Chapter 994 The face is strange, the mysterious fire

The little girl in his arms pouted, and said unhappily: "Obviously they don't care about rewarding you, so what are you talking about!"

Seeing this, the old Taoist was furious, and flicked her little head angrily.

"You little girl eats the inside and outside, and just patronized to eat. If you cooperate with me, you might be able to pry out more! That kid will not be short of money at first glance!"

Xiaohuan snorted, and said angrily: "I've said it long ago, that person's face looks messed up, I can't see anything at all, it's because you are obsessed with money just now, seeing how generous he is, you have to say look If you don’t come out, you can get money out of it, so if you push hard, I will naturally have to eat more, so as not to get nothing, and in the end, I still need to come to the rescue!”

After finishing speaking, Xiao.'s mouth pouted again, and Xiaohuan said with a bit of tears: "If someone hadn't said such an embarrassing thing just now, you would have no excuse to escape! Smelly Grandpa, I won't talk to you again!"

Her small eyes turned red, and she covered her face with her hands, as if she was about to shed tears.

The old Taoist felt a headache when he saw this, and he hurriedly comforted him: "Don't cry, Xiaohuan, it's all grandpa's fault. It's grandpa's fault. You see, grandpa has made a lot of money this time. Now I'll buy you candied haws, okay? Buy a bunch of them." , hawthorn!"

"Really, then go quickly!" The little girl laughed immediately, and looked at the little face again, she didn't look like she was about to cry, "That's right, let's go to the street, where the candied haws are the best."

The old man didn't know that he had been fooled, but he always doted on his granddaughter, so he was not angry. He smiled and walked towards the street with his granddaughter in his arms.

A moment later, the old man suddenly heard a strange voice from among the crowd on the street.

"Xiao Huan, your physiognomy is already very advanced. You have reached the stage where you can understand the 'Past Life Phase', and even the 'Post-Rebirth Phase'. Why can't you see that kid's face?"

"Grandpa, I don't know either. The man's face is very strange, as if it is covered by something, and he can hardly see anything. It just feels very expensive, more noble than any face recorded in the book. It’s like heaven and earth, but how is this possible, Xiaohuan must have misread it!”

"Well, that's right. How could someone be as noble as this world? You must be mistaken, Xiaohuan. Go back and read more of those photo books. Grandpa is counting on you to retire, and you won't be able to if you don't have some skills!"

"No, I want to eat candied haws!"

"Hey, don't pull my beard, okay, go buy candied haws now, let go first!"

"Hmph! No!"

"My little ancestor, you can just let it go, grandpa still counts on this beard to show off!"


In the dark cave, hot to red magma is everywhere. On the scorched lake, heat waves bubble up and then burst, and there are more turbulent places, like tides. The hot magma flies up until mid-air, the red The hot flames illuminated the entire cave into a red world.

On a platform above the magma lake, a big white fox was curled up and lying there, with six fluffy tails curled together, and his eyes were full of worry.

Above it, three figures were fighting, one was a soft and beautiful woman in white, and the other two were Li Xun and Yan Hong from Fenxiang Valley.

The woman in white was holding a treasure book with a simple shape and a flame totem engraved in the middle. A huge fire dragon spread out from the center of the treasure book, baring its teeth and claws. signs.

On the opposite side, Li Xun and Yan Hong were not to be outdone, their magic weapons shone with dazzling light, and they firmly resisted the fire dragon.

Although there was a stalemate between the two sides on the scene, neither Huolong nor Li Xun could do anything to each other, but the balance of victory gradually tilted towards the latter.

In order to maintain the power of the fire dragon, the woman in white sprayed several mouthfuls of blood continuously.

"Bold and monstrous, you still don't want to die obediently! Hand over the Xuanhuo Jian, and I'll leave you as a dead body!"

Manipulating the Jiuyang Ruler, Li Xun ruthlessly struck towards the fire dragon.

Flames splashed everywhere, and in the scorching light, Li Xun's eyes burst out with a strange look.

His eyes fixed on the precious mirror in the hands of the woman in white, full of greed.

As long as Li Xun recovers this important treasure of the sect, his status in the sect will rise in a straight line.

At that time, with Fenxiang Valley's current status, what else can he not get?

Even if it's that beautiful figure, it's not like he doesn't have the chance to kiss Fangze.

Seeing Li Xun's ferocious and crazy expression, the woman in white didn't speak, but sprayed another mouthful of blood on the treasure mirror.

Watered with blood, the flame totem on the treasure book became more and more colorful, and even the fire dragon surged in power, once again resisting the attack of Li Xun and the two, but the woman's face became paler and paler.

But at this moment, the six-tailed white fox on the platform suddenly raised its head, and said in a low and tired voice: "Little sister, leave me alone, run away! You have the Xuanhuo Jian in your hand!" , you may still have a chance to escape, listen to the elder brother, don't fight any more!"

The woman in white above shook her head when she heard this, and tightly held both sides of the treasure mirror with both hands, spurting out another mouthful of blood.

"No, big brother, it's been three hundred years..." She said in a low voice, with a very sad voice: "It's been three hundred years since I met you in the 'Huqi Mountain' .Since then, I have gone with you. The ends of the earth, the wilderness of Liuhe, there has been no sky since then, and I have been worrying day and night since then, and I have been hunted down. However, I have never regretted... If I can't repel these two people today, I will Let us die together!"

A look of sadness flashed in his eyes, and the six-tailed fox shook his head and said, "Why do you do this? Even if you live through today, I won't live long, and you will have a long life in the future! For me, a general Dead man, why..."


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Chapter 995 Wishful thinking, meddling

The woman in white didn't answer, but her thin but tall figure said everything.

"Ha, two mere evildoers, at this juncture, dare to talk about love, even you beasts are worthy? Neither of you two can escape today..."

Li Xun on the other side felt relieved when he saw this. He was really worried just now that the fox abandoned his companion and ran away by himself, but he didn't expect that the fox would be so stupid that he would willingly give up his only chance of life. Yan Hong shouted: "Junior Sister, you go down and deal with that six-tailed fox first, and then we will take down this demon fox together!"

Yan Hong looked at the woman in white standing behind the fire dragon, and at the six-tailed demon fox below, slightly hesitant.

As a woman, she actually didn't want to attack the two of them. After all, that unswerving emotion until death is precious and makes people yearn for it.

But after taking a look at the senior brother who looked crazy because of the imminent great achievement, and thinking about the sect that raised her so hard, Yan Hong finally sighed slightly and flew down.

"you dare!"

The woman in white panicked when she saw this, and with a move, the fire dragon swooped down immediately.

The next moment, the crimson dragon collided with the blue sword in Yan Hong's hand, and the huge waves caused the entire magma lake to roll.

With a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, Yan Hong drew back and flew back, and Xuan Huojian struck angrily. With her cultivation base, there was still a little bit of reluctance, but after wiping the blood on the corner of her mouth, she looked at the woman in white. With a trace of regret.

On the platform, the whole body of the six-tailed white fox trembled. Unexpectedly, the strength came from nowhere, and he propped up his upper body. Looking up, he hissed, "No..."

The long ruler glowing red, the blood gushing out.

With a sinister smile, Li Xun pulled out the Nine Sun Ruler from the front of the white-clothed woman's waist, and kicked her hard on her body.

Time seemed to have stopped, the woman slid through the air feebly, her lips moved slightly, looking at the figure below, she seemed to be saying something, but in the end she didn't make a sound.


The body of the woman in white fell on the platform, motionless, the dark red blood flowed out from the gentle and beautiful body, dripped to the ground, turned into bright red flowers, and then slowly seeped into the rock.


The six-tailed white fox screamed hoarsely, moved its body desperately, and crawled towards that side. One step, two steps, the white fur became dirty and messy.


Tears slipped from the white fox's dark eyes, dripped on the rocks, and shattered.

Looking at the figure of the woman in white, its vision blurred for a while.

Then, under the desperate and angry eyes of the white fox, a big foot kicked the woman mercilessly, turning her over.

Stretching his hand to the Xuanhuojian in the woman's arms, Li Xun gave the six-tailed white fox a contemptuous look.

"Don't worry, I'll send you to accompany it in a while!"

"Don't touch her with your dirty hands!"

The white fox roared angrily in a low voice, its whole body trembling, but it was a pity that it had been tortured by pain for nearly three hundred years, but it no longer had the strength to stop it all.

"Ha, it's just a monster, do you think I'm willing to touch this kind of thing?" Li Xun sneered, and continued to stretch his hand forward, but said unceremoniously: "It's still covered with a layer of human skin. It makes me sick to look at it, do you evildoers also have a heart?"

"Brother!" Yan Hong called out in a low voice, but there was a trace of impatience in her eyes.

However, Li Xun seemed to have never heard of it. He had already grasped the Xuanhuo Jian with one hand, frowned, and continued to humiliate him: "I have to clean it up later, the Xuanhuo Jian has been occupied by you foxes for so long, and it is everywhere. It's all a fishy smell, and I don't know if it can be washed off?"

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a cold voice suddenly came from the cave.

"Since it's too dirty and you don't want it, then leave it!"

The blue-black light blasted out suddenly, and went straight to Li Xun.

He was startled, and subconsciously jumped to the side, and the Xuanhuojian he had just obtained also slammed on the ground with a sway.

"Who is it? Come out quickly, what's the skill of hiding your head and showing your tail!"

At this time, Li Xun also completely ignored the sect's treasure, but yelled at the place where the blue light appeared.

The Jiuyang Ruler once again glowed with a faint red light. From Li Xun's point of view, if someone can get close to this place without being discovered by him, the cultivation level is absolutely no small matter, and the danger brought by these two evildoers before is even greater.

Then his pupils shrank, and he gritted his teeth and said, "It's you?!"

In the cave of red fire magma, a figure in white clothes slowly walked out, holding a short black stick in his hand, it was Liu Xu who made Li Xun hate him not long ago.

But Liu Xu didn't want to talk to Li Xun at this time, looking at the body of the woman in white on the ground, and then at the six-tailed fox lying on the ground with a sad face, his brows frowned slightly.

"Although I wanted to sneak attack before, but I really can't stand it anymore."

"What you have done in Fenxiang Valley is no worse than those of the Demon Sect."

"However, anyway, it's just an extra effort!"

Those three simple sentences made people feel cold all over.

"Huh?" Li Xun laughed back angrily, shook the Jiuyang Ruler in his hand, and sneered at Liu Xu: "Just in time, I wanted to seek revenge from you for my previous contempt and humiliation, but I didn't expect you to come to my door .This barren mountain is full of evil spirits. If you want to kill one or two disciples, Qing Yunmen can't say anything. If you are willing to kneel down and admit your mistakes, I might spare your dog's life now, how about it? Don't say it I won't give you a chance!"

From Li Xun's point of view, Liu Xu, who is also a young disciple of the three righteous sects, is limited if stronger than himself, and will never be a match for himself and his junior sister.


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Chapter 996 Nine Yang Ruler, Liuhe Mirror

Li Xun had long forgotten the panic he felt just now, and he was only thinking about how to deal with Liu Xu.

Not to mention how Liu Xu in Kongsangshan laughed at him before, but not long ago, Lu Xueqi, who escaped from the abyss of death, insisted on searching and saving Liu Xu, which was enough to make him jealous and want to kill Liu Xu And then soon.

But Yan Hong, who was traveling with her, didn't think so. Seeing Liu Xu walking out so generously, Liu Ming felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

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