Looking at Liu Xu who was still comprehending the heavenly scriptures, Bi Yao suddenly said in a low voice: "Hey, idiot, don't read any more. I have searched all over this drop of blood cave these days, and there is no other way out. We are trapped here, even if you study heavenly scriptures, it will be useless to be invincible from now on."

He said so, but Baguio actually didn't expect Liu Xu to agree at all.

In the past few days, Baguio has seen Liu Xu's madness, sitting cross-legged on the ground without eating or drinking.

If it weren't for the constant radiance on his body and the thicker breath every day, Baguio really thought that Liu Xu had already practiced the heavenly scriptures and practiced to the point of becoming obsessed!

Even a few days ago, Baguio found that there was no other way out of the hole other than the one they came in, and told Liu Xu about it in a panic, but he ignored it.

It's just that now, being alone in the darkness, Baguio can't help but think of the past, even if Liu Xu doesn't speak, she still wants someone to be by her side.

But beyond Baguio's expectation, this time Liu Xu turned around, glanced at her, and asked lightly, "Are you scared?"

It was only then that Baguio realized that at some point, all the aura in Liu Xu's body had subsided, and he sat there quietly without the slightest abnormality.

If she hadn't seen Liu Xu's power with her own eyes, she would have thought Liu Xu was an ordinary person.

Obviously, Liu Xu has gained a lot from comprehending the heavenly scriptures in the past few days.

But at this moment, Baguio didn't care much about these things. Hearing Liu Xu's question, she smiled wryly, and her pretty face turned pale.

"Yeah, I'm really scared."

"Would you like to hear me tell a story?"


"...Just before I left, I secretly looked down from my father's shoulder. My mother's body had been buried by three uncles, and only one hand was exposed, but I don't know why, that hand, that hand , that hand..."

In the dark stone room, Baguio quietly told her own story.

Although her tone was very calm, her face became paler and paler.

By the time the story was finished, her little face was as blank as a sheet of paper.

With her hands entwined around her clothes, Bi Yao looked at Liu Xu with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

"Promise me one thing, okay?"

"We have been trapped here for three days now. We have no dry food, only some water. I'm afraid we will starve to death within a few days."

"You see, if I can't do it, then kill me first."

That pitiful and weak appearance is exactly what I feel pity for, making people unable to bear to refuse her request, but this is not the end.

In the end, Baguio turned to Liu Xu with a calm expression, and said some unimaginable and earth-shattering words.

"After I die, my body is still there. If you want to survive, even if you eat my flesh, you will probably be able to live for a while longer."

But listening to these remarks, Liu Xu didn't react at all. Instead, he stared at Baguio for a few times, and then suddenly asked, "Do you think your father hates you?"

Bi Yao was taken aback, not understanding why Liu Xu asked these questions, but she nodded subconsciously and said, "Of course, if it wasn't for me, my mother wouldn't have died, and I still..."

Halfway through the conversation, Baguio couldn't speak anymore.

But Liu Xu shook his head and looked at Baguio quietly.

"I don't think so. Your father must love you very much. If he loves your mother, he will love you too, because you are your mother's flesh and blood and the continuation of your mother's life. Your mother is gone, and you are his only one." So he must love you very much. Think about it yourself! Is your father not loving you all these years, or are you afraid to face him because of what happened back then?"

Baguio was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head thoughtfully, her face constantly changing.

On the other side, Liu Xu patted his body and stood up.

"As for eating your meat, there's no need for it. How could I be able to eat a beauty like you? Of course, if it's another way of 'eating', I'd love it!"

Originally, Baguio was still thinking about her relationship with her father, but now she was very angry when she heard Liu Xu's frivolous remarks.

She grew up in the Devil's Cult, so how could she not please Liu Xu's implication, the good feelings that had been raised because of Liu Xu's careful comfort suddenly disappeared, and she gave him an angry look.

"You apprentice, die for me! Even if this girl dies now, she will never take advantage of you."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Aren't they all 'eating meat'? Why, there is no way to 'eat'?"

"You..." Bi Yao's face turned red, and the acacia bell in her hand was about to strike.

Although she hasn't eaten anything these days, her injury has improved a lot. At least there is no problem with the magic weapon.

"Okay, stop making trouble, I think you are hungry now." Seeing this, Liu Xu hurriedly hid, spread his hands, and said, "Let's go out first!"

Bi Yao was taken aback, then looked at Liu Xu in surprise, and asked, "Do you know how to get out?"

Immediately she got angry again, she pointed at Liu Xu and said, "Did you deliberately lie to me, bastard, so that I'm worried for the past few days!"

Surprised and angry, Baguio couldn't control her emotions, tears were rolling in her eyes.

After all, for her, this place is too similar to the situation when she was young.

Seeing this, Liu Xu sighed slightly, then took her into his arms, and comforted her gently.

"I didn't do it on purpose. It's just that I've been too obsessed with studying the heavenly book these days, and I didn't expect such an obvious hint. You didn't notice it?"


Baguio raised his head and looked at Liu Xu with tearful eyes, those eyes flashed like water, but he didn't answer, but bowed his head and kissed.


ps1: Ask for flowers, ask for flowers, ask for flowers!Flowers are free and available every day!

ps2: Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe!Life is not easy, and coding is hard.Subscription is the only motivation to stick to codewords after get off work every day.

Chapter 991 The blood dripping hole is destroyed, the roasted rabbit in the forest

Baguio was startled at first and struggled for a while, but then her eyes were blurred and she let Liu Xu go.

After a while, a muffled groan was heard from the stone room, but it was Liu Xu who held his stomach and took several steps back.

"You, don't push yourself!"

With a rainbow on his face, Baguio grabbed the collar he had loosened and started to drink to Liu Xujiao.

It turned out that Liu Xu had already stretched his hand in just now, wanting to undress her and take her down.

Liu Xu wasn't surprised that he didn't succeed.

Shrugging his shoulders, before Baguio erupted, he changed the subject and said, "Don't you think there is something wrong with the statue of King Tiansha Ming at the entrance of the stone chamber?"

He said so, but Liu Xu put his hand between his nose, as if he was meditating on something.

"You..." Seeing Liu Xu's frivolous behavior, Bi Yao was immediately annoyed, what did this bastard take her for, did he really think that she was a so-called demon girl and could let others be frivolous?

She wanted to have an attack, but she didn't know what to do. After all, Liu Xu had left a deep impression on her heart during the past few days of suffering together. He was handsome, extraordinary in ability, considerate, and saved her own life.

In addition to being on the right path, she is almost the perfect template for a Taoist couple in Baguio's heart, otherwise she would not have indulged Liu Xu's actions just now.

In fact, Baguio's heart was extremely complicated at this time. She knew very well that apart from this blood hole, maybe she and Liu Xu were strangers.

Suppressing the bitterness in her heart, Baguio began to think about what Liu Xu had said, recalling the two statues at the end of the stone room, and then her eyes lit up.

"No, Sky Opener, yes, where did Sky Opener go?"

According to the legend of the Demon Cult, King Tiansha Ming is the fierce god who opened the world and is in charge of punishment. He is holding a "giant ax that opened the sky".

But the right hand of the god statue in the stone room is empty.

King Tiansha Ming is one of the two great gods in the Devil's Cult. His status is so high that no one will intentionally disrespect him. The Blood Refining Hall that built the Blood Dropping Cave was also a Devil's Cult faction. There must be a reason for this.

I don't know if it was to avoid Liu Xu, or if she really wanted to find the exit, Baguio clapped her hands, but she rushed out of the stone room with the scriptures engraved on it, and headed for the treasure room.

But watching her disappearing figure, Liu Xu turned around and hit the wall behind him.

There was a muffled sound, and thick cracks stretched out, and the wall that recorded the heavenly scriptures was abruptly destroyed by Liu Xu.

Although the hole of blood will collapse after opening the escape route, it is not guaranteed that Baguio will suddenly remember to record these inscriptions before then.

After all, the Book of Heaven is also the treasure of the Demon Cult. Even if she can't understand it, it will still be of some use to her father.

However, Liu Xu couldn't let the King of Ghosts get the first volume of the heavenly book. After all, if he wanted to pay attention to the second volume, the more hole cards he had, the better.


The breeze blows, the mountains are dripping green, the green shadows are whirling, and the trees are surging. Among the luxuriant and fragrant grasses, Baguio raises his arms and cheers.

"We...we survived!"

There are water waves flowing in the bright eyes, crystal clear in the haze, and endless relief in the choking sound.

Although it was only a few days trapped under the Necromancer Abyss, she experienced life and death several times. The despair and terror made Baguio feel like a lifetime away. Now that she was out of trouble, she could no longer control the joy in her heart.

"Hey, do you want to eat?"

At some point, Liu Xu had already appeared behind her, holding a fat rabbit in one hand, shaking it at Biguio, and then said softly.

"Hmph! Anyone who wants to eat the food you made will have to beware of poisoning it..." After Baguio saw it, Liu Xu still didn't change. He was overjoyed in his heart, but he said it awkwardly.

Unfortunately, before she could say any more, there was a rumbling sound in her stomach. After all, she hadn't eaten for several days, but she was already very hungry at this time.

Under Liu Xu's half-smile gaze, Bi Yao blushed and said, "But for the sake of your sincerity, I'll try a little bit, who knows if your cooking is good..."

Liu Xu just smiled at this, and started cooking.

In the sound of "cracking", the flames devoured the firewood, making a crisp sound and emitting bursts of light smoke.

Sitting next to the fire, Baguio looked at the golden rabbit meat, couldn't help salivating, and swallowed secretly, but in order to maintain his own image, every time Liu Xu looked over, he hummed softly, pretending to be Make a dismissive look.

Although he didn't have any condiments on hand, Liu Xu easily found several delicious wild vegetables in the nearby forest, crushed them into pieces, and spread them evenly on the rabbit meat.

After a while, the mountains and forests were filled with a tangy aroma.

Slowly turning the rabbit meat to make the heat more even, looking at Baguio who was almost drooling, Liu Xu smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, you can eat."

When Baguio heard this, she swallowed heavily, and couldn't help but wanted to reach out, but she didn't know what to think, and finally retracted.

"It's just a piece of rabbit meat. I haven't eaten any delicacies from mountains and seas. I usually..." said so, but Bi Yao's eyes were staring at the rabbit meat, looking extremely cute .

Liu Xu was secretly happy, tore off a rabbit's hind leg, handed it to Baguio, and said with a smile, "Eat it!"

Baguio immediately offered her hand, took the rabbit meat, was about to open her mouth, but met Liu Xu's eyes, her little face turned red all of a sudden, but she turned her head away and buried her head in gnawing.

After a while, a rabbit leg had already entered Biguio's stomach, and she slightly added her cherry lips. She looked at the remaining rabbit meat on the fire with some unsatisfied interest.

"Eat it!"

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