked with some surprise.

Liu Xu spread his hands and said, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I told you, and you wouldn't believe it!"

If you tell Baguio about the benefits that come with time travel, can she believe it?

But obviously Baguio misunderstood something, pouted and muttered in a low voice: "Stingy, I won't steal your elixir!"

Even though she said so, Baguio actually understood that based on the relationship between Liu Xu and her, the other party really shouldn't tell him.

After all, the two belonged to good and evil, and they should be more cautious when it comes to this kind of elixir.

It's just that Biguio gradually forgot about this in the previous relationship, and Liu Xu's naturalness and concern made her forget...

After all, he and she are different, Liu Xu is the right way, but she is the witch of the demon sect.

Bowing her head to play with the bottle in her hand, Baguio forgot about the Dripping Blood Cave for a moment, and just stood there so quietly.

But after a while, Bi Yao thought of something again, frowned, and turned around to stare at Liu Xu viciously.

"You bastard, there is such a medicine, why didn't you take it out earlier!"


Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked up and down Bi Yao maliciously, his burning eyes made Bi Yao's face turn red.

"Naturally, it's because there are beauties who can be hugged. Of course, we need to hug for a while!"

"You bastard, die to me! You are so despicable and shameless, what kind of righteous disciple are you?"


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Chapter 989 Viewing the Book of Heaven, Merging Taoism and Buddha

Carefully reaching out to touch the red stones, Baguio pulled and knocked, using all kinds of tricks, but everything was as usual, and nothing unusual happened in the dark cave.

After working for a long time, she was seriously injured, and sweat was already oozing from her forehead, and her hair was wet and stuck to it.

On the other hand, Liu Xu was lazily leaning against the wall, letting her be so busy, his eyes unscrupulously swept back and forth on the body of Biguio's convex and concave female Qiao, admiring the beauty's busy appearance.

I don't know if Liu Xu's gaze was too unscrupulous, or because of another failed attempt, Bi Yao suddenly turned around, very annoyed, and said to Liu Xu coquettishly: "You guys can't help find the agency. ?"

But Liu Xu smiled and said, "I don't want to spoil such a good opportunity to appreciate beauties."

"You..." Bi Yao just jumped, looking at Liu Xu in embarrassment, "Are you really a disciple of Qingyun Sect? Why do I feel that you are so shameless!"

Liu Xu spread his hands and said, "Even righteous people love beauty. For a beauty like Baguio, you naturally have to pay more attention. Anyway, everyone will not suffer."

Baguio suddenly became angry, thinking that as the daughter of the head of the Ghost King Sect, in the Demon Cult, who would not be respectful when seeing her? When did she see such a scoundrel?

She wanted to curse, but she couldn't say anything, especially considering that Liu Xu also saved her life, which made Bi Yao feel a little guilty for no reason.

Seeing Bi Yao's angry appearance, Liu Xu didn't want to tease him anymore, he stood up, came to the pool, bent down, and he didn't know what he was teasing.

After a while, I heard a harsh but heavy "click" sound in the cave.

Baguio looked around and saw behind the water curtain, the once flawless and extremely hard stone wall.

It actually retreated in one piece, although slowly, a new hole was finally revealed.

"It turns out that the mechanism is in this puddle, no wonder I can't open it outside." Seeing that Dripping Xuedong finally showed his appearance, Bi Yao was overjoyed at first, but then remembered something, pointing at Liu Xu and cursing coquettishly I got up, "You bastard, you already knew how to get in, but you deliberately watched me rush around, didn't you!"

Liu Xu chuckled, but didn't say anything, but walked towards the opened hole with big strides.

But when he passed Bi Yao, she suddenly asked in a low voice: "Liu Xu, what do you want? Based on your understanding of the situation here, it's not a day or two for you to plan here! "

After a slight pause in his footsteps, Liu Xu stopped, looking at Baguio who was a little uneasy and nervous, his eyes revealed a gleam of splendor.

"Everything! I want everything in this world, and this hole of blood is just a stepping stone for me to move forward."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Baguio's response, he had strode into the bleeding hole.


"The creation of heaven and earth is called chaos, when ignorance is not divided, and the sun and moon contain their brilliance... it is not enough to prepare for it!"

Looking intently at the densely carved words on the stone wall, a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth.

Taoism pays attention to controlling nature, Buddhism focuses on understanding self-nature, but the scriptures engraved on the wall are comprehensive, covering both Taoism and Buddhism.

Liu Xu didn't know what the other books were like, but this book meant a lot to him.

In the past five years, he has been trying to integrate Taiji Qingxuan Dao with Dafan Prajna, even with Liu Xu's talent, he has encountered many insurmountable problems.

This is the limitation of cultivation base and vision. Although he once had experience in the world of Jin Yong and Gu Long martial arts, even if the martial arts internal strength really breaks through the void, it can only touch the threshold of cultivation.

Liu Xu still doesn't have the ability to perfect the more advanced cultivation methods, especially the cultivation methods involving Taoism and Buddha, which are two different concepts.

But now looking at the heavenly scriptures on the wall, Liu Xu felt that everything was suddenly clear, and he had a sense of enlightenment. The unsolvable problems seemed so simple now, so simple that they were within reach.

Standing quietly in the secret room, the golden and cyan rays of light on Liu Xu's body flowed continuously, gradually tending to merge into one. In his dark eyes, there were respectively entangled snakes and golden rocs. vision.

As Liu Xu's aura gradually became stronger, the snake and the roc seemed to gradually overlap together, becoming another older and more powerful existence.

"This book is what you want?"

At some point, Baguio also walked into this secret room and asked faintly.

She looked a little dazed, fiddling with a small golden bell in her hand, wondering what she was thinking.

Liu Xu looked back at Bi Yao, and paid attention to the bell for a moment, but in the end he said nothing, and was immersed in the wonderful perception of Tianshu again.

Bi Yao watched quietly for a while, and saw that he was still concentrating on looking at the stone carvings on the wall, with a strange expression, as if he had completely forgotten that he was standing beside him, annoyed for no reason in his heart, and snorted coldly, but Liu Xu turned a deaf ear to it, Nothing happened.

The corner of her mouth pursed, Bi Yao was even more annoyed, and she didn't know what was going on with the book. After reading it for a few times, she felt that it was obscure, dizzy, and couldn't read it anymore, but Liu Xu could just read it. Immerse yourself in it.

A disciple of the Holy Cult in Baguio does not have an outsider's thorough understanding of the unique knowledge of the sect. He wanted to interrupt Liu Xu's comprehension, but he couldn't bear to make a move. Finally, he turned around and walked out bitterly. Footsteps, unfortunately, Liu Xu still didn't respond at all.


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Chapter 990 Baguio's death, embrace Qing with a kiss

Three days later, Baguio walked into the secret room where Tianshu was located again, her face was haggard and worried.

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