Liu Xu laughed, and tore off another rabbit leg and handed it over.


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Chapter 992 Thousands of people go, Xiaochi Town

Little face flushed slightly, Baguio said something nonchalantly.

It sounded like thank you, but before Liu Xu noticed, she turned around holding the rabbit's leg and started eating again.

In the end, the whole rabbit fell into the stomachs of Liu Xu and Baguio, and Baguio ate no less than Liu Xu.

Looking at the remaining skeleton of the rabbit, Baguio blushed.

Noticing Liu Xu's gaze, she turned her head to the other side and said, "This time I'm just hungry, I..."

"Baguio, there is something dirty around your mouth!"

Liu Xu pointed at the corner of Baguio's mouth with his finger.


Baguio hurriedly wiped her mouth with her hand, but the movement stopped the next moment, and a mouth covered her lips...


Baguio struggled a few times at first, but then her body gradually softened, and she lay on the ground limply like water.

Liu Xu once again began to push forward.

"You...will you return to the Holy Church with me?" Baguio murmured in a low voice.

Liu Xu's movements froze slightly, his eyes changed for a while, and finally got up from Biguio, and said lightly: "Sorry, Biguio, I can't join the Ghost King Sect."

Baguio didn't speak, but her eyes gradually cleared up, and she sat up silently.

Suddenly, Baguio exploded and shouted hoarsely: "Get out, get out! You bloody bastard, I don't want to see you again! Get out of here!"


Liu Xu hesitated to speak, but in the end he didn't go forward, turned around and left silently.

Baguio's eyes were red, and she just sat there with her shoulders crossed, staring blankly at the bonfire in front of her.

Then after an unknown amount of time, the bonfire had already been extinguished, and the originally crisp birdsong in the woods suddenly fell silent, as if sensing some terrible ominous smell, they dared not make a sound.

Then, she saw a black figure slowly moving out from behind her, enveloping her.

Although it was daytime, somehow the sky seemed to be gloomy.

Bi Yao suddenly turned her head, staring blankly at the person behind her.

After a long while, she suddenly cried out sadly: "Father!"

Crying, Baguio threw herself into the man's arms.

The shadow seemed to be taken aback for a moment, as if he had never thought that Baguio would do such a thing, but he was glad to see his daughter escaped from the catastrophe, but he couldn't hide his joy any longer.


On the other hand, Liu Xu was flying in the air with a sword.

His destination is Xiaochi Town, to see if he can get the Xuanhuojian first.

In the situation just now, if he really moved Bi Yao, but he couldn't give a clear answer, should he just wait for the ghost king Zong to use the power of the whole clan to hunt him down?

And judging from the original book, Wanwan should have almost arrived at this time.

If the ghost king saw Liu Xu and his daughter fighting in the field, he would be dead forever.

A faint smile flashed in his eyes, Liu Xu looked at the sky behind him, and said softly: "Anyway, it will be mine sooner or later, so what does it matter if it is later?"


"Young master, there is a saying that nine out of ten people die, and the sky is full of bad luck... I see you are covered with dark clouds, your seal is black, and your face is dead. This calamity is no small thing!"

In Xiaochi Town, in a fairly clean restaurant, Liu Xu was sitting at the table, looking at the old man who was talking non-stop in front of him with a smile on his face.

This old man has white beard and hair, a mediocre face, and a fairy air of crane bones. He has the appearance of a master of Taoism, but at this time, he is holding a bamboo pole with four characters written on it, and he is spitting stars and spitting out his mouth. His appearance made him lose a lot of points for his tall man's temperament.

Beside the old man, there was an eight or nine-year-old girl with two soaring braids, who was lively and lovely.

At this moment, she was holding a bunch of candied haws in one hand, while burying her head in the small snacks on the table, eating them like a little squirrel.

Although Liu Xu's smile made the old man a little uneasy, but looking at the gorgeous clothes and expensive accessories, he finally gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Old man, I have a good relationship with the little brother, and today I will risk my life. I also want to fight for a chance for you, but this..."

Liu Xu smiled lightly, took out an ingot of gold from his bosom and handed it over, saying: "Senior, don't worry, this junior is considered to be rich, as long as the senior can give you some pointers, I will naturally have a big thank you!"

The old Taoist's eyes immediately became a line of joy, and while he hurriedly put away the ingot of gold, he said: "This... This is a waste of money for the little brother, but when the old man made his debut back then, he made a promise to be a spectator." It's a rule to collect money, so you're not welcome, let me show my little brother a palm reading first."

He thought he was just a kid from a rich family, but he didn't expect to meet a big fish. The old man was overjoyed, and then lightly touched his granddaughter with his foot under the table.

Unexpectedly, the little girl just looked up at Liu Xu, then at her grandfather, and then buried herself in destroying those snacks.

The old Taoist immediately froze. Their lineage learned from Qing Yunzi, the patriarch of the Qingyunmen sect, and learned his physiognomy. The "nine calculations of fortunetelling" and "Yuzhu physiognomy" taught by him are also first-class in metaphysics. One's classics.

His granddaughter is gifted and intelligent, and she has a unique talent for physiognomy. She got the true biography at a young age, so fortune-telling in the past was all done by relying on her.

As a result, something happened today, the little girl only cared about eating snacks when she came in, she didn't care about business at all, and the old man's face twitched with anger.

But the granddaughter didn't cooperate, so the old man had to continue acting on his own. He put his finger on Liu Xu's palm pretendingly, and said, "Little brother, have you seen your own fortune line?"

Liu Xu said nothing, just chuckled there.


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Chapter 993 Feng Shui Physiognomy, Blue Mountain Ancient Sword

The old Taoist was a little embarrassed, so he had to pretend not to see it, and continued to say bravely: "Well, the old man sees that your fortune line is not the same as ordinary people. It is because there was a big deficiency at the beginning. Although the son is rich, But it must be less gathering with relatives and more separation, um, look at this again..."

This old Taoist has some skills, he is very good at observing words and demeanor, seeing Liu Xu is alone, without even an entourage, obviously he left home, so naturally he is not very close to his family, and most of the rich are like this.

With a big family and a big business, it is natural for him to travel around a lot, so it is not wrong for him to say this. For ordinary people, he would probably be fooled so much that he can't find his way. Unfortunately, Liu Xu knows the person in front of him quite well. Why? May be easily fooled?

Immediately, he said calmly: "Really? What the senior said makes sense. When the junior was born, his parents were already dead. It makes sense to say that we get together less and leave more."

This time Liu Xu traveled through the world of Jade Immortals. His parents were peripheral disciples of Wan Du Sect. Because of his outstanding aptitude, he was admitted to the base in charge of cultivating the next generation in the Viper Valley as soon as he was born. He was like many orphans or people with the same status. At the same time, he received the indoctrination of various demonic thoughts, and laid the foundation of practice early.

Afterwards, Liu Xu's talent was gradually revealed, and all kinds of strange abilities continued, so he was directly accepted as a closed disciple by the God of Poison. In the past few years, from the beginning to the end, his parents never appeared in front of him.

In Liu Xu's view, with the ruthlessness of the Demon Cult, the old immortal of the Poison God will never let him leave any emotional flaws, let alone let him be taken advantage of by his family. His poor parents probably have It has been disposed of!

After experiencing too many things, Liu Xu is not very sad. After all, he has never even met them. With his temperament, he will not have any feelings for them, and his parents took the initiative to hand him over.

Most of the people in the Demon Sect are selfish. After all, for them at the bottom of the voice, survival is everything. How can there be any chance to talk about feelings?

If you hand over a descendant with good qualifications, once you are valued by the sect, you will be able to benefit a lot, and maybe you will be reused, so Liu Xu's parents were still very happy to "contribute" him to the sect.

It's just that they didn't expect that it would be a crime for a child to be too outstanding. It is estimated that Wan Dumen decided to sacrifice two peripheral children who were not important at all for the sake of a promising next-generation devil!

Therefore, what Liu Xu said at this time is not wrong, but the old man on the opposite side coughed suddenly after hearing it, and his face turned slightly red. After all, getting together less and leaving more and the death of his parents since childhood are two different concepts, so he hurriedly drank He took a sip of tea to cover it up.

"Well, it's true that the gap in the young master's handprint is a catastrophe, and it is not impossible for the parents to die in it..."

Bringing the conversation back, the old Taoist secretly groaned while thinking about countermeasures.

Seeing Liu Xu's generosity, he thought that it must be because of his parents' love and wealth, but who would have thought that this would be the case, it really was that the organ's calculations were too clever and Qingqing's life was missed.

Looking at Liu Xu's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, there was a little sweat on his forehead, and he knew that the boy opposite had become suspicious.

But just at this moment, the little girl suddenly stopped talking, raised her head, and said to the old Taoist: "Grandpa, I have a stomachache and I want to make it easier!"

The old Taoist was overjoyed when he heard the words, he slapped the little girl on the head, and cursed in a low voice: "I told you not to eat so much food just now, it will ruin your stomach!"

Then he cupped his hands at Liu Xu, "Little brother, wait a moment, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect this old man to come back with such a thing, and looked down at the little girl, only to see that the little girl's face was twisted up, as if she was in great pain, but there was a hint of cunning in her big eyes .

Before Liu Xu could reply, the old man picked up the little girl and was about to walk to the back of the shop.

"Wait a minute!" Liu Xu reached out to stop the two of them.

"Is there something else, little brother? If you're not in a hurry, we'll talk about it later!"

The old man was sweating slightly on his forehead, holding the little girl in one hand, but with the other behind his back, he secretly took out a yellow talisman.

Liu Xu chuckled, but took out a small sword from his bosom and put it in the little girl's bosom.

"Sister Xiaohuan and I have hit it off quite well. Here is an item named 'Blue Mountain Ancient Sword', which I gave to her. This item is actually a rare item. In times of crisis, it may be able to save sister Xiaohuan's life."

After taking a deep look at the old man, Liu Xu said slowly, "However, this thing needs to be used with caution and sincerity to be effective. Seniors should also know the infatuation curse, right? The effect is similar!"

The old Daoist froze, then his face relaxed again, and he laughed and said: "Then thank you, young master!"

After saying that, he ran out of the building as if flying with the little girl in his arms.

Looking at the backs of the two of them gradually going away, Liu Xu shook his head.

"Is Zhou Yixian? You can be regarded as a strange person, but his cultivation base doesn't look very good, and I don't know if it's hidden too deeply... But forget it, I don't think there will be a time to fight him."

At the same time, Zhou Yixian, who ran out of the building and dived towards another street, touched his head and looked back at the restaurant.

"It's evil. Where did this kid come from? I won't talk about his young age and advanced cultivation base. Why does he seem to know something? He always tries to test the old way. It can't be that he has been tricked somewhere before!"

Then he took out Liu Xu's ingot of gold from his bosom, laughed again, and said, "However, even if you are treacherous like a ghost, the Daoist will still pry out a piece of gold. This is a big deal!"


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